RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (Full Version)

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Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 8:50:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
Radicalism had nothing to do with banning of Jehova's Witnesses, refusing military service, saluting the flag and no oaths of allegiance were the reason:

You don't think those are radical? That's pretty radical. To think they deserve special treatment because they are Jehovah witnesses. If muslims refuse military service, they will be banned too. Same thing as I said, teaching their followers to disobey common law. Military service is compulsory by law for men in Singapore.

Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:00:11 AM)

So I was just thinking, in Singapore, if like that Californian terrorist female did over here, like post on facebook to support ISIS. She would have been arrested and investigated thoroughly, her home searched, and she'd just be in deep trouble if it was in my country. On top of this, moderate muslims are okay with this. First of all, by being supportive of this, they prove to us that they are on our side and not on the terrorists side. They are on the government side to prosecute anybody who even dares verbally support ISIS. And they will get involve also in un-radicalising her.

So actually, I don't know why US aren't doing the same. They should! It's a good solution. We have foiled many potential terrorists this way! Once their home is searched without warning, so they can't hide or destroy evidence, lots of evidence of their plotting gets found.

Also, I can't imagine a facebook post going out like that and any Singaporean who sees it will forward the screenshot to the authorities. It will immediately be noticed. I mean, on top of prosecuting potential would be terrorists, it's the same, like if someone post on facebook racist material, loads of people will screenshot it and forward it to authorities too, quite a few got prosecuted this way.

I just think it's a pity both aren't arrested alive, and now, the US government is having trouble finding any information on these two or finding who else they are linked to locally in the US, that could also be in the loop to carry out some other plans on their own.

In Singapore, there are also notices everywhere in public transport areas, what number to call if we notice any suspicious person or packages. And they take it seriously each time. Like people can just stereo typically profile, call, report without worrying about racial bias or religious bias. If there is a cause for concern, should be investigated! If the person is innocent, then he will be set free.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:14:45 AM)




ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
Radicalism had nothing to do with banning of Jehova's Witnesses, refusing military service, saluting the flag and no oaths of allegiance were the reason:

You don't think those are radical? That's pretty radical. To think they deserve special treatment because they are Jehovah witnesses. If muslims refuse military service, they will be banned too. Same thing as I said, teaching their followers to disobey common law. Military service is compulsory by law for men in Singapore.

No, I don't think it's radical, and it's a bit naive to think that refusing military service means you are not law abiding, in a lot of countries where military service was mandatory, people who's religion or morals wouldn't allow them to serve in the army (which is essentially training to go to war and fight other people) could do something else.

To be honest I find it pretty radical to FORCE somebody to join military service, and I find it morally corrupt to only make men do that and not women as well.

Greta75 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:25:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
To be honest I find it pretty radical to FORCE somebody to join military service, and I find it morally corrupt to only make men do that and not women as well.

I don't. Women are weaker. They want strong men in the military. It makes sense.
There are still today many jobs that is difficult for women to do, especially physical hardships one as they are weaker. Even in weight carrying like Spartan races, women are given lighter load. They can't even handle what men can carry. I mean, they have physical limitations that are just reality and Military have to lower standards for them to pass fitness test. That's terrible. Can you imagine in war, the enemy is gonna say, "I'm gonna make things easier for you, for your standard, because you are a woman!" They are not.

I know people say women can contribute in nursing or cooks or whatever in the military too, but how many of those positions do they have?

But it's not morally corrupt to force all men to do military as we only have 2million Singaporeans, out of that number, maybe 1/3 are young men or even less. If we rely on voluntarily military sign up, we mine as well have no army.

deathtothepixies -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:28:13 AM)

Trump has had a go at London now

He is a liar and a cunt of highest order

PeonForHer -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:36:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: deathtothepixies

Trump has had a go at London now

He is a liar and a cunt of highest order

That's almost funny, in a way. What a monumental bullshitter.

tj444 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:47:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze




ORIGINAL: thishereboi

And it is fun to watch some on the left foam at the mouth every time he talks so there is some entertainment value in him. But that's about it.

its not just the left.. the list of his fellow Rs that are foaming at the mouth at his comments grows by the minute.. today bush called him "unhinged".. lol ..others were more polite and PC about Trump... but few seem to want to be tarred with the same brush and stand by his side.. But yes, there is some entertainment value in watching Rs turn on Rs and distance themselves from him in this drama.. [:D] I hope you are right about the nomination thing tho.. I used to think there wasnt a worst potential next Prez than Hillary, boy was I wrong.. [&o]

Actually I think most Democrats know that Trump is something like god's gift to them, the Republican clown wagon is pretty much a disaster but chief clown Trump is single handedly destroying the GOP, the Republicans pretend those 8 years of disaster under GW didn't happen (ever noticed how his name is avoided wide and far) and now they got the guy with 3 trophy wives (2 of them foreign, one to admired all over the web sans clothes - that will do down so well with the bible belt), the Donald has made it sure that they lost the black vote, the latino vote... Absolutely fantastic, let him talk more, he's winning the election single handedly - for the Dems

You are right about that.. even if he doesnt win the nomination he will still be blathering away in the background (even after the election) and reminding voters what a continual embarrassment the GOP is...

tj444 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:49:31 AM)




ORIGINAL: deathtothepixies

Trump has had a go at London now

He is a liar and a cunt of highest order

That's almost funny, in a way. What a monumental bullshitter.

Yabbut... he wants to "Make America Great Again"... its people like him that have put it in the toilet in the first place..

LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:50:21 AM)




ORIGINAL: LadyConstanze
To be honest I find it pretty radical to FORCE somebody to join military service, and I find it morally corrupt to only make men do that and not women as well.

I don't. Women are weaker. They want strong men in the military. It makes sense.
There are still today many jobs that is difficult for women to do, especially physical hardships one as they are weaker. Even in weight carrying like Spartan races, women are given lighter load. They can't even handle what men can carry. I mean, they have physical limitations that are just reality and Military have to lower standards for them to pass fitness test. That's terrible. Can you imagine in war, the enemy is gonna say, "I'm gonna make things easier for you, for your standard, because you are a woman!" They are not.

I know people say women can contribute in nursing or cooks or whatever in the military too, but how many of those positions do they have?

But it's not morally corrupt to force all men to do military as we only have 2million Singaporeans, out of that number, maybe 1/3 are young men or even less. If we rely on voluntarily military sign up, we mine as well have no army.

A woman who wants the same rights should be willing to do the same. As for weaker, if you mean less physical strength, what the hell has that to do with it? Is your country planning to go to war with clubs? There is no reason why a woman can't drive a tank, truck, handle technical equipment or fly a plane, the days of hand to hand combat have long gone and most civilized countries are well aware of it, plenty of women in the military. Cooking and nursing - oh welcome to the middle ages.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:52:44 AM)




ORIGINAL: deathtothepixies

Trump has had a go at London now

He is a liar and a cunt of highest order

That's almost funny, in a way. What a monumental bullshitter.

Amusing, I would love The Donald to show me the places... Though I don't like Boris, his answer was pretty funny.

KYsissy -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 9:58:30 AM)

I am starting to think Trump entered the race as an ego trip with no expectation or desire to win. Then he started leading in the polls. So then he decided to derail his candidacy by being more and more outrageous but his plan backfired. Everytime he thinks "if I say this, then I should drop like a rock in the polls"
But every time he does so he gains more.
Its almost like The Mouse That Roared applied to politics.

Lucylastic -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 10:23:22 AM)

House Speaker Paul Ryan issued a dramatic condemnation Tuesday of the latest proposal by Donald Trump, his party's front-runner for president, following Trump's call to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.

Ryan said at a press conference that Trump's comments are "not who we are as a party" and violate the Constitution.

"This is not conservatism," the Wisconsin representative said, adding, "Some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against radical Islam terror are Muslims."

Asked if he'd back Trump if he was nominated by the party in 2016, Ryan responded, "I'm going to support whoever the Republican nominee is and I'm going to stand up for what I believe in as I do that."

Ryan's denunciation of the proposal by the party's leading presidential candidate marked a highly unusual moment in the campaign. Sitting House speakers rarely engage in presidential politics and the reprimand is particularly noteworthy coming from Ryan, the party's 2012 vice presidential nominee.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 10:29:02 AM)

Trump has some value if he can make Lyin' Ryan appear like an actual human being [:(]

Lucylastic -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 10:43:50 AM)

That was my thought too.

kdsub -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 10:55:49 AM)

But with all the new equipment carrying a 60 lb plus pack does make a big difference... this is why the Corps has requested to be exempt... They have tested and proven the average woman cannot perform the required tasks that the average man can with equipment in combat circumstances. They would be a liability and degrade the performance of the squad. The problem is not if women can operate equipment competently but that all branches of service are now required to open their ranks to woman... even though, in some circumstances, they degrade the effectiveness of the units. Another dumb ass political decision.


LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 11:02:18 AM)



But with all the new equipment carrying a 60 lb plus pack does make a big difference... this is why the Corps has requested to be exempt... They have tested and proven the average woman cannot perform the required tasks that the average man can with equipment in combat circumstances. They would be a liability and degrade the performance of the squad. The problem is not if women can operate equipment competently but that all branches of service are now required to open their ranks to woman... even though, in some circumstances, they degrade the effectiveness of the units. Another dumb ass political decision.


Yeah, I guess that's why Israel's army is so weak, because they have so many women, DUHHHHH

kdsub -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 11:55:05 AM)

Better read up on women in their military first.

LadyConstanze -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 12:01:32 PM)



Better read up on women in their military first.

I have, actually been there, but you checking up seems to be a bit out of your comfort zone....

Aylee -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 12:40:41 PM)



But with all the new equipment carrying a 60 lb plus pack does make a big difference... this is why the Corps has requested to be exempt... They have tested and proven the average woman cannot perform the required tasks that the average man can with equipment in combat circumstances. They would be a liability and degrade the performance of the squad. The problem is not if women can operate equipment competently but that all branches of service are now required to open their ranks to woman... even though, in some circumstances, they degrade the effectiveness of the units. Another dumb ass political decision.


There is also the increase of injuries in women.

And the packs are closer to 80 pounds.

It us a horrible political decision that will lead to more deaths, injuries, and degradation of unit effectiveness and moral.

jlf1961 -> RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. (12/8/2015 12:43:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: thishereboi


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Banning them is going a bit far, I say we microchip them, with one that has a gps tracker on it, linked to a drone with a hell fire missile.

That way, if they get to close to a school, mall, 7/11, movie theater, we can just send a hell fire on their ass...

We can do the same with people on the no fly list.

They go to buy gasoline, diesel, yard chemicals, etc, we can just blast them into hamburger and be done with it.


People like Trump and Feinstein can get their heads out of their asses and actually use their brains for something more than a laxative.

Personally, I think that everyone who does not like 80's rock needs to have a collar on them that gives them a shock everytime they cant answer who the lead singer of the silver bullet band was.

Or if we are going to ban Muslims from coming into the country, we should exile the idiots who cancelled "Firefly."

Bob Seger, there now that I am no longer in danger of electrocution I'll put my 2 cents worth on good old Trump. Yes he does seem to spend most of his time with his head up his ass, but I really doubt he has any chance of the nomination so I am not worried. And it is fun to watch some on the left foam at the mouth every time he talks so there is some entertainment value in him. But that's about it.

But you said nothing in defense of firefly!

Im a moderate and I foam at the mouth at some of the crap he spews.

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