RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (Full Version)

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HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:22:16 PM)

Sorry, the "That's cute" wasn't meant to be snarky at all, your answer to the question is a cute and witty one.

See my earlier post for my reasoning:

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:24:25 PM)

come on lance, there's a fucking hole in her logic there somewhere, i just can't find it yet.

LanceHughes -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:30:18 PM)


no I do not see where it is going?

The substantive definition of religion, is belief.

You said:

"Well, I simply believe in one less "god" than you do. "

So if you "believe" in no God why is that iyo not a religion again?

You are making what is called the "Error of the Converse."

Given: Belief is necessary for religion.  OR another way of saying that:
If one is religious, one has beliefs.

You are trying to say, based on the above, if one has beliefs, one is religious.

NO! Having belief does NOT make one religious.

I believe (as I assume you do) that the Sun will "rise" tomorrow.  Doesn't make me believe in Ra any more than it makes you believe in Ra.

I gave the Berlin Wall example and you glossed right over it as you so often do when people point out counter-examples.

Believeing the Wall would stand during my life-time was a BELIEF.  Did not make me religious, now, did it?

Get it?

Take a simple logic class.

ETA: You have made this type of error OVER and OVER.  It has been pointed out to you many, many times.  It disgusts folks because they truely hope you might get "better."  It may very well be a physical problem in your brain.  I'm deadly serious.  And I do mean "deadly."  As in tumor deadly.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:30:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes


no I do not see where it is going?

The substantive definition of religion, is belief.

You said:

"Well, I simply believe in one less "god" than you do. "

So if you "believe" in no God why is that iyo not a religion again?

You are making the "Error of the converse."
Given: Belief is necessary for religion.
Having belief does NOT make one religious.

I believe (as I assume you do) that the Sun will "rise" tomorrow.  Doesn't make me believe in Ra any more than it makes you believe in Ra.

Get it?

Take a simple logic class.

ETA: You have made this type of error OVER and OVER.  It has been pointed out to you many, many times.  It disgusts folks because they truely hope you might get "better."  It may very well be a physical problem in your brain.  I'm deadly serious.  And I do mean "deadly."  As in tumor deadly.

however you act and govern yourself according to your beliefs regardless if they are anti.....

Hence that composite "is" your religion.

No I do not get it, it appears to defy reason.

Believing the sun will come up is only a belief, so you act in preparation for the next day.

However until the sun in fact does come up it is not a fact but your belief.   LIkewise with the wall etc.  so you act in accord with your beliefs and your set of beliefs is your religion etc.

LanceHughes -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:42:20 PM)


No I do not get it, it appears to defy reason.

I'm going to strip it down.....

I think we can all agree that: "If you are religious, you have beliefs."

The converse is: "If you have beliefs, you are religious."

Here's an example of why the converse is not (always) true:

Believers in Ra also believed the Sun would rise - mainly because they believed it was the chariot of Ra and the proper spells and chants and incantations had been done by the priest that morning.

I believe (as I assume you do) that the Sun will "rise" tomorrow.  Doesn't make me believe in Ra any more than it makes you believe in Ra.

Get it?

Take a beginning logic class. 

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:46:18 PM)


Hence that composite "is" your religion.
Not quite. It doesn't have to constitute a religion, but it does constitute a religious belief. Some atheists are religious, and others are not, but all have at least one religious belief, and that belief is protected under the 1st.

xssve -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:49:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

The court is basically right. Atheism is a religious belief.
Bullshit, it's a hole where religious belief would otherwise be.

Is common sense a religion? A religion is based on a belief in magical thinking, atheism has no magical thinking in it per se - a philosophy, sure, and philosophy is at the very least, equivalent to religion, religion being a philosophy of sorts.

But with magical thinking.

Some religions are more like philosophies, Buddhism for example, very different from the straight up paternalism of Christianity - it's that paternalism that want's to correct everybody and they call everything a religion because they can deal with that, if it's a religion, you're just "lost", it's their job to convert you to the true religion, give's 'em something to do with that hole where a mind would otherwise be.

They have no fucking idea how to deal with a philosophy, they don't know how to act, it's not in the script, it's outside the box.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:49:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes


No I do not get it, it appears to defy reason.

I'm going to strip it down.....

I think we can all agree that: "If you are religious, you have beliefs."

The converse is: "If you have beliefs, you are religious."

Here's an example of why the converse is not (always) true:

Believers in Ra also believed the Sun would rise - mainly because they believed it was the chariot of Ra and the proper spells and chants and incantations had been done by the priest that morning.

I believe (as I assume you do) that the Sun will "rise" tomorrow.  Doesn't make me believe in Ra any more than it makes you believe in Ra.

Get it?

Take a beginning logic class. 

but you are connecting the word belief and religion strictly to include a deity and that is not a requirement of the definition.

you might dance around a stone because you believe it brings you good luck, that is classified as your religion yet has nothing to do with a deity.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:52:07 PM)


Bullshit, it's a hole where religious belief would otherwise be.

edit: forgot to purplize. And to add this: You are confusing a religion with a religious belief, they are not synonymous.

tweakabelle -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:53:31 PM)

Not having a religious belief (ie athiesm or agnosticism) is as much a religion as not collecting stamps is a hobby.

It is not a religious belief - it is a belief (or more accurately, a distinct lack of belief) about one issue that is usually considered part of the realm of religion.

Having a belief about democracy doesn't align me to any political party, or any given political system (eg US vs European or Australian), even though democracy is at the heart of those systems.

It might be convenient for the courts to make this finding in order to respect the rights of non-believers, but it has no impact outside the judicial/correctional system. It's most certainly NOT up to US courts to define the meanings of certain beliefs - that's up to whomever holds those beliefs.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:56:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


Hence that composite "is" your religion.
Not quite. It doesn't have to constitute a religion, but it does constitute a religious belief. Some atheists are religious, and others are not, but all have at least one religious belief, and that belief is protected under the 1st.

Well I will go out on a limb here and claim that it becomes a religion when you govern yourself and act upon a given set of constructs, or beliefs.

Aside from that I dont know the boundaries of what you mean by "religious-belief".

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:56:37 PM)

Is the existence or not of a god a religious question?

Termyn8or -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:57:49 PM)


You're playing with words. Atheism is defined, just look at wiki and/or the court's decision. Is the lack of a belief a belief ? I would say so.

Now I am not saying that a prison is supposed to be a social club, but if people of like beliefs want to gather and discuss those beliefs, they shold be allowed - no more or less than any other(s) - to do so, within the confines of their environment.

However when I have heard of a few times when local governments have threatened people to desist in having Bible meetings in their homes or face fines or other punishment by the government, I think we got a hell of alot bigger problems than the atheist groups in prison. We have a problem with people not understanding the founding principles involved in a nation which is supposed to have true religious freedom.

The illusion is fading fast, and we are starting to see reality. Some started earlier, but the rest will start to see now, that all this freedom bullshit really is bullshit and then maybe we can think about a solution. People who are not yet smart enough to see the problem will not find a solution. Once they see the problem, then it can be addressed.

You need a fucking court to decide whether what people believe is a belief or not. What is wrong with this picture ?


HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 9:58:22 PM)


Aside from that I dont know the boundaries of what you mean by "religious-belief".
A belief, of any sort, regarding a question or issue of religious significance.

gungadin09 -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:01:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather
You, and the other atheists do in fact have religious beliefs in as much as you have beliefs on religious issues and questions.

That's how i see it. 


TheHeretic -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:03:12 PM)

It is a belief about God which is ultimately based on faith alone. Sounds like religion to me.

They need some cool holidays though.

LanceHughes -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:03:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

it is a lack of any fucking belief.

No Hun, it's not. God is a religious concept, and the question of the existence or non-existence of a god is a question of religious significance, it is in fact the most fundamental of religious questions.

Atheism is a belief on one particular answer to that question, the lack of a god is a religious stance. It is a belief that negates most religions, but it is still a belief regarding the most basic of religious questions, therefore it is a religious belief.

You, and the other atheists do in fact have religious beliefs in as much as you have beliefs on religious issues and questions.


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather
come on lance, there's a fucking hole in her logic there somewhere, i just can't find it yet.

Well, on first glane, she's defining what she wants to prove.  Circular argument is what I call it. Is that the "hole" you're looking for? LOL!

Let's strip it down:
She writes:
God is a religious concept, and the question of the existence or non-existence of a god is a question of religious significance, it is in fact the most fundamental of religious questions.

That wasn't too hard. That first sentence gives it up.  Take out "God is a religious concept," since that's a "DUH."  Then take out "or non-existence" since that's redundant.  Take out "it is in fact, the most fundamental of religious questions." since that's a "DUH" again.  We're left with:
The question of the existence of a god is a question of religious significance.

Not sure that's true, unless you want to define it that way.  The "existence question" more often falls under the subject of Philosophy.
Atheism is a belief [in] one particular answer to that question, the lack of a god is a religious stance.

She left out "thus...the lack of a god is...."  Again, defining Atheism as what she wants to define it as.

My definition?  A-theism is what the Latin break-down says which is literally "without gawd."  Madalyn Murray O'Hare made the following statement before the Supreme Court: (Murray v. Curlett)
"Your petitioners are Atheists, and they define their lifestyle as follows.  An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god.  An Atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now, here on earth, for all men together to enjoy.  An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it.  An Atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to reach a life of fulfillment."

Continuing.  She writes:

It is a belief that negates most religions, but it is still a belief regarding the most basic of religious questions, therefore it is a religious belief.

"Most religions"?  Not on my watch.  First of all, a philosophy can't "negate" another.  Again, that sentence is so very, very circular, makes me dizzy to read it.  I was trying to decide which part to strip out as redudant and the fucker went "Poof" right before my eyes.  You try it.  See if you can find anything there except a restatement of "Atheism is a form of religion because I say so." 
And the conclusion is a re-statement of the premise

You, and the other atheists do in fact have religious beliefs in as much as you have beliefs on religious issues and questions.
Slightly different than RealOne, but very much the same:
Religions are based on belief.
You have beliefs.
Therefore you are religious.
Corrected argument.  NOT correct argument.  That is, corrected argument from their point of view so that the holes are obvious:

Religions are based on religious belief.
You have belief that there is no God (and that is a religious belief because I say so.)
Therefore you are religious.
You are MOST welcome, Hannah

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:10:46 PM)


That's how i see it. 
That doesn't surprise me in the least.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:25:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


Aside from that I dont know the boundaries of what you mean by "religious-belief".
A belief, of any sort, regarding a question or issue of religious significance.
interesting pov, I will have to look into i t more.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:27:37 PM)


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