RE: Why A Slave? (Full Version)

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JeffBC -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/12/2013 5:07:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar
That ties into the whole "definition of slavery" discussion very well actually.

You know... you are an evil, evil woman. This is like some grand unified field theory of Coffee & BDSM.

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/12/2013 10:19:43 PM)


This does make an excellent post for other young ladies who are dreaming of the "Master" who will come along, take them in and give them the fantasy they dream about.

Be careful what you ask for.... you just might get it.

I know this is the gist of what happened to her. Young ladies dream of alot of things. Some are lucky and get what they ask for. some are unluckily and get something more heinous.

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/12/2013 10:22:26 PM)


She wasnt with him when she emptied her bank account, according to your retelling of events. She went to him with money in hand. Tell me, does she sound like a stable person?

Define "wasn't with him", he was definitely wooing her then, to convince her about this whole new fantasy life his gonna give her.
Little Wonder might have a point that her family could be toxic, they sounded toxic to me. A well brought up happy child would never agree to cut contact with her family over a man. But as someone like that guy, to me, it's just opportunity, perfect situation to exploit.
So I guess, we can "blame" the girl for being naive, and the guy for seeing a perfect opportunity and grasping it.

I wonder what are your opinions on ladies from poorer countries being mislead into proper office admin jobs in another country, but later was forced into prostitution.
When I read about it, most of the reasons of not simply running to the authorities was that, they would just be deported back home, and return home in disgrace to their families. So they carry on writing false happy letters to their family about their new "jobs", and sending money back and prostituted.

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/12/2013 10:40:00 PM)


Define "wasn't with him", he was definitely wooing her then, to convince her about this whole new fantasy life his gonna give her.

Well, lets see. She wasnt living with him at that point. She had been introduced by a mutual girlfriend. She didnt think to talk to her "friend" at that point?

It all sounds like a massive sob story you were given. Someone once told me... only believe half of what you hear, and even less of what you read.. because the rest is bullshit.

How much of this story do you know to be true?

IF what you say is true, then, yes, she is naive and he is an utter ass.

Now what?

Do you think that country is the only one where abuse can happen? Where little girls can end up as sex slaves... or dead? Do you believe it doesnt happen in the US?

We justhad 3 women rescued from a house in Ohio.... they had been slaves for 10 years and more. They had children by their abductor. Repeated miscarriages. These women didnt go deliberately, they were kidnapped.

Take a look at the alternate lifestyle in the news section. You will find many stories about women who were either abused, or claimed abuse where none existed. It happens both ways.

Hell, we have a case where women were found dead in blue barrels.

Some people make very stupid decisions.

What you are expecting us to do is take a third hand account of a story that may or may not be true and use that story as the benchmark for every other relationship that includes consensual slavery.

And that simply isnt going to happen.

You keep beating this dead horse. I am now a consensual slave in a home to a man who is kind, considerate and fair. I am sure many girls here will tell you the same. So your friend's experience is not the norm. Stop trying to make it out like all slave relationship's are abusive. They are not.

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/12/2013 10:41:06 PM)


I wonder what are your opinions on ladies from poorer countries being mislead into proper office admin jobs in another country, but later was forced into prostitution.
When I read about it, most of the reasons of not simply running to the authorities was that, they would just be deported back home, and return home in disgrace to their families. So they carry on writing false happy letters to their family about their new "jobs", and sending money back and prostituted.

Let me ask you this. What are YOU doing about changing that situation that is so close to your home?

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 2:35:58 AM)


Well, lets see. She wasnt living with him at that point. She had been introduced by a mutual girlfriend. She didnt think to talk to her "friend" at that point?

I believe this "girlfriend" was in the scene and a recruiter.

How much of this story do you know to be true?

My gut tells me it's true. No solid evidence. And frankly, been on CL for 4 years already and that's the only sob story I have ever encountered.


Do you think that country is the only one where abuse can happen? Where little girls can end up as sex slaves... or dead? Do you believe it doesnt happen in the US?

It happens everywhere of course. Sex slave trades are hard to weed out when women or victimised young boys are brainfucked into thinking they are helpless and can't do anything about it.

Some people make very stupid decisions.

I always say, young, idealistic, vulnerable people when unlucky and meet the wrong older more wily person, will be susceptible to such stupid decisions.


Stop trying to make it out like all slave relationship's are abusive. They are not.

Consensual slave relationships are not abusive. I've always maintained that.

JeffBC -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 7:31:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl
Let me ask you this. What are YOU doing about changing that situation that is so close to your home?

I have always felt this question vaguely unfair. I'd venture to say that about 90% of people express political sentiments with absolutely zero intention of doing even the tiniest little thing about them. That's where the pejorative "sheeple" came from. It's why I think "submissive" is pretty much the norm for humanity and "dominant" is the rarity... in Gorean terms, "Slaves are easy to find. Free people are rare as hen's teeth."

She is a slave commenting on the doings of her masters. That's it.

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 9:31:24 AM)

You may believe its unfair if you wish. I dont believe so.

She started an agenda early on claiming how some man must have been gorean because he shared his slave. And when called on her lack of knowledge, the story of abuse began.

Its been one long tale of woe about a girl no one knows anything about except the story teller. When asked specifically if she could go there to help this girl, she said no, she was too afraid.. yet she goes to that country to ride go karts, because go karts are her passion.

Her tale of woe is about a girl who entered a slave relationship and now regrets it. And? I have done that. Im sure many girls have done that.

My question about what SHE was going to do about it was aimed at getting her to pull her head out of her ass and actually think... if she cant do anything, how the hell can anyone else. And all that is assuming this girl actually exists.

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 9:40:10 AM)


My gut tells me it's true. No solid evidence. And frankly, been on CL for 4 years already and that's the only sob story I have ever encountered.

The only story on craigs list?

Pull up a chair... read for a while.. and these are just what made it in the news.

Take a peek... blue barrels I told you about earlier.

My problem with you is that you wanted to paint all relationships with the same brush... abuse. It took pages to finally get you to agree that not all consensual relationships are abusive... that isnt what you said in the beginning. Your insistence was that we were brainwashed.

I was once very naive. I paid for that, a year out of my life of abuse and torment. I finally got out with the help of someone who cared enough to help. But I dont go around labeling all men abusive because of one.

OsideGirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 9:53:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi
it is a very negatively loaded word and with good reason for slavery have a horrid past

It also has a horrid present. Slavery isn't something relegated to the past.

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 10:15:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl
The only story on craigs list?

I said it was the only sob story I have ever encountered. Means, someone who chatted with me one on one, someone I got to know more personally.

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 10:19:53 AM)


Let me ask you this. What are YOU doing about changing that situation that is so close to your home?

Absolutely nothing, there are too many causes that are in need of help in the world, and in my own country, the cause I pick to be active with is with saving stray cats.
As a human being, you can be upset about alot of things, but you are only one human, you got to pick one and do something with just one and at least see progress in at least one area. Besides, I know what to do to help cats. I really don't know what to do to help human trafficking. In her case, where would she go? I can't even take her back into my country, because she wouldn't have her passport.

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 10:28:25 AM)

And what do you want US to do about it?

Greta75 -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 11:31:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

And what do you want US to do about it?

I didn't ask anybody here to do anything about it.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 11:53:06 AM)




ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

And what do you want US to do about it?

I didn't ask anybody here to do anything about it.

Greta would you mind answering my question to you?

nephandi -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 12:53:03 PM)



If there was a "like" button here I'd have pushed it like crazy. Also. I'd have pushed the "hell yeah" button a bunch.

Thank you for your kind words.

I wish you well

nephandi -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 12:55:11 PM)



It also has a horrid present. Slavery isn't something relegated to the past.

That is true, but my point is still the same, using the word in a BDSM context do not diminish the horror of the word used when we are talking about non consensual slavery.

I wish you well

JeffBC -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 5:24:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl
My question about what SHE was going to do about it was aimed at getting her to pull her head out of her ass and actually think... if she cant do anything, how the hell can anyone else. And all that is assuming this girl actually exists.

*laughs* This is a faux argument and both of us know it but I'd respond....

"She is going to complain about the doings of her masters"

It's what slaves do. It's all they CAN do (and here I mean slave in the gorean sense -- or maybe Nietzsche if you believe Aswad --not BDSM sense).

tazzygirl -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/13/2013 5:36:27 PM)


I could comment... but... umm... lol.... Im better off not doing so...

NissanGTR -> RE: Why A Slave? (6/16/2013 12:40:15 PM)





You can't change the meaning of words ...slave means "non-consensual".

Actually, 'slave' means 'a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another'. Or 'a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person'.

I like this definition... As opposed to the hard line "non-consensual"

But I think some people take the definition of slave to literally here. This is the BDSM world.. A world of fantasy, role-play, and reality (vanilla) escape.

And within the BDSM world some people want / need to give up or have, more control than others, and want that control extend beyond the bedroom.

So I appreciate people distinguishing themselves between subs and slaves, and having generally accepted definitions of these terms within the community.

For one, it makes screening other kinksters faster when looking for what we want. And knowing who we can relate to more.

I personally want to identify as slave because I want to give up control outside the bedroom; I want to never know what I'm in for and when, and having that feeling that I don't have a choice but to take what I get. And so long as any demands made by my Domme won't result in; serious injury to my person, breach of my need for public discretion, or me missing a mortgage payment. These demands from my Domme can't be denied.

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