The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (Full Version)

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jlf1961 -> The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 11:52:14 AM)

and of course, the Jewish people.

Or is it?

Lets look back in history, shall we?

Balfour Declaration of 1917 basically agreed to set aside 10% of the region for a Jewish homeland.

Now of course, the Arabs were dismayed because they felt that since they rebelled against the Ottoman Empire to help the British in WW1, they should rule the entire region, Jews be damned.

For 30 years following the Balfour Declaration the Arab side said no to every offer of compromise on the British Mandate for Palestine. It continued saying no despite Britain setting aside about 80% of the Mandate for the Emirate of Transjordan (1922) and the Peel Commission recommending a two-state solution for the remaining 20% (1937). In other words, the Middle East conflict is about 10% of mandatory Palestine. That’s what the Arabs deny the Jews. They’ve had 90% all along.source

At midnight, May 14, 1948, the British mandate over the region expired, the next day the State of Israel was declared. The surrounding Arab states declared war five hours later.

Those Arab countries made it clear they would destroy Israel and its citizens.

This thought has been repeated by various Arab leaders since 1948.

Yup, since it was formed in 1948, Israeli forces have been going out of their way to kill Palestinians and Arabs every chance they got. And they were sneaky about it, they let terrorists and Arab countries attack and kill innocent civilians just so they would have an excuse to kill more non Jews.

Now that is a conspiracy, letting your own people get killed for 66 years just so you have a reason to kill the people that are killing your people.

mnottertail -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 11:57:59 AM)

Lets look at shit here should we? Native Americans owned 100% of the land, we waltz in all of a sudden we own 96% and they maybe 4%. So, how much you own? Lets take 90% of that away from ya, whatta ya say? You seem to think it is a right brilliant fuckin deal, apparently.

subrob1967 -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 1:20:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Lets look at shit here should we? Native Americans owned 100% of the land, we waltz in all of a sudden we own 96% and they maybe 4%. So, how much you own? Lets take 90% of that away from ya, whatta ya say? You seem to think it is a right brilliant fuckin deal, apparently.

Go ahead and give them Manhattan and Minnesota back, we really don't give a fuck

mnottertail -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 1:22:07 PM)

Yeah, nobody needs your shitbreathing, you will be the first to go, you will be known as squawman, just like you are now.

Arturas -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 1:47:37 PM)


And they were sneaky about it, they let terrorists and Arab countries attack and kill innocent civilians just so they would have an excuse to kill more non Jews

Yes, that's right. Those terrorists and Arab countries were "allowed" to attack by the Israli Army, except for their mothers and fathers and siblings whom they had with them on their tanks during the attack they let happen. Then, they dropped the family off and kicked butt yet again.

I can see how you are right about this. My head is exploding and I'm out of Duct Tape and out of here on that note.

kdsub -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:32:08 PM)

Native Americans are not one people... they themselves took land from others... they are no better or worse then the Europeans who displaced them. No one OWNS the earth we stand on... it belongs to everyone that can and do take... or give... what they want or need when they have the power.


mnottertail -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:33:01 PM)

Cool, hope the Palestinians can take it back, its the American Way. Who you gonna bend over and grape for?

Musicmystery -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:33:06 PM)

...because might makes right.

Mouth4Mistress -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:37:43 PM)

Starting to get the feeling that some people aren't too keen on sarcasm here...

Musicmystery -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:41:06 PM)

Sarcasm is a requirement here.

PeonForHer -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:49:27 PM)

Words provided by John Lennon, altogether now:

"All I am saying
Is give war a chance ...."

kdsub -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:53:07 PM)

Whoever ends up with the power will prevail...for a while...until the next power struggle... Good old America will not be here forever...I'll just enjoy her while I can.


mnottertail -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:53:15 PM)

Happiness is a warm gun.

John Lennon, and Wayne LaPierre (NRA)

kdsub -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:54:50 PM)

Not right...but reality.


Musicmystery -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 2:55:36 PM)

MrRodgers -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 4:48:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

and of course, the Jewish people.

Or is it?

Lets look back in history, shall we?

Balfour Declaration of 1917 basically agreed to set aside 10% of the region for a Jewish homeland.

Now of course, the Arabs were dismayed because they felt that since they rebelled against the Ottoman Empire to help the British in WW1, they should rule the entire region, Jews be damned.

For 30 years following the Balfour Declaration the Arab side said no to every offer of compromise on the British Mandate for Palestine. It continued saying no despite Britain setting aside about 80% of the Mandate for the Emirate of Transjordan (1922) and the Peel Commission recommending a two-state solution for the remaining 20% (1937). In other words, the Middle East conflict is about 10% of mandatory Palestine. That’s what the Arabs deny the Jews. They’ve had 90% all along.source

At midnight, May 14, 1948, the British mandate over the region expired, the next day the State of Israel was declared. The surrounding Arab states declared war five hours later.

Those Arab countries made it clear they would destroy Israel and its citizens.

This thought has been repeated by various Arab leaders since 1948.

Yup, since it was formed in 1948, Israeli forces have been going out of their way to kill Palestinians and Arabs every chance they got. And they were sneaky about it, they let terrorists and Arab countries attack and kill innocent civilians just so they would have an excuse to kill more non Jews.

Now that is a conspiracy, letting your own people get killed for 66 years just so you have a reason to kill the people that are killing your people.

“Of all the forms of murder, none is more monstrous than that committed by a state against its own citizens. The homicidal state shares one trait with the solitary killer -- like all murderers, it trips on its own egoism and drops a trail of clues which, when properly collected, preserved and analyzed are as damning as a signed confession left in the grave.”
-- Forensic anthropologist Clyde Snow, speaking before the May 1984 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

The Balfour declaration was a Zionist declaration, not just a Jewish one and there is a very big difference.

"Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations' time, but for the moment there is no chance. So, it's simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army. Our whole policy is there. Otherwise the Arabs will wipe us out." David Ben-Gurion, modern Israel’s first Prime Minister

During an argument between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, at a well-attended cabinet meeting held on October 3, 2001, twenty-two days after the 9/11 attacks on America, Peres said that Israel’s policies of continued violence might "turn the U.S. against us." To this, Sharon retorted: "Every time we do something, you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear – Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel; we, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
-- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (IAP News)

Since the declaration of the Israeli state in 1948 and even before...look at what has happened to Palestine.

Prepared to read the objective history going back a little of the Romans ? British and Jewish betrayal with American support ?

Look at the map, the green is/was Palestine. on the map. Here

DomKen -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 6:05:41 PM)

1948: Israel did not attack Palestine. The Arab states did. They divvied it up as part of their attack on Israel. That's how the West bank and Jerusalem (which was supposed to be under UN control) became part of Jordan and Gaza became part of Egypt. The Arab states then forced and kept Arab refugees in camps as a convenient propaganda tool.
1967: The Arab states massed to invade, Egypt alone had 100,000 troops along the border. Israel struck first and quickly routed the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq.
1973: The Arab states attacked on Yom Kippur catching Israel by surprise. It did them no good. They were quickly defeated yet again.
in between and since the Arabs have maintained a terror campaign against Israel.

Now I'm not saying the Arabs don't have a grievance but maybe they should stop resorting to violence? Maybe try nonviolent resistance?

BamaD -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 6:14:36 PM)

During an argument

Do you want to be held accountable for everything you say in the heat of argument, taken out of context, an "quoted" by those who disagree with you.

subrosaDom -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 6:21:10 PM)



1948: Israel did not attack Palestine. The Arab states did. They divvied it up as part of their attack on Israel. That's how the West bank and Jerusalem (which was supposed to be under UN control) became part of Jordan and Gaza became part of Egypt. The Arab states then forced and kept Arab refugees in camps as a convenient propaganda tool.
1967: The Arab states massed to invade, Egypt alone had 100,000 troops along the border. Israel struck first and quickly routed the combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq.
1973: The Arab states attacked on Yom Kippur catching Israel by surprise. It did them no good. They were quickly defeated yet again.
in between and since the Arabs have maintained a terror campaign against Israel.

Now I'm not saying the Arabs don't have a grievance but maybe they should stop resorting to violence? Maybe try nonviolent resistance?

I never thought in my life I would agree with you DomKen (politically - I tend to agree with you in other forums), but in this case you are spot on. Will wonders never cease?

subrosaDom -> RE: The current middle eastern crisis is Israels fault... (7/16/2014 6:27:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

and of course, the Jewish people.

Or is it?

Lets look back in history, shall we?

Balfour Declaration of 1917 basically agreed to set aside 10% of the region for a Jewish homeland.

Now of course, the Arabs were dismayed because they felt that since they rebelled against the Ottoman Empire to help the British in WW1, they should rule the entire region, Jews be damned.

For 30 years following the Balfour Declaration the Arab side said no to every offer of compromise on the British Mandate for Palestine. It continued saying no despite Britain setting aside about 80% of the Mandate for the Emirate of Transjordan (1922) and the Peel Commission recommending a two-state solution for the remaining 20% (1937). In other words, the Middle East conflict is about 10% of mandatory Palestine. That’s what the Arabs deny the Jews. They’ve had 90% all along.source

At midnight, May 14, 1948, the British mandate over the region expired, the next day the State of Israel was declared. The surrounding Arab states declared war five hours later.

Those Arab countries made it clear they would destroy Israel and its citizens.

This thought has been repeated by various Arab leaders since 1948.

Yup, since it was formed in 1948, Israeli forces have been going out of their way to kill Palestinians and Arabs every chance they got. And they were sneaky about it, they let terrorists and Arab countries attack and kill innocent civilians just so they would have an excuse to kill more non Jews.

Now that is a conspiracy, letting your own people get killed for 66 years just so you have a reason to kill the people that are killing your people.

All true.

It's also useful to consider the rights Arabs have in Israel. The same as other Israeli citizens.

How about the rights Jews have in most Arab countries? A quick death -- if they are fortunate.

How about what the Palestinian Authority teaches children about Jews. Well, there is blood libel, of course. There is also the curious absence of Israel from all maps of the region. After all, Israel in their eyes has no right to exist. Then there is the use of human shields everywhere, providing they care about their own citizens about as much as they care about the Jews. Very Saddam of them. I could go on, but what's the point. Probably Noam Chomsky will come out here to rebut me.

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