RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (Full Version)

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Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:28:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

it is a lack of any fucking belief.

No Hun, it's not. God is a religious concept, and the question of the existence or non-existence of a god is a question of religious significance, it is in fact the most fundamental of religious questions.

Atheism is a belief on one particular answer to that question, the lack of a god is a religious stance. It is a belief that negates most religions, but it is still a belief regarding the most basic of religious questions, therefore it is a religious belief.

You, and the other atheists do in fact have religious beliefs in as much as you have beliefs on religious issues and questions.


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather
come on lance, there's a fucking hole in her logic there somewhere, i just can't find it yet.

Well, on first glane, she's defining what she wants to prove.  Circular argument is what I call it. LOL!
God is a religious concept, and the question of the existence or non-existence of a god is a question of religious significance, it is in fact the most fundamental of religious questions.

That wasn't too hard. First sentence gives it up.  Take out "God is a religious concept," since that's a "DUH."  Then take out "or non-existence" since that's redundant.  Take out "it is in fact, the most fundamental of religious questions." since that's a "DUH" again.  We're left with:
The question of the existence of a god is a question of religious significance.

Not sure that's true, unless you want to define it that way.  The "existence question" more often falls under the subject of Philosophy.
Atheism is a belief [in] one particular answer to that question, the lack of a god is a religious stance.

She left out "thus...the lack of a god is...."  Again.  Defining Atheism as what she wants to define it as.  My definition?  A-theism is what the Latin break-down says which is literally "without gawd."  Madalyn Murray O'Hare made the following statement before the Supreme Court:


It is a belief that negates most religions, but it is still a belief regarding the most basic of religious questions, therefore it is a religious belief.

You, and the other atheists do in fact have religious beliefs in as much as you have beliefs on religious issues and questions.

Let's strip it down:

you over simplified it and changed (subtracted) critical words that need to be there.   Starting with the word "fact" in which she is correct.

in other words you removed so much it no longer has the same meaning as appears she intended it to mean which goes beyond legitimate reduction.

SpanishMatMaster -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:30:53 PM)

Well... I have read the posts until here (excepting some like the OP - hidden). I would like to propose a consensus.

1. The lack of belief is not a belief. It is a lack, not a belief. It is not "the opposite" (the opposite of a lack is a presence, not a belief), it is another category of things. A belief is a specific kind of mental process. A lack is a specific kind of status. Therefore, Atheism, as it being lack of belief, is not a religious belief, it is a status over religious beliefs.

2. Therefore, Atheism as a whole (including both strong and weak, positive and Agnosticism of any kinds, including acognoscitivism) cannot be considered, nor a religious belief, nor a religion. BTW in Spanish, this is no the case, in Spanish Atheism is a belief (strong Atheism in English, see below).

3. By the other side, strong Atheism (that is, the belief that there is no God) is a belief related to religion. Does it make it a "religious belief"? Possibly. Open to discussion, for me. Partially a matter of language... a pie made by a French is automatically a French pie? a bridge over a river is a river bridge? I think that Atheism works like the first, but the discussion on why (added connotations or meanings though the combination) is highly subjective.

4. Religion is not the same as religious belief. They are not synonims.

5. A religion is caracterized by many aspects: Beliefs about the supernatural; cosmology; theology; rituals; priest hierarchy and morality. I may be loosing some. A religion does not have to have ALL of these, but the less it has, the less of a religion it is. Consider here daoism, buddism, deism, which "score" differently in all these aspects.

6. Even if strong Atheism were a religious belief, it would not be a religion, as it has only one, of ony one of the aspects. It has no morality, cosmology, rituals, hierarchy or belief on the supernatural (nor does it exclude any). It only has one single point on theology: There is no God. This is not enough to qualify as religion.

7. From the legal point of view, it can be positive to call it a religion ("can" does not mean that it actually does - I am not sure on that). Same as for the legal point of view, it can be positive to consider a gay contract of sexual love and mutual care a matrimony (marriage), even if there is no "mater" ("mother").

8. Both strong Atheism as any other belief, can be right or wrong, rational or not, justified or not. This does not change the previous points.

I hope many can agree on all this.

Best regards.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:34:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpanishMatMaster

Well... I have read the posts until here (excepting some like the OP - hidden). I would like to propose a consensus.

The lack of belief is not a belief. It is a lack, not a belief. It is not "the opposite", it is another category of things. A belief is a specific kind of mental process. A lack is a specific kind of status. Therefore, Atheism, as it being lack of belief, is not a religious belief, it is a status over religious beliefs.

I stopped right there.

An atheist "BELIEVES" there is no God.

Lack of believe or "void" belief is when someone looks at us with the deer in the headlights look and says "HUH" and has no position on the matter either way.

Our resident philosopher just shot his foot off again.

tazzygirl -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:39:03 PM)

There are atheists... and there are militant atheists.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:44:31 PM)

Atheism is not a lack of belief, it is the belief in the nonexistence of god.

A lack of belief in this context would be irreligion. I, for example am irreligious, I am neither a theist nor an atheist. I don't believe god exists, nor do I believe god doesn't exist, I simply have no beliefs one way or another. The issue simply doesn't exist for me other than as a mildly entertaining metal exercise.

SpanishMatMaster -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:48:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

Atheism is not a lack of belief, it is the belief in the nonexistence of god.

Nope, it is not. Please check the Oxford dictionary in English. It is online.
What you are describing is considered "strong Atheism", on that you can check the wikipedia and its sources.
What you describe later is "weak Atheism", and also considered a kind of Atheism, entering the same general category of "lack of belief in a God".

In English (consult the Oxford):
- Atheist: Does not believe in God. Lack of belief.
- Strong Atheist: Atheist who believes that God does not exists.
- Weak Atheist (sometimes called Agnostics): Atheist who does not believe that God does not exist either (no matter why, how, etc.).

Please, really, consult the sources I mentioned. I am rechecking what I write because this is not my mother tongue.

HannahLynHeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:49:11 PM)


Our resident philosopher just shot his foot off again.
fuck that. at this point i say that, at least in this context, that title goes to heather.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:55:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: HannahLynHeather


Our resident philosopher just shot his foot off again.
fuck that. at this point i say that, at least in this context, that title goes to heather.

well your boy went down in flames, maybe you missed my previous post.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:55:11 PM)


- Atheist: Does not believe in God. Lack of belief.
- Strong Atheist: Believes that God does not exists.
Exactly how does not believing in a god differ from believing a god doesn't exist? They are just two ways of saying the same thing. Let's take god out of the question for a minute, I don't believe in dragons/I don't believe dragons exist; what's the difference?

LanceHughes -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 10:59:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes

No I do not get it, it appears to defy reason.

I'm going to strip it down.....

I think we can all agree that: "If you are religious, you have beliefs."

The converse is: "If you have beliefs, you are religious."

Here's an example of why the converse is not (always) true:

Believers in Ra also believed the Sun would rise - mainly because they believed it was the chariot of Ra and the proper spells and chants and incantations had been done by the priest that morning.

I believe (as I assume you do) that the Sun will "rise" tomorrow.  Doesn't make me believe in Ra any more than it makes you believe in Ra.

Get it?

Take a beginning logic class. 

Real0ne: As usual, you glossed over this post.  Please respond. 

<edited to correct Real0ne's user name.  Sorry.>

Termyn8or -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:03:36 PM)

Because if people believe a God exists they then believe that they must believe in that God.

Because if a God as depicted in our terms does exist, logically not believeing in said God would have consequenses.

Therefore people "believe" to avoid those consequenses. This is one of those things I find disgusting about humans. A Christian once argued with me, and his final argument to me was " But what if it is true ? ". Buddy, you just lost because to believe out of fear is slavery, in fact worse. I think it is the epitome of cowardice.

ETA : I think this about fits -


tazzygirl -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:06:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


- Atheist: Does not believe in God. Lack of belief.
- Strong Atheist: Believes that God does not exists.
Exactly how does not believing in a god differ from believing a god doesn't exist? They are just two ways of saying the same thing. Let's take god out of the question for a minute, I don't believe in dragons/I don't believe dragons exist; what's the difference?

He wont see it, Heather.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:07:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpanishMatMaster


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

Atheism is not a lack of belief, it is the belief in the nonexistence of god.

Nope, it is not. Please check the Oxford dictionary in English. It is online.
What you are describing is considered "strong Atheism", on that you can check the wikipedia and its sources.
What you describe later is "weak Atheism", and also considered a kind of Atheism, entering the same general category of "lack of belief in a God".

In English (consult the Oxford):
- Atheist: Does not believe in God. Lack of belief.
- Strong Atheist: Atheist who believes that God does not exists.
- Weak Atheist (sometimes called Agnostics): Atheist who does not believe that God does not exist either (no matter why, how, etc.).

Please, really, consult the sources I mentioned. I am rechecking what I write because this is not my mother tongue.

Someones nose is growing!


LanceHughes -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:10:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

Because if people believe a God exists they then believe that they must believe in that God.

Because if a God as depicted in our terms does exist, logically not believeing in said God would have consequenses.

Therefore people "believe" to avoid those consequenses. This is one of those things I find disgusting about humans. A Christian once argued with me, and his final argument to me was " But what if it is true ? ". Buddy, you just lost because to believe out of fear is slavery, in fact worse. I think it is the epitome of cowardice.

ETA : I think this about fits -


Technical term for "But what if it is true?" is "Pascal's Wager."

Great (IMHO) Atheist answer to PW: "What if God has decided that only those with balls enough to deny his existance are those to which he gives ever-lasting life?"

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:14:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes

No I do not get it, it appears to defy reason.

I'm going to strip it down.....

I think we can all agree that: "If you are religious, you have beliefs."

The converse is: "If you have beliefs, you are religious."

Here's an example of why the converse is not (always) true:

Believers in Ra also believed the Sun would rise - mainly because they believed it was the chariot of Ra and the proper spells and chants and incantations had been done by the priest that morning.

I believe (as I assume you do) that the Sun will "rise" tomorrow.  Doesn't make me believe in Ra any more than it makes you believe in Ra.

Get it?

Take a beginning logic class. 

Real0ne: As usual, you glossed over this post.  Please respond. 

<edited to correct Real0ne's user name.  Sorry.>

check post 23 and either 27 or 28

LanceHughes -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:15:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

Atheism is not a lack of belief, it is the belief in the nonexistence of god.

A lack of belief in this context would be irreligion. I, for example am irreligious, I am neither a theist nor an atheist. I don't believe god exists, nor do I believe god doesn't exist, I simply have no beliefs one way or another. The issue simply doesn't exist for me other than as a mildly entertaining metal exercise.

And Ra and Thor and Mercury and......

I categorically state: "The Judeo-Xtian God does NOT exist."  No belief there.  Plain and simple.  Okay?

P.S.  Can't make me prove a negative - don't even ask.  Those that claim the udeo-Xtian God exists have the burden of proof.  They've been at it for 2,000 years, and I've been waiting.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:16:15 PM)

how are you using the word existence

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:16:33 PM)

Hey Tazzy, I seem to recall you saying something along the lines of you are religious but you don't believe in a god, is that correct, or have jumbled it in my memory?

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:20:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes

I categorically state: "The Judeo-Xtian God does NOT exist."  No belief there.  Plain and simple.  Okay?

P.S.  Can't make me prove a negative - don't even ask.  Those that claim the udeo-Xtian God exists have the burden of proof.  They've been at it for 2,000 years, and I've been waiting.

Not anyones problem but yours if you want to make and stand on a statement you cannot prove.

Proving that it is your ahem... your "belief".  [8D]

gungadin09 -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:22:32 PM)


A federal court of appeals ruled yesterday Wisconsin prison officials violated an inmate's rights because they did not treat atheism as a religion.

Actually, it looks like the decision is from August 2005.

...The court decided the inmate's First Amendment rights were violated because the prison refused to allow him to create a study group for atheists.

The appellate court ruled the atheist group must be given the same rights as other religious groups.  This is what they said about it:

"...The problem with the district court's analysis is that the court failed to recognize that Kaufman was trying to start a "religious" group, in the sense that we discussed earlier.  Atheism is Kaufman's religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being.  As he explained in his application, the group wanted to study freedom of thought, religious beliefs, creeds, dogmas, tenets, rituals, practices, all presumably from an atheistic perspective.  It is undisputed that other religious groups are permitted to meet at Kaufman's prison, and the defendants have advanced no secular reason why the security concerns they cited as a reason to deny his request for an atheist group do not apply equally to a gathering of Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or Wiccan inmates.  The defendants argue that all they are doing is accommodating religious groups as a whole, as they are required to do under RLUIPA.  See Cutter, 125 S.Ct.2113; Charles, 348 F.3d at 610-1.  But the defendants have not answered Kaufman's argument that by accommodating some religious views, but not his, they are promoting the favored ones.  Because the defendants failed even to articulate- much less support with evidence- a secular reason why a meeting of atheist inmates would pose a greater security risk than meeting of inmates of other faiths, their rejection of Kaufman's request cannot survive..."

The Supreme Court has said a religion need not be based on a belief in the existence of a supreme being.

Then their decision makes sense.  The atheist group is a "religious" group, and the prison must grant them the same rights as the other religious groups that meet there.


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