RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (Full Version)

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Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/9/2013 4:14:43 PM)

Bigsqueezer, do you put your deck in order before you do a reading?

Bigsqueezer -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/9/2013 8:36:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Spiritedsub2

Bigsqueezer, do you put your deck in order before you do a reading?

That was taught to me as "clearing" a deck. I don't do that every time. I will shuffle thoroughly (3 riffles + 3 shuffles) x 5. Clearing completely scrubs previous interactions from my decks.

I will clear if:

-this is the first time using the deck this season.
-I have known distractions associated with the question or work (like family relations, topics that I know have particular impacts on me and may skew my opinion.
- this is a new person or place that I am reading
-if I have time for it. Often I am called in for things on a moment's notice and arrive getting straight to work. I carry my ready kit on the road. It has the Waite Deck, The Thoth Deck, (English and metric as i have mentioned) a Kabalistic deck called the Tree Of Life Tarot, and strangely the Pirates deck. I know I know - it's a silly deck but have very action-based evocative images. All 4 are packed before any trip "cleared" because I know I will have no time for for a clearing work when I arrive for work.

As I hinted here, I travel alot and really don't know when I will be needed as a Seer. I take this role seriously and arrive ready to work.

Adding to this oversharing answer; I also have a small Benediction I say when I start. It's not as formal as casting wards and preparing space - it is more to remind myself of my seat in this work.

I am a Seer
I see the Past, The Present, and The Future
Bring me your questions
I am not afraid[i/]

That last line is actually to remind ME that I must never fear questions. I know if you are across from me, the seeker have missed the answer and really wants it. It is hard luck time. Bad news will be delivered. The world will be worse if I try to soften the blow of what must be known. So I must not be afraid because I have been nominated, for this moment, to be the courageous one.

Thank you for listening.

MasterCaneman -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/9/2013 8:40:02 PM)

This may be a dumb question, but the deck I have is from my mother. She died recently. Is it okay for me to use it?

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/9/2013 9:18:52 PM)

Thanks for that answer.

njlauren -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/9/2013 9:35:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterCaneman

This may be a dumb question, but the deck I have is from my mother. She died recently. Is it okay for me to use it?

If she in effect left it to you, sure. My take is given that she was your mom, your energy will be similar to hers and the cards won't resent it:). On top of everything else, it is something you have of her, and the love you had for her will interact with the energy she left on the cards. Members of my little family are good at reading cards, and we share a common deck, hasn't hurt us so far:)

Bigsqueezer -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/9/2013 10:22:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterCaneman

This may be a dumb question, but the deck I have is from my mother. She died recently. Is it okay for me to use it?

That's an important question. I am so sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you.

I'd like to take a shot at answering it, adding my take to previous answers - There's a deck by a prominent Witch that is a stunning illustrator. The deck is amazing. in the making of the deck, she made portraits of people in our mutual lives and made them as significant parts of the Major Arcana. When I see those faces it interrupts my vision of the archetype below. It stands on my shelf unused because those recognizable faces distract me. I never hesitate however to recommend Robin Wood's Tarot for someone to use. It's beautiful and very well done. For me it's bad.

I see your situation as similar. You just lost your mother and that is a grieving process for you - can you use the deck without your grieving filtering into your readings? I would personally keep that deck. My mother is a long standing Catholic and I am sure I will never receive such an august gift. I would use that deck for hallowed moments and times when you would want her best judgement with you.

Would I be correct in saying you feel a calling to the card because they are your mothers? That would motivate me.

garyFLR -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/10/2013 1:05:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Bigsqueezer

A friend bought me the Leonardo Da Vinci Tarot set for my birthday, it's lovely, but, I really don't understand it at all. It's got a game thingy on the back of the cards hasn't it. The book's great, especially the overview of Leonardos' life. How do you get on with it?

When you place your card with the back mating the pattern you see the deck's meta pattern. The author suggests these cards have connections. When I noticed that i found connections in various other decks as well .

We've been discussing our most favorite cards and decks; I would have to place in there all of the decks made by the Italian artist Giorgio Tavaglione. His TAROCCHI delle STELLA is one of hte most beautifully illuminated tarot i have seen. it also provides for each card a zodiacal reference to each minor arcana - something that can be fit into a time reference tool. (ie the 3 decan of Sagittarius noted in the 8 of wands would be the first third of the time of Sagittarius or the ten days after Nov 28th - know your signs and dates they translate.)

I JUST noticed it's out of print and hence stupidly expensive. I'm guessing that copy I have should be kept on the nice shelf.

Your explanation of the 'Meta Patterns' on the back of the Leonardo Tarot deck is a little more illuminating than my 'game thingy' [:)]! I must learn to use more suitable terminology!
As we were talking of the time element in readings earlier, the Tarocchi delle Stella, seems well worth looking at and studying. It's a shame it's out of print. Are there books available based on it's principles?

Bigsqueezer -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/10/2013 9:21:25 AM)


Your explanation of the 'Meta Patterns' on the back of the Leonardo Tarot deck is a little more illuminating than my 'game thingy' ! I must learn to use more suitable terminology!
As we were talking of the time element in readings earlier, the Tarocchi delle Stella, seems well worth looking at and studying. It's a shame it's out of print. Are there books available based on it's principles?

Hmmm, quite correct - that was way short of an actual explanation.

From the Book of the Da Vinci Enigma Tarot

In the larger book that comes with the combined deck and book set, the author explains WAY BETTER than I do but honestly fails to ... illuminate?

pg 16
"The second Enigma Card features the Enigma Grid. which shows the sequence of the whole deck face up. This grid replicates the interpretation of the microcosm with the macrocosm and reveals the natural resting places for the cards. If they were to come together as a complete deck. when you use the Destiny Spread, you will learn ho9w matching the Card Backs together produces a series of random connections that TRANSCEND the Enigma Grid sequence, helping you find the unique signature of your soul's code. The two enigma cards are not used in play, but only for reference. All sacred patterns have this empty space within them to allow divine inspiration to inspire whatever is created. "

Decks are printed in huge card sheets of 80 cards. The Tarot traditionally only has 78. the author uses these two extras to complete the back pattern and show the whole pattern sets. The deck comes with two extra cards. Most decks use these to advertize other stuff. The Thoth Deck has two extra failed versions of I The Magis. This deck is so cross-linked that the backs of the cards are part of the reading as well. The patterns on the back of the cards suggest "harmonies" between various cards and imply dissonances as well.

On page 14 there is a large section as well regarding various "finger pointing" that Da Vinci's characters do in the cards themselves. I feel these enigmatic elements play together but have not explored that fully.

Apologies for the previous smaller bad explanation - I confess this longer explanation may not do better.

I love this deck in its complexity. I am not convinced that I will use it reading for clients, rather for examining deeper personal mysteries and puzzles. It has yet to yield an explanation for the mystery why all the characters on the Disney channel are retarded, without parents, horribly selfish, or dangerously insane. I suspect this tool was not suited to such questions.

Thank you for reading.

MasterCaneman -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/10/2013 11:23:47 AM)

njlauren, Bigsqueezer, thank you. I took a look around her room-I'm in the process of packing it up and getting rid of the dross-and they're not in their usual place (she always kept them in one spot, along with her dream and spell books). My sister may have taken them with her, I'll have to ask. If not, then perhaps I'll do this someday. My family's always been a little on the spiritual side (Dad was a Traveller, Mom had Romany blood), but mom and my sister seemed to "have" it more.

garyFLR -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/10/2013 12:13:59 PM)

Hi BS, I was lucky enough to receive the book & card combination set, I'll sit down when I finish work & read the passages you quote more carefully. As at the moment, I must confess it makes no sense to me.
I like the concept of the 'divine inspiration to inspire' though, I wish I had it in me, & that's not meant to sound trite or flippant.

Thanks again.

SDFemDom4cuck -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/11/2013 5:11:00 PM)



Hi BS, I was lucky enough to receive the book & card combination set, I'll sit down when I finish work & read the passages you quote more carefully. As at the moment, I must confess it makes no sense to me.
I like the concept of the 'divine inspiration to inspire' though, I wish I had it in me, & that's not meant to sound trite or flippant.

Thanks again.

I have to agree. I didn't get a book with them though. I find they are harder to use in a reading mainly because most people have at least seen a tarot deck and they don't recognize them as easily as the Rider Waite deck. The 2 times I've attempted a reading with them I spent more time explaining the cards than reading them. The imagery in the Rider Waite make them a bit more easily explained. I just did a reading the other day and it was amazing to see how the card background went from dark black to blue to bright sunshine yellow as the reading progressed! The girl I was reading had never noticed that before.

Bigsqueezer -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/11/2013 5:26:47 PM)

I have to agree. I didn't get a book with them though. I find they are harder to use in a reading mainly because most people have at least seen a tarot deck and they don't recognize them as easily as the Rider Waite deck. The 2 times I've attempted a reading with them I spent more time explaining the cards than reading them. The imagery in the Rider Waite make them a bit more easily explained. I just did a reading the other day and it was amazing to see how the card background went from dark black to blue to bright sunshine yellow as the reading progressed! The girl I was reading had never noticed that before.

I have to chuckle, upon the question about that deck (The DaVinci Enigma Tarot) I had to go back and work with it. I find it an asset working with my own questions - the non-traditional views forced me to intuit a meaning rather than rely on the Rider/Waite or Thoth meanings. I find I get more done with fewer cards.

I guess the part that became so clear to me in this examination of the tools of Tarot for this thread, I got a deep awareness of how much I am searching here on - how lonely I feel in the topic of finding a boy that I would rather talk about something else. I don't even bring my Tarot studies to my profile, and perhaps I should. It's a large part of my life, as you might imagine. I have been mocked and derided - by slave candidates - for my avocation. ("Isn't that sort of servile? I mean I want someone dominant, not someone waiting for other people's questions." Needless to say that candidate did not make it far in my estimation. ) It's not about them or eve for them. If I found a boy that wanted to study that would be nice - but truly not holding my breath.

The Enigma Tarot is something I expect I will be working this moon. By the above comments I can see I am clearly not done with this question.

Making the question formal; I feel like I'm missing something in my search. Pointers? Pull your cards, anyone, and let me know please.

With respect to my peers and all seekers, thank you in advance.


garyFLR -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/12/2013 12:42:19 AM)

I agree with what you're saying, I have a lovely deck I like using occasionally, The Renaissance Tarot, by Jane Lyle & Helen Jones. The iconography is superb, with each card showing the 'pips' with the element they represent. However the people I read for, wouldn't have a clue as to what the cards meant, & a lot of time would be wasted in explanations.

The Rider Waite deck & its derivatives have very lucid pictures that the lay man can understand, & interaction is much easier as the querent is able to identify with the cards. The Robin Wood Tarot is particularly nice, as is the deck in Beginners Guide To Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke & Giovanni Caselli. They also avoid 'themes' that people might have difficulty 'buying into'.

Just by the by, I'm always going on about decks that I love, Here's one I truly hate. A friend of mine is always giving me Tarot decks that she finds in car boot sales, one deck she gave me was awful!! The Prediction Tarot deck by Bernard Stringer & Peter Richardson. The colour is lacklustre, it has pips, the Major Arcana & court cards are uninteresting, the booklet unhelpful. Nothing to recommend it at all! I won't tell my friend, & I hope I don't get sued [:)].

garyFLR -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/12/2013 12:55:37 AM)

BS, please, put it in your profile. A well rounded individual is always more attractive to searchers than those that post one dimensional profiles, at this point I must confess that I've not seen your profile, but, personally, as a searcher, I would be looking for those with interests outside of the core that I'm looking for.

You are very knowledgeable on your subject, & there are more people into the esoteric, even in a vague way, than we would suppose. Stick it in, you may be surprised at the response.

SDFemDom4cuck -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/12/2013 3:54:32 PM)


I have some insight for you. Let me know if you want me to inbox it to you or just lay it out here.

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/12/2013 4:24:23 PM)

Bigsqueezer's call for insight made me wonder what everyone thinks about reading the cards for oneself. Do you think we can be objective enough, to set aside wishful thinking, to accurately interpret the cards we lay out? I think sometimes I go too far in the other direction and look for more grim or dire meanings just to avoid putting too wishful a spin on my readings. I've never done a reading for someone else but I may be doing my first this weekend.

Bigsqueezer -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/12/2013 4:44:36 PM)




I have some insight for you. Let me know if you want me to inbox it to you or just lay it out here.

You are very kind to have me state a preference - I offered the honest question to show how the Tarot works. If you feel as a reader that privacy is more important please PM me your advice. I thank you in advance.

garyFLR -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/13/2013 12:45:49 AM)

Good luck for your first reading, I always do mini readings for myself , it hones the intuition & improves objectivity, it is difficult, at first to stand apart & do personal readings, but practise makes perfect [:)].

TNDommeK -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/13/2013 2:42:40 AM)




ORIGINAL: dcnovice


I tried playing Go Fish once with tarot cards. Not a success.

I've heard of Go Fish, Is it any good [:)]?

Yea but garbage is better! I love that game.

garyFLR -> RE: Tarot Forum, Everyone & everybody welcome! (6/13/2013 3:19:52 AM)

Hiya TND!

How are you getting on with your new Steampunk Deck?

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