RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (Full Version)

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kdsub -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/23/2013 5:54:47 PM)

Just me but I don't think dominant, switch, or submissive have anything to do with good manners. All can be rude or gracious and still maintain their designations. But their worth as a person is diminished with bad manners.


littlewonder -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/23/2013 7:03:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

I have an uber dry, sarcastic sense of humour that I know comes across as condescending to those with a fragile ego and/or thin skin. But I am here for MY entertainment, not to coddle the fragile so......meh.

If some see my words as rude, my opinion, their problem not mine. I'm either here to enjoy the experience or I'm not here. Pretty fucking simple.

Along with what I posted earlier, but this...this also...very much this. I've had people call me condescending and lots of people who think Master can be and they'd be right with both of us. Is it a bad trait? Depends on how you view it. Do I think I am better than some people? Yup. Do I think some are better than me? Yup. There are times I even appreciate when someone is condescending with me. It's a heads up that I might be acting like a dickhead or being extremely stupid and it's time to start using my brain. Some people including myself sometimes, need that slap upside the head.

aBigSAM -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/23/2013 9:17:18 PM)

I think it's revealing that the dominant feels the need to stroke their own sense of self importance at the expense of another. Some might find such behavior enticing. I'm not one of them.

sexyred1 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/23/2013 9:41:31 PM)

Like everything else online in the written medium, intent is not the same thing as perception.

No matter what or how you say something, someone will find it objectionable.

Semantics is subjective and one person's condescending remark might make someone laugh and someone else flinch; it does indeed depend on context.

As to whether this is a dominant or submissive trait; no. Your behavior is your own personal code of ethics (or not) and is human based, not role based.

At least that is how I see it.

seekingreality -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/23/2013 11:41:40 PM)



When you observe a dominant being condescending to another person (online, as an example, on a message board here if someone asks a dumb question), do you consider that an attractive trait? Do you admire their take charge attitude?

Even if the person asked an obviously ignorant question or behaves badly, when a dominant responds by being condescending, does that make them appear more "dominant" in the way they handle the situation - versus being patient or polite? If someone is handled in an overly nice situation, does that make the dominant appear weak?

What if it was in a situation where a dominant was being treated incompetently by waitstaff or technical people, for example. Is a condescending approach considered appropriate?

Submissives, when you observe a dominant treating a submissive (who is not their submissive partner) in a neutral situation with a clearly condescending attitude in front of other people, does that make you respect them more or less and why? If a non dominant woman treated a person in a condescending way, do you cut them less slack?


Generally, I don't find a condescending attitude attractive in anyone, but as they say God is in the details.

TwoHeartsBeatOne -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 12:54:09 AM)

I absolutely condescend to bigots, racists, sexist, ageist etc... the closed-minded, in general. I like the repellent effect it has on those types.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 1:54:11 AM)

If those aren't good reasons for one to be condescending, I don't know what would be. [;)] M

Zonie63 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 4:59:50 AM)



When you observe a dominant being condescending to another person (online, as an example, on a message board here if someone asks a dumb question), do you consider that an attractive trait? Do you admire their take charge attitude?

I wouldn't consider it to be a take charge attitude. Anyone can be condescending, even the dull and ignorant.


Even if the person asked an obviously ignorant question or behaves badly, when a dominant responds by being condescending, does that make them appear more "dominant" in the way they handle the situation - versus being patient or polite? If someone is handled in an overly nice situation, does that make the dominant appear weak?

As others have stated, I would agree that it depends on context. Perhaps a parent or teacher dealing with youthful hubris might find that condescension has its uses. But I generally find that adults who try to set themselves up as self-styled "teachers" or "parents" of other adults to be a bit arrogant and presumptuous.

I think it's okay to return rudeness with rudeness. Responding in kind is acceptable in my opinion. But I also believe that if someone wants to be rude, they should just be rude. Condescension indicates to me that someone really wants to be rude and tell someone off, but they're trying to appear "civil" but making thinly-veiled attacks at the same time.

Usually, this can cause an escalation into a bigger argument or an all-out flame war, at which point the condescending one might try to act like they're the injured party. In my opinion, that's the kind of thing that would make a poster look weak, since it would appear that they can dish it out but can't take it.

I would never think that someone looks weak by being nice or polite over the internet. It's the internet "tough guys" who tend to look weak to me, since internet bravado never really impressed me that much.


What if it was in a situation where a dominant was being treated incompetently by waitstaff or technical people, for example. Is a condescending approach considered appropriate?

I would say no. It doesn't solve the problem at hand, and it can only make a bad situation worse. There's no purpose in it.

A more appropriate response would be to just call the manager and calmly state the complaint. Perhaps getting angry might even be more appropriate, since anger is genuine, whereas condescension is disingenuous and false.


Submissives, when you observe a dominant treating a submissive (who is not their submissive partner) in a neutral situation with a clearly condescending attitude in front of other people, does that make you respect them more or less and why? If a non dominant woman treated a person in a condescending way, do you cut them less slack?

I doubt it. Condescension seems more of a passive-aggressive maneuver when someone seems to want to avoid being direct or to the point. Usually, I just tend to ignore it, although I've found some forms of condescension to be somewhat obscure and vague, so in those cases, I might ask for clarification.

Sometimes, I've seen internet discussions which appear to be the equivalent of an internet heavyweight abusing the proverbial 98-pound weakling. That just seems like bad form to me, not very sporting at all.

ClassAct2006 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 8:09:19 AM)

Yes, that was what I was trying to say above. Even if you earn a lot more than someone else that is no excuse for not treating people well.
Treat others as you would have them treat you.

Anyone with children surely wants their children to learn from them and copy their behaviour too so it is doubly bad if parents treat others badly.


ORIGINAL: MasterCaneman


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

I find that anyone who is condescending just to be a jerk,doesn't deserve any respect.I don't care if it a dom,sub,switch,whatever.We are all human beings first and theres this thing called "common courtesy".Treat others how you would like to be treated.When I see anyone being condescending to others just to make themselves feel better,those people usually lack respect for themselves the most.If I saw someone act like that,I can probably tell I wouldn't want anything to do with that person anyways.

Amen to that. Common courtesy can get you far in any situation (other than a full-blown bar fight), and not enough people practice it these days.

ARIES83 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 8:17:27 AM)

Good posting Zonie, and get out of my head...
It's creepy.

FrostedFlake -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 9:14:01 PM)




I used to think I knew what "condescending" means, but after reading the various replies here, I'm suddenly realizing I have no idea... is the term really this protean?

— Aswad.


What I meant is, When I think people are being dumb, meaning I think they should know better or I think they really do know better, I am likely to at least consider using condescension to intimate my dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, when I note in another a habit of condescension, as distinct from occasional, I am likey to suppose that person is way full of himself.


: voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relations with an inferior (Frosted Flake adds : Implication is :"I think I am better that that or better that you, take your choice.")
: patronizing attitude or behavior (Frosted Flake adds : Implication is : "I think you need to be shown the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.")

MAINEiacMISTRESS -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 9:47:08 PM)



Often, the term condescending is very much used by those who don't deal well with strong personalities. Some people are more 'shoot from the hip' types, rather than being concerned if they are found "attractive" in what they have to say. There's a really good thread around here somewhere about why the term "bitch" is applied to women when other people aren't pleased with their behavior. (In fact, it was based on Me not kissing somebody's ass on another thread.) I think we're actually long past women having to say the 'right' thing to make other people happy or acting (and the word really is "acting") the way they want us to when it comes to dumbing down our intelligence or our abilities. How is tailoring oneself to only putting out there what the other person wants a Dominant trait?

I don't think a person's relationship role, label, or personality type should have anything to do with the way people respond on these boards. I don't think gender should either. It's said repeatedly in the Introductions section here. The folks on the boards are all considered equals and people interact with each other as just people. The, "oh, a Dominant should do this" and "a submissive should reply like that" really doesn't go over all that well.

It was either Ann Landers or Dear Abby that used to have the advice in their column about watching how people treat waitstaff. It's definitely true. I don't think you can compare that to the boards though. I can honestly say I've never gone into a restaurant and have the person waiting on the table say they didn't have a clue of what they were supposed to do or ask for instructions on how to carry out their duties for the job. Of course, the other part of that is never piss off the person who has the ability and opportunity to f*ck with your food.

Heh heh, yeah...ALLLLLWAYS be polite to waitstaff, if not only for the safety of what you are about to eat, at least for the sake of being remembered POSITIVELY the next time you dine there, and perhaps get a little "EXTRA" benefit (like a larger than usual steak, or more sushi on your plate than the menu states). [:D]
As for "WHEN" to be condescending, well, I don't believe that randomly throwing it around is appropriate, but if someone is being a complete ASS and acting "too big for their britches", then I'll sometimes put them in their place by publicly HUMILIATING them in front of their peers...or that girl over there they have their eye on. It's all in the proper timing and delivery. As someone earlier said, there is a time and place for it...but just being RUDE for no reason has no place in social gatherings if you care about having people's respect. Maybe you do, maybe you don't.


MasterCaneman -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/24/2013 10:24:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: TwoHeartsBeatOne

I absolutely condescend to bigots, racists, sexist, ageist etc... the closed-minded, in general. I like the repellent effect it has on those types.

I say it feeds their fire when someone does that. It 'justifies' their position, in a warped way, when someone stoops to their level. Never permit anyone to become a martyr at your expense.

chatterbox24 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/25/2013 9:48:25 AM)

Oh darlings, its not your fault, that your insight is so far less superior then my own. LMAO.

KIDDING KIDDING. I was practicing being condescending. Now I will pull this thick stick out of my bum.

tsatske -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/25/2013 12:54:05 PM)


> I say it feeds their fire when someone does that. It 'justifies' their position, in a warped way, when someone stoops to their level. Never permit anyone to become a martyr at your expense.

More importantly, I never let another person, prticularly a loathesome one, change who I am, even momentarily - well, that's the goal. Since I am not a condescending person, if they get me to stoop to their level, they win. My goal is to hold myself to higher standard than I would hold such people.

MasterCaneman -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/25/2013 3:14:37 PM)

You make an excellent point there.

slaveluci -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/25/2013 7:59:36 PM)



When you observe a dominant being condescending to another person (online, as an example, on a message board here if someone asks a dumb question), do you consider that an attractive trait? Do you admire their take charge attitude?

Attractive and admirable? No, quite the opposite as a matter of fact.


Even if the person asked an obviously ignorant question or behaves badly, when a dominant responds by being condescending, does that make them appear more "dominant" in the way they handle the situation - versus being patient or polite? If someone is handled in an overly nice situation, does that make the dominant appear weak?

A condescending person appears to be quite the opposite of dominant to me. It is never excusable, imo.

What if it was in a situation where a dominant was being treated incompetently by waitstaff or technical people, for example. Is a condescending approach considered appropriate?

To me? Never. Someone who is rude to waitstaff is like someone who kicks a dog. Despicable.

Submissives, when you observe a dominant treating a submissive (who is not their submissive partner) in a neutral situation with a clearly condescending attitude in front of other people, does that make you respect them more or less and why? If a non dominant woman treated a person in a condescending way, do you cut them less slack?

I have zero tolerance for condescending assholes no matter their orientation. An asshole is an asshole and I would tell them in a heartbeat what I think of such assholish behavior.

egern -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 4:15:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Charles6682

I find that anyone who is condescending just to be a jerk,doesn't deserve any respect.I don't care if it a dom,sub,switch,whatever.We are all human beings first and theres this thing called "common courtesy".Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Exactly so.

dink22 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 5:37:06 PM)



When you observe a dominant being condescending to another person (online, as an example, on a message board here if someone asks a dumb question), do you consider that an attractive trait? Do you admire their take charge attitude?

Even if the person asked an obviously ignorant question or behaves badly, when a dominant responds by being condescending, does that make them appear more "dominant" in the way they handle the situation - versus being patient or polite? If someone is handled in an overly nice situation, does that make the dominant appear weak?

What if it was in a situation where a dominant was being treated incompetently by waitstaff or technical people, for example. Is a condescending approach considered appropriate?

Submissives, when you observe a dominant treating a submissive (who is not their submissive partner) in a neutral situation with a clearly condescending attitude in front of other people, does that make you respect them more or less and why? If a non dominant woman treated a person in a condescending way, do you cut them less slack?


This will probably never get published because I seem to be banned from the message boards because of my opinion on financial domination. But to answer your question, when someone is very insulting or condescending, I think it's a very ugly trait.

I'll explain why if this gets published, but I don't want to do a bunch of typing for nothing.

LadyPact -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 5:50:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22
This will probably never get published because I seem to be banned from the message boards because of my opinion on financial domination. But to answer your question, when someone is very insulting or condescending, I think it's a very ugly trait.

I'll explain why if this gets published, but I don't want to do a bunch of typing for nothing.
Two things, bro........

One, the forums have been screwed up for pretty much everyone. It's not about your status as a poster. Plenty of folks are having the same problem.

Two, it wasn't your opinions on financial domination that got you in trouble your last go round. It was your personal insults to people on the forums that got you in the hot seat. It hasn't been that long and I remember you very, very well. I'm going to lay odds that I'm not the only poster who hasn't forgotten you.

Was that condescending?

(The irony on this is flipping awesome.)

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