RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (Full Version)

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dink22 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 6:12:31 PM)

Lady Pact:

I was insulted first. I only returned fire. That was the problem. I stated my opinion about financial domination and...what happened? EXACTLY what this thread was about. I started getting these responses that were condescending and insulting. And these people weren't responding to what I said. They were attacks on ME personally. They were going to my profile and distorting it, they were taking small snippets from my answers and trying to create a caricature of me because they didn't like my opinion on financial domination. They were dishonest, childish, and refused to address the points I was making. Perhaps because they couldn't.

When you're attacked by a dozen people at once, none of whom are actually responding to anything you said (except in an emotional sense), you begin to think, "well, maybe if I talked to these people in their own language..."

lizi -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 6:18:12 PM)



Two things, bro........

One, the forums have been screwed up for pretty much everyone. It's not about your status as a poster. Plenty of folks are having the same problem.

Two, it wasn't your opinions on financial domination that got you in trouble your last go round. It was your personal insults to people on the forums that got you in the hot seat. It hasn't been that long and I remember you very, very well. I'm going to lay odds that I'm not the only poster who hasn't forgotten you.

Was that condescending?

(The irony on this is flipping awesome.)

No, you're not the only one who remembers this poster LadyP, I remembered him immediately. Interesting that he thinks his stand on fin dom got him in trouble last time, and not the way he replied to others and started new threads on the same subject while calling the Mods pussies.

dink22 -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 6:44:36 PM)

Okay, let's review.

Until today, this was the last thread I posted on:

And what do we have? The very first r esponse is condescending. And look at the responses the rest of the way down the page. Nothing but condescending remarks and insults. Under the circumstances, I showed admirable restraint. Evidently, these people thought it was okay for them to insult me for my opinion, but not the other way around.

Let's look at another thread:

Again, you'll see that I'M the one being condescended to and insulted. I do admit the remark about mod 21 was insulting on my part, but he/she closed down a thread that was still being discussed. Under the circumstances, most of my responses on that thread were VERY polite. Especially since their responses were largely not to what I said,


UllrsIshtar -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 6:51:28 PM)




ORIGINAL: Charles6682

theres this thing called "common courtesy".Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Exactly so.

Not everybody subscribes to the golden rule.

I consider it common courtesy to not treat others the way I would like to be treated, but based on who they merit being treated. Considering that I find it insulting when people presume that I necessarily would want to be treated as they wish to be treated, I very deliberately choose not to return that insult.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 7:08:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

Okay, let's review.

Until today, this was the last thread I posted on:

And what do we have? The very first r esponse is condescending. And look at the responses the rest of the way down the page. Nothing but condescending remarks and insults. Under the circumstances, I showed admirable restraint. Evidently, these people thought it was okay for them to insult me for my opinion, but not the other way around.

Dude, your first post here, the one that started the thread, was insulting, condescending, confrontational, judgmental, bigoted and close minded ... do you really consider it surprising that the first reply post responded in kind?


ORIGINAL: dink22

Let's look at another thread:

Again, you'll see that I'M the one being condescended to and insulted. I do admit the remark about mod 21 was insulting on my part, but he/she closed down a thread that was still being discussed. Under the circumstances, most of my responses on that thread were VERY polite. Especially since their responses were largely not to what I said,

Your first post was again insulting, condescending, confrontational, judgmental, bigoted and close minded, and again you where paid in kind.

You're the one that started by insulting people personally for their opinions instead of presenting a calm, reasonable, non-offensive argument for your opinion.

When the first thing you do is aggressively attack the character of those who may post opposing arguments BEFORE they even post a reply, as you did here:


BTW, you'll no doubt get responses from people (almost entirely females) who say they're tired of hearing about it, that the issue comes up all the time. Big sighs, lots of sarcasm. And they'll throw a few insults in there too. These people are part of the problem.

Then you shouldn't be surprised at all that people who disagree with you feel personally attacked and insulted by you from the get go... because, well... you set out to insult them and personally attack them from the get go.

jamieg -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 7:23:13 PM)

I think that a condescending attitude >in an neutral situation< always reflects badly on the person displaying it, dominant, submissive or otherwise. my first reaction in a situation like this would be to say ok - i'm out of here. if that is what the person wanted, then fine - they got their wish. But I am better off as well because I don't have to endure their arrogance.
Of course, in a "non neutral" situation things can be entirely different and the condensation might even be what makes the scene hot.

ChatteParfaitt -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 7:28:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Dominants have a tendency (I think) to be more confident . . . . . Confidence can certainly be perceived (by some) as arrogance. I believe that if we think someone is arrogant, when we inter-act with them, we may think that they are being condescending toward us.


ChatteParfaitt -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 7:35:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

This will probably never get published because I seem to be banned from the message boards because of my opinion on financial domination. But to answer your question, when someone is very insulting or condescending, I think it's a very ugly trait.

I'll explain why if this gets published, but I don't want to do a bunch of typing for nothing.

Oh you poor, poor, thingish !!

It's so sad, did those big bad meanie fem dommes steal your money for nothing? Did they give you no chicks for free?

Say it ain't so.

You know, your ridiculous desire to make every new discussion about you and your issues is quite condescending. Or at least, I find it so.


LadyPact -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 9:17:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: dink22

Okay, let's review.

Until today, this was the last thread I posted on:

And what do we have? The very first r esponse is condescending. And look at the responses the rest of the way down the page. Nothing but condescending remarks and insults. Under the circumstances, I showed admirable restraint. Evidently, these people thought it was okay for them to insult me for my opinion, but not the other way around.

Let's look at another thread:

Again, you'll see that I'M the one being condescended to and insulted. I do admit the remark about mod 21 was insulting on my part, but he/she closed down a thread that was still being discussed. Under the circumstances, most of my responses on that thread were VERY polite. Especially since their responses were largely not to what I said,

All right, dude. Let's have a chat.

Do you know why I write in purple, dink? I kid you not, it comes in really handy in cases like this. See, I'm really good with remembering the written word, but if somebody pulls up an old thread that's kind of long, it helps Me to find My own stuff quicker.

No, I didn't read the old threads again. I did that on the first go round. I did catch that part from one thread about how you claim there aren't any het femdoms here. There wasn't any point in arguing with you about it. I'm about as 'het femdom' as you're going to get around these parts. There's not shit I can do to convince you of that, so really, what's the point?

In the post before this one on this thread, you did get a little closer to the truth about personal responsibility for your own Mod sponsored time out. Did you really think you were going to personally attack a Mod by calling her a pussy and not have repercussions from that? Not to mention that was over and above breaking forum rules for starting a topic back up after you had just gotten the same stuff pulled. You kind of did the equivalent of shitting on the cop's porch and then want to act like you don't have any responsibility when you get hauled in for indecent exposure because your ass was hanging out. If I would have been Mod21, I'd have put you on the bench, too.

Where you're going wrong at this point is thinking that posters believe that prior posting history isn't taken into account. As a friend of Mine used to say, your posting history doesn't start over with every thread. Neither of those threads was your "first" post in your history, so people remembered you from before.

Let Me share a little bit more with you. A couple of people have mentioned this already, so I suspect I'm not totally out of left field on this one. I've got a feeling that this thread was based, at least in part, on another thread. This one. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure the author will come along and say that it's not about Me but I was kind of thinking it had something to do with it. Was I condescending there? If I was, I actually don't give a shit. It was the truth as I see it and since I don't have to worry about a customer base for what I write, I'm going to give people My perspective from My point of view. People may not like what I have to say from time to time but I'm willing to own every word that I've ever put on CM or anywhere else.

And, yeah, I even admit that I'm an ass sometimes. Like the time I told the guy who lived in Florida (yes, Florida of all places) that if he didn't know where to buy a whip, in his own dang hometown that's got a pretty good kink community, that he sure as shit didn't need one for his date with a submissive that coming Friday night. I told the gal who "borrowed" a urethral sound from her friend, brought it home, never cleaned it, used it on her boyfriend, and AFTER THE FACT, came to the boards to ask if he needed to go to the doc for the infection she gave him, absolutely did tell her that she shouldn't be doing medical play on anyone until she learned a little bit about sterilizing equipment. I could give you hundreds of examples from My six years on the site, but I'll spare you.

Hey, I'll even admit that I'm not right all of the time and I've posted apologies on more than a few topics. Shit, I even used to think similarly to you and had to eat My hat on that one because I didn't have enough education on the subject. It's even tough on Me still when I see the eighteen year old 'princesses' who start accounts in the hopes of accomplishing wallet rape, but I bite My f*cking tongue because I've also seen the legitimacy in fin kink that I've watched with My own eyes and talked to the participants. That was growth for Me.

In fact, that would be the advice that I would give you. Do you have the opportunity to get out to your local community and talk to people who have finances as a part of their dynamic? That's everything from the M who controls the household expenses, to the guy who visits the pro domme, to the person who only feels good because he's paying the cam girl. If you meet these people and talk to these people, who knows? Maybe you'll see their side of it and it won't cost you a thing but your time and the entry fee at a community event.

Oh, and should you ever run into Me at some community event or another, you're going to find Me exactly the same way as I am here. Only then, it might just be the leather that's purple.

From My desk to yours,

Lady Pact

seekingOwnertoo -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 9:30:05 PM)



When you observe a dominant being condescending to another person (online, as an example, on a message board here if someone asks a dumb question), do you consider that an attractive trait? Do you admire their take charge attitude?


NO NOT at all ... i consider that an arrogant person (male or female) with NO interpersonal relationship skills.

Moreover, their dominance is limited to their eyes .. only! [:D]

Aswad -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 9:39:56 PM)



Oh, and should you ever run into Me at some community event or another, you're going to find Me exactly the same way as I am here.

Love to give the applause in person, but since Alaska is, well, Alaska... here goes: [sm=applause.gif]


Only then, it might just be the leather that's purple.

Dang. Now you made me perv your profile. Never noticed the color before. Lovely.

— Aswad.

seekingOwnertoo -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 9:42:41 PM)

Lady Pact ... You are not out of line at all ... indeed You are a valuable and admired contributor here ...

my thoughts are ... why be concerned about a dink ?????????

Those posts are meaningless and useless. Yet i see Your responses as caring and attempting to coach.

Admirable on Your part ... not so much on dink's part.

That said ... Why Are You Not More Condescending? [;)] [;)] [;)]

LadyPact -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/26/2013 10:06:24 PM)


Love to give the applause in person, but since Alaska is, well, Alaska... here goes: [sm=applause.gif]

You never know, Hon. I won't be in Alaska forever. [;)]


Dang. Now you made me perv your profile. Never noticed the color before. Lovely.

— Aswad.
The credit goes to Ms Martha, Dear. She is also the person who crafted the famous "boot purse".


ORIGINAL: seekingOwnertoo
Lady Pact ... You are not out of line at all ... indeed You are a valuable and admired contributor here ...

my thoughts are ... why be concerned about a dink ?????????

It is as I always say. I'm not just always responding to a certain person. Others might find something valuable from a post.


Those posts are meaningless and useless. Yet i see Your responses as caring and attempting to coach.

Sometimes, but not always. I find that I am better when I feel I am asked, rather than demanded. One of the very reasons that I am not a findom, nor do I have subscribers. This is just Me, every day of the week.


Admirable on Your part ... not so much on dink's part.

That said ... Why Are You Not More Condescending? [;)] [;)] [;)]
Plenty of threads for that, dear. Give Me 24 hours and I'll probably piss somebody else off. [:D]

MHAP -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/27/2013 1:39:30 PM)

"Rude is rude, a rock is a rock, a tree is a tree. You need to call'em like you see'em. but untill you look them in the eye- there is alot of room for misunderstanding.

lthrpup -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/27/2013 2:56:50 PM)

Condescension is not attractive. But thinking about it led me to observe that another usually-frowned-upon characteristic can be very attractive: aloofness. The crucial difference is whether a person's attitude is based upon their own virtues or revolves around comparison to other people. One approach involves an objective scale, the other focuses on vacuous pecking order contests. An aloof dominant can make a jackass feel two inches tall without lowering themselves to pettiness.

OsideGirl -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/27/2013 2:58:01 PM)




ORIGINAL: dink22
This will probably never get published because I seem to be banned from the message boards because of my opinion on financial domination. But to answer your question, when someone is very insulting or condescending, I think it's a very ugly trait.

I'll explain why if this gets published, but I don't want to do a bunch of typing for nothing.
Two things, bro........

One, the forums have been screwed up for pretty much everyone. It's not about your status as a poster. Plenty of folks are having the same problem.

Two, it wasn't your opinions on financial domination that got you in trouble your last go round. It was your personal insults to people on the forums that got you in the hot seat. It hasn't been that long and I remember you very, very well. I'm going to lay odds that I'm not the only poster who hasn't forgotten you.

That's it in a nutshell.

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/27/2013 2:59:44 PM)



When you observe a dominant being condescending to another person (online, as an example, on a message board here if someone asks a dumb question), do you consider that an attractive trait? Do you admire their take charge attitude?

Even if the person asked an obviously ignorant question or behaves badly, when a dominant responds by being condescending, does that make them appear more "dominant" in the way they handle the situation - versus being patient or polite? If someone is handled in an overly nice situation, does that make the dominant appear weak?

What if it was in a situation where a dominant was being treated incompetently by waitstaff or technical people, for example. Is a condescending approach considered appropriate?

Submissives, when you observe a dominant treating a submissive (who is not their submissive partner) in a neutral situation with a clearly condescending attitude in front of other people, does that make you respect them more or less and why? If a non dominant woman treated a person in a condescending way, do you cut them less slack?


Fuck no.

Worse when they (or anyone) treats "help" (valet parking guy, waiter/waitress) as if they're beneath them...

If I was with a Domme who treated me (or anyone) with derision, was disrespectful of me or others....she'd find the locks changed, and an envelope with enough cash to go 750 miles, a ham and cheese sandwich, and directions printed out, the bus station.

(Then I'd shoot her....but, in the most submissive of ways).

SeverinVim -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/27/2013 3:11:40 PM)

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that condescension is not a sign of intelligence but of insecurity. Now, that being said, plenty of intelligent people ARE insecure and WILL condescend if they feel threatened by something or someone outside of their "comfort zone." (Some people feel perpetually threatened and will therefore perpetually condescend to anyone in their immediate vicinity.)

Condescension can be effective (and perhaps even halfway endearing) when it's done in a playful, lighthearted kind of way. But, it takes a REALLY smart person to condescend to another in such a manner. As a matter of course, the best condescension is the kind that is nearly imperceptible to others. With most people in the lifestyle, however, condescension works more like putting lipstick on a pig.

"I'm a know-it-all, so I'm smarter than you!"


"I'm smarter than you, so I'm a know-it-all."

That's part of why I love the lifestyle so much, though. :-)

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/27/2013 3:40:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: SeverinVim

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that condescension is not a sign of intelligence but of insecurity.


condescension |ˌkändəˈsenCHən|
an attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain: a tone of condescension | I'm treated with condescension.

While I can see how condescension in certain circumstances would point to insecurity, I am lost at why you would think that such is necessarily the case.

If you take a condescending attitude towards somebody when you simply factually are superior to them, and their actions justify feeling disdain for them, it need not imply insecurity at all.

If I see an adult picking on, or bullying a little kid, I will feel disdain for them that I think is very justified.

At that point, I may or may not approach them with an attitude of condescension, depending on what I feel the situation most appropriately calls for, but if I would should condescension in my tone of voice and attitude the appropriate response, it sure as hell wouldn't point at feelings of insecurity in me.

I can give you a list a mile long of situations where I'd consider being condescending and would find it appropriate to do so, none of which would give you ANY indication of whether or not I felt secure or insecure in that situation.

The fact that you, and other posters, seem to feel that "condescension" and "insecurity" are synonymous frankly baffles me to no end.

SeverinVim -> RE: Dominants being condescending - personality trait? (4/27/2013 3:54:10 PM)

I would respond, but frankly I think it would just give me a headache. lol

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