RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (Full Version)

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thishereboi -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/2/2013 2:38:12 PM)

I am glad to hear they caught it early. It sounds like you have a positive attitude and that is very important. The prayers and good thoughts will continue for as long as you need them. [:)]

MusicInstr78 -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/2/2013 3:27:10 PM)

praying DCnovice...I do hope everything goes well.

TenderTorment -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/2/2013 5:18:19 PM)

Best wishes and positive thoughts your way dcnovice, stay strong and positive and I hope your healing is swift and total.

Baroana -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/2/2013 5:21:32 PM)

OMG I am so sorry!!!!!!!

Please recover fully and quickly!

Moonlightmaddnes -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/2/2013 9:38:50 PM)

Hugs... I know a lot of people both IRL and online that have had cancer and are doing great today. Two IRL were diagnosed with breast cancer and both are healthy and cancer free, another had lung cancer and she is also cancer free. It is not a death sentence especially when caught early.

MistressDarkArt -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/2/2013 10:04:09 PM)

dc, all the best to you. For me, there is no such thing as TMI if you need to get the details off your chest. I've had life-threatening medical stuff...talking the sh*t out of it helped me cope and process. Feel free to PM on the other side if you'd rather not post here. You're in my prayers!

ETA: as for thinking positive: that's great if you can do it. There were times I couldn't and it just didn't feel authentic when I tried. A hospice counselor who was a cancer survivor told me that was the least useful advice he heard when he was going through his battle. He understood folks say that because they don't know what else to say but he got more out of saying "this sucks" when he felt that way. Not the same as "I give up", mind you. Hearing about his experience took a lot of pressure off me when I was in the thick of it. Staying true to your feelings is an important part of the process.

TheBanshee -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/3/2013 11:41:22 AM)

Along with all the others, wishing you all the best energy and sending prayers your way.

Keep up a positive attitude, I truly believe this makes a real difference. Be strong, and let others help you when they offer along the way.

Keep us posted, please.

LafayetteLady -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/3/2013 2:44:36 PM)

Thinking positve doesn't mean running around with a happy face all the time. Of course it includes saying, "this sucks."

Thinking positive means that you don't spend the majority of your time wallowing in self pity.

While I can appreciate what the counselor told you, the reality is that it has been scientifically proven that people's attitude towards their cancer has a great deal to do with them "beating" it. I'm not talking about foolishness like "The Secret" professes. I'm talking about the positive attitude of saying (thinking), "I'm going to fight this as hard as I possibly can," and "I'm going to take joy where I can find it," and "I'm glad I have supportive friends and family who support me and let me lean on them when I'm at the end of my rope."

It isn't because people can't think of anything else to say. It's not even because people don't want to listen to you whine about your illness (which I believe people should be entitled to a point).

My father died of cancer, and from the moment he got his diagnosis, he was anything BUT positive in his thought process. They said, "you have cancer," he heard, "you are going to die." He tried to put a brave front on in front of most people, but it wasn't difficult to see what a facade it was. He died within 7 months of his diagnosis. Would he have lived longer if he had mentally made the decision to fight? I believe he would have.

dcnovice -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/3/2013 7:27:56 PM)


Many thanks, once again, to you all!

I appreciate the varying perspectives on positive outlooks and can truly see both "sides," but would prefer that we not get into a debate on it.

ashjor911 -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/4/2013 3:54:28 AM)

I am so sorry ...

if Cancer was a man ... i would killed him so long ago.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/4/2013 5:49:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: dcnovice

Friends ---

Tomorrow brings an important and scary doctor's appointment. I'd be grateful for any prayers, good wishes, healing energy, karma, or what-have-you you can send my way.

Many thanks!


Bud...I'm late to the game...sorry...but prayers are all for you.

You got everything I have tonight.

How's it going?

Marini -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/4/2013 7:55:52 PM)

Sending more prayers, positive energy, hope and hugs to dc.
.......... cause he is dc!!!!


dcnovice -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/5/2013 4:57:50 PM)


ud...I'm late to the game...sorry...but prayers are all for you.

You got everything I have tonight.

No worries. It'll be a long haul. Warmest thanks, Lookie!


How's it going?

I'll be honest: It's been a rough week. (I had the colonoscopy exactly a week ago.) Subsequent imaging and examinations have revealed that the cancer is older than we thought and has spread to nearby lymph nodes. It doesn't, though, appear to have hit any organs, which is a relief. Its location, dangerously close to my tailpipe, raises the disturbing prospect of a permanent colostomy. So the prayers and well wishes are truly welcome!

UnholyBear -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/5/2013 5:13:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: dcnovice


ud...I'm late to the game...sorry...but prayers are all for you.

You got everything I have tonight.

No worries. It'll be a long haul. Warmest thanks, Lookie!


How's it going?

I'll be honest: It's been a rough week. (I had the colonoscopy exactly a week ago.) Subsequent imaging and examinations have revealed that the cancer is older than we thought and has spread to nearby lymph nodes. It doesn't, though, appear to have hit any organs, which is a relief. Its location, dangerously close to my tailpipe, raises the disturbing prospect of a permanent colostomy. So the prayers and well wishes are truly welcome!

Sending as much warm and healing thoughts your way dc.

angelikaJ -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/7/2013 7:14:42 PM)


I will keep you in all manner of good thoughts.

LafayetteLady -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/7/2013 8:21:41 PM)


I'm so sorry to hear that. I will keep you in my prayers.

Might I suggest doing something that allows you to take out the likely anger and frustration you might be having? Bumper cars, kick boxing, volunteering to demolish a house?

dcnovice -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/8/2013 5:57:46 PM)


Might I suggest doing something that allows you to take out the likely anger and frustration you might be having? Bumper cars, kick boxing, volunteering to demolish a house?

Now that is one truly excellent idea! [:)]

I wouldn't have minded being on a wrecking crew this morning after dealing with clueless* medical folks.

*I realize there are many great folks, my own friends and family among them, in medicine. But dear God, there are also some clunkers.

heartcream -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/8/2013 11:17:48 PM)

Now, God be praised, that to believing souls gives light in darkness, comfort in despair.
~William Shakespeare

I wish/pray for you comfort and light dc.

cordeliasub -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/9/2013 6:04:19 AM)

I want you to know that I am praying as well. I have a relative being treated for this cancer right now, and she is doing very well. AND, though they told her a permanent colostomy was turned out they were wrong, and so I pray the same for you.

In situations like this, I like to say it is impossible to be "wrong," whatever your reaction or emotion is. It is fine to be hopeful, it is fine to be sad, it is fine to be angry, it is fine to be scared. Take care of yourself and let people help you and love on you.


Rule -> RE: Got Prayers? (Or Good Wishes?) (2/9/2013 6:09:05 AM)

I wish for you to recover.

If not, then die valiantly.

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