RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (Full Version)

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tazzygirl -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:26:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

Hey Tazzy, I seem to recall you saying something along the lines of you are religious but you don't believe in a god, is that correct, or have jumbled it in my memory?

You are very correct, Heather. There is no "god" in my beliefs. No person in the sky so to speak to come in and change my life because I prayed he/she would.

Real0ne -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:28:15 PM)

I should have read your post more carefully, what I said here was redundant

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:37:04 PM)


I categorically state: "The Judeo-Xtian God does NOT exist."  No belief there.  Plain and simple.  Okay?
What you just said has no more validity than:


I categorically state: "The Judeo-Xtian God does exist."  No belief there.  Plain and simple.  Okay?

Assume Proposal "A"
You say "A" is false.
Therefore you do not believe "A" is true, conversely you believe "A" is false.
Thus you hold a belief regarding the truth of proposal "A".

Honest question now, is there a logical flaw in this? I don't see one.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:40:59 PM)

Great! So, using the generally accepted definition <the Oxford definition RO posted earlier is adequate>, you would be an atheist. Is that a fair statement?

SpanishMatMaster -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:43:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


- Atheist: Does not believe in God. Lack of belief.
- Strong Atheist: Believes that God does not exists.
Exactly how does not believing in a god differ from believing a god doesn't exist?

"I don't believe in dragons/I don't believe dragons exist; what's the difference? "
None. But there is a difference with "I think that dragons do not exist". Not important for common life, but in the matter of Aheism, it is.

I will try to explain it. Honestly and with detail. I hope you appreciate my efforts and try to understand.

To the question "Does God exist?" there are three possible answers:
A- To say yes.
B- To say no.
C- Not to say either yes or no. For whatever reason: You don't know or you don't think that the question makes sense, or whatever.

Strong Atheist take B.
Weak Atheist take C.
Atheist are (according to the Oxford dictionary) both the ones who take B, as the ones who take C.

To believe in God, is to take the option A.
Not to believe in God, is not to take the option A.
Thus, not to believe in God is exactly, being Atheist. as both people who take B as people who take C, are not taking A.

To believe that there is no God, is to take the option B.
Thus, not every person who is Atheist (Oxford says) believes that there is no God (takes B). Some of them take C.

This is the reason of the need to separate, in English, between strong and weak atheism, which takes many names, from Marx (positive / negative) to the current tendencies (strong Atheist vs. Agnostic).

Classic samples of B and C are...
"God is absurd, therefore it cannot exist" => B
"There is no proof of God, therefore I must think that He does not exist until proven otherwise" => B
"There is no proof of God, but also none that He does not exist, so nobody really knows" => C
"The question makes no sense, therefore it cannot be answered logically with yes or no" => C
"What the f**k are you speaking about? Let us speak about titties! I do not care about that!" => C


gungadin09 -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:51:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: LanceHughes
I categorically state: "The Judeo-Xtian God does NOT exist."  No belief there.  Plain and simple.  Okay?

P.S.  Can't make me prove a negative - don't even ask. 

Oh, for goodness sake.  That is exactly why it is a BELIEF (because you think it's true but can't prove it.)


HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/11/2011 11:52:43 PM)


To the question "Does God exist?" there are three possible answers:
A- To say yes.
B- To say no.
C- Not to say either yes or no. For whatever reason: You don't know or you don't think that the question makes sense, or whatever.

Strong Atheist take B.
Weak Atheist take C.
Atheist are (according to the Oxford dictionary) both the ones who take B, as the ones who take C.
I'm afraid that just isn't so, please refer to the following link: where the definition is as follows:

a person who does not believe in the existence of God or gods
Giving a word a new meaning and citing a source that contradicts your new definition renders your entire argument irrelevant and to be honest, ridiculous. Now either find me a source that actually backs up your assertion or stop pestering me with false semantics. My use of the word IS correct.

gungadin09 -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 12:16:06 AM)


You are confusing a religion with a religious belief, they are not synonymous.


The court's explanation of their ruling (that i posted earlier) uses the word "religion" in quotation marks.  It also says (something along the lines of)...atheism is his religion in the sense that we discussed earlier.  (Unfortunately, the site where i found that quote cropped the part of ruling where it must have said exactly what this "sense of religion" that was discussed earlier WAS, but it can be assumed from the context that they meant, in the sense of a religious belief (ETA: and not of a religion, in the strict sense of the word.)


DeviantlyD -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 12:20:22 AM)

LaVeyan Satanists don't believe in "a god" or "gods" and they aren't atheists, so how does that figure into your "reasoning"? It doesn't.

gungadin09 -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 12:27:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpanishMatMaster

Exactly how does not believing in a god differ from believing a god doesn't exist?

"I don't believe in dragons/I don't believe dragons exist; what's the difference? "
None. But there is a difference with "I think that dragons do not exist".

No there isn't.  There is absolutely no difference between those three.


HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 12:32:23 AM)


LaVeyan Satanists don't believe in "a god" or "gods" and they aren't atheists
Care to explain that, its a direct contradiction. If they don't believe in "a god" or "gods", then they are by definition atheists.

tazzygirl -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 12:34:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

Great! So, using the generally accepted definition <the Oxford definition RO posted earlier is adequate>, you would be an atheist. Is that a fair statement?

No, its not that cut and dry. I do believe in a higher power... just not a "god" that fixes everything based upon me being good .

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 12:48:28 AM)

OK, its the definition of "god" we're stumbling on here. Using Oxford again, because it's open, "god" is defined as

1 (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
2 (god)(in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity
Does your higher power fit either of those descriptions? I'm assuming #1 is out, but what about #2?

tazzygirl -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 12:57:41 AM)

Nature... no.. would be silly to believe nature doesnt have its own force. And power over fortunes... not even close. We make our own paths, but what paths we chose affect us as well as everything around us. We believe we are here to take care of this little place, and the creatures that live here with us. WE can affect their existence.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 1:12:31 AM)

OK, neither #1 or #2 is applicable, so by the Oxford dictionary's definition you would be an atheist. Yet you aren't comfortable with that appellation. I wonder why? If you don't mind, could you explain briefly why you think it doesn't apply in your case, despite it's seeming to? If you don't want to that's cool, or if you'd rather take this to the other side so as not to take the thread way off topic, that would be cool as well. I'm very curious.

DompairWantsubf -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 1:22:58 AM)

Just wondering. Who says people don't still believe in RA, Thor or even Zeus for that matter? Hell I personally know people who still believe in Quetzalcoatl and other Aztec deities. Just because we don't believe or accept doesn't mean someone else, somewhere else doesn't. And I agree that believing that there is no god is in itself a belief. If you believe there is no god then you believe that your belief is real. i think that's equal to faith, then again might be wrong. only human after all.

DompairWantsubf -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 1:31:30 AM)

Don't you kinda HAVE to believe in god in order to believe in satan? Can't be a satanist if god hadn't created satan in the first hand.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 1:37:59 AM)

Hi Dompair!! Welcome to the boards! [sm=welcome.gif] Very brave of you to dive right in to a P&R religion thread for your first post. Most of them don't go as smoothly as this one seems to be going. [:D]

I think Lance's reply about Ra, Thor, Zeus, and so on was tailored to the average Christian. I would think that most people who believe in Ra don't believe in Zeus, etc., so the basic premise of his retort would, in most cases, be valid. I only know of one person who specifically believes in every deity without being syncretistic.

HeatherMcLeather -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 1:43:44 AM)


Don't you kinda HAVE to believe in god in order to believe in satan? Can't be a satanist if god hadn't created satan in the first hand.
No no, LeVeyan satanists use "Satan" as the name of an impersonal force sort of thing, they are their own god so to speak. They aren't devil worshipers. Wiki has a pretty good page on it

Edited for spelling

crazyml -> RE: Court Rules: Atheism is a Religion (10/12/2011 1:59:19 AM)

[ED to reinsert the spare comma I had left over]

Top quality thread.

The FR, before I get nerdy is that, on the whole, I agree with heather.


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather

The court is basically right. Atheism is a religious belief.

I think she nailed it in her first post.

"Atheism is a religious belief" - Totally nails it. Atheism is a belief that relates directly to religion.

and "the court is basically right" the court is 'basically' right because of that fact. The 'basically' is important though - because to many people "Religion" implies a lot more than the simple belief or non belief in a god or gods. Intellectually, I can just about rationalise it down to that, but when someone says "Religion" to me, I think of a lot of things - doctrine, dogma, rituals, hierarchy etc. So I think that to generally boil the idea of a "religion" down to just the belief or non-belief in god isn't that helpful - not least because there's already a word for that - "Theism".

That said, the court has to try to nail the intention of the right and seems to have interpreted religion in a permissive way - concluding that religion relates to thinking about god/gods. Atheism certainly involves thinking about god/gods so I think it's done a reasonable job in doing so.

But fuck me.... what a collection of difficult concepts.

Theism/Atheism - I used to have a nice easy disinction. Theists believed in a god, Agnostics didn't believe that god exists or that god doesn't, Atheists believed that god does not exist. But fuckers like Rober Flint (in the 19th C) and Dawkins started introducing "softer" definitions - Which is always a sign that your thinking is going to hell in a hand basket (IMNSHO). Dawkins stated out with a pretty clear premise "Agnostics are wimpy fence-sitters, where as Atheists actually have it nailed" (and if you've read the god delusion, you might have got the impression that I did, that his premise was basically "I am Dawkins, I am clever, if you don't agree with me it's because you're just not clever enough" which kinda made me think of him as a bit of a cunt).

Now we have agnostic-atheists, atheistic-agnostics. Personally, I think it's intellectual trickery (and part of me wanted to say "weakness") to mash the terms together. I mean, the terms are there to mean something and ideally they should mean something definite.

I think it boils down to belief -


ORIGINAL: HeatherMcLeather


- Atheist: Does not believe in God. Lack of belief.
- Strong Atheist: Believes that God does not exists.
Exactly how does not believing in a god differ from believing a god doesn't exist? They are just two ways of saying the same thing. Let's take god out of the question for a minute, I don't believe in dragons/I don't believe dragons exist; what's the difference?

Hmm... your "dragons exist" examples do say the same thing, but there really is a difference between the two atheist statements.

The correct translation from the atheistic statement would be...

"I don't believe in the existence of dragons" vs "I believe that dragons do not exist"

I think there is a difference, a pretty slim one but a really important one.

Take "I don't believe you've got $100,000 in your purse" vs "I believe that you do not have $100,000 in your purse".

The former statement implies that you might have $100,000 but that you've just failed to convince me. I'm not calling you a liar, and I'm open to the possibility but nah, I don't think you've got $100,000 in your purse. (I've added "think" to really fuck things up).

The latter is much more active, it adds a degree of conviction. You haven't got $100,000 in your purse. You're lying to me.

Now I might take the former stance in this case because who knows... you might be fabulously rich. Or I might take the latter stance because I know you, and based on everything I know, the balance of probabilities is enough to convince me that there's no way you can have $100,000 in your purse.

Another example - My ex lived in the delusion that she always put the car keys in the little bowl in the hallwhere we tended to put keys and stuff. So I'd ask "where are the keys" and she'd say "in the bowl". So I'd go and look, and they weren't there - so we'd search the house and, hey presto they'd be found behind the sofa, next to the kettle, in her bag, by the PC, inside the fridge (one one occasion - I shit you not). So eventually when she said "in the bowl" I wouldn't believe her. I'd walk towards the bowl, scanning surfaces as I went, because I kinda expected to see them elsewhere - and sure enough they weren't in the bowl.

And after doing this for a fucking hundred million times, every time discovering that the fuck-witted bint hadn't put them there, I came to the point where if she said "in the bowl" I would believe that they were not in the bowl. Because all of my experience had taught me that they wouldn't be.

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