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RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/27/2013 9:04:57 PM   

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poise I'm so sorry to hear about your Mister. I will be sending good thoughts your way on Sept 6 for sure.

That's a good point you make, about getting a place we could afford individually. We have talked about if something were to happen to him medically, and are making provisions for that. With what we both make and the price range of houses we're looking at, either of us could afford the monthly payment individually, so that's a good thing.

Thanks for the rooting, sweet lady.


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

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RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/27/2013 10:35:08 PM   

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First I am so happy for you :)

In the last almost six years that we have been living together our financial situation has shifted dramatically. When I first moved from Southern Florida to Northern Alberta there was not an expectation that I get a job immediately. For the first couple of months I didn't work and its only because my job was offered to me that I went to work as soon as I did.

It was also a new house for all of us as he had just purchased it a few months before. Alandra and I did a lot of the setting up of the house together and that went a long way to feeling like home. My stuff was not confined to a room but you can see my touches throughout the entire house.

At first he financially supported the household and the money I made was used for trips and fun things. After the first year of living together, he had my name put on the title of the house along with his and Alandra's. I bought it for a dollar and affection (that is exactly how the lawyer worded it with all three of us sitting in the office). We also did our wills, personal directives and medical directives at that time as well. He wanted to do this to protect me in the event that something happened to him and Alandra.

Then Alandra started working full time and after a few years his health and the stress level of his job was getting to the point where he had to quit or he was going to either die or become seriously ill. So we moved to a smaller place with more land, reduced our monthly expenses and he quit his job. He is now being financially supported by me and Alandra. He spends his days doing all the projects he wants done for our acreage and in a year or so he may go back to work but he is happy and we are all a lot less stressed.

What has remained constant is that he has complete authority over how the money in the house is spent. He has right from the beginning and at first that was a challenge for me... It's my money... I had to get rid of that way of thinking and realize that it is ours. I've learned that a home isn't yours because you pay for it but because it is a reflection of who you are.

As I mentioned to you last night, your value is in who you are and not what you do or what money you bring to the table :)



"Passion... it lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unbidden, it will stir, open its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us, guides us... passion rules us all. And we obey..." ~Angelus

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RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/27/2013 10:37:19 PM   

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Heh glad you enjoyed.

I rent, and make a good income. Lost my house and nest egg in divorce and have been rebuilding. But I'm quite comfy making ends meet.

He owns, and does fine, too. There's not a financial crutch or need or dependence in either direction. Together we will be very comfy. The idea is he will buy the house and I will save, contribute to some utilities and extras, and have some fun money.

And shoes. I told him I'll probably buy more shoes lol.

Oh absolutely, the shoes are a must.

But I am thinking with the above, you just answered just about all of your questions. It has always been my position that even in vanilla households similar to my parents. Dad took care of the big things, gave mom money for the bills while Mom worked and saved every penny she could. (Ex: mom never paid interest on her credit card during her last 49 years)

The big difference today is that the bank is the last place to put your savings. My policy is that it all goes into the market.

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RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/27/2013 10:58:57 PM   

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Oh absolutely, the shoes are a must.

Heheh a man who understands the importance of shoes - that's awesome.


But I am thinking with the above, you just answered just about all of your questions. It has always been my position that even in vanilla households similar to my parents. Dad took care of the big things, gave mom money for the bills while Mom worked and saved every penny she could. (Ex: mom never paid interest on her credit card during her last 49 years)

Oh the majority of the questions asked have already been answered for myself. I've worked through nearly all of this already, and wanted to put it out there to see how others felt in similar processes. It's been interesting, and I've had some enlightening moments along the way - all good, and what I was hoping for.


The big difference today is that the bank is the last place to put your savings. My policy is that it all goes into the market.

I've got a financial planner for assistance there when the time is right. The goal is to eventually rebuild what I lost and then some. Hopefully he understands the importance of shoes, too.


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(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 44
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/27/2013 11:27:02 PM   

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Lovely kyra, I am so glad you wrote.

I love that you shared, and the perspective you bring. The "dollar and affection" was sweet :)

I think the "my money" versus "our money" is a little hard for both of us right now, given how financially devastating our divorces were for both of us in earlier days. It is possible that could change in time.



I've learned that a home isn't yours because you pay for it but because it is a reflection of who you are.

is beautifully put, and true. Thank you for that.


your value is in who you are and not what you do or what money you bring to the table

made me tear up a little last night and again tonight. It's something, despite the self confidence and esteem I've gained over the years, that I sometimes need reminding of. I hadn't realized how big an issue that was for me still until recently. It disappointed me to realize it, but now I can really resolve it.

Thank you very much.

ETA: I'm so glad stress levels are down and he is happy and healthy. And it's another example of how adjustments can be made to accommodate needs as life changes.

< Message edited by NuevaVida -- 8/27/2013 11:29:33 PM >


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

(in reply to kyraofMists)
Profile   Post #: 45
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/28/2013 3:06:42 AM   

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Sunny Quote of the Day
goes to
a home isn't yours
because you pay for it
but because it is a reflection
of who you are.


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

(in reply to kyraofMists)
Profile   Post #: 46
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/28/2013 8:41:17 PM   

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From: Maryland
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ORIGINAL: kiwisub12
He wants me to put the money from the sale of my house into a ?ROTH IRA so I don't pay taxes on the money, but if I need to buy another house, it is available.

Just FYI, the yearly contribution limit for an IRA (Roth or otherwise) is $5,000.

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Profile   Post #: 47
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/28/2013 8:47:26 PM   

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From: Maryland
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We're in a similar position, where he owns the house and pays the mortgage and I live here. I pay some of the bills, but the other ones I usually don't even see. Sometimes I feel bad that I'm not contributing more, but I can't really afford to, and he prefers to pay for things, so it's a bit irrelevent. Not owning the home or being on the mortgage didn't bother me at all, but I've never lived on my own or owned a home, so it wasn't much of a change.

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Profile   Post #: 48
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 7:09:16 AM   

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I'm so blessed to be in this family! To be loved not for what I do for them, not for what I give but for me, it's something that has to be felt as words do no justice for the depth of the feeling. It's pretty overwhelming!

@NuevaVida I could relate to a lot of what you said in your original question/post



Lovely kyra, I am so glad you wrote.

I love that you shared, and the perspective you bring. The "dollar and affection" was sweet :)

I think the "my money" versus "our money" is a little hard for both of us right now, given how financially devastating our divorces were for both of us in earlier days. It is possible that could change in time.



I've learned that a home isn't yours because you pay for it but because it is a reflection of who you are.

is beautifully put, and true. Thank you for that.


your value is in who you are and not what you do or what money you bring to the table

made me tear up a little last night and again tonight. It's something, despite the self confidence and esteem I've gained over the years, that I sometimes need reminding of. I hadn't realized how big an issue that was for me still until recently. It disappointed me to realize it, but now I can really resolve it.

Thank you very much.

ETA: I'm so glad stress levels are down and he is happy and healthy. And it's another example of how adjustments can be made to accommodate needs as life changes.

(in reply to NuevaVida)
Profile   Post #: 49
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 7:11:22 AM   

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I agree! I love her perspective on things!


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Sunny Quote of the Day
goes to
a home isn't yours
because you pay for it
but because it is a reflection
of who you are.

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Profile   Post #: 50
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 2:06:12 PM   

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NuevaVida, for me, it isn't so much a matter of independence (though there is some of that), as trust. After thinking about your thread I realize that I am still carrying some baggage from my marriage many years ago, to actually trust another human being, no matter how much I love him.

My ex. has left me with insecurities about my physical wellbeing, to wit, having somewhere to live, as in , not living on the street. I realize it isn't very logical, but there are situations that freak me out, like conflict at work that I see ending in me losing my house and having nowhere to go. I'm guessing I will just have to live through some of these issues and do some "exposure therapy".
This thread has actually made me think a bit about issues that I hadn't considered.

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Profile   Post #: 51
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 2:15:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: graceadieu

Not owning the home or being on the mortgage didn't bother me at all, but I've never lived on my own or owned a home, so it wasn't much of a change.

I found this to be the case with my non-D/s friends in the same position, having never owned before or fully supported themselves before. It wasn't a major change for them so they didn't have any major adjustments issues over it. It's interesting how our history influences our perspective so much!


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

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Profile   Post #: 52
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 2:24:07 PM   

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ORIGINAL: DanielleofMists

I'm so blessed to be in this family! To be loved not for what I do for them, not for what I give but for me, it's something that has to be felt as words do no justice for the depth of the feeling. It's pretty overwhelming!

The Mister is the first man who has loved me for me - all of me, flaws included - and it was overwhelming to me at first, too. It took me awhile to comprehend and trust that, and to be completely comfortable just being me with him.

That's why I was so surprised when I reacted so strongly to this situation. Those internal questions came back up so unexpectedly. You think you've worked through something, and then something triggers it years later! But it gave me another opportunity to really look at things again, and reassurance in the fact that I am loved for who I am. After all, I haven't been contributing to his living expenses for the last four and a half years and he loves me, so..... :)


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

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Profile   Post #: 53
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 2:25:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: kiwisub12

This thread has actually made me think a bit about issues that I hadn't considered.

I love when that happens :)


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

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Profile   Post #: 54
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 4:54:21 PM   

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Just a side thought for ya NV.Maybe take some of that money, set it aside in an Xmas club type account, and then a few times a year splurge for super duper vacations together.
That way you can feel as if you're still carrying your weight, get to do something wonderful together, and get to help Masters life be that much more pleasant. How's that for a win win scenario?

ETA-It's my experience that being in a relationship is a lot like being in a rowboat together. Right now he's rowing. But there will come a time when he's gonna get tired. Then it will be your turn to take up the oars. So don't sweat it for now. You are in it for the long haul. Your time will come.

< Message edited by Kana -- 8/29/2013 4:57:57 PM >


"One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. "

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Profile   Post #: 55
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 5:18:46 PM   

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ETA-It's my experience that being in a relationship is a lot like being in a rowboat together. Right now he's rowing. But there will come a time when he's gonna get tired. Then it will be your turn to take up the oars. So don't sweat it for now. You are in it for the long haul. Your time will come.

A row boat...?!!! Fuck that... That why I have three slaves! And if they get tired... I will put up the sail ;).


Knight of Mists

An Optimal relationship is achieved when the individuals do what is best for themselves and their relationship.

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Profile   Post #: 56
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 6:50:25 PM   

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First, my disclaimer. The Mister and I have talked and are continuing to talk about this topic, and are basically leaving no stone unturned with regards to how I’m processing things. So this isn’t a question of advice, but of seeking to discover how others have maneuvered, and maybe I can learn some insight along the way.

That said, he has transferred his job up here, and we’re in the process of merging our households (Yay!). He is selling his house, and the plan is to buy a house up here for us to live in. He is buying the house, and we will both make a home together.

To my own surprise, I had a very hard time adjusting to the concept of him buying the house and me….well…contributing in other ways while saving my money. I’m talking pretty short of screaming and gnashing of teeth. He has been the epitome of patient while I’ve processed and worked out my fears, concerns, and incredible discomfort with the idea of not paying the mortgage. Again, we’ve talked this through, and it’s (mostly) not an issue for me now.

For me, what it boiled down to was an issue of pride and value. As I’ve posted here over the years, I was in a 20 year marriage in which I was the one relied upon for income and support. In fact, in that marriage, money was pretty much the only thing I contributed that he enjoyed and valued (he otherwise didn’t like me very much). Add to that, I have never been financially supported since I was 18 years old. I’ve always paid my way, and during times of hardship when I’ve had to borrow money, I quickly repaid my debt.

So for me, it was a combination of pride and of hmm…questioning what I’d be contributing? If I’m not being relied on for income, then what am I bringing to the table? Add to that a concern of, if he’s buying the house, will I feel like a guest in it once I’m living there? And then a big whammy - - If I’m not paying for it, I’m not in control. Yes! Control! In an M/s relationship! But there you have it. That’s what I found myself struggling with.

Meanwhile, he just wants to take care of me, and to see me rebuilding the nest egg I lost in my divorce (I’ll continue to work).

There have been no concerns at all about how we’ll interact and adjust relationship-wise, once we’re finally under one roof. We’ve evolved together rather wonderfully over the years, and both of us are confident that we’ll continue to do so with this big positive change coming our way.

So now that I’ve worked past the bulk of my money-related issues, I started wondering how others handled their merging of households.

Did one person handle all the mortgage/rent payments? If so, was it strange to let go of that?

Did the person making the payments prefer it that way? Did he/she feel more in control as a result? Were there resentments?

Did the person being supported feel vulnerable as a result? Was it an adjustment to feel financially supported?

Were other household expenses shared?

Did both people work? (or all people, if a poly situation)

Were there other financial concerns that came into play?

I understand finances is a pretty personal topic, and I don’t recall seeing other threads about how it felt to be supported financially, or how it felt to support someone else financially. Maybe because it’s a personal topic. Or maybe nobody really had concerns about it! But I appreciate any contribution.

Again, the issues I wrote about have been talked about and worked through, and he knows I’m starting this thread to see if there’s a gem of insight that might contribute to my own internal brain churns, while he and I continue to talk.

Hon, guys want to slay dragons (s'wut we do)....we'd do it if you weren't around...but when we do...with you there, and have you...tell us..."thank you for bringing me those dragons every night honey"

We melt.

Let him slay dragons.

(in reply to NuevaVida)
Profile   Post #: 57
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 9:03:33 PM   

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Just a side thought for ya NV.Maybe take some of that money, set it aside in an Xmas club type account, and then a few times a year splurge for super duper vacations together.
That way you can feel as if you're still carrying your weight, get to do something wonderful together, and get to help Masters life be that much more pleasant. How's that for a win win scenario?

It's an awesome idea. Ron brought this one up a little earlier and I think you guys are definitely onto something.


ETA-It's my experience that being in a relationship is a lot like being in a rowboat together. Right now he's rowing. But there will come a time when he's gonna get tired. Then it will be your turn to take up the oars. So don't sweat it for now. You are in it for the long haul. Your time will come.

I like this. We've helped each other row from time to time already and will continue to. Definitely long hauling it here, and that was a good perspective - thank you :)


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

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Profile   Post #: 58
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/29/2013 9:06:01 PM   

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ORIGINAL: LookieNoNookie

Hon, guys want to slay dragons (s'wut we do)....we'd do it if you weren't around...but when we do...with you there, and have you...tell us..."thank you for bringing me those dragons every night honey"

We melt.

Let him slay dragons.

This made me smile, thank you, Lookie!

You guys are awesome, I tell ya. I had figured the brunt of my anxiety out and had worked through it before starting this thread, but this thread brought me exactly what I was hoping for - those gems of perception that had somehow escaped my radar. I'm feelin' good.


Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply. Speak Kindly.

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Profile   Post #: 59
RE: Moving, money and mortgage - 8/31/2013 6:25:29 AM   

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I know in Aus after two years of living together and a person splits, that person is entitled to half. I would check the laws in your area as hell if I'd be contributing for years without getting anything in return if it does not work out.

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