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RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family lost but Father

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RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/14/2015 4:40:02 PM   

Posts: 15477
Joined: 2/11/2006
From: USA
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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

On a more optimistic note, looking at some of the negative posts being posted here, it is easy to see how fear, ignorance and prejudice feed into and off each other in an ugly vicious circle.

So despite their sad content, these posts may have some genuine educational value. Though, it has to be added that it's the opposite of the intended effect.

Abandon the fantasy that everyone who disagrees with you is of questionable morals or mental health. A significant portion of these migrants aren't war refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq. In Italy, they're mostly coming from North Africa, and a significant portion of those coming in through Eastern Europe are healthy fighting-age men. Many have no respect for the peoples and cultures of the countries they're entering, and visit havoc and rape on their hosts.

They're also full of complaints: They don't want to be in small towns. There is no free wifi. The internet connection is too slow. The food is monotonous. The food isn't spicy enough. They aren't given enough money for cigarettes. In one case, they're threatening a hunger strike unless they're given 2,000 euros/month spending money. Others feel that they have a right to jobs, and even deserve immediate citizenship.

Giving succor to war refugees is one thing, but the reality on the ground is becoming something else, and the overwhelming flood of migrants shows no sign of stopping.


(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 301
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/15/2015 6:25:35 AM   

Posts: 7522
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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

On a more optimistic note, looking at some of the negative posts being posted here, it is easy to see how fear, ignorance and prejudice feed into and off each other in an ugly vicious circle.

So despite their sad content, these posts may have some genuine educational value. Though, it has to be added that it's the opposite of the intended effect.

Abandon the fantasy that everyone who disagrees with you is of questionable morals or mental health. A significant portion of these migrants aren't war refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq. In Italy, they're mostly coming from North Africa, and a significant portion of those coming in through Eastern Europe are healthy fighting-age men. Many have no respect for the peoples and cultures of the countries they're entering, and visit havoc and rape on their hosts.

They're also full of complaints: They don't want to be in small towns. There is no free wifi. The internet connection is too slow. The food is monotonous. The food isn't spicy enough. They aren't given enough money for cigarettes. In one case, they're threatening a hunger strike unless they're given 2,000 euros/month spending money. Others feel that they have a right to jobs, and even deserve immediate citizenship.

Giving succor to war refugees is one thing, but the reality on the ground is becoming something else, and the overwhelming flood of migrants shows no sign of stopping.


" but the reality on the ground is .....". One wonders on what basis you set yourself up as the arbiter of truth in this situation. You are thousands of kilometres away, you have had no contact with the situation "on the ground" bar the reports you read and see in the media. There is no evidence to suggest that you have had any personal contact with anyone involved. Even though other posters actually live there and dispute your assertions, you insist that you have somehow divined the reality of the situation in Germany and the other European countries and that all other accounts are incorrect. It must be a pretty amazing crystal ball you have there (or perhaps some wild weed)!

In your opinion, these people are not fleeing war, even though the vast majority are from Syria and Iraq and we all know that civil war is devastating those poor countries. Not at all, in your Trump like 'analysis' (if 'analysis' isn't too much of a stretch). They are fake refugees, they have no 'respect' and "visit havoc and rape on their hosts". Perhaps the secret source of your info is The Trump because you sound exactly like Trump pontificating on Mexicans entering the USA. I haven't seen any evidence to support your wild claims.

The reality of the situation (and this is indisputable) there is that there are hundreds of thousands of refugees living in conditions of extreme stress. They own little more than the clothes on their backs. Their future is a black hole of uncertainty and their past they are fleeing is so horrible it cannot be revisited. Often they don't know where their next meal is coming from, and they have families of young children to take care of. Of course there are going to be minor incidents here and there - it would be impossible not to have occasional bit of friction where a few of these hundreds of thousands succumb to the enormous stresses and act ungraciously. That there have been so few says good things about the hosts and the refugees but you seem incapable of accepting nobility of character when there's a chance that some hate to be generated instead.

I have seen no evidence nor have I seen any credible claims that these minor incidents are the rule - everything I have seem points to these being very much the exception and very rare exceptions at that. Painting all refugees as sinister selfish ingrates is a wild exaggeration stereotyping all refugees for the alleged actions of a tiny few. Doing this to make a political point is cynical and heartless.

It's not even original - this is SOP for racists everywhere, feeding off ignorance of the situation, exaggerating and denigrating refugees to stir up confected fears and anxieties all in the hope of marginalising powerless minorities and generating hate. The fantasies here are all yours and they are nothing to be proud of.

You really ought to be ashamed of yourself.

< Message edited by tweakabelle -- 10/15/2015 6:30:39 AM >


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 302
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/15/2015 4:49:49 PM   

Posts: 15477
Joined: 2/11/2006
From: USA
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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

On a more optimistic note, looking at some of the negative posts being posted here, it is easy to see how fear, ignorance and prejudice feed into and off each other in an ugly vicious circle.

So despite their sad content, these posts may have some genuine educational value. Though, it has to be added that it's the opposite of the intended effect.

Abandon the fantasy that everyone who disagrees with you is of questionable morals or mental health. A significant portion of these migrants aren't war refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq. In Italy, they're mostly coming from North Africa, and a significant portion of those coming in through Eastern Europe are healthy fighting-age men. Many have no respect for the peoples and cultures of the countries they're entering, and visit havoc and rape on their hosts.

They're also full of complaints: They don't want to be in small towns. There is no free wifi. The internet connection is too slow. The food is monotonous. The food isn't spicy enough. They aren't given enough money for cigarettes. In one case, they're threatening a hunger strike unless they're given 2,000 euros/month spending money. Others feel that they have a right to jobs, and even deserve immediate citizenship.

Giving succor to war refugees is one thing, but the reality on the ground is becoming something else, and the overwhelming flood of migrants shows no sign of stopping.

" but the reality on the ground is .....". One wonders on what basis you set yourself up as the arbiter of truth in this situation. You are thousands of kilometres away, you have had no contact with the situation "on the ground" bar the reports you read and see in the media. There is no evidence to suggest that you have had any personal contact with anyone involved. Even though other posters actually live there and dispute your assertions, you insist that you have somehow divined the reality of the situation in Germany and the other European countries and that all other accounts are incorrect. It must be a pretty amazing crystal ball you have there (or perhaps some wild weed)!

You are thousands of kilometers away, too. Like you, I have to rely on the information available. But the sources of these stories are just as European as yours. So again, that horse is too big for you.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

In your opinion, these people are not fleeing war, even though the vast majority are from Syria and Iraq and we all know that civil war is devastating those poor countries. Not at all, in your Trump like 'analysis' (if 'analysis' isn't too much of a stretch). They are fake refugees, they have no 'respect' and "visit havoc and rape on their hosts". Perhaps the secret source of your info is The Trump because you sound exactly like Trump pontificating on Mexicans entering the USA. I haven't seen any evidence to support your wild claims.

You're making shit up. I never said that the migrants (unqualified) weren't fleeing war. I said that a significant percentage of them aren't. Additionally, I'll take the trouble to note that people who engage in guilt-by-association attacks are in no position to lecture others on either intellectual honesty or morality.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

you seem incapable of accepting nobility of character when there's a chance that some hate to be generated instead.

Case in point.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

Painting all refugees as sinister selfish ingrates is a wild exaggeration stereotyping all refugees for the alleged actions of a tiny few. Doing this to make a political point is cynical and heartless.

You're making shit up again. I never said they were the rule, and I did not paint "all refugees" as sinister, selfish and ungrateful (see previous comment on intellectual honesty).


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

It's not even original - this is SOP for racists everywhere, feeding off ignorance of the situation, exaggerating and denigrating refugees to stir up confected fears and anxieties all in the hope of marginalising powerless minorities and generating hate. The fantasies here are all yours and they are nothing to be proud of.

Now the "racism" card. You really are a fucking piece of work. Don't bump your head on your rock when you crawl home.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/15/2015 5:49:04 PM >

(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 303
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/15/2015 5:53:14 PM   

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(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 304
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/18/2015 8:45:46 AM   

Posts: 7522
Joined: 10/16/2007
From: Sydney Australia
Status: offline



ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

It's not even original - this is SOP for racists everywhere, feeding off ignorance of the situation, exaggerating and denigrating refugees to stir up confected fears and anxieties all in the hope of marginalising powerless minorities and generating hate. The fantasies here are all yours and they are nothing to be proud of.

Now the "racism" card. You really are a fucking piece of work. Don't bump your head on your rock when you crawl home.


When you cease making racist posts, you will find that people will cease drawing attention to the racism in your posts. Funny how that works isn't it?
In the meantime, if the cap fits, wear it.


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 305
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/18/2015 6:11:27 PM   

Posts: 15477
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From: USA
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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

It's not even original - this is SOP for racists everywhere, feeding off ignorance of the situation, exaggerating and denigrating refugees to stir up confected fears and anxieties all in the hope of marginalising powerless minorities and generating hate. The fantasies here are all yours and they are nothing to be proud of.

Now the "racism" card. You really are a fucking piece of work. Don't bump your head on your rock when you crawl home.

When you cease making racist posts, you will find that people will cease drawing attention to the racism in your posts.

You didn't draw attention to any "racism" in my post. What you did was grossly misrepresent it. I do not appreciate your false accusations, or for that matter your gutter tactics in general, and to continue in that vein after you've been called out for them only confirms that you live under a rock.


(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 306
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/20/2015 7:30:01 AM   

Posts: 1534
Joined: 11/13/2010
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maybe you better read the Neonazi stuff yourself for which you post links here

I ll not repeat the link since I do not want to spread Neonazi propaganda in any way but if in doubt you ll find your post yourself

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 307
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/20/2015 8:25:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: blnymph

maybe you better read the Neonazi stuff yourself for which you post links here

I ll not repeat the link since I do not want to spread Neonazi propaganda in any way but if in doubt you ll find your post yourself

You accuse me of posting links to "Neonazi propaganda," but you don't want to dirty your precious little fingertips by backing up the accusation? That's very amusing. Afraid you'll break a fingernail? Well okay, fine. Here's a list of all the links I've posted in this topic, linked back to the posts in which they appeared:

Twitter (billionaire offering to buy an island for Syrian refugees)
The UK Guardian
The Wall Street Journal

The Fallacy Files
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Toronto Sun
The Australian
The New York Post

The Washington Post
Yahoo News
The UK Telegraph
YouTube (pro-migrant German politician calling Germans "Nazis")

Now unless I've missed something, you can either tell us which of those are the "Neonazi" links, or you can apologize, or you can just crawl back under your rock and commiserate with the other lying piece of shit in this thread.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/20/2015 8:30:11 PM >

(in reply to blnymph)
Profile   Post #: 308
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/21/2015 12:27:43 AM   

Posts: 1534
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the notorious link is in message nr. 288 - which is not yours, K., sorry for that impression - from there the racism discussion went on.
"you" in English is unfortunately not precise, addressing either one or more than one person. The second was intended.

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 309
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/21/2015 12:48:17 AM   

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ORIGINAL: blnymph

the notorious link is in message nr. 288 - which is not yours, K., sorry for that impression - from there the racism discussion went on.

Gratefully accepted, thank you. We're good then.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/21/2015 12:52:58 AM >

(in reply to blnymph)
Profile   Post #: 310
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/21/2015 3:14:02 AM   

Posts: 7522
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From: Sydney Australia
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Kirata, I called you a racist after some careful deliberation. It was the only conclusion possible when I recalled your posting history over a long period on race related topics. Off the top of my head I can list the following:

* Your repeated claims that black South Africans are committing genocide against whites in today's South Africa;

* Your repeated opposition to any measure, program or policy to counter racism or to remedy the wrongs of the past, bar the absolute minimal Civil Rights legislation of the 60s. Your position seems to be that this legislation levelled the racial playing field for all, and that racism as a serious issue disappeared after the passage of this legislation;

* Your vocal and repeated antipathy towards any mention of race as a significant factor in the inferior social position of blacks in today's USA. I cannot recall you mentioning a single incident of racism against blacks (or other minority groups) yet you find excuses to repeatedly post claims of racism against whites, even starting threads on this precise theme;

* Your passionate defence of flying the Confederacy flag and your absolute denial that it was a symbol of racism;

* Your unsupported claim of rape by refugees in Europe in this thread, a favourite inflammatory trope used by racists everywhere to justify their hate;

* Your recent attempts to minimise and excuse the lynchings of blacks in the US. Your repugnant claim that "not all the blacks were innocent" has struck in my mind. Implying that racist lynchings were justified is not a position any one who is anti-racist could consider, let alone adopt for a nanosecond.

* Your repeated attempts to defend the 'right' of bigots to their hate speech, and the 'right' of the religious to discriminate against any minority group they chose on religious grounds.

I have no doubt that, if I could be bothered researching it, I could come up with a lot more evidence adding to and confirming the above. But the pattern is very clear and consistent - whenever white male hegemony is threatened, you rush to its defence on any spurious grounds you can dredge up; whenever anyone proposes any measure to remedy the racist wrongs of the past or the present, you are vociferous in your opposition.

All of the specific positions listed above are positions you share with overt racists. (Going from memory) I am unable to recall even one position you have advocated on a race related issue that you share with anti-racists. When someone is in 100% agreement with racists on a wide variety of racist issues such as those listed above, and, 100% opposed to the positions advocated by anti-racists the conclusion is clear and self evident.

You are a racist. If you don't like being called a racist, the onus is on you to change your ways and show us that you aren't. I hope that you have sufficient moral courage to take that step. It might appear difficult to you - it isn't actually - but you can be certain that you will come out of the process at the other end a much better person. The choice is yours.

< Message edited by tweakabelle -- 10/21/2015 3:26:51 AM >


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 311
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/21/2015 4:50:55 AM   

Posts: 15477
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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

* Your repeated claims that black South Africans are committing genocide against whites in today's South Africa;

I recall the subject, though "repeated claims" is an obvious exaggeration because I can't even remember when it came up and don't recall it ever being a subject that achieved repeated attention. I also fail to see how a conclusion of racism follows. What difference does it make who's killing them? Or do you deny that they're being killed at all?

Rural White South Africa: Afraid, and Armed ~New York Times
South Africa farm attacks on the rise ~Reuters
South Africa ~Genocide Watch: South Africa


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

* Your repeated opposition to any measure, program or policy to counter racism or to remedy the wrongs of the past, bar the absolute minimal Civil Rights legislation of the 60s. Your position seems to be that this legislation levelled the racial playing field for all, and that racism as a serious issue disappeared after the passage of this legislation;

Links or this one is a throw-away. I have no idea what measures you're referring to, and I'll thank you to not make up my positions for me. I'll say, however, that I don't think race is the principal factor holding blacks back, or for that matter that they are helpless souls in need of white social justice warriors to defend and save them. How that is "racist" escapes me.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

* Your vocal and repeated antipathy towards any mention of race as a significant factor in the inferior social position of blacks in today's USA. I cannot recall you mentioning a single incident of racism against blacks (or other minority groups) yet you find excuses to repeatedly post claims of racism against whites, even starting threads on this precise theme;

I don't know what claims you're referring to, unless they were in the context of rejecting the proposition that only whites can be racist. Is there something "racist" about that?


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

* Your passionate defence of flying the Confederacy flag and your absolute denial that it was a symbol of racism;

In my opinion, and not mine alone, the Confederate Battle Flag is not a symbol of "racism," and then there's the matter of Free Speech, which matters more to me than your opinion.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

* Your unsupported claim of rape by refugees in Europe in this thread, a favourite inflammatory trope used by racists everywhere to justify their hate;

Hamm, Germany: Two Iraqi asylum-seekers rape an 18-year-old behind a school.
Karlsruhe, Germany: A Tunisian asylum-seeker rapes a 20-year-old woman.
Bad Kreuznach, Germany: Two Somali asylum seekers sentenced for raping a 21-year-old woman.
Munich, Germany: A 30-year-old Somali asylum seeker sentenced for attempting to rape a 20-year-old woman.
Munich, Germany: A 25-year-old Senegalese asylum seeker attempts to rape a 21-year-old woman.
Straubing, Germany: A21-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker is sentenced for raping a 17-year-old girl.
Alzenau, Germany:  A 29-year-old asylum seeker arrested for attempted rape of a 14-year-old girl.
Kirchheim, Germany: Two Afghan asylum seekers sentenced for the rape of a 21-year-old woman.
Stralsund, Germany: A 28-year-old Eritrean asylum sentenced for raping a 25-year-old woman.
Reisbach, Germany:  A 27-year-old Somalian asylum seeker arrested after attempting to rape multiple women.
Dresden, Germany:  A 24-year-old Moroccan immigrant rapes a 29-year-old woman.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

* Your recent attempts to minimise and excuse the lynchings of blacks in the US. Your repugnant claim that "not all the blacks were innocent" has struck in my mind. Implying that racist lynchings were justified is not a position any one who is anti-racist could consider, let alone adopt for a nanosecond.

Again you are misrepresenting my position, stated in full below, by quoting six words out of context, and quoting them incorrectly in the bargain because you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

Disparities in data disaggregated by race are not evidence of disparities due to race. In social data disaggregated by race, race is an unavoidably overloaded proxy for multiple other factors. Until you identify them and control for them, you cannot say how much of the disparity (if any at all) is due to race qua race.

Now the so-called "racist" post...

What is it then? About 4000 black people hanging from trees is prima facia evidence of what? If it is not racism what is it?

Except that the vast majority of lynchings were carried out as extrajudicial punishments, and "4000 black people hanging from trees" is a dishonest account of them. About a third as many whites were lynched too, and the blacks weren't all innocent.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

* Your repeated attempts to defend the 'right' of bigots to their hate speech, and the 'right' of the religious to discriminate against any minority group they chose on religious grounds.

Granting that I support freedom of speech, I don't know what "repeated" defenses of "bigots" you're talking about and the rest is simply an outright lie:

There is of course the detail that freedom of religion is freedom of conscience, not conduct; freedom to believe as you will, not to act as you will.

There is no defensible religious reason in Christianity for refusing to serve a gay person


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

the pattern is very clear and consistent

Well I can certainly agree with you there, but the real pattern here isn't the one you think.


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

You are a racist. If you don't like being called a racist, the onus is on you to change your ways and show us that you aren't. I hope that you have sufficient moral courage to take that step.

No, I am not. But you are a liar, about which you clearly have no moral qualms in the first place.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/21/2015 5:42:09 AM >

(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 312
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/21/2015 7:00:23 AM   

Posts: 55
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After reading some of the posts in this thread, I suggest that if you are going to accuse someone of anything, that in your accusations you provide links to their statements, and/or quote them properly, to keep the flow of discussion going.

It seems hat it would be easy to just make up statements like, "You have repeatedly made love to your Raggedy Andy doll against his consent," if you do not have to back that up with any sort of link/proof.

Let's not do that.


(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 313
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/22/2015 1:01:25 PM   

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a few more recent facts (and estimates):

last week about 30 000 new refugees have crossed the Aegean sea between the Turkish coast and the Greek islands

several thousand refugees waiting to be permitted to cross the borders from Macedonia to Serbia, Serbia to Croatia, Croatia to Slovenia (several thousand each!)

yesterday more than 12 000 refugees crossed the border from Croatia to Slovenia, more than 5 000 the border from Slovenia to Austria

about 20 000 refugees on transit in Slovenia (population of Slovenia about 2 million)


reports on facts and current rumours about the refugee situation in Germany (German only - sorry)

(in reply to M38284)
Profile   Post #: 314
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/22/2015 4:13:07 PM   

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ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

Kirata, I called you a racist after some careful deliberation. It was the only conclusion possible when I recalled your posting history over a long period on race related topics. Off the top of my head I can list the following:

* Your repeated claims that black South Africans are committing genocide against whites in today's South Africa;

* Your repeated opposition to any measure, program or policy to counter racism or to remedy the wrongs of the past, bar the absolute minimal Civil Rights legislation of the 60s. Your position seems to be that this legislation levelled the racial playing field for all, and that racism as a serious issue disappeared after the passage of this legislation;

* Your vocal and repeated antipathy towards any mention of race as a significant factor in the inferior social position of blacks in today's USA. I cannot recall you mentioning a single incident of racism against blacks (or other minority groups) yet you find excuses to repeatedly post claims of racism against whites, even starting threads on this precise theme;

* Your passionate defence of flying the Confederacy flag and your absolute denial that it was a symbol of racism;

* Your unsupported claim of rape by refugees in Europe in this thread, a favourite inflammatory trope used by racists everywhere to justify their hate;

* Your recent attempts to minimise and excuse the lynchings of blacks in the US. Your repugnant claim that "not all the blacks were innocent" has struck in my mind. Implying that racist lynchings were justified is not a position any one who is anti-racist could consider, let alone adopt for a nanosecond.

* Your repeated attempts to defend the 'right' of bigots to their hate speech, and the 'right' of the religious to discriminate against any minority group they chose on religious grounds.

I have no doubt that, if I could be bothered researching it, I could come up with a lot more evidence adding to and confirming the above. But the pattern is very clear and consistent - whenever white male hegemony is threatened, you rush to its defence on any spurious grounds you can dredge up; whenever anyone proposes any measure to remedy the racist wrongs of the past or the present, you are vociferous in your opposition.

All of the specific positions listed above are positions you share with overt racists. (Going from memory) I am unable to recall even one position you have advocated on a race related issue that you share with anti-racists. When someone is in 100% agreement with racists on a wide variety of racist issues such as those listed above, and, 100% opposed to the positions advocated by anti-racists the conclusion is clear and self evident.

You are a racist. If you don't like being called a racist, the onus is on you to change your ways and show us that you aren't. I hope that you have sufficient moral courage to take that step. It might appear difficult to you - it isn't actually - but you can be certain that you will come out of the process at the other end a much better person. The choice is yours.

you seem to be a perfect illustration of the left's very troublesome penchant for seeing racism pretty much anywhere whenever matters that involve "race" are discussed and they disagree with the information/position being taken. ive not posted on this thread since very early and only once or twice after that, but ive more or less followed it along and have read the posts in question (here and elsewhere) and as ive read them, ive not ever once considered the poster, or the post itself, racist in any way.

to the contrary, ive viewed the posts as informative and at times, insightful. its too bad you just cant deal and interact with the information without crying "raaaaaaaaaaaacism." but I suppose that is hard to do when you can redefine words/concepts to mean what you want them to in order to make the opposition look bad or to silence them.

< Message edited by bounty44 -- 10/22/2015 4:15:20 PM >

(in reply to tweakabelle)
Profile   Post #: 315
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/22/2015 6:37:57 PM   

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ORIGINAL: bounty44
you seem to be a perfect illustration of the left's very troublesome penchant for seeing racism pretty much anywhere whenever matters that involve "race" are discussed and they disagree with the information/position being taken.

To be fair, that's much more than matched by the right's very frequent claim that it's not being racist even when it obviously is.


(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 316
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/23/2015 4:13:37 PM   

Posts: 14862
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original Kirata :

Except that the vast majority of lynchings were carried out as extrajudicial punishments, and "4000 black people hanging from trees" is a dishonest account of them. About a third as many whites were lynched too, and the blacks weren't all innocent.

I cant believe anyone was stupid enough to think this, let alone post it. It is clearly a case of defending racism at all costs.

(in reply to PeonForHer)
Profile   Post #: 317
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/23/2015 7:25:39 PM   

Posts: 15477
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ORIGINAL: Politesub53

original Kirata :

Except that the vast majority of lynchings were carried out as extrajudicial punishments, and "4000 black people hanging from trees" is a dishonest account of them. About a third as many whites were lynched too, and the blacks weren't all innocent.

I cant believe anyone was stupid enough to think this, let alone post it. It is clearly a case of defending racism at all costs.

Few things are more amusing (if that's the word I want) than watching a self-avowed racist running around loose accusing other people of "racism". But hey, I understand, you're not as racist as they are! What a fucking hoot. Simply to say that not all of the hangings can be attributed to racism isn't defending racism, you illiterate fuckwit. If you require further assistance, see here.


(in reply to Politesub53)
Profile   Post #: 318
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/24/2015 4:04:21 PM   

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Few things are more amusing (if that's the word I want) than watching a self-avowed racist running around loose accusing other people of "racism". But hey, I understand, you're not as racist as they are! What a fucking hoot. Simply to say that not all of the hangings can be attributed to racism isn't defending racism, you illiterate fuckwit. If you require further assistance, see here.


Fuck all in your post, even the juvenile links, takes anything away from your previous comments. I dont seem to be the only one who thinks you support this racist bile. You also miss the irony of even suggesting that my words to SD, somehow make me "a self avowed racist" The simple point that I didnt wish to be as racist as him, doesnt mean I am racist myself. This isnt the first time we have clashed over you defending racism when I have pointed it out, and it wont be the last. *****Ah ah! That's not allowed. Be nice or be moderated!*****

The only illiterate fuckwit here seems to be you and your racist assertion that "4000 black people hanging from trees" is a dishonest account. Sure they may not have all been innocent or indeed all hung from trees, but I supplied you with a link showing the general numbers were correct, which is more than you seem able of doing.

< Message edited by M38284 -- 10/26/2015 6:43:49 AM >

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 319
RE: Heartbreaking -- Drowned Syrian Boy -- Whole Family... - 10/24/2015 5:49:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Politesub53

This isnt the first time we have clashed over you defending racism when I have pointed it out, and it wont be the last. Your Islamophobia speaks for itself, even on this thread.

Now it's Isalmophobia? Woof. And "even on this thread" too! Got any links? No wait, I forgot. You don't need links. You "know" these things.


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

The only illiterate fuckwit here seems to be you and your racist assertion that "4000 black people hanging from trees" is a dishonest account. Sure they may not have all been innocent or indeed all hung from trees, but I supplied you with a link showing the general numbers were correct, which is more than you seem able of doing. Oh I forgot, white people were strung up as well, which in your mind makes it okay.

You're making shit up again, and pulling five words out of context (again with no link) isn't going to help you. I didn't quibble about the number. And I never said that anything "makes it okay." But no matter, you know these things. You read minds.

What a sick little slug you are. Wipe up your slime trail on the way out.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 10/24/2015 6:28:39 PM >

(in reply to Politesub53)
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