RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (Full Version)

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FelineRanger -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/20/2014 6:23:31 PM)

Here's where I depart from the community at large. I'm not entirely certain that you're ready for the things you say you want. At 20, a person is typically still in the early phases of emerging from whatever upbringing they experienced. Even in the next few years, you may grow and want something different than you do now. The typical 20 year old hasn't finished any education past high school or made any concrete career decisions, either.

Your process of growing mentally and emotionally may also mean growing away from the faith that you were indoctrinated with. The strictures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (three sides of the same die if you look close enough) all directly contradict natural human behavior. All of the pressure for lifelong marriage, monogamy, and everything attached is cultural not instinctual. Human beings without the artificial constraints of religion would likely conduct themselves much more like our closest cousins, chimpanzees and bonobos.

My answer to your question is that you should spend a few years being a stupid, reckless kid just like most of the rest of us did and stop worrying about putting yourself or anyone else in that straitjacket.

Kirata -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/20/2014 6:31:24 PM)



1) "Sex before Marriage is a Sin".

I've not read anything in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John that says sex before Marriage is a sin.

Then you haven't read them. Or else you skipped over the big words you didn't understand, like "fornication."

Matthew 15:19, Mark 7:21, John 8:41


Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 12:56:52 AM)





1) "Sex before Marriage is a Sin".

I've not read anything in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John that says sex before Marriage is a sin.

Then you haven't read them. Or else you skipped over the big words you didn't understand, like "fornication."

Matthew 15:19, Mark 7:21, John 8:41


In the Gospels that word "fornication" is also used only in the context of sex with another man's wife. Try reading the Bible rather than doing Google searches if you wish to discuss it.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 12:59:25 AM)


Human beings without the artificial constraints of religion would likely conduct themselves much more like our closest cousins, chimpanzees and bonobos.

I have a higher regard for the moral compass we are born with.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:07:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: littleladybug



Let me tell you a super secret about men. They don't know what they want when it comes to marriage and kids, for certain.

Can you tell me where that is in the Handbook so I can have it for future reference?

*sarcasm off*

I have spent much time with the new man in my life discussing this very issue. (As it relates to him, not to "all men".) What kind of fool would *I* be if I entered into this relationship thinking that I could change his views on these things, even though he has stated them outright? Which is not to say that they won't ever change...people are certainly entitled to change their minds as circumstances warrant. There are enough unknowns that we have to deal with in relationships. To ignore when someone says that something is a clear "yes" or "no"? IMO, that's just foolishness, and a recipe for disaster.

Sarcasm does not wear well with anyone who wishes to discuss things as adults. As adults, we all understand I am not talking about accepting someone you don't like so you might change them. If you are paying attention, and this is a good thing if you wish to discuss this further, one is not talking about changing a mind made up but instead realizing that life decisions dealing with marriage and children are not firmly in concrete at this point, no matter what he says or she says. The important thing is her love for him and he for her. Love does indeed conquer all.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:10:42 AM)


You can speak for ALL men?

My former Dom/Husband ...

I can speak to the subject knowing most men think the same way. I suspect that is good enough for this subject.

Look at what you wrote and then come back and say you ex knew what he "firmly" desired, or you for that matter.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:24:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: SeekingTrinity

~FRing it~

Frankly I think it's a HUGE mistake to not listen to the person when they tell you flat out they are not interested in marriage or family AND their desire for sex outside of marriage conflicts with one's own moral code. It's an even bigger mistake to piss away your life or sell out your faith in the hopes that MAYBE one day he MIGHT change his mind [8|]

I think it is a HUGE mistake to ignore your feelings for this man and turn you back on him because at this point in his life he thinks he does not want marriage or family. Besides, how many times do you ask a guy you are dating if he wants children and expect him to call you next Saturday.

We have also seen Jesus is fine with her moral code as long as she does not marry him and then commit adultery. Let me also remind everyone that she is talking about dating the man she loves and seeing where that might lead in their relationship whereas most here are getting the cart before the horse, i.e, let's use a checklist on the guy like we are examining a potential Dom and see what his hard limits are and how they match with hers.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:24:57 AM)




You can speak for ALL men?

My former Dom/Husband ...

I can speak to the subject knowing most men think the same way....

Sorry Arty, you have proven time and time again on these forums that you do NOT speak for the majority of men/people/women or even relationship dynamics.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:28:08 AM)




ORIGINAL: SeekingTrinity

~FRing it~

Frankly I think it's a HUGE mistake to not listen to the person when they tell you flat out they are not interested in marriage or family AND their desire for sex outside of marriage conflicts with one's own moral code. It's an even bigger mistake to piss away your life or sell out your faith in the hopes that MAYBE one day he MIGHT change his mind [8|]

I think it is a HUGE mistake to ignore your feelings for this man and turn you back on him because at this point in his life he thinks he does not want marriage or family. Besides, how many times do you ask a guy you are dating if he wants children and expect him to call you next Saturday.

We have also seen Jesus is fine with her moral code as long as she does not marry him and then commit adultery. Let me also remind everyone that she is talking about dating the man she loves and seeing where that might lead in their relationship whereas most here are getting the cart before the horse, i.e, let's use a checklist on the guy like we are examining a potential Dom and see if what his hard limits are and how they match with hers.

...and by the way, hard limits are not so hard in reality, are they. Neither are limits on many life goals at any given point in a man's life.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:31:05 AM)






ORIGINAL: SeekingTrinity

~FRing it~

Frankly I think it's a HUGE mistake to not listen to the person when they tell you flat out they are not interested in marriage or family AND their desire for sex outside of marriage conflicts with one's own moral code. It's an even bigger mistake to piss away your life or sell out your faith in the hopes that MAYBE one day he MIGHT change his mind [8|]

I think it is a HUGE mistake to ignore your feelings for this man and turn you back on him because at this point in his life he thinks he does not want marriage or family. Besides, how many times do you ask a guy you are dating if he wants children and expect him to call you next Saturday.

We have also seen Jesus is fine with her moral code as long as she does not marry him and then commit adultery. Let me also remind everyone that she is talking about dating the man she loves and seeing where that might lead in their relationship whereas most here are getting the cart before the horse, i.e, let's use a checklist on the guy like we are examining a potential Dom and see if what his hard limits are and how they match with hers.

...and by the way, hard limits are not so hard in reality, are they. Neither are limits on many life goals at any given point in a man's life.

... I am also surprised that so many on a BDSM site wish to give advice that boxes her desires in with artificial constraints.

InHisHeart -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 3:55:08 AM)



I can speak to the subject knowing most men think the same way. I suspect that is good enough for this subject.

Your ability to know how billions of people think amazes me.


Look at what you wrote and then come back and say you ex knew what he "firmly" desired, or you for that matter.

I know what I wrote but I'm not understanding your point. Can you clarify?

littleladybug -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 7:20:34 AM)



Sarcasm does not wear well with anyone who wishes to discuss things as adults.

In my experience, there is a time and place for it, and this happened to be a darn good time and place...



If you are paying attention, and this is a good thing if you wish to discuss this further, one is not talking about changing a mind made up but instead realizing that life decisions dealing with marriage and children are not firmly in concrete at this point, no matter what he says or she says. The important thing is her love for him and he for her. Love does indeed conquer all.

Actually, I'm probably giving this issue way more attention than it deserves. But, I will blame that on my lack of caffeine so far this morning...

I suppose I should admit here that I'm speaking from my own experience, with a handful of men. And, perhaps this "extensive" experience has made me a pragmatist. It seems a heck of a lot easier for me to take someone at face value when they give me a clear "yes" or "no" about their views on an issue.

Even beyond that, IMO this goes directly to the issue of respect. If I tell someone, in no uncertain terms, that I do not want children, and they basically ignore my position on it, what *else* are they not respecting about me? Love, in my humble opinion, conquers absolutely *squat* when there is a distinct lack of trust and respect in a relationship.

thishereboi -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 8:34:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: AthenaSurrenders

P.S. Are you both male? Is gay marriage an option where you live and is it accepted by your branch of the church? Because if not, that brings up a whole much bigger round of issues.

If my memory serves me right, yes his profile did say he was male. It is coming up not found right now, so I can't double check. Which makes me wonder how he was planning on having a family with another male partner unless he plans on adopting kids and why he was only focusing on the "no sex before marriage" aspect.

Kirata -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 8:41:29 AM)



In the Gospels that word "fornication" is also used only in the context of sex with another man's wife. Try reading the Bible rather than doing Google searches if you wish to discuss it.

The word being translated as "fornication" is pornia, not moicheia. The literal meaning is sex for material gain, commonly money (Gr. porne, "prostitute"), but in a theological context it includes engaging in sex for purely physical (i.e., material) pleasure. Fornication is a species of idolatry, in which the material replaces or is substituted for the spiritual. Adultery, on the other hand, is purely a legal matter.

Incidentally, this explains why people intuitively recognize "but we love each other" as a spiritually valid defense against the charge of fornication, doctrine to the contrary notwithstanding, and also why it is possible to engage in fornication even within an otherwise technically legal marriage.

Now, wasn't that fun? Thanks for playing.


SeekingTrinity -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 9:50:54 AM)




ORIGINAL: SeekingTrinity

~FRing it~

Frankly I think it's a HUGE mistake to not listen to the person when they tell you flat out they are not interested in marriage or family AND their desire for sex outside of marriage conflicts with one's own moral code. It's an even bigger mistake to piss away your life or sell out your faith in the hopes that MAYBE one day he MIGHT change his mind [8|]

I think it is a HUGE mistake to ignore your feelings for this man and turn you back on him because at this point in his life he thinks he does not want marriage or family. Besides, how many times do you ask a guy you are dating if he wants children and expect him to call you next Saturday.

We have also seen Jesus is fine with her moral code as long as she does not marry him and then commit adultery. Let me also remind everyone that she is talking about dating the man she loves and seeing where that might lead in their relationship whereas most here are getting the cart before the horse, i.e, let's use a checklist on the guy like we are examining a potential Dom and see what his hard limits are and how they match with hers.

You did actually bother to read the OP where it says the guy wants sex before marriage....even though it conflicts with the OP's beliefs, yes?

CarrieCadaver -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 11:34:16 AM)

Many young people think they will never desire marriage and offspring, time changes the minds of most. Is he the exception to this rule, is his name Charlie Sheen?

"If we don't sin Jesus died for nothing"

FieryOpal -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:00:27 PM)




In the Gospels that word "fornication" is also used only in the context of sex with another man's wife. Try reading the Bible rather than doing Google searches if you wish to discuss it.

The word being translated as "fornication" is pornia, not moicheia. The literal meaning is sex for material gain, commonly money (Gr. porne, "prostitute"), but in a theological context it includes engaging in sex for purely physical (i.e., material) pleasure. Fornication is a species of idolatry, in which the material replaces or is substituted for the spiritual. Adultery, on the other hand, is purely a legal matter.

Incidentally, this explains why people intuitively recognize "but we love each other" as a spiritually valid defense against the charge of fornication, doctrine to the contrary notwithstanding, and also why it is possible to engage in fornication even within an otherwise technically legal marriage.

I have to say, Kirata, that this is one of the best explanations I have heard on the sticky subject of 'fornification,' beyond my own intuitive understanding of it relative to a scriptural standpoint. [sm=applause.gif]

As for the OP's profile, when I viewed it yesterday, she was listed as a 20-year-old female submissive from Douglasville, Georgia. I figured Athena hadn't viewed her profile before posting, so wanting to get married and start a family wasn't an issue of non-traditional methodologies, nor the feasibility of finding a church-going Christian man who would also want to wait until marriage before having sexual relations.


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

ORIGINAL: AthenaSurrenders

P.S. Are you both male? Is gay marriage an option where you live and is it accepted by your branch of the church? Because if not, that brings up a whole much bigger round of issues.

If my memory serves me right, yes his profile did say he was male. It is coming up not found right now, so I can't double check. Which makes me wonder how he was planning on having a family with another male partner unless he plans on adopting kids and why he was only focusing on the "no sex before marriage" aspect.

CarrieCadaver -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 1:49:44 PM)

"Abstinence makes the Church grow fondlers"

RockaRolla -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/21/2014 4:43:29 PM)

Whether the Bible truly condemns premarital sex is irrelevant to it being against the OP's morals. She may or may not blame her faith, but the result will still be that she is not comfortable with sex and children before marriage, and this should be respected.


ORIGINAL: FelineRanger

Human beings without the artificial constraints of religion would likely conduct themselves much more like our closest cousins, chimpanzees and bonobos.

My answer to your question is that you should spend a few years being a stupid, reckless kid just like most of the rest of us did and stop worrying about putting yourself or anyone else in that straitjacket. [/font]

1.) Complete bullshit. This is to say that atheists and other non-theists behave like animals when this isn't the case. In fact it's just as likely for a non-religious type to act uncivilized because of the lack of a God than it is for a religious person to commit the same crimes because "It's cool, Jesus died for my sins."

Religion is not the only source of morality in humans. And to say that you need religion to be a "good" person makes you NOT a good person.

2.) Perfect advice. Go ahead and compromise your morals, doing everything you think is wrong, because you don't really know what you want yet. Sounds like the OP at least has a clear idea of what she doesn't want, which is just as valid.

FelineRanger -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/22/2014 4:02:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: RockaRolla

Whether the Bible truly condemns premarital sex is irrelevant to it being against the OP's morals. She may or may not blame her faith, but the result will still be that she is not comfortable with sex and children before marriage, and this should be respected.


ORIGINAL: FelineRanger

Human beings without the artificial constraints of religion would likely conduct themselves much more like our closest cousins, chimpanzees and bonobos.

My answer to your question is that you should spend a few years being a stupid, reckless kid just like most of the rest of us did and stop worrying about putting yourself or anyone else in that straitjacket.

1.) Complete bullshit. This is to say that atheists and other non-theists behave like animals when this isn't the case. In fact it's just as likely for a non-religious type to act uncivilized because of the lack of a God than it is for a religious person to commit the same crimes because "It's cool, Jesus died for my sins."

Religion is not the only source of morality in humans. And to say that you need religion to be a "good" person makes you NOT a good person.

2.) Perfect advice. Go ahead and compromise your morals, doing everything you think is wrong, because you don't really know what you want yet. Sounds like the OP at least has a clear idea of what she doesn't want, which is just as valid.

Did I really have to explicitly limit myself to sexuality and relationships in my reference to Homo Sapiens' primate cousins? I would have thought the context of the original post would have done that quite nicely without me having to hammer it home like Thor on a bender.

Maybe my second piece of advice was a bit too flippant, so I'll explain it without the sarcasm. How does a person know what they want without experimentation and experience with the wider world? That is the entire point to the maturation point from teenager to adult. In my opinion, and generally agreed upon by experts like psychologists who specialize in the area, that period extends from teens to late twenties. The OP is 20 and barely out of high school, apparently with almost no experience with anything outside of the insular world she was raised in. My advice was actually along the lines the more popular view of the Amish custom of Rumspringa. In short, all I was saying was that the OP should really get to know herself before making a decision that would affect the remainder of her life along with at least one other person's life in one way or another. Without greater life experience, the effects on her life and her intended husband's life (whoever that may be) are most likely going to be profoundly negative.

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