RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (Full Version)

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RowdySoul -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 5:22:29 PM)

What makes you qualified to judge others? Mr dink22?

OsideGirl -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 5:27:06 PM)

Actually, it's just reached a point that when he posts the majority of us just roll our eyes and say, "Oh, goody. He's ranting about FinDommes.... again."

dink22 -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 5:33:44 PM)

I don't "judge." I use reasoning. If "financial domination" was a true fetish, why has it NEVER been listed on CM as a BDSM interest?

Case closed.

lizi -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 5:54:39 PM)

You've been proved wrong on this before. Emetophilia, feederism, formicophilia, lactophilia, and oculolinctus are genuine fetishes and are not in CM's fetish list. CM does not purport to have a list of every fetish out there.

Your butthurt is tiresome.

dink22 -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 5:57:27 PM)

Look, insulting me, or trying to ridicule me, simply doesn't change logic or reality. It might make you feel better, but it's a kind of reaction that says clearly, on a psychological level, "I DON"T WANT TO FACE THE TRUTH!!!" Because it's uncomfortable. Because it doesn't flatter you. Because life is easier if you tell yourself it's simply NOT the truth. That you are right in everything you do.

Such is financial domination.

searching4mysir -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 5:59:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

Look, insulting me, or trying to ridicule me, simply doesn't change logic or reality. It might make you feel better, but it's a kind of reaction that says clearly, on a psychological level, "I DON"T WANT TO FACE THE TRUTH!!!" Because it's uncomfortable. Because it doesn't flatter you. Because life is easier if you tell yourself it's simply NOT the truth. That you are right in everything you do.

Such is financial domination.

Then are Emetophilia, feederism, formicophilia, lactophilia, and oculolinctus not genuine fetishes?

dink22 -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:03:21 PM)



You've been proved wrong on this before. Emetophilia, feederism, formicophilia, lactophilia, and oculolinctus are genuine fetishes and are not in CM's fetish list. CM does not purport to have a list of every fetish out there.

Your butthurt is tiresome.

Well that would be fine --IF-- Half the women signing up as new "dommes" were into those fetishes and said so. But that's obviously not the case. Maybe 1 in 50, at best, is into that stuff.

But better than half the new female profiles on CM for dominant women say, pretty much specifically, that they are financial dominants. So I'm sorry, but your point just doesn't score with logical minds.

searching4mysir -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:06:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22



You've been proved wrong on this before. Emetophilia, feederism, formicophilia, lactophilia, and oculolinctus are genuine fetishes and are not in CM's fetish list. CM does not purport to have a list of every fetish out there.

Your butthurt is tiresome.

Well that would be fine --IF-- Half the women signing up as new "dommes" were into those fetishes and said so. But that's obviously not the case. Maybe 1 in 50, at best, is into that stuff.

But better than half the new female profiles on CM for dominant women say, pretty much specifically, that they are financial dominants. So I'm sorry, but your point just doesn't score with logical minds.

What does quantity have to do with whether or not something is a valid fetish? Are BJs not a fetish because they are popular among male dom profiles?

stef -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:12:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

I don't "judge." I use reasoning. If "financial domination" was a true fetish, why has it NEVER been listed on CM as a BDSM interest?

Of course, because whether or not this website lists something as a fetish is the determining factor for whether it is "true" or not.


Case closed.

Then why do you cry endlessly about it?

VideoAdminChi -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:17:46 PM)


Saying you are a "working Fin Domme" in your signature is advertizing on the forums, ya' think?

The current guidance on advertising in signature lines pretty much boils down to "no affiliate links."

OsideGirl -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:20:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

I don't "judge." I use reasoning. If "financial domination" was a true fetish, why has it NEVER been listed on CM as a BDSM interest?

Case closed.

And once again, you are trying to speak for the owners of this site which you have not met or even spoken to.

The reality is that not a single person here could list every fetish and you're trying to use a stranger's list to justify your hatred.

We get it. You don't like FinDommes. Beating the dead horse isn't going to change anyone's position on the subject. So, why don't you just stop beating the horse?

stef -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:26:44 PM)



What makes you qualified to judge others? Mr dink22?

He's an "expert" on financial domination because the only way he can get someone to dominate him is when a significant amount of money changes hands.

dink22 -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:27:07 PM)

Some of you are just going to permanently be in denial. I can't help that. You brought that upon yourselves and you want to live in a make-believe world.

I didn't take you into it, and it's not my job to get you out of it. It's YOUR problem, not mine.

But all you have to do is look at all the "dominant female" profiles are new in any given day and you keep seeing financial domination. So, evidently, as a BDSM interest, financial domination is more popular than collars, leashes, spankings and even bondage.

Yet it's not listed. "But, but but," you protest, "neither is Emetophilia." Oh. Okay. Guess I somehow missed all the profiles clamoring for Emetophilia.

How stupid of me. I guess my point was moot.

RowdySoul -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:28:43 PM)

What makes you qualified to judge others? I don't know why everyone is so excited. Everyone that has a career or works is paid and prostitutes them self. A lawyer, a judge, an athlete a hairdresser all selling ones self. Why is it for me to judge them or the girl next door that gives her body or abuses another for money? I don't do it but hurray to them for finding their place in the world. I hope we all find a way to earn a living that pleases and allows flexibility. [8D]

stef -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:28:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

How stupid of me. I guess my point was moot.

I can find nothing here to disagree with.

dink22 -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:32:18 PM)





What makes you qualified to judge others? Mr dink22?

He's an "expert" on financial domination because the only way he can get someone to dominate him is when a significant amount of money changes hands.

I would refer you to my earlier post about insulting me/trying to ridicule me. Evidently you didn't catch that one.

stef -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 6:34:45 PM)

It was equally moot.

lizi -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 7:36:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

Look, insulting me, or trying to ridicule me, simply doesn't change logic or reality. It might make you feel better, but it's a kind of reaction that says clearly, on a psychological level, "I DON"T WANT TO FACE THE TRUTH!!!" Because it's uncomfortable. Because it doesn't flatter you. Because life is easier if you tell yourself it's simply NOT the truth. That you are right in everything you do.

Such is financial domination.

I did not insult you or ridicule you. I said you've tried that reasoning before, which you have, and I pointed out the fact that other fetishes are not listed in the CM list. Which is a fact. This is not insulting or ridiculing, it is stating fact. Of course my point scores with logical minds because it is factual. Your point however would not score with people looking for logic because it is false.

evesgrden -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 7:52:46 PM)


Then are Emetophilia, feederism, formicophilia, lactophilia, and oculolinctus not genuine fetishes?

They are if they meet any of the following from

Full Definition of FETISH
a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence
b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : prepossession
c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression

If finances do that for a domme, I imagine it applies.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.... not exactly a new concept. Plenty of women think that way.... not all are dommes but for many it's a condition of the relationship; a condition of the "benefits".

Zonie63 -> RE: Is financial domination a legitimate form of D/s? (11/4/2013 8:37:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

I don't "judge." I use reasoning. If "financial domination" was a true fetish, why has it NEVER been listed on CM as a BDSM interest?

Case closed.

I don't know that this would close the case, as I wouldn't consider CM's interest list to be the final word on the matter. I think even on the very first page of this thread, someone noted that there was no committee or anything that decides what is a legitimate fetish or not.

In any case, it would appear that the powers that be on CM ostensibly approve of the findomme profiles and consider it to be a legitimate fetish, otherwise all the findomme profiles would disappear. As to why they don't have it listed as a BDSM interest - I don't know; maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea.

To be honest, I don't really bother much with the profiles side anymore; seems like a waste of time to wade through all that.

As to whether or not it's a "true fetish," who can say? One argument which has been used here is that financial domination is no different than what men and women have been doing for thousands of years. Men giving money and gifts to women is not exactly something new. It seems it's not unlike marriage, but then that begs the question: Is marriage a true fetish? [;)]

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