RE: Why would someone do this? (Full Version)

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subhere44you -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 9:47:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darkfeather

I do not seek nor demand anyone be obligated in any fashion to reply.

I simply stated that to not for the reasons stated was a cop-out.

Dude, is English you second language or something?

cop out
n. An excuse designed to shirk ones duty and responsibility.

: a duty or task that you are required or expected to do
: something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc.

Which one is it? Do women have an obligation to answer every mail their get (which means that if they don't, they are indeed copping-out).
Or do women not have an obligation to answer every mail they get (in which case, them not answering mails, for any reason, is BY DEFINITION, not a cop-out, as you cannot cop-out of something aren't duty bound to).


ORIGINAL: Darkfeather

My point is simply, those sending out the emails have that implied reasonable expectation of courtesy.

Are you saying that those men who start off by mailing rude emails have an implied reasonable expectation of courtesy returned?

So if you pass you on the street, and say "you filthy asshole" to you in greeting, I have an implied reasonable expectation that you will return my statement by saying "good morning miss"?

Or does it only work when the guy speaks first... you can call me a "filthy cunt" in your first communication to me, and then, when I don't answer you promptly and polite, I'm copping-out?

Or does it apply to everybody? Anytime somebody opens communication with you by being rude, inconsiderate, and intrusive, you are now duty-bound to be pleasant and cheerful back to them?

If that's the case, and you can't be rude back to somebody who started off by being rude to you... when exactly can you be rude? What gives the other person the right to be rude to begin with?
How come they're not the ones copping-out when they start of sending a lazy, rude, copy/paste email to start with?

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 9:54:25 AM)

-fast reply

My version of Occam's Razor: those of you experiencing poor results with your efforts on sites like this might want to pay attention to what those who are seeing success have to say. Or just call me crazy.

dreamlady -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 9:57:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darkfeather
But the fact remains, when two or more people engage in social interaction, we kinda expect it. Please and Thank You, Hello and Goodbye, basic polite mannerisms. The fact that we don't get them (more often than not), doesn't change the fact that at least one side expects this.

I completely get what you're saying, I really do.

No doubt, you have enough decorum to not spam every woman within a 500/1000/2000/3000/5000-mile radius of you who has clearly stated that she is not interested in engaging in long-distance interactions.
No doubt, you don't target women whose age range and/or other preferences you don't meet by any stretch of the imagination.
No doubt, you don't message women whose profiles say they are already in a committed relationship and/or are only here for the forums.
No doubt, you think that by saying hello, good day, or some other impersonal pleasantry should entitle you to a hollaback, even if your stats (or profile picture or profile text or Interests list, etc.) is not in line with what a woman is seeking.
No doubt, you take the time to read through profiles to assess the likelihood of making a suitable match, and consider yourself a promising contender if only you were given a fighting chance, right?

But. A great majority of men aren't like you. If you truly want to convey that you are special and a cut above the rest, than your introductory message should reflect that.
Speaking of cop-outs, no longer taking the time to put much effort into your messages is a cop-out.

Would you expect common courtesy if and when you have not demonstrated the same? You (plural) shouldn't.

Would you bother to apply for a job for which you are not qualified and then expect to get the red carpet treatment? Would you apply for a job just so you can get a TBNT response? I doubt you would because you aren't a fool. And you certainly wouldn't return to try to convince HR by debating with them that they should hire an unqualified applicant. Then when you get rejected for a second time, you start cussing them out, saying that you didn't want their sorry job to begin with and they can shove it where the sun doesn't shine (or else threaten to do harm to the establishment). Yeah, a real class act.

Would you show up uninvited at an unknown family's family reunion gathering or take it upon yourself to invite yourself to a random family's outdoor BBQ and expect to be warmly greeted when they don't know you from Adam and you have no business interrupting their festivities? (Keep in mind that a person's inbox is their turf, not yours.)

Would you want random strangers to accost you asking you for a light or to bum a cigarette, and then proceed to argue with you about holding out on them, when you weren't even smoking to begin with?

Would you want people who cannot help you in any way, shape or form to waste your time by stopping to offer you condolescences (and nothing else) because they had nothing better to do than to pull over the side of the road to say, Sorry dude, I can't give you a lift and my cell phone's not charged so I can't let you use it, and I'm running late for work so I'm too busy to give you a hand, but have a nice day anyway? While you courteously respond, Have a nice day, too, and thanks for the thought, you would be muttering "Wtf? What an idiot" to yourself, wouldn't you.

Common courtesy works both ways, my friend. Being (and I'm not saying that you are) presumptuous and not valuing other's time at the expense of your unsolicited pride is not showing courtesy. It's like going around a neighborhood that is not your own where nobody knows you, loitering in their driveway, and/or knocking on doors to sell an unwanted and unneeded product. If someone's dog lunges out to bite you in the arse, then that's on you, not them. [:-]


SuaveGentleman -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 10:10:29 AM)

Wow this has escalated really rapidly while I was busy with my simulations....
But I truly loved the 51 email experiment. Expected results, but something we should think of time and again. Truly, what miserable company.. I wish men made a better name for themselves.

- asn

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 10:20:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: SuaveGentleman

Wow this has escalated really rapidly while I was busy with my simulations....
But I truly loved the 51 email experiment. Expected results, but something we should think of time and again. Truly, what miserable company.. I wish men made a better name for themselves.

- asn

Sorry, about the massive thread derailment, but I'm getting really sick and tired of constantly getting accused (not by you, and not just on this thread, but any time the topic comes up) of being rude and inconsiderate for nor replying to every single mail when you guys have no idea the kind of shit that lands into our inboxes and what volume.

betataster -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:05:28 AM)

For my two cents, if I go to the trouble to read your profile, and usually a good part, or all, of your journal entries, and then take the time to put together a well thought-out introduction addressed specifically to you and based on what I've read, then I have no compunction about "wasting your time" for you to read my introduction and perhaps my profile. I don't care if you reply or not, though, obviously, the point is to elicit a reply. And I'm not going to follow up with a bunch of trash talk either. I might try one more time, after a respectful interval, if there's no reply and your profile really interests me. And I don't really care if I'm outside your stated age limits or your stated distance limit. I think age is just a number and jet planes go fast. I'm also open to relocation within a reasonable time frame. What's important to me is finding the right connection and I am willing to expend an inordinate, though I don't think it's inordinate, amount of effort to achieve that right connection. So if I wasted your time, so be it. So many dominant woman here complain of not being able to find a suitable partner yet am I hearing that they're not willing to sift through the dross to find that potential diamond in the rough? Then shame on you for denying yourself an opportunity, and not with me specifically, but not shame on me for trying.

SuaveGentleman -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:08:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

Sorry, about the massive thread derailment, but I'm getting really sick and tired of constantly getting accused (not by you, and not just on this thread, but any time the topic comes up) of being rude and inconsiderate for nor replying to every single mail when you guys have no idea the kind of shit that lands into our inboxes and what volume.

I actually have an idea of the kind of shit that lands in your inbox. Please do not let this come on you. The fact that you have taken so much time to talk and discuss about this (and the others of course) show that you care. I cannot thank you, and other posters here, enough for your inputs, your advice and your kindness. There are probably a handful of you who make this place worth maintaining an account on. Please be proud of yourselves.

- asn

Lucylastic -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:21:49 AM)

yeah... one person sending out an email hoping for a response is not engaging in conversation.
I got one last night... Maam....would you like to go on skype and watch me shower?

A long thoughtful email hmm, unless you mention something that is in my profile or my posts, or my profile pic, within the first two sentences then Im not going to respond(unless I recognize your name). Its easy to see how it is taken as a copy and paste mail.

A male dom asked me the other day if I lactated...obviously didnt look at my age, Im pretty past lactating, and being his breeder(idiot male)
I did respond to him, but why should I?
I actually responded to him without cynicism or derision.

SuaveGentleman -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:25:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

yeah... one person sending out an email hoping for a response is not engaging in conversation.
I got one last night... Maam....would you like to go on skype and watch me shower?

A long thoughtful email hmm, unless you mention something that is in my profile or my posts, or my profile pic, within the first two sentences then Im not going to respond(unless I recognize your name). Its easy to see how it is taken as a copy and paste mail.

A male dom asked me the other day if I lactated...obviously didnt look at my age, Im pretty past lactating, and being his breeder(idiot male)
I did respond to him, but why should I?
I actually responded to him without cynicism or derision.

I dont know which reply you are replying to. Perfectly agree to what you are saying - so you admit if someone wrote a thoughtful email with reference to what you had in your profile and with the understanding that what you are looking for might match with what he is looking for, then you might reply? Aha! Welcome to the crux of my confusion that led to this question.

- asn

dreamlady -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:30:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: betataster
And I don't really care if I'm outside your stated age limits or your stated distance limit. I think age is just a number and jet planes go fast. I'm also open to relocation within a reasonable time frame. What's important to me is finding the right connection and I am willing to expend an inordinate, though I don't think it's inordinate, amount of effort to achieve that right connection. So if I wasted your time, so be it. So many dominant woman here complain of not being able to find a suitable partner yet am I hearing that they're not willing to sift through the dross to find that potential diamond in the rough? Then shame on you for denying yourself an opportunity, and not with me specifically, but not shame on me for trying.

You were doing really well until this part above. Whether you don't care who you message, has no bearing on whether the recipient of your message does care. It's a good thing that you don't get yourself emotionally invested in receiving a response, when you clearly aren't what they are seeking.

Funny how men who say that "age is just a number" are either young guns who don't have the maturity level to pull a much older lady, despite the fact that she is creeped out by the thought of taking up with a dude young enough to be her son; or else an older man who's going after a younger woman, but who wouldn't take the time to pursue a woman on the plus side of that equation. As an example, which may or may not apply to you personally. You're 63 and I'm sure that you message women who are 50-55. Do you ever consider women who are that many years senior to you, or aged 71-76? If you (plural) make this statement, then you need to put your money where your mouth is, and be willing to seek out ladies who are comparably older than you are, or else you're just a hypocrite blowing hot air.

FYI, a female jet plane can get refueled indefinitely without skipping a beat, if she is so inclined.
A male jet plane can look forward to his parts breaking down after a certain number of years. It's inevitable.
To some women, those who want full-fledged intimate relations with their male partners for as long as humanly possible, THIS DOES MATTER AND IT'S NOT NEGOTIABLE. [:D]


littleladybug -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:31:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: betataster
And I don't really care if I'm outside your stated age limits or your stated distance limit. I think age is just a number and jet planes go fast. I'm also open to relocation within a reasonable time frame. What's important to me is finding the right connection and I am willing to expend an inordinate, though I don't think it's inordinate, amount of effort to achieve that right connection.

And there's the issue, as far as I'm concerned.

If someone has stated age or distance preferences, who are YOU to ignore them?

What makes you different from the straight guy who ignores that the woman he is messaging says on her profile that she is a lesbian? Or the married guy who conveniently overlooks that the person you are messaging doesn't want to be involved with those who are otherwise attached?

Geesh. Is it really that hard to read a damned profile and actually respect what is written there?

*shrug* From what has been said here, I guess it is. I suppose if someone "goes to the trouble to read your profile and journal entries", they then become entitled to not respect whatever is in there that doesn't suit them.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:36:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: betataster
So many dominant woman here complain of not being able to find a suitable partner yet am I hearing that they're not willing to sift through the dross to find that potential diamond in the rough? Then shame on you for denying yourself an opportunity, and not with me specifically, but not shame on me for trying.

Dude, did you miss the part where I said that I've had 3 long term relationships with men off this site, and a couple dozen more dates.

And that all of those dates resulted from me contacting them first?

I have no problem shifting through the dross... but I ain't going to be told I'm obligated to reply to all of them and am somehow failing my duty and responsibilities when I don't...

WickedsDesire -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:38:22 AM)

My version of Occam's Razor: those of you experiencing poor results with your efforts on sites like this might want to pay attention to what those who are seeing success have to say. Or just call me crazy. calls Spiritedsub2 crazy...better names do spring to mine and you would not like one of them

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:57:20 AM)


how would you feel if we similarly generalized how "some" women (actually the majority) behaved on here?

Go right ahead, it wouldn't worry or bother me in the slightest.

betataster -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 11:59:40 AM)

To those of you that take umbrage to my mention that I message folks that might be looking for someone younger or closer than I, let me clarify one thing. If you clearly state a distance or age preference in your profile and I don't meet it, then that's going to be in the first paragraph of my introduction. If you want to stop reading there, then fine. If you read on, if you look at my profile, if you message me back, then that's on you. And, DreamLady, I have my search parameters set to ages 39 through 99. 39, because that is, traditionally, a favorite age for women in their forties. Frankly, I don't see myself as a bad match for a woman in her forties. Also, does the website update age? Is it based on your birthday or is it based on an age you put when you joined the site? Does it update? I don't know. And do women always put down their correct age in their profile? Unless the woman specifically says "I want younger guys", then I think it's fair game, if I'm attracted to her, for me to message her.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 12:03:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: betataster

To those of you that take umbrage to my mention that I message folks that might be looking for someone younger or closer than I, let me clarify one thing. If you clearly state a distance or age preference in your profile and I don't meet it, then that's going to be in the first paragraph of my introduction.

So you're complaining that women leave the site, because they're fed up with having to weed through the dross, but you have no problem whatsoever adding to the dross they've got to weed through?


betataster -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 12:07:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

Yes, I think politely introducing myself to a woman who might be attracted to me even though I did not fit her predetermined stereotype of who she's looking for is classy. Thank you.

littleladybug -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 12:13:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: betataster

To those of you that take umbrage to my mention that I message folks that might be looking for someone younger or closer than I, let me clarify one thing. If you clearly state a distance or age preference in your profile and I don't meet it, then that's going to be in the first paragraph of my introduction.

So, because you state at the outset that you are not respecting what she says, it makes it ok?

Dang....I'm SO glad that I'm out of the dating game. This shit is so tiresome.

UllrsIshtar -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 12:16:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: betataster


ORIGINAL: UllrsIshtar

Yes, I think politely introducing myself to a woman who might be attracted to me even though I did not fit her predetermined stereotype of who she's looking for is classy. Thank you.

I hope you note, with interest, that not a single woman on this thread agrees with that assessment so far.

But considering that you don't really seem to care what your target audience thinks about things, and what they want, I'm sure you can gloss right over that fact just as easily as you gloss over profiles.

It's also of note though, that you are still single indeed... hmmm... I wonder why that would be...

Lucylastic -> RE: Why would someone do this? (3/17/2016 12:19:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: SuaveGentleman


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

yeah... one person sending out an email hoping for a response is not engaging in conversation.
I got one last night... Maam....would you like to go on skype and watch me shower?

A long thoughtful email hmm, unless you mention something that is in my profile or my posts, or my profile pic, within the first two sentences then Im not going to respond(unless I recognize your name). Its easy to see how it is taken as a copy and paste mail.

A male dom asked me the other day if I lactated...obviously didnt look at my age, Im pretty past lactating, and being his breeder(idiot male)
I did respond to him, but why should I?
I actually responded to him without cynicism or derision.

I dont know which reply you are replying to. Perfectly agree to what you are saying - so you admit if someone wrote a thoughtful email with reference to what you had in your profile and with the understanding that what you are looking for might match with what he is looking for, then you might reply? Aha! Welcome to the crux of my confusion that led to this question.

- asn

my apologies, I meant to put FR in front of my response, not reply specifically to you.
Apart from the fact that Im not looking and havent been looking my entire time here(a decade) I cant admit yes:)
However if someone mails me with an interesting first paragraph, I usually respond accordingly.
Having said that... I most certainly do not do it out of "courtesy"
And I dont get more than two a day (messages that is), if that many.

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