RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (Full Version)

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Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries?

US airports should have closed airports from Ebola ravaged countries.
  29% (13)
The US should immediately close airports from Ebola ravished countries
  38% (17)
We should never close airports from any country.
  11% (5)
What the hell is going to happen next in this country?
  4% (2)
I could care less, until the US has at least 100 cases of Ebola
  6% (3)
I am not worried, I will never get Ebola.
  4% (2)
I am worried, and I have no idea what I should do.
  4% (2)

Total Votes : 44
(last vote on : 11/4/2014 8:15:41 AM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


BenevolentM -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 4:28:38 PM)



Ebola is not a serious threat to the US or world population. It is simply too hard to catch. Please people stop freaking out over this.


On August 8, the WHO Director-General declared this outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

BenevolentM -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 4:33:03 PM)

Why would it be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern if it were hard to catch?

BenevolentM -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 4:39:37 PM)

She doesn't look like she came from Africa. So it can't be an African conspiracy.


Prior to joining WHO, she was Director of Health in Hong Kong. During her nine-year tenure as director, Dr Chan confronted the first human outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza in 1997. She successfully defeated the spate of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Hong Kong in 2003.

She seems to be the sort who is proactive about these sorts of things.

BenevolentM -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 4:55:30 PM)


None of us experienced in containing outbreaks has ever seen, in our lifetimes, an emergency on this scale, with this degree of suffering, and with this magnitude of cascading consequences. ...

For example, the fertile fields of Lofa County, once Liberia’s breadbasket, are now fallow. In that county alone, nearly 170 farmers and their family members have died from Ebola.

BenevolentM -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 4:58:09 PM)

So we are to believe that Ebola is just another virus?

Kaliko -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 5:31:06 PM)



Ebola is not a serious threat to the US or world population. It is simply too hard to catch. Please people stop freaking out over this.

If you'd like to freak out over an actually dangerous to the US population hemorrhagic fever try worrying about dengue. It is spread by mosquitoes, including a species endemic to the SE US, and the virus itself is endemic to Mexico and the Caribbean. The mosquito has been moving north as the climate warms and it is only a matter of time till the virus comes with it.

EEE is alive and well here. I'm already scared to death of mosquitoes. Check that box.

Except for succumbing to the scaremongering of U.S. media, once I gather my composure I too recognize that Ebola probably won't be the end of us all. But even so, why not only allow, but assist in, the spread of a disease that was previously contained by accommodating it with the use of our airplanes? Yes, we already have deadly diseases on this continent. We need more?

That sounds very self-centered, I know. But the same goes for any place that doesn't already have Ebola. Why bring it here, why bring it there?

Marini -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 9:24:55 PM)



EEE is alive and well here. I'm already scared to death of mosquitoes. Check that box.

Except for succumbing to the scaremongering of U.S. media, once I gather my composure I too recognize that Ebola probably won't be the end of us all. But even so, why not only allow, but assist in, the spread of a disease that was previously contained by accommodating it with the use of our airplanes? Yes, we already have deadly diseases on this continent. We need more?

That sounds very self-centered, I know. But the same goes for any place that doesn't already have Ebola. Why bring it here, why bring it there?

This is how I also feel.
Why not take all the precautions possible?
Whatever happended to wanting to error on the side of caution?

BenevolentM -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/10/2014 10:19:54 PM)



Whatever happended to wanting to error on the side of caution?

We only err on the side of caution if it has something to do with terrorism.

Sanity -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/11/2014 5:44:58 AM)



This is how I also feel.
Why not take all the precautions possible?
Whatever happended to wanting to error on the side of caution?

Its not PC

DomKen -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/11/2014 6:46:52 AM)





EEE is alive and well here. I'm already scared to death of mosquitoes. Check that box.

Except for succumbing to the scaremongering of U.S. media, once I gather my composure I too recognize that Ebola probably won't be the end of us all. But even so, why not only allow, but assist in, the spread of a disease that was previously contained by accommodating it with the use of our airplanes? Yes, we already have deadly diseases on this continent. We need more?

That sounds very self-centered, I know. But the same goes for any place that doesn't already have Ebola. Why bring it here, why bring it there?

This is how I also feel.
Why not take all the precautions possible?
Whatever happended to wanting to error on the side of caution?

The point I'm trying to make is there is no need to close airports to traffic from west Africa or ban travelers from there. Ebola is very hard to catch and simple monitoring is enough to contain it. Notice that the none of the cases that got to the US spread.

As a matter of fact it could be controlled in west Africa if the local population would stop believing dumbass conspiracy theories and engaging in stupid activities like bathing the dead bodies before burial.

Marini -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 9:19:45 AM)

Now that Ebola has been transmitted to a nurse in the US, we might begin to think about airport restrictions, at the very LEAST.

BenevolentM -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 11:54:47 AM)



Now that Ebola has been transmitted to a nurse in the US, we might begin to think about airport restrictions, at the very LEAST.

I just finished reading a news report on the nurse. She took the prescribed precautions yet she got infected. How is this possible given the number of people in the U.S. with Ebola is as small as it is? It doesn't make sense from a statistical point of view. It means Ebola is not hard to catch. It means Ebola is easy to catch. This inadvertent breach of protocol line doesn't make sense because diseases are not typically this easy to catch even when there are breaches of protocol. Diseases don't behave like this unless they are extremely contagious as in extremely contagious.

crazyml -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 4:27:21 PM)

Do you know how much easier it is to transmit the flu virus than ebola?

Do you know how many people have died so far this year from flu?

crazyml -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 4:34:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
I spent 5 years jet-setting all over the place for a company I worked for at the time and the only stamp I ever got was when I went to Cyprus. All the other places I went to (including all of Europe, Scandinavia, UAE, Malaysia, HK etc) didn't stamp my passport.

Hmm...I would have to say that your experience is pretty unusual. If a person got into HK or Malaysia without a stamp I'd be very very surprised indeed. It's also very unlikely that you could get into the UAE w/out getting your passport stamped. Certainly, all of those countries do stamp the passports of foreign visitors as a matter of policy. The only country that I have been to recently where I didn't get an actual stamp in my passport was Israel.

If you're travelling on an EU passport, you won't get a stamp if you cross a european border.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 4:40:25 PM)

I have an EU passport now, but at the time it was one of those bigger black UK ones.
I was really disappointed that I didn't get the nice multi-coloured one from UAE despite going there several times.
Even when I went to the US, I didn't get a stamp!!

We had a team of 4 guys (including myself) that had the same job and none of us got our passports stamped at most places.
So from that, I wouldn't say it was unusual.

crazyml -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 4:43:13 PM)

Hmmm... It may have changed in the last 10 years then.

Because I have never flown to any of those places without getting my passport stamped.

In the past 10 years I've been to the us over 90 times, HK 8 times, UAE four times and Malaysia Twice. My passport was stamped every time.

Kaliko -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 4:43:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: BenevolentM



Now that Ebola has been transmitted to a nurse in the US, we might begin to think about airport restrictions, at the very LEAST.

I just finished reading a news report on the nurse. She took the prescribed precautions yet she got infected. How is this possible given the number of people in the U.S. with Ebola is as small as it is? It doesn't make sense from a statistical point of view. It means Ebola is not hard to catch. It means Ebola is easy to catch. This inadvertent breach of protocol line doesn't make sense because diseases are not typically this easy to catch even when there are breaches of protocol. Diseases don't behave like this unless they are extremely contagious as in extremely contagious.

Well, it means Ebola is easier to catch for those that are caring for patients as their condition worsens enough for them to seek health care. I find it interesting, and encouraging, that no one else that had contact has shown symptoms. So no, it doesn't mean it's easy to catch. It means it's maybe easier to catch than thought in certain circumstances as the disease progresses. (Maybe?)

And I feel like I (we) owe a great deal to our healthcare workers these days.

crazyml -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 4:47:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: BenevolentM



Now that Ebola has been transmitted to a nurse in the US, we might begin to think about airport restrictions, at the very LEAST.

I just finished reading a news report on the nurse. She took the prescribed precautions yet she got infected. How is this possible given the number of people in the U.S. with Ebola is as small as it is? It doesn't make sense from a statistical point of view.

What the fuck? The nurse was in contact with someone who had Ebola. What on earth does the number of people in the US with Ebola have to do with it?


It means Ebola is not hard to catch. It means Ebola is easy to catch. This inadvertent breach of protocol line doesn't make sense because diseases are not typically this easy to catch even when there are breaches of protocol. Diseases don't behave like this unless they are extremely contagious as in extremely contagious.

Do you know how much easier it is to transmit the flu?

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 5:04:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: crazyml
Do you know how much easier it is to transmit the flu virus than ebola?

According to currently accepted knowledge, the 'flu is more often transmitted by airborne viruses.

Ebola, is (apparently) only transmitted by contact with bodily fluids from an actively infectious person... So the medical experts would have us believe!
However, given some of the more recent cases, that premise seems to be being questioned quite severely.
Current estimates of Ebola deaths are in excess of 4,000 so far this year.


ORIGINAL: crazyml
Do you know how many people have died so far this year from flu?

According to the National Vital Statistics System in the U.S., for example, annual flu deaths in 2010 amounted to just 500 per year -- fewer than deaths from ulcers (2,977), hernias (1,832) and pregnancy and childbirth (825), and a far cry from the big killers such as heart disease (597,689) and cancers (574,743). The story is similar in Canada, where unlikely killers likewise dwarf Statistics Canada's count of flu deaths.

Worldwide there are between 250,000 and 500,000 flu deaths per year.

Kaliko -> RE: Should the US close airports from Ebola ravaged countries? (10/12/2014 5:32:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1


ORIGINAL: crazyml
Do you know how much easier it is to transmit the flu virus than ebola?

According to currently accepted knowledge, the 'flu is more often transmitted by airborne viruses.

Ebola, is (apparently) only transmitted by contact with bodily fluids from an actively infectious person... So the medical experts would have us believe!
However, given some of the more recent cases, that premise seems to be being questioned quite severely.
Current estimates of Ebola deaths are in excess of 4,000 so far this year.

There are some real reasons for that high rate of Ebola cases/deaths, though. I was reading some accounts from Liberians.

"Many people who have Ebola are afraid to go to the hospital."
"There are fewer clinics open and many deaths are due to the poor response of health officials."
"Some confirmed Ebola patients are escaping treatment centres. A lady who was diagnosed escaped the quarantine centre in Lofa where the outbreak started. Everyone who had been in direct contact with her became infected and only one doctor survived. So lying about infection is also responsible for the huge death rates in Liberia."
"The closing of hospitals and clinics in and around Monrovia has been one of the major factors increasing the deadly Ebola virus death rate because people who are coming down with the symptoms of malaria, high blood pressure, diabetes and diarrhoea are not able to get adequate treatment with the closure of health facilities."
"The health centres are too crowded. Relatives go there to see their loved ones die and they catch Ebola too. People are coming out of the isolation centres and are putting everyone at risk."

So, I'm not ready to question the transmission just yet. Not that it matters what I question, of course. But this keeps me from full-on panic.


According to the National Vital Statistics System in the U.S., for example, annual flu deaths in 2010 amounted to just 500 per year -- fewer than deaths from ulcers (2,977), hernias (1,832) and pregnancy and childbirth (825), and a far cry from the big killers such as heart disease (597,689) and cancers (574,743). The story is similar in Canada, where unlikely killers likewise dwarf Statistics Canada's count of flu deaths.

Okay. So, just to recap what I've learned this year. Whole wheat bread is bad, bacon is good. Sun exposure, not sunscreen, decreases cancer risk. Sugar, not high cholesterol, causes heart problems. There is no Ebola in the U.S. (Ha.) And now, the number of flu deaths has been exaggerated in an effort to sway public response? Head. Spinning. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. I don't lay blame for that, of course. New research yields new findings and I'm grateful to those that have the knowledge and patience to research these things. But it's a bit disconcerting to have common beliefs turned upside down.

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