RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (Full Version)

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Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/7/2015 10:00:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
Or if we are going to ban Muslims from coming into the country, we should exile the idiots who cancelled "Firefly."

Everybody only hears Trump says, "Ban Muslims", but in context, he did say, "until they can figure out what's going on."

I believe what he means is develop a way to differentiate the moderates from the extremist. And then eventually let the moderates in and keep the extremists out. I mean, if there is evidence those people were entering the country to plot harm to Americans, it's reasonable to ban them from entering isn't it? All we know right now is about 6% of their multi-millions belongs in this category, and not knowing how to filter them out yet. Do we just let them all in, and just deal with each attack, as it comes? Or do we ban them all, until we figure how to filter them?

I was just thinking, Americans Muslims could have the tagline, "Islam don't kill people, People kill people!" Ha! That be funny!

Australia banned Chris Brown for being a woman beater! I say, great job! There are alot of wife beating Muslims out there, as it's encouraged by the Quran. But it's okay to ban Chris Brown because his not a Muslim. Sad isn't it? Many other wife beaters are allowed through.

Trump is like me. No PR skills ha! Maybe that's why I understand what he means!

tweakabelle -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 12:56:26 AM)




ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

Yes, because white people has no problem being called white. Yellow people have no problems being called Yellow. Nobody in Asia gets offended by being referred to as Yellow. I have only ever heard it's offensive in the US.

And black people being offended by being called black is also just a US thing.

I know a UK African who married a Singaporean, and is settled down here, and he told me, it's totally fine in the UK.

I'm Yellow and I'm happy to be yellow. I don't understand why be ashamed of your race or colour?

It's also considered offensive here in Australia. I think that it also is the case in the UK.

That aside, I am interested to understand why you insist on gratuitously using derogatory and/or disparaging and/or insulting language about others. It takes virtually no effort or energy to replace those terms with something a little less insulting. It's no more than replacing a rude and insulting term with a more polite one. What's your problem with people being polite to each other?

Often those who refuse to use neutral or preferred terms about others are bigots themselves. Their opposition to what they wrongly label 'political correctness' is merely a convenient mask to hide their bigotry. I don't understand why anyone would willingly put themselves in the same category as those bigots, unless that person is a bigot themself.

PeonForHer -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 3:03:34 AM)


It's also considered offensive here in Australia. I think that it also is the case in the UK.

It is, most definitely.

NB 'call a spade a spade' predates the ethnic slur by hundreds of years. 'Spade' refers to the digging implement.

thishereboi -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 3:25:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Banning them is going a bit far, I say we microchip them, with one that has a gps tracker on it, linked to a drone with a hell fire missile.

That way, if they get to close to a school, mall, 7/11, movie theater, we can just send a hell fire on their ass...

We can do the same with people on the no fly list.

They go to buy gasoline, diesel, yard chemicals, etc, we can just blast them into hamburger and be done with it.


People like Trump and Feinstein can get their heads out of their asses and actually use their brains for something more than a laxative.

Personally, I think that everyone who does not like 80's rock needs to have a collar on them that gives them a shock everytime they cant answer who the lead singer of the silver bullet band was.

Or if we are going to ban Muslims from coming into the country, we should exile the idiots who cancelled "Firefly."

Bob Seger, there now that I am no longer in danger of electrocution I'll put my 2 cents worth on good old Trump. Yes he does seem to spend most of his time with his head up his ass, but I really doubt he has any chance of the nomination so I am not worried. And it is fun to watch some on the left foam at the mouth every time he talks so there is some entertainment value in him. But that's about it.

bounty44 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 4:53:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

unless i am missing something from a previous conversation between the two of you, she clearly did not call black people spades. she used the expression "calling a spade a spade."

not only is that expression universally (or so I thought until you) understood as meaning "telling the truth about something," if there was any doubt about its meaning, it was offered up by greta in a direct response to her and peon's conversation about political correctness.

the expression dates back to ancient greek times and doesn't have anything to do with blacks or calling a black person a spade.

but way to see "racism" when none existed.

"perhaps you could get a grown up to read greta's post to you and explain the big words?"

Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 7:06:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle
That aside, I am interested to understand why you insist on gratuitously using derogatory and/or disparaging and/or insulting language about others.

My problem is when, factual description of someone becomes "insulting". Why would a yellow person wanna deny they are yellow, and why would a white person want to deny they are white, why a black person wanna deny they are black?

How could being black be derogatory when it's your identity?

What bothers me is when coloured people are shameful and embarrassed about their colour that they consider their skin colour a racial slur. I am a coloured person myself and I think it's ridiculous, this shame. They should be proud. Black and proud. And unapologetic about their skin colour. The more they make black a dirty word, the more they are the ones looking down on themselves and insulting themselves. They give derogatory power to a simple descriptive word that has no negative connotation at all.

I think it's disgraceful for any coloured people to be so ashame of their own colour.

Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 7:11:10 AM)

It's the first time in my life calling a spade a spade is an ethnic slur I have ever heard BTW! We use this term very often as an expression about being straight talker and stop talking with flowery bullshit. This is the whole damn problem with political correctness. Every single word is a racial, or ethnic slur nowadays! Even if it is not!

And when a Black British African tells me saying Black is not racist in UK. I am gonna believe him, because, his black and his okay with it. His also a lighter skin black dude. And his still okay with it. I always ask black people when I meet them if they are okay to be called black. I love asking that question. I never met one who told me no yet! Maybe I am Asian, so they don't feel so sensitive if I call them black. They clearly know when I say it, it's not racist.

angelikaJ -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 7:23:02 AM)

Sayid Rizwan Farook shot a Muslim woman 4 times who was a member of the same Mosque he had been until he changed his place of worship.

We can say they were terrorists because they had lots of ammo and home made bombs.
No one said that about James Holmes.

I am not suggesting that they were not terrorists or hadn't been radicalized.
But look at the numbers of Muslims who live in this country, and realise that most of them are peaceful followers with no ill intent towards the country they call home.

thompsonx -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:10:59 AM)

It's also considered offensive here in Australia. I think that it also is the case in the UK. [/quote]

It is, most definitely.

NB 'call a spade a spade' predates the ethnic slur by hundreds of years. 'Spade' refers to the digging implement.

I once heard a remark attributed to the archbishop of cantebury, when told by some workmen who were engaged in a bit of off color humor that it was their custom to call a "spade a spade",... to which the archbishop was said to reply...
"I should have thought you would call it a bloody shovel"

thompsonx -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:18:04 AM)

ORIGINAL: bounty44
ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

unless i am missing something from a previous conversation between the two of you,

Perhaps if you got a grown-up to read the big words to you, you would find the source of your ignorance.

she clearly did not call black people spades. she used the expression "calling a spade a spade."

For the intellectually challanged, I did not say that she did.

but way to see "racism" when none existed.

Way to be willfully ignorant of what I posted[8|]

thompsonx -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:21:37 AM)


My problem is when, factual description of someone becomes "insulting".

No, your problem is you can't phoquing read.

Why would a yellow person wanna deny they are yellow, and why would a white person want to deny they are white, why a black person wanna deny they are black?

No one but you has said that they do. Black people do not have a problem with being called black. Black people have a problem with ethnic slurs.

Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:25:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
No one but you has said that they do. Black people do not have a problem with being called black. Black people have a problem with ethnic slurs.

Well someone has accuse me of using racial slurs in my example of calling black people black.

Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:27:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

Yes, but I called yellow people spades too and white people spades too. So I called myself a spade. I love how you think I've offended myself. I would use call a spade a spade for any race and for anything. Like calling a radical muslim a radical muslim is calling a spade a spade.

Calling a radical christian a radical christian IS calling a spade a spade.

I mean, calling westboro radical christians IS calling a spade a spade!

Go ahead and feel offended! When there is nothing offensive about that term at all!

tj444 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:30:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi

And it is fun to watch some on the left foam at the mouth every time he talks so there is some entertainment value in him. But that's about it.

its not just the left.. the list of his fellow Rs that are foaming at the mouth at his comments grows by the minute.. today bush called him "unhinged".. lol ..others were more polite and PC about Trump... but few seem to want to be tarred with the same brush and stand by his side.. But yes, there is some entertainment value in watching Rs turn on Rs and distance themselves from him in this drama.. [:D] I hope you are right about the nomination thing tho.. I used to think there wasnt a worst potential next Prez than Hillary, boy was I wrong.. [&o]

thompsonx -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:34:01 AM)

It's the first time in my life calling a spade a spade is an ethnic slur

Is it also the first time in your life you have heard of a "double entendre"?

thompsonx -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:38:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
No one but you has said that they do. Black people do not have a problem with being called black. Black people have a problem with ethnic slurs.

Well someone has accuse me of using racial slurs in my example of calling black people black.

Only you in your tiny little mind.

Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:38:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Is it also the first time in your life you have heard of a "double entendre"?

I think I will go crazy hanging around PC police all day! Need to get back sanity hanging out with people who ain't gonna jump at every word!

Sign me up for the No-PC bullshit club!

LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:39:32 AM)




ORIGINAL: thishereboi

And it is fun to watch some on the left foam at the mouth every time he talks so there is some entertainment value in him. But that's about it.

its not just the left.. the list of his fellow Rs that are foaming at the mouth at his comments grows by the minute.. today bush called him "unhinged".. lol ..others were more polite and PC about Trump... but few seem to want to be tarred with the same brush and stand by his side.. But yes, there is some entertainment value in watching Rs turn on Rs and distance themselves from him in this drama.. [:D] I hope you are right about the nomination thing tho.. I used to think there wasnt a worst potential next Prez than Hillary, boy was I wrong.. [&o]

Actually I think most Democrats know that Trump is something like god's gift to them, the Republican clown wagon is pretty much a disaster but chief clown Trump is single handedly destroying the GOP, the Republicans pretend those 8 years of disaster under GW didn't happen (ever noticed how his name is avoided wide and far) and now they got the guy with 3 trophy wives (2 of them foreign, one to admired all over the web sans clothes - that will do down so well with the bible belt), the Donald has made it sure that they lost the black vote, the latino vote... Absolutely fantastic, let him talk more, he's winning the election single handedly - for the Dems

thompsonx -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:41:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

Yes, but I called yellow people spades too and white people spades too. So I called myself a spade.

Of course you do sweetie.[8|]

LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:47:52 AM)



Political Correctness is the problem.

In our country, we put Jehovah witnesses in jail. So we put radical christians in jail.

Our laws jail religious group members who are members of any religion that encourages and teaches their followers to disobey common law.

I would say radical Muslims should come under this category too.

If one thing Ted Cruz is right, it starts with definition. Clear guideline on how to differentiate a radical muslim from a moderate muslim, and then prosecuting radical muslims.

But political correctness will get in the way of this.

Radicalism had nothing to do with banning of Jehova's Witnesses, refusing military service, saluting the flag and no oaths of allegiance were the reason:

"In 1972 the Singapore government de-registered and banned the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Singapore on the grounds that its members refuse to perform military service (which is obligatory for all male citizens), salute the flag, or swear oaths of allegiance to the state. Singapore has banned all written materials published by the International Bible Students Association and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, both publishing arms of the Jehovah's Witnesses. A person who possesses a prohibited publication can be fined up to $1500 (Singapore Dollars $2,000) and jailed up to 12 months for a first conviction."

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