RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (Full Version)

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SassySarijane -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:19:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: pshornyguy

Someday YOU will have a suggestion -- perhaps on this website or perhaps on another one or perhaps in terms of your experiences with some business where you experience a problem with customer service.

And, most likely, someone will respond to YOU with the same contemptous dismissiveness as you have done with me. Maybe THEN you will understand.

ORIGINAL: SassySarijane

Sorry you're not getting the answers and support you want for your idea, but some of us respect the rules on this FREE site. What you want is against them. Create your own site and make up your own rules and all the fake lists you want. Here it is not allowed and the profiles you mentioned naming names get reported when found and that content is deleted.

Oh I understand perfectly thank you. Thing is those very few times I posted a suggestion or topic that had been posted and answered to death, I got a clue and learned from it. I also tend to read the rules and guidelines and stickys for any group or forum BEFORE I begin making posts in it so as to avoid doing things like that.

amaidiamond -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:20:44 AM)

Reading the rules does kinda help

kalikshama -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:22:02 AM)


Incidentally, I have noticed profiles where people are listing the names of fakes and liars they have dealt with here. In other words, they use their profile to warn people about them.

They're not supposed to do that either. If people report that, it will be removed but the staff is not omnipotent and omniscient.

tj444 -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:22:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: amaidiamond
Reading the rules does kinda help

understanding them helps even more.. [:D]

Danielowl -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:22:34 AM)

Man, learn a bit of patience. Life is made of experiences, not all of them are going to be good ones. At least on a website like CM you are offered a certain protection because you don't meet people in real life from the start. It does mean that it is easier for people to lie, but frankly it is a small price to pay.

Besides it sounds like what you are complaining about is people who start to have an exchange with you and then drop it. That does not sound like fake to me. It sounds like people were curious about you and then, down the line, you said something that made them think you were not compatible after all and they just dropped the exchange. It is rude for sure,but no basis for you to call them fake or liars.

Try tolerance and patience, it makes life prettier.[;)]


amaidiamond -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:23:14 AM)




ORIGINAL: amaidiamond
Reading the rules does kinda help

understanding them helps even more.. [:D]

Yep - and your AV is EPIC!

GreedyTop -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:29:22 AM)

*ignores the blacklist advocate and waves and and sends hugs to Bita and everyone else I haven't seen in a while*

pshornyguy -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:30:53 AM)

Chatterbox Sorry -- I missed responding to your message.

The answer to your question is NO. It would have to be part of a PATTERN to make it worthy of addition on the database.

But MORE IMPORTANTLY, remember what I actually proposed. I repeat it here but I highlight one portion that addresses your concern:

A genuine blacklist prevents people from engaging in whatever they want to do (historically, for example, it has been used to deny people membership or employment).

I advocate no such thing. I just think the GENUINE people here would like to invest their time with other GENUINE people.

So, how would my proposal work? Here is what would happen:

1. You are contacted by someone who seems interesting.
2. You exchange a few messages and you grow more interested.
3. However, you may have some suspicion about some comment made
4. You look at the database and you discover that more than one person has had a bad experience with the person you are chatting with.

NOT "bad" because they rejected you.
NOT "bad" because your "feelings" were hurt.

But some DISHONESTY about themselves

And why would that be important?

Because you would not invest more time with that person UNLESS you simply enjoy chatting with fakes and liars -- which would be PERFECTLY OK and would continue!
So my "blacklist" is NOT a "blacklist" because ANYBODY could choose to chat with the listed people as often and as long as they wish.

Furthermore, the fakes and liars would CONTINUE to operate exactly as they have ALWAYS done....There is NO penalty or adverse action taken against them.

The purpose of the database is simply to give a cautionary warning to the GENUINE people here. Then THEY can determine, for themselves, how much time to invest in someone who might be a fake or liar. THEY would decide (based upon their own criteria!) whether it was worthwhile to continue with that person.


ORIGINAL: chatterbox24

You seriously want to ban people for not getting back to you? Nor sending a pic?

People do lie all the time and do jazz things up, but thats life. As far as sending pictures and not emailing back thats a personal choice and ridiculous to even suggest someone is banned for that. I think people should be banned for using ugly profile pics but do you think anyone gives a poop? LOL.


A genuine blacklist prevents people from engaging in whatever they want to do (historically, for example, it has been used to deny people membership or employment).

I advocate no such thing. I just think the GENUINE people here would like to invest their time with other GENUINE people.

So, how would my proposal work? Here is what would happen:

1. You are contacted by someone who seems interesting.
2. You exchange a few messages and you grow more interested.
3. However, you may have some suspicion about some comment made
4. You look at the database and you discover that more than one person has had a bad experience with the person you are chatting with.

NOT "bad" because they rejected you.
NOT "bad" because your "feelings" were hurt.

But some DISHONESTY about themselves

And why would that be important?

Because you would not invest more time with that person UNLESS you simply enjoy chatting with fakes and liars -- which would be PERFECTLY OK and would continue!

mnottertail -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:37:38 AM)

What do you do in the real world, when you strike up a conversation with someone and they look at you like you got three heads?

Is there like a police form for that, or something on craigslist, or the local free paper society column to 'warn' the great unwashed with?

How does that work in real life?

Delilya -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:38:04 AM)

Gee, I've recently been called a fake because I wouldn't web cam with a guy. Guess I better run and put myself on the blacklist.

BitaTruble -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:39:32 AM)



*ignores the blacklist advocate and waves and and sends hugs to Bita and everyone else I haven't seen in a while*

{{GreedyHuggles}} Where have you been hiding young lady!?

pshornyguy -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:40:25 AM)

NO Daniel, you DO NOT UNDERSTAND my proposal.

As I have repeatedly said, the purpose would be to highlight DISHONESTY so that GENUINE people here would not spend lots of time (sometimes several days!) chatting with someone who is not genuine -- UNLESS they want to!

I copy below what I just wrote in reply to another message:

So my "blacklist" is NOT a "blacklist" because ANYBODY could choose to chat with the listed people as often and as long as they wish.

Furthermore, the fakes and liars would CONTINUE to operate exactly as they have ALWAYS done....There is NO penalty or adverse action taken against them.

The purpose of the database is simply to give a cautionary warning to the GENUINE people here. Then THEY can determine, for themselves, how much time to invest in someone who might be a fake or liar. THEY would decide (based upon their own criteria!) whether it was worthwhile to continue with that person.


ORIGINAL: Danielowl

Man, learn a bit of patience. Life is made of experiences, not all of them are going to be good ones. At least on a website like CM you are offered a certain protection because you don't meet people in real life from the start. It does mean that it is easier for people to lie, but frankly it is a small price to pay.

Besides it sounds like what you are complaining about is people who start to have an exchange with you and then drop it. That does not sound like fake to me. It sounds like people were curious about you and then, down the line, you said something that made them think you were not compatible after all and they just dropped the exchange. It is rude for sure,but no basis for you to call them fake or liars.

Try tolerance and patience, it makes life prettier.[;)]


stef -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:40:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: pshornyguy

So, how would my proposal work? Here is what would happen:

1. You are contacted by someone who seems interesting.
2. You exchange a few messages and you grow more interested.
3. However, you may have some suspicion about some comment made
4. You look at the database and you discover that more than one person has had a bad experience with the person you are chatting with.

And if someone has a grudge against you what's to stop them from creating a dozen accounts and fabricating bad reviews about you?

The ONLY way this would have a glimmer of a chance of working is on a site with a paywall and aggressive user verification, which would immediately drop 99% of the users currently here.

It's not going to happen.

kalikshama -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:43:25 AM)

Ya, I've been told I wasn't a true submissive after telling a guy no sex on the first date. Better add myself to the list too. I need to add him, as well, cuz he was way too focused on vanilla sex to be a TWUE DOM.

See how that works, OP? We just weren't compatible, but neither of us was a fake.

amaidiamond -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:44:16 AM)


There is ALREADY a site that someone set up to report alleged -fakes- on collarme

It covers fakes / Dimdoms/ HNGs etc

It is SIMPLE to find with a quick google search

So if you really want to get into all that, then go join it

mnottertail -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:46:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: pshornyguy
So my "blacklist" is NOT a "blacklist" because ANYBODY could choose to chat with the listed people as often and as long as they wish.

Furthermore, the fakes and liars would CONTINUE to operate exactly as they have ALWAYS done....There is NO penalty or adverse action taken against them.

We have that right now, already programmed in!!!!!!!

amaidiamond -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:47:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: kalikshama

Ya, I've been told I wasn't a true submissive after telling a guy no sex on the first date. Better add myself to the list too. I need to add him, as well, cuz he was way too focused on vanilla sex to be a TWUE DOM.

See how that works, OP? We just weren't compatible, but neither of us was a fake.

Pssshhttt you pair of FRAUDS! Quick, call the cyber police!

kalikshama -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:48:01 AM)

Did you click on the link in post 3?


This issue comes up so often in posts by new members that we felt it necessary to make a special post about this one issue. To be sure, there are all kinds of people in the world and, given that we (like other public websites) don't have the ability to dictate who joins our website, you will meet all kinds of people here; some very nice (like yourself), some not so much. It is perhaps for this reason that new users are wont to post about their bad experiences with this or that person or even come up with the very original idea of making a list of all the "bad" users on the site. As has been recounted countless times, the fundamental flaw with this idea is not that it is ill intended, it is that there is not, nor can there be, any fact checking of such claims.

If you still believe that blacklists are a good idea then consider the following thought experiment. Suppose that someone made up a malicious and horrible lie about you and posted it to a blacklist on the forum. Would you want us to take it down after you informed us of your innocence or would you be fine with us leaving it up despite your most impassioned pleas that the facts alleged about you were false? It is a pretty safe bet that you would want those false claims removed in a hurry. Now let us suppose that true claims are posted about a real jerk attesting to what a jerk he is. Further suppose that this jerk approaches us with the same passion you did, demanding that the true assertions about him are false and must be remove immediately. Both you and the other user come to us claiming passionately to be innocent but which one are we to believe? When you know the answer to that question, you will know why blacklists are not permitted.

DarkSteven -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:50:05 AM)

I would like to complain about a certain member on this site. Without mentioning that her name is myotherself, she has repeatedly responded to my requests for naked pics by sending me bunny porn. Where do I report her?

See how it works, OP?

pshornyguy -> RE: Fakes and Liars on CM (6/9/2012 8:51:30 AM)

Stef: I can only respond to likely occurrences, not wildly improbable ones.

ANY screening mechanism can be overcome by a dedicated and dishonest person.

My proposal is designed to make it EASIER for GENUINE people to "meet" each other and invest their time with other GENUINE people.

There is absolutely no need to have a "paywall" or "user verification" as you suggest.

Here is the bottom-line:

1. Suppose you are contacted by screen name "PerfectSoulMate" (PSM)
2. Suppose you are enchanted with that person and you exchange messages here on CM for 30 minutes and then you start a conversation on Yahoo messenger
3. THEN, suppose you become suspicious of PerfectSoulMate because of something that seems not quite right
4. Suppose you then check the database and you notice that 4 other people within the past 2 weeks have listed "PSM" as a fake and a liar -- and they specify the reasons
5. THEN you can make an INFORMED choice:

(a) You could CONTINUE to exchange messages with PSM for as long as you want. BUT, maybe, seeing the listing on the CM database would make you ask some more probing questions or maybe you would ask PSM to provide you with something to prove his/her sincerity


(b) You could decide that PSM is a fake and a liar. THEN, you could (1) continue chatting with each other because you enjoy it even though you know he/she is phony, or (2) you could end your online experience with him/her because you want to use your limited time with someone GENUINE!




ORIGINAL: pshornyguy

So, how would my proposal work? Here is what would happen:

1. You are contacted by someone who seems interesting.
2. You exchange a few messages and you grow more interested.
3. However, you may have some suspicion about some comment made
4. You look at the database and you discover that more than one person has had a bad experience with the person you are chatting with.

And if someone has a grudge against you what's to stop them from creating a dozen accounts and fabricating bad reviews about you?

The ONLY way this would have a glimmer of a chance of working is on a site with a paywall and aggressive user verification, which would immediately drop 99% of the users currently here.

It's not going to happen.

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