RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (Full Version)

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Gauge -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/25/2014 7:47:36 PM)

For those debating the usage and meaning of the word fornication, this is the best and most balanced page I could find with an exhaustive discourse on the word, its origins in the original Greek and its various appearances in the context of the Bible. This does not mean that I want to get involved in the minutia of the discussion, nor do I wish to engage in Semantics Online the MMO.

A few things while I read this thread I would like to respond to, including the OP who has seemed to vaporize...



Let me tell you a super secret about men. They don't know what they want when it comes to marriage and kids, for certain.

Let me tell you a super secret about men, you do not speak for all men and you certainly are damned presumptuous to speak for me. You speak for you, end of story.



Frankly I think it's a HUGE mistake to not listen to the person when they tell you flat out they are not interested in marriage or family AND their desire for sex outside of marriage conflicts with one's own moral code. It's an even bigger mistake to piss away your life or sell out your faith in the hopes that MAYBE one day he MIGHT change his mind

This. So much this. I felt when I was young that I never wanted to get married, and I did because love makes you do stupid things sometimes... oddly enough, so does youth. I didn't want kids when I was young, I am the father of two boys. People change, this is definitely contrary to Arturas who would have you believe that men have no idea what they want ever and are subject to a vacillating opinion on most everything. I didn't want marriage or kids. I found the right women and married her (the error of that belief became apparent 13 years later), we had kids, and while that terrified me, I was completely confident that I wanted them. If I had started a relationship with the statement that I didn't want either kids or marriage and it ran contrary to the woman I was dating, I would never expect that woman to compromise her wishes for me. That would lead to bitterness and resentment down the line.



Here's where I depart from the community at large. I'm not entirely certain that you're ready for the things you say you want. At 20, a person is typically still in the early phases of emerging from whatever upbringing they experienced. Even in the next few years, you may grow and want something different than you do now. The typical 20 year old hasn't finished any education past high school or made any concrete career decisions, either.

This is sage advice. At 48 I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. At age 20 some people are ready, some are not, but I can tell you that there is certainly no reason to rush into anything.



Human beings without the artificial constraints of religion would likely conduct themselves much more like our closest cousins, chimpanzees and bonobos.

I wish I had the link for the article I just read about the scientific study of apes and morality. Fascinating stuff actually. Not certain if this is the article I read or not:



I can speak to the subject knowing most men think the same way. I suspect that is good enough for this subject.

Look at what you wrote and then come back and say you ex knew what he "firmly" desired, or you for that matter.

Try this logic with me and you may pull back a stump. You have no idea what may have happened in that marriage, how dare you be so presumptuous. Also, don't try to tell me I fall into the same category because I am divorced, when I feel the need to explain my divorce to you, I will, until then, while you are entitled to think what you want, you are welcome to assume nothing about me.



... I am also surprised that so many on a BDSM site wish to give advice that boxes her desires in with artificial constraints.

Like the artificial constraints of speaking for everyone?



1.) Complete bullshit. This is to say that atheists and other non-theists behave like animals when this isn't the case. In fact it's just as likely for a non-religious type to act uncivilized because of the lack of a God than it is for a religious person to commit the same crimes because "It's cool, Jesus died for my sins."

No, it really is not saying that atheists behave like animals. Take a moment to read the link that I provided above, he is saying simply that apes have been proven to have a moral code that they follow. I really wish I could find that article I read because it explains the scientific study of the morality of apes and their code for living and respect for life all without comprehension of religion.



< Message edited by thompsonx -- 6/22/2014 9:33:02 PM >

Possibly the best idea in this thread.



C'mon guys.... put the testosterone away please.
3 pages of waffle - mostly arguing about words.


Read the OP's first post.
They are strongly christian and believe sex before marriage is not right.
Their Dom wants sex but not marriage or a family.

So the OP is asking whether they should turn their back on their faith or drop their Dom.

...and we get 3 pages of waffle about certain words and what they mean to certain people.
Who gives a flying fuck?? It doesn't answer OP's dilema.

Nicely stated. Pissing up each others legs gets us nowhere.



This isn't a D/s issue - it's a relationship and faith issue. Do you violate your morals to keep your partner?

This is a submissive talking about a potential master. It includes faith, and relationships as well as the BDSM element of what is "right" as a submissive. While I agree that the BDSM part is miniscule, it definitely contains all of these factors.



It was really just a roundabout way of trying to convince the OP that she should compromise her morals and sleep around.

No, I doubt that it was. There was a discussion of the meaning of a word which was taken out of context from the original Greek and roots of the word. How one defines a word such as this has little bearing on much of anything and negates little of the advice given with the caveat that the advice given is subject to the scrutiny that should be applied to any other advice thread.



In fact, I was one of the people encouraging her to stick to her guns.

Indeed you were.

To the OP:

Please return and show us that you are not sitting there laughing at the already 3 pages of debate you have been responsible for creating.

What comes into question here is what you believe is right. As I stated here, the BDSM plays an extremely small part of this predicament as a whole. If you compromise your beliefs then you have sold out who you are in the process, whether or not you are confident in who you are is irrelevant, you know what you believe and that is completely relevant. You asked a question that I am a little shocked that you didn't realize you answered for yourself. You stated that "My faith comes first." If that is true, then your problem is then solved and that you care for a guy that is asking you to compromise your faith is astounding to me. I am quickly approaching 14 years of continuous sobriety. If someone asked me to compromise my sobriety, no matter who it was or how deeply I cared for them, I would tell them absolutely, unequivocally, that I will do no such thing. I have strength in my convictions, and you should too. If you care for this person and they are asking you to violate everything you believe is right for you, then you are with the wrong person no matter what your head and heart might be telling you. You are setting yourself up for failure if your faith in your personal beliefs is that strong, then stand by them and send this guy on his way. There are plenty of people out there that think and feel the way you do, find one and if they are kinky, all the better for your relationship.

Please come back. I would hate to think that you are eating popcorn and chuckling to yourself that I just took the time for such a lengthy post.

Either way, I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for.

RockaRolla -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/25/2014 8:00:29 PM)




1.) Complete bullshit. This is to say that atheists and other non-theists behave like animals when this isn't the case. In fact it's just as likely for a non-religious type to act uncivilized because of the lack of a God than it is for a religious person to commit the same crimes because "It's cool, Jesus died for my sins."

No, it really is not saying that atheists behave like animals. Take a moment to read the link that I provided above, he is saying simply that apes have been proven to have a moral code that they follow. I really wish I could find that article I read because it explains the scientific study of the morality of apes and their code for living and respect for life all without comprehension of religion.

I realized long after that I'd misinterpreted what he was saying in that initial post. I did wonder why he would bring up something like that in the same post where he encouraged OP to forget her faith. My mistake.



It was really just a roundabout way of trying to convince the OP that she should compromise her morals and sleep around.

No, I doubt that it was. There was a discussion of the meaning of a word which was taken out of context from the original Greek and roots of the word. How one defines a word such as this has little bearing on much of anything and negates little of the advice given with the caveat that the advice given is subject to the scrutiny that should be applied to any other advice thread.

The discussion stemmed from this post:



To the OP, before we answer the concerns we first need to clarify the concern(s) and look at what Jesus actually says in the Gospels, the only books in which he speaks.

1) "Sex before Marriage is a Sin".

I've not read anything in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John that says sex before Marriage is a sin. When I read of Jesus discussing sex, he is discussing lusting after a woman and in the original Greek the Gospel references to "woman" are actually "wife". So, Jesus is discussing lusting after another's wife which fits within the ten Commandments prohibition against adultery.

Jesus focused on adultery and self gratified abuse. Pre-marital sex is not adultery and Dom's do not abuse. Dom's who incorporate BDSM practices are not doing this just for themselves. Otherwise there would be no one to dom. So Dom's don't abuse. Abusers abuse.

2) He is not looking for marriage.

Well, most men don't admit they are looking for a wife, many are letting that happen when it does. It happens after they fall in love and I suggest to you that most men don't admit they are looking for love, many are letting that also happen when it does.

So, if you re-read the Gospels and focus on what Jesus is focused on, adultery with wives and abuse mostly of children, there is nothing un-Christian in being a sexual submissive if that is your desire nor is there anything wrong or in conflict with your desires in this man at this early stage of your relationship.

He brought up the Biblical debate in the same post where he insisted that OP's dom didn't know what he wanted, and encouraged her to stay with him in hopes he will change. So it follows (or at least it was my interpretation, and we've already seen that mine is faulty) that the two arguments were originally linked and further discussion drifted it away from Arturas' point. So while the people debating the Bible weren't telling OP that her faith was wrong, he certainly was.

(Edited to fix formatting)

Gauge -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/25/2014 8:29:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: RockaRolla

So while the people debating the Bible weren't telling OP that her faith was wrong, he certainly was.

The caveat that the advice given is subject to the scrutiny that should be applied to any other advice thread. [:D]

InHisHeart -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/25/2014 8:57:51 PM)



I can speak to the subject knowing most men think the same way. I suspect that is good enough for this subject.

Look at what you wrote and then come back and say you ex knew what he "firmly" desired, or you for that matter.



Try this logic with me and you may pull back a stump. You have no idea what may have happened in that marriage, how dare you be so presumptuous.

I was hoping he would come back to clarify, it was very presumptuous of Arturas to even remotely think he knows why my former (not ex as he stated) Dom/husband and I are no longer together. I guess he'll assume anything trying to make his point the "right" one and he didn't stop to think that sometimes circumstances beyond our control take place which changes your life.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 7:46:33 AM)


I felt when I was young that I never wanted to get married, and I did because love makes you do stupid things sometimes... oddly enough, so does youth. I didn't want kids when I was young, I am the father of two boys. People change, this is definitely contrary to Arturas who would have you believe that men have no idea what they want ever and are subject to a vacillating opinion on most everything.

Please don't speak for me. If I said that then I would understand why you post this way.

This part of your response is interesting: "I felt when I was young that I never wanted to get married, and I did that because love makes you do stupid things..."

Which illustrates my point nicely. Young men think they know everything while knowing nothing. We all did. You very much so since you admit you were wrong. While I never said we don't change our minds I did say in the context of the OP post involving a young man that he does not know any more than you and I what we wanted at that age.

As you get older, you learn how little you know and further learn to admit it to yourself. This is the first step to wisdom.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:04:55 AM)


So while the people debating the Bible weren't telling OP that her faith was wrong, he certainly was.

I encourage you to support that statement. In my view I am suggesting to the OP that her human desires are not in conflict with her Christian faith and do so by quoting the Gospels, the word of Christ, which serves as the basis of her faith, rather than simply providing my opinion. Have you considered posting in the positive?

RockaRolla -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:22:20 AM)




So while the people debating the Bible weren't telling OP that her faith was wrong, he certainly was.

I encourage you to support that statement. In my view I am suggesting to the OP that her human desires are not in conflict with her Christian faith and do so by quoting the Gospels, the word of Christ, which serves as the basis of her faith, rather than simply providing my opinion. Have you considered posting in the positive?
Have you?

"I'm not saying her religious beliefs are wrong! I'm just saying she's wrong!"

It's the same thing, dude.

The Bible and word of Christ has been interpreted a thousand different ways since it was first put in print. That's why we have a thousand different denominations who all believe that they're the one twue way. And if there's one thing I've learned it's that there IS no one twue way.

The OP believes that sex before marriage is wrong. That's it. The end. And she is not alone in her religious community for it. It is not your place, or anyone else's, to tell her that that belief is incorrect.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:34:39 AM)





I can speak to the subject knowing most men think the same way. I suspect that is good enough for this subject.

Look at what you wrote and then come back and say you ex knew what he "firmly" desired, or you for that matter.



Try this logic with me and you may pull back a stump. You have no idea what may have happened in that marriage, how dare you be so presumptuous.

I was hoping he would come back to clarify, it was very presumptuous of Arturas to even remotely think he knows why my former (not ex as he stated) Dom/husband and I are no longer together. I guess he'll assume anything trying to make his point the "right" one and he didn't stop to think that sometimes circumstances beyond our control take place which changes your life.

I meant no offense. Life commitments are not changed due to circumstances except death unless they were not commitments worthy of that description, unless 'commitment' means something temporary and it does not. No amount of empty grandstanding changes this. So, being a young Christian woman feeling her normal human desires can make a woman or man very conflicted until they understand the Gospel describes adultery when describing the sin she is trying to avoid and that is important here.

Gauge -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:36:54 AM)



Please don't speak for me. If I said that then I would understand why you post this way.

This part of your response is interesting: "I felt when I was young that I never wanted to get married, and I did that because love makes you do stupid things..."

Which illustrates my point nicely. Young men think they know everything while knowing nothing. We all did. You very much so since you admit you were wrong. While I never said we don't change our minds I did say in the context of the OP post involving a young man that he does not know any more than you and I what we wanted at that age.

As you get older, you learn how little you know and further learn to admit it to yourself. This is the first step to wisdom.

Speaking in absolute terms almost always results in disaster when making an assumption insupportable by facts. See, if I spoke in absolutes, that last sentence would read as follows: Speaking in absolutes always results in disaster. See? Fun with words.

What you said is an absolute:


Let me tell you a super secret about men. They don't know what they want when it comes to marriage and kids, for certain.

Not a secret about some men, but all men. And then go on to say that they do not know what they want for certain... Do you read what you post at all?

Where in my post did I say that I didn't know what I wanted for certain? I was certain that I didn't want to get married, then I found a woman who changed that. Does that make me less certain than I was? And just because I later divorced her, where exactly did that make me wrong? I am not a troglodyte good Sir, I have no desire to speak for you, however I can speak to what you have said yourself. I have a ton of friends who were dating their high school sweetheart until after collage, they then got married to the same girl... Sounds pretty much like they knew what they wanted in high-school already, but according to you, they didn't because they were men and were magically incapable of really wanting to know what they want because they were born with a penis. A great many of them are still married to their same high-school sweetheart too... odd... even further proof that this doesn't apply to all men.

Aging and wisdom will definitely put into perspective some of the folly of youth, however but that does not mean that men are universally incapable of making choices (marriage, children) that they are certain about. You said it, I did not. People do change over time and their priorities change, that does not invalidate their choices however because when they made them, most of them were made with confidence.

FieryOpal -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:40:54 AM)

[Brackets mine]


[Rockarolla:] So while the people debating the Bible weren't telling OP that her faith was wrong, he certainly was.

I encourage you to support that statement. In my view I am suggesting to the OP that her human desires are not in conflict with her Christian faith and do so by quoting the Gospels, the word of Christ, which serves as the basis of her faith, rather than simply providing my opinion. Have you considered posting in the positive?

You and I have no axe to grind, Arturas, but regardless of what our personal opinions are or how we have chosen to conduct ourselves insofar as matters of sexuality go, the interpretation of theological precepts and religious dogma (if you will) should not get twisted around to suit our own private agenda.

To omit the crucial aspect of requited love from this particular discussion is not acceptable. Sex without love and the absence of planning to build a future together with one's mate IS technically fornication. I will even go so far as to assert that marrying for any purpose OTHER than being in love with one's betrothed, is for utilitarian purposes (such as material gain only, social status, avoiding deportation), and is therefore the equivalent of prostituting oneself. You have put a price on your affections, or lack thereof. Even with arranged marriages, there is careful thought put into comparing astrological chart compatibility in some cultures (e.g. Hindu sidereal astrology, Chinese zodiac), and it is understood that love will grow in time, as is often what does happen. The archaic admonition to engage in sex for the purpose of procreation is a safeguard for those who would enter into a union without careful deliberation as to whether one's intended sexual partner would be good husband/wife material and make a good father/mother with whom to raise a family.

Any individual can choose to either follow or reject the religion of her/his upbringing, choose to follow another, choose to follow a different spiritual path, or choose none at all. This is not relevant, however, to OP's personal circumstances. Therefore, she needs to function within the framework of her chosen religion, which adheres to the Word of God contained within The Holy Bible; not the arbitrary value judgments of others who do not share her faith with the same conviction.

Kirata -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:42:25 AM)



I am suggesting to the OP that her human desires are not in conflict with her Christian faith and do so by quoting the Gospels, the word of Christ, which serves as the basis of her faith, rather than simply providing my opinion.

Sorry, no cigar. What you provided was only your context-free interpretation.



As you get older, you learn how little you know and further learn to admit it to yourself.

See previous.


Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:45:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: RockaRolla




So while the people debating the Bible weren't telling OP that her faith was wrong, he certainly was.

I encourage you to support that statement. In my view I am suggesting to the OP that her human desires are not in conflict with her Christian faith and do so by quoting the Gospels, the word of Christ, which serves as the basis of her faith, rather than simply providing my opinion. Have you considered posting in the positive?
Have you?

"I'm not saying her religious beliefs are wrong! I'm just saying she's wrong!"

It's the same thing, dude.

The Bible and word of Christ has been interpreted a thousand different ways since it was first put in print. That's why we have a thousand different denominations who all believe that they're the one twue way. And if there's one thing I've learned it's that there IS no one twue way.

The OP believes that sex before marriage is wrong. That's it. The end. And she is not alone in her religious community for it. It is not your place, or anyone else's, to tell her that that belief is incorrect.

Simply, I am not telling her what to believe. I am telling her to read the Gospel herself. It is simple. It's supposed to be. The Gospel speaks to adultery and child abuse and prostitution whereas others project their view on pre-marriage sex into those clear and simple writings. Perhaps you think I project my own view by suggesting she read them, I cannot see why, if I want to project my own view only then I would not encourage her to read what the Man himself wrote when showing us how to be Christians.

The OP believes the Gospel says sex before marriage is wrong and we see it does not in spite some attempts by others to quote Bible passages from other than Christ's own words.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 8:59:40 AM)





I am suggesting to the OP that her human desires are not in conflict with her Christian faith and do so by quoting the Gospels, the word of Christ, which serves as the basis of her faith, rather than simply providing my opinion.

Sorry, no cigar. What you provided was only your context-free interpretation.



As you get older, you learn how little you know and further learn to admit it to yourself.

See previous.


I think when one quotes the Gospels rather than simply saying what they feel is in them, (then) they are not giving an opinion, but are instead pointing someone to the truth "where it is written". Projecting usage of the word and usage of fornication from other text into the Gospels themselves is miss-direction and I caught you on this already.

I also enjoy positive posting so I will let that last statement, of yours, illustrate your posting behavior and the weakness of your argument.

Gauge -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 9:03:41 AM)


The OP believes the Gospel says sex before marriage is wrong and we see it does not in spite some attempts by others to quote Bible passages from other than Christ's own words.

Her post:


I'm pretty new to the scene, but I've known a really long time that I'm submissive. I can't imagine living another way. But I have concerns. I'm a really strong Christian. My faith comes first. I know submissiveness isn't a sin, but sex before marriage is. Most Doms out there (and my current one) want sex before marriage. Heck, mine doesn't even want marriage or a family. I do, eventually. I'm so torn. Do I just say goodbye to him (who I really care about), or do I turn my back on my faith? There doesn't seem to be a good compromise.

This is why you should go read what someone writes first. Nowhere does she state that in the Gospels is where she is getting this belief. Just because she is Christian does not mean that she only reads the New Testament and bases all her faith on that. In fact, it is not attributed to any source. Come on man, you make proving you wrong far too easy.

Tantriqu -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 9:11:50 AM)

I grew up in a very religious and conservative family. I feel much better now!
Make sure you talk to your doctor or gynecologist about safe relationships; be very truthful, especially if women in your family were abused.
Make sure you're getting enough orgasms, solo or otherwise, so you're not making dumb decisions based on lust and loneliness [which happened to a lot of my cousins who got married too young to terrible people just so they wouldn't fornicate].
Remember the bible was written by old tribal men obsessed with property, and their rules and science don't apply anymore, now that we have birth control and law courts.
And leaving a man who doesn't respect you will hurt, but not as much as staying with one.
Go to college or volunteer, and you'll find a buffet of good men with similar beliefs.
Good luck.

Arturas -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 9:13:15 AM)


Not a secret about some men, but all men. And then go on to say that they do not know what they want for certain... Do you read what you post at all?

I do. One cannot argue that men as a whole are this way unless you have a false sense of being an elite super twenty year old (in the context of the OP's guy) who grew up knowing exactly what he wanted and what was in his future. I also know that the reason younger men are this way is they have too little experience and knowledge and too much ego. This is not an insult to you or me but simply what is true about the gender we share.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 9:20:14 AM)

YOUR truth about the male gender is not THE truth about the male gender. I could possibly take some of what you post seriously, if you could come down off that "I am always right" horse you sit on.

FieryOpal -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 9:29:37 AM)





I am suggesting to the OP that her human desires are not in conflict with her Christian faith and do so by quoting the Gospels, the word of Christ, which serves as the basis of her faith, rather than simply providing my opinion.

Sorry, no cigar. What you provided was only your context-free interpretation.



As you get older, you learn how little you know and further learn to admit it to yourself.

See previous.


I think when one quotes the Gospels rather than simply saying what they feel is in them, (then) they are not giving an opinion, but are instead pointing someone to the truth "where it is written". Projecting usage of the word and usage of fornication from other text into the Gospels themselves is miss-direction and I caught you on this already.

I also enjoy positive posting so I will let that last statement, of yours, illustrate your posting behavior and the weakness of your argument.

A weakness in one's argument would become apparent when one does not have a solid basis for reference, namely a source which is traditionally considered a book of law, and therefore falls within the interpretive guidelines of precedence. The OT is a book of law. The NT is not, and is intended to move beyond the confines of legalism into personal revelation, just as the relationship of Deity correspondingly shifts to a personal relationship with Christ (the "Lord" of the OT).

Jesus Himself interpreted (OT) Scriptures thusly. In some cases, his interpretation was stricter than the Law's. To premeditate or commit adultery in one's mind was as sinful as the actual consummation of an adulterous act. In other cases, his interpretation gave wide berth, such as with observing the Sabbath Law. Who would leave one's donkey stuck in a ditch to perish on the Sabbath Day, rather than attempt to rescue it? By the same token, why would a healer not heal on the Sabbath? The moneychangers in the Temple were defiling His Father's House of Worship by profiting by their exchanges (Sabbath or no Sabbath) and became the object of his outrage. (This is precedence in itself for dutiful and controlled anti-pacifism in the face of corruption, greed and exploitation of others, particularly of the faithful.)

LafayetteLady -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 9:29:56 AM)

Her belief is no premarital sex. Where that belief comes from is totally irrelevant. To use the Bible or anything else in an attempt to change that belief makes one an absolute ass who will use whatever means necessary to get what they want. VERY much an attribute not of a dominant but of a narcissist who thinks only of themselves.

As for whether or not the man in the OP "knows for certain" he doesn't want marriage or children, it also makes no difference. The OP wants someone who shares her values and views for the future NOW, not someone who wants her to violate her beliefs and MAYBE down the line change his mind about the future.

The man was honest with the OP. He doesn't want marriage or children but does want sex. He should have followed that statement with, "I'm sorry we aren't a match," but didn't. Regardless, he made clear to the OP his expectations and they don't match hers. Like any hard limit, where one partner unwaveringly wants and the other as strongly does not, it is simply two people unsuited. The act in question doesn't matter. If she said he wanted a toilet slave and that was a hard limit for her, would anyone here try to justify why she should change her mind for this man?

Gauge -> RE: Conflicted - PLEASE help! (6/27/2014 9:36:20 AM)



I do. One cannot argue that men as a whole are this way unless you have a false sense of being an elite super twenty year old (in the context of the OP's guy) who grew up knowing exactly what he wanted and what was in his future. I also know that the reason younger men are this way is they have too little experience and knowledge and too much ego. This is not an insult to you or me but simply what is true about the gender we share.

Wow, even after I gave you the post on this page, saved you the trouble of actually having to go back to the first page, you still get it wrong? I think a trip to the eye doctor is in order for you. And you delightfully contradict your statement about all men not knowing what they want by making an example of this person. Too little experience or knowledge mean little to what a person believes is the right choice for them at that time in their life. We may recognize some of those choices as folly in some cases, but that does not invalidate their choice or their ability to choose.

I will not continue this debate with you for many reasons, but mainly because I continue to show you where you are wrong and you are impeaching your own statements now. I am able to recognize futility when I see it. Are you?

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