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"experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 7:29:18 AM   

Posts: 478
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On the other side, everyone is an expert everything.Whenever I see that I assume its bs. But then it occurred to me that some things that one is expert in might make sense that if they were experts in something else. So I guess, how do you weed thru "experts"? Any ways to tell if its true or not true?How much experience constitutrs an expert? Can someone young be an expert in old guard? Speaking of, does old guard expertise create the expertise elsewhere
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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 7:42:05 AM   

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From: Pittston, Pennsyltucky
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I was once mocked for having things in which I was expert marked as "Hard Limits". What the brainiac didn't know was at 49 years old, I'm not running to jump out of planes, anymore.

It is entirely possible to be expert in more than one thing as long as we're not talking about diametrically opposed things or, if we're not looking to be qualified as an expert witness in a court of law.

I also play a mean guitar and speak four languages fluently. If I can speak four languages, am I not expert in them?

When I see such things, I tend to ask questions (if it's something in which I'm also interested). Try having a bit of faith in things people say and investigate and you might be pleasantly surprised.

Peace and comfort,



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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 7:51:52 AM   

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I use the 'expert' tag as a short cut. Any subject that I've presented on multiple times gets that designation. If I'm teaching on it, I'd better be good at it.


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 7:58:52 AM   

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I use "expert" for something I have a few years experience in and I figure I'm better than most.

"Old Guard" is basically a protocol. Saying you're expert in it usually implies you've been in the lifestyle for decades, so it SHOULD result in other Expert designations.

Someone young claiming to be expert in it? That's odd, but not inconceivable. That's similar to someone young claiming expertise with an abacus or slide rule.


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 8:17:34 AM   

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Expertise in anything is always a relative term, even in a court of law you can have competing experts saying two different things about something in a court case. Plus there are levels of expertise, someone might be an expert at basic rope bondage but a rank amateur at suspension bondage, you get the idea. The way I judge expertise is multi faceted, one of the first things I look for in someone claiming expertise is when they tell me what the limits of that expertise are. If someone tells me they are an expert in something and know all about it, I am a lot more dubious then someone who tells me the experience they have had and says what they don't know, because as Dirty Harry said, man has to know his limits:). Secondly, if they can talk about plainly and cleanly to someone like myself who may not have done it, that is a good sign. Time also is a factor, a young person could very well be an expert on Shibari if they have been intensely doing it for several years, and there are plenty of 'older' experts my age or older I consider to be posers,but someone who I know has been active, who has played with a lot of people, is going to be a lot more credible then some guy on the internet claiming expertise.....and the final key rule is I filter what they are saying through my bullshit detector, and see if it notices anything odd in what the person is saying.

As far as the Old Guard leather protocols and such, a young person could claim expertise in that, though it is likely they were not taught by someone who was 'there' (it is possible, of course, but probably not likely), while there are leather communities out there maintaining the old guard protocols (which is kind of a misnomer in of itself, because there were a variety of leather protocols even back then,and that continues on to those doing it today IME).

One other thing, there is this idea out there that someone can only be an expert in 1 or maybe a handful of things, and that is hogwash, in the BD/SM community, as in life, there are true polymaths, who know a lot about a lot of things. In the BD/SM world I have met people like that, was fortunate to be mentored/friends with some, and it is possible to know a lot about a lot of different things. The interesting part is most of the people I am talking about, to whom BD/SM is really a lifestyle, is as much as they know, they constantly not just teach workshops, but attend them as well, because there is something always knew to learn, one person who mentored me is well known nationally and internationally in BD/SM circles, has taught more classes and workshops in a variety of topics, yet is always going to things herself, and she loves to go to beginners classes, because she said she often finds new approaches to things in there,especially when newbies ask questions about something they thought of......

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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 8:53:16 AM   

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What's the definition of expert? .....I think its someone who knows more than most about a particular subject.

You can be an expert by reading lots and studying a subject. My experience as a trad climber is greater than my ability to actually climb. I am a member of a rock climbing forum group where I can sound more technically advanced than what I actually am. Whilst I do climb, I could of become an expert without ever picking up a piece of rope, so long as I'm only an expert in the virtual sense!!

I have a medical background and I'm a trained piercer. I have run medical workshops and play piercing workshops. Does that make me an expert? I think the proof is in the pudding. I would strongly suggest that you make your own mind up about this professed expertise because it may amount to nothing or it may be true. The only way you can work out if someone really is an expert it to research the subject they profess to be expert in and ask them pertinent questions.


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 8:55:43 AM   

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I see "Expert" designations to mean that you are good enough at a task to either teach advanced techniques, make a living at that particular skill or both.


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 10:46:22 AM   

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I don't think there is any way of telling whether or not someone is expert until you know a good bit about the subject yourself, and have heard them speak at length about it or seen them perform it.

It's a self applied designation so there's going to be a good bit of difference in personal standards of what comprises the "expertness" in those particular areas.

(in reply to goodgirlmary)
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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 10:52:53 AM   

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Notice that CollarMe won't provide an option for anything between Expert, and 'Average', whatever that means.

The average person is usually very uninformed about things that require a modicum of expertise, so what can a person who is good at something, who is well above average, select except 'Expert' in that specific context?


ORIGINAL: goodgirlmary

On the other side, everyone is an expert everything.Whenever I see that I assume its bs. But then it occurred to me that some things that one is expert in might make sense that if they were experts in something else. So I guess, how do you weed thru "experts"? Any ways to tell if its true or not true?How much experience constitutrs an expert? Can someone young be an expert in old guard? Speaking of, does old guard expertise create the expertise elsewhere


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 11:21:39 AM   

Posts: 2756
Joined: 11/4/2011
From: Bellingham, WA U.S.A.
Status: offline
According to

ex·pert [n., v. ek-spurt; adj. ek-spurt, ik-spurt] Show IPA
a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority: a language expert.
Military .
the highest rating in rifle marksmanship, above that of marksman and sharpshooter.
a person who has achieved such a rating.
possessing special skill or knowledge; trained by practice; skillful or skilled (often followed by in or at ): an expert driver; to be expert at driving a car.
pertaining to, coming from, or characteristic of an expert: expert work; expert advice.
verb (used with object)
to act as an expert for.


I'm now SweetlySadistic1 on CollarSpace. NBMG is an old profile, please see my new one.

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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 11:31:10 AM   

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I think we had a discussion about this before. It was interesting.
I'm definitely an expert at shopping. Bargain queen here!


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 11:42:31 AM   

Posts: 1600
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I think we had a discussion about this before. It was interesting.
I'm definitely an expert at shopping. Bargain queen here!

I remember a similar thread:

I don't remember if there was much discussion on how to weed through them. I think getting to know a person is really the only best way.

< Message edited by theshytype -- 7/7/2013 11:43:47 AM >

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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 12:07:40 PM   

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Disregarding my handle (which was supposed to be MISTER Caneman), I like to refer to myself as a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. I'm good enough at a plethora of things, but have never had the desire to truly "master" anything. I might be a master in some areas, average in others, and a rank amateur in still others.

I always look at someone purporting to be an "expert", but who cannot prove it save by questionable means (unsubstantiated claims like "I've trained 30 slaves!" or "I'm Old Guard", etc, etc). In this genre, there are no reporting/accrediting entities by which to provide a bellwether for anyone to claim the title "expert". If there are, I'd like to see their standards and accreditation as well as their methodologies for determining such standards.

I'm good with a whip. I can pop houseflies at six feet, make 'called' shots on targets, and make a helluva racket with it. Does this make me as "expert" whipslinger? I don't know, there's no standard by which to judge me. Same thing goes for a couple hundred other things I can do well enough to get by, but have no objective means to gauge against others who know the same things as I do.


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 1:12:58 PM   

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[My] Master is not a self-declared expert at any of the things here... and yet in my opinion via past experience with Him, He certainly is.

For the most part, I am wary of self-declared anything... which includes many of the self-declared masters here.
I think it wise to be especially wary of those who claim to be an expert in all of the BDSM interests listed on the profile side... most especially true if the listed expert is 19 etc.


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 2:31:47 PM   

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An expert is someone who lives more than 50 miles away.

And if you take anything on the profile side of this site seriously, I have some beachfront property in Nevada I will make you a great deal on.

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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 2:58:05 PM   

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From: Little Rock, AR
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ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

An expert is someone who lives more than 50 miles away.

AND....carries a briefcase. You forgot that vital part of the definition



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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 3:59:17 PM   

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A briefcase. Hmmmm
Good to know lol

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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 5:30:06 PM   

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It has been my experience that the more someone carries on about their expertise, the more one should be suspicious. People who are confident in themselves and their abilities don't tend to boast about it. Really cannot say more than that as your original post is very vague. What types of experts need wading through?


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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 6:56:15 PM   

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I apologize.It was in reference to the other side.there are many people listing expertise or messaging about their expertise. Its a bit confusing

(in reply to Dyfrynt)
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RE: "experts" everywhere - 7/7/2013 7:01:56 PM   

Posts: 2756
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From: Bellingham, WA U.S.A.
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ORIGINAL: slaveluci


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

An expert is someone who lives more than 50 miles away.

AND....carries a briefcase. You forgot that vital part of the definition


Do rolling suitcases count? That's my toybag.



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