RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (Full Version)

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mummyman321 -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 7:31:57 PM)

For the serious water sports perv


LadyHibiscus -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 7:32:48 PM)


mummyman321 -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 7:34:51 PM)

I think I will make that my primary pic.......I wonder how many hit I will get then?????[8|]

LadyHibiscus -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 7:39:12 PM)

Maybe not the ones you want! :P

LookieNoNookie -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 8:08:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: ChatteParfaitt

Watersports are one thing, scat quite another. To me, at least.


LookieNoNookie -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 8:09:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyHibiscus

Well that's true, Chatte, just the smell issue says that! Not to mention e. Coli! I duuno, I've read posts by men saying they have never gotten sick from eating shit, but I say they're playing russian roulette with their health. Having someone just defecate onto you, okay, stinky but reasonably safe.

Whatevs. Just give me a rim job and let's call it a day!

I'll take 20 bucks and a carton of Marlboros.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 8:22:26 PM)

Marlboros! OLD skoool!

SexyBossyBBW -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 9:27:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Killerangel
For the love of all things holey, take down the snatch/asshole shot. It's against the TOS of this site anyway and it's making me lose my dinner. I didnt expect my eyes to be assualted just by logging into the mistress forum and didn't bring my brain bleach along.
This! So unexpected. [:'(]


For the serious water sports perv
You really are a very helpful mummy. You remind me of the boy I used to call my "guinea pig." [:)] M

mummyman321 -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 9:35:32 PM)

Thank you. Mind you I have not done water sports. But being the latex lover I am, I just love the hood.

SexyBossyBBW -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 9:55:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: mummyman321
Mind you I have not done water sports. But being the latex lover I am, I just love the hood.
Oh dear! If you showed up wearing that, you would have to be prepared for watersports 203. [:D] I would take it as a suggestion about things you love. M

Arpig -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/1/2011 9:59:28 PM)

Lets take this from the top, shall we?

1. You stated in your OP: the list of men interested totals in the thousands literally after a very short time.
2. In your next post you stated: telling you from first hand experience that i have received literally thousands of responses from men seeking it

So we have you saying not once, but twice, that you have received "literally"  (which means you are being precise and not exagerating, BTW) thousands of positive responses. I'll be generous and say that we are talking 2000 (the minimum number that can literally be considered "thousands"), though your wording implies more.

3. In your next post you say: i kid you not,i am quite serious over a thousand

Wowzers! that's quite a backpedal in a short period of time, from a minimum of 2000+ to over a thousand. Right about here is where we begin to doubt the accuracy of your analysis and numbers.

4. When I suggested that most of those thousands/over a thousand were insincere wankers, you replied (post #17): actually the majority ask to meet  and the majority seem quite real and serious.

So now we have you implying that a minimum of 501 men are serious and asked to meet (Its simple math.."Over a thousand" = a minimum of 1001. A majority of 1001 = a minimum of 501). very impressive statistics, at this point I'm thinking...OK, maybe I judged hastily, these numbers are telling.

5. A little further on (post #26) when questioned about the feasibility of answering that many responses in so short a time, you replied: i have not communicated with a thousand men i have received a thousand messages!

Ah good! I says to myself, I had wondered about we now have the majority of some unspecified number less than 1000. But the next question that pops up is...just how many out of that 1000 did she communicate with? Now I'm not expecting an exact number, but a rough estimate would help us understand the numbers involved and their significance.

6. As luck would happen, in post #30 you do just that, give a rough idea of how many men you have actually communicated with. you say: i only have communicated with a few.

Oh dear! This presents a bit of a problem statistically speaking with your premise that its a very prevalent kink. We are now talking about the majority of the "few" you spoke to. Now we can assume that you did not communicate with the ones who wrote "i eet u shit pleez" or "I'm a Master but I want you to shit in my mouth", and so forth. By your own admission this is the vast majority of the responses (you only communicated with a "few", remember?).

So, where does this bring us? The majority of the responses were obviously insincere, wankers, or just plain nutjobs, and of the few that did seem like they might not be fakes, a sizeable percentage still turned out to in fact be fakes/time-wasters. Pretty much what I said would be the case.

This clarification brings up a few questions:
A. How is this different from what I said about the vast majority of those replies being wankers?

B. Since you changed your story with each post you made, what possible reason would any of us have to believe anything you say?

The floor is yours toylet...

LadyConstanze -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 3:55:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: toyletmistress

i have not communicated with a thousand men i have received a thousand messages!For the record I find CBT,caning ,adult babies,cutting and so many more fetishes to be things i dont enjoy but i do not dispute that there are tons of people into them.I am amazed at some of the things discussed on here that to me are much more extreme than toilet slavery yet somehow they do not receive the same scrutiny and attacks!Guys having their cocks nailed to boards and more.For the record I received a great deal of responses even before I put the picture up.Like it or not there are tons of men into all sorts of oral worship and toilet slavery so all you who like to look down upon these guys ,you can go back to whipping and caning and cutting etc without being marginalized or attacked!

OK, so you come here to lecture us that we all got it wrong and guys are lining up to be toilets - wonderful if that is your experience, though have you considered that your experience might actually be a bit doubtful. Nobody condemns the toilet fetish, valid fetish but it's not for everybody, personally I rather flush.

Now you want to talk experience? I used to work as a pro domme, most dommes charged a lot more for scat, due to several reasons: They didn't really care much for it, clean up, stink, the guys booking being notoriously unreliable so most of them also charged a deposit...

So you gotten a few thousand messages (I highly doubt that but whatever) and you think all the guys are serious, well if they are so serious, then do tell me why are you still looking to fulfill that position? Something just doesn't add up.

Nobody attacked you for your fetish, but you coming here and telling us that we all have no clue and you are here now to read the gospel. Now if somebody would come here and talk about something that is very unsafe, we would also speak out.

Maybe you want to remember that YOU CAME HERE, nobody searched for you and told you that we simply don't give a shit...

toyletmistress -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 7:53:40 AM)

for whatever it is worth,i posted because I had read several earlier posts when looking through the forums and found quite a bit of negative response to many guys who spoke of being toilet slaves so i thought i would share my brief experience.Again,to make it clear I HAVE received over a thousand responses from men asking to be my toilet in a variety of ways.A great many of them with pictures and phone numbers etc.I have communicated with several of them but only a small % of the responses I have received,I never said otherwise.I am not suggesting that toilet activities are everybody's cup of tea,only that there is a surprisingly large # of men into and seeking it.I also maintain that toilet activities are in essence an extension for some of oral worship and face sitting and rimming etc.Lastly,,I am perplexed as to how a group of people in this lifestyle and on this site which caters to such extreme things as knife play,cutting,needle play,cbt etc etc and dont bat an eye at those activities can be so incredibly judgmental about toilet activities.Why the venom is all I ask?

OttersSwim -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 8:02:02 AM)

I suspect it is the whole preachy-ness of how your OP came across.

MissAsylum -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 8:08:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: OttersSwim

I suspect it is the whole preachy-ness of how your OP came across.


OttersSwim -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 8:08:40 AM)

And I think about 50% of the folks reading and replying are wondering if you might actually be a dude with this fetish here trying to give it props by pretending to be a Dominant Female who is in to it.  It happens...welcome to the internet.

BonesFromAsh -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 8:08:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: toyletmistress

for whatever it is worth,i posted because I had read several earlier posts when looking through the forums and found quite a bit of negative response to many guys who spoke of being toilet slaves so i thought i would share my brief experience.

If you take the time to go back look over those old threads again, what you might find is that not only are most of the women here turned off by the toilet play, but they're also turned off by the way the vast majority of these men approach them with this kink. The men I've spoken with who are into this type of activity (not thousands, more like a few) tend to have this be THE major thrust of their interests in finding a dominant woman. They've had nothing else to offer and approach the whole concept as a fantasy...24/7-drop everything to be a recepticle for my mistress's piss/scat.


Again,to make it clear I HAVE received over a thousand responses from men asking to be my toilet in a variety of ways.A great many of them with pictures and phone numbers etc.I have communicated with several of them but only a small % of the responses I have received,I never said otherwise.

Interesting, given that you've only been on CM for about a week. How forunate to have such a luxury of time.


I am not suggesting that toilet activities are everybody's cup of tea,only that there is a surprisingly large # of men into and seeking it.I also maintain that toilet activities are in essence an extension for some of oral worship and face sitting and rimming etc.

For you, perhaps, but not for others.


Lastly,,I am perplexed as to how a group of people in this lifestyle and on this site which caters to such extreme things as knife play,cutting,needle play,cbt etc etc and dont bat an eye at those activities can be so incredibly judgmental about toilet activities.Why the venom is all I ask?

This goes back to the myth that some folks have that just because people are into kinky activities...regardless of how doesn't follow that they're necessarily open minded and not judgemental of others.

"To each their own" said the lady as she kissed the cow. [;)]

toyletmistress -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 8:20:40 AM)


Again,to make it clear I HAVE received over a thousand responses from men asking to be my toilet in a variety of ways.A great many of them with pictures and phone numbers etc.I have communicated with several of them but only a small % of the responses I have received,I never said otherwise.

Interesting, given that you've only been on CM for about a week. How forunate to have such a luxury of time.

once more,let me state I have not communicated with a thousand guys,i have responded to a few.I do not have time to respond to 1000 people but I have been able to read through the responses during the past week!

OttersSwim -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 8:30:17 AM)

Yes, welcome to the clearinghouse of kink.  If it's a kink, you will find here thousands of people in to it.  With your screenname, it is in no way surprising that you would generate a bit of mail.

But I have to what?

You are seeming to imply that just because there is a large "demand" on the part of males, that there should be an equally large "supply" in females - and it ain't necessarily so.

Killerangel -> RE: a never ending number of men seeking to be womans toilets (6/2/2011 8:31:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: OttersSwim

I suspect it is the whole preachy-ness of how your OP came across.


Plus are saying that you came to say what a popular fetish it is and how it's been negatively handled here in the forums. I find that most people here truly do think that anyone's fetish is ok with the possible exception of breath play. However, the people here have a low tolerance for wank threads and rightly so. If someone comes here with dick in hand it does not tend to be well received. You're confusing the two, and after reading Arpig's excellent synopsis of how your mind tends to exaggerate, I can understand why you can't tell the difference between people being critical of the kink or people being critical of how it is presented and they themselves being used for sexual gratification. You are also mistaking that when people say ew, yuck, they are speaking for themselves, not for the rest of the world. If you go back over this thread or others about scat, there are a lot of people saying they can't understand it and find it abhorrent, but they do not go on to criticize those who like it. It's more of a knock yourself out, it's not for me.

I have seen that threads asking for information here are well received, and a lot of very knowledgable people generously give their time to help out. I have seen that when people genuinely want to talk about something they are actually treated very well, and I've been very moved at times with the things that others are willing to share in order to help. If someone comes here to preach or to get personal sexual satisfaction they are handed their ass on a plate and shown the door. Which is as it should be. I personally would never find it interesting to be in a place where people unconditionally patted each other's backs in a blind affirmation orgy. Yes, there are biases here just like anywhere and sometimes it makes me roll my eyes, but being critical of someone else's kink is usually not on the menu.

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