RE: Deleted unread (Full Version)

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PonyGroom -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 4:01:34 PM)

QualityFirst You are on a site with international reach, as I am sure you know. But I see you are new here. Am I wrong? This is your first profile here?

I am in Florida, USA. There are several rather different cultures in the BDSM scene in Florida. However, in general, here in Florida, a polite well spoken man over 60 interested in serving a woman is very welcome at parties and every sort of social event. I've met a few. They do very well.

Recently, I was invited to the wedding reception of a couple who have been together for several years. They met online, but soon arranged to meet face to face. He moved to be closer to her. They have a unique chemistry.

Just because I have witnessed this in Florida does not mean it can happen to you in Bavaria. Do you think it can?

PonyGroom -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 4:11:21 PM)

While I am sure you are disappointed the site does not work as you hoped, QualityFirst, you need to be aware that the site has a culture. This culture is similar to the culture of all other online dating sites.

Women learn to assume the worst because men have shown them the worst.

There is no difference in the number of rude men or the strength and volume of their rude messages. According to surveys I have done, this site is among the worst in that regard. Women report huge, unmanageable volumes of messages.

You have made a logical error: you think the only men here are part of "the BDSM lifestyle" and as such have taken a code of ethics. As far as I have been able to determine, only a small percentage of the men here are actually part of "the BDSM lifestyle" to the extent that they have a personal code of ethics and have adopted a philosophy of consent. They are outnumbered by men who are seeking a woman to exploit. This explains the number of rude messages.

HoneyBears -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 5:23:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst

ORIGINAL: HoneyBears
Your profile indicates Actively Seeking Online Romance.

I'm optionally open to it. It is not a requirement.
You think all Bavarian dominants are impolite? Then you really don't know the Bavarians.

Understood that you are seeking on-line interactions in addition to whatever else may come your way. You questioned anjelikaJ's suggestion that you could get better results by attending local events rather than relying upon the Internet cold-contacting method of messaging to get a domme interested in you.

Your English-language skills are so good, that we were not crystal clear in pointing out that you seemed to be flabbergasted by not getting your message read by a domme located nearby, which implied that you were targeting dominants for whom you may be outside of their geographic range of consideration.


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst

Naturally, you only try to contact people who are also Actively Seeking Online Romance

Wrong. I just don't refuse an online romance if someone who wants to dominate me, also would want to have an online romance with me.

I am submissive, and whether or not I will have an online romance with a dominant, is up to the dominant, it's not my choice.

It is and it isn't, insofar as even if you were not submissive, and even if you were not contacting dominants, it is not up to you whether you are of interest to anyone else based on whatever criteria they may no matter how much you happen to believe you would make a suitable match.

If the person you contact is not interested in conducting an Online Romance, then the ball is not in your court to make the call on whether you have the option to refuse or not, or whether your sales pitch warrants getting paid attention to.

Point blank, was your message Deleted Unread by a domme who had also selected she was open to conducting cyber D/s? If not, then you were taking a shot in the dark expecting to hit the bull's-eye in the name of civility, when your expectation in making unsolicited contact was unreasonable to begin with. Is this your idea of being considerate from your end? It does not matter how polite your message was; nobody is obligated to read or to respond to any communiqué (your sales pitch) which does not match up with their consumer needs, generally speaking.


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst
Dominants complain that submissives have to many requirements. But according to you, because I don't have many requirements, nobody wants me. Strange.

Not many dominants want submissives who are loosey-goosey (a saying) or all over the map (a saying, but in your case could be literally apropos) in terms of not being selective of whom they offer their submission to. Many so-called submissives are suspect in this regard, as not really being sincere in offering submission as opposed to just wanting to get their cyber freak on.

The same can apply to dominants who are not selective about whom they seek to dominate, that just about anybody will do as far as they are concerned.

By the same token - which is not to say that this pertains to you personally - subs who go around claiming to be no-limits slaves, are not welcomed with open arms due to how absurdly disingenuous, unrealistic, and recklessly fantasy-based such a declaration is.


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst
Please... I am straight, and I have no stick in my arse, I am still an anal virgin.

That was a slang phrase, as subsequently explained by Shandirra. It is to acting like an anal-retentive stickler to your made-up rules, as being "butt hurt" is to publicly airing your private grievances over an imagined slight to your wounded pride. [:-]

-- Lisa & Cub

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 6:00:13 PM)


Perhaps out of some fair play?

Fair play? You just don't get it do you? With no way of knowing if you will get abusive with me, why take the chance? Just on the off chance that you are not mature enough to take rejection like an adult? Sorry, but that just makes you even more likel;y to be a jerk about it all.

Thanks for having learnt me what good men deserve.

I didn't say it's what they deserve, but it's what they get. Such is life. You want the problem solved? Great so do we, so go take it up with your fellow men who are jerks, don't blame us for not wanting to put up with their shit.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 6:01:25 PM)


No, once again: I don't write to a random woman. I first read her profile and her journal to make sure I can offer her what she wants and I have nothing she doesn't want.

Yes you do. They are, despite you thinking you are some sort of match, actually random women online.

mousekabob -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 6:10:23 PM)

I delete messages unread all the time. It could be that I read your forum posts and found you to be an asshole. It could be you have photos posted that I find tacky and unattractive. If any of those happen, why would I bother reading or responding to your email? 9 times out of10, the mail back is going to be rude and vitriolic so, yeah...I don't bother.

But so what if it's unread? Shrug it off, get a life and find something else to do. I mean, seriously....if a stranger deletes your email is what you are upset about, it's time to step away from the computer and get some fresh air. I'm serious.

Edited to add: after going back and reading your forum posts, yup, I'd delete your emails unread. You seem like a whiny little boy. I'd be careful with what you write here if you want dommes or anyone else for that matter, to take you seriously.

mousekabob -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 6:22:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: MuscleBoundDom


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

And you can blame your fellow men who will follow that "not interested" with a stream of threats and abuse.
And given your over the top reaction to having an email deleted unread I would not be at all surprised if you were among those men.

I'm sorry, but you are completely wrong with respect to me.

I am not a guy who thinks that, if a lady says "no", she means "perhaps". I never try a second time. And certainly not with threats or abuse, even not if the lady insults me.

I'm not responsible for the ways in which other men treat ladies here.

I disagree. There are many women who say "no" when they actually mean "yes." And vice-versa.

Dude, you get me the creepy crawlies.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 6:54:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: HoneyBears


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst

ORIGINAL: HoneyBears
Your profile indicates Actively Seeking Online Romance.

I'm optionally open to it. It is not a requirement.
You think all Bavarian dominants are impolite? Then you really don't know the Bavarians.

Understood that you are seeking on-line interactions in addition to whatever else may come your way. You questioned anjelikaJ's suggestion that you could get better results by attending local events rather than relying upon the Internet cold-contacting method of messaging to get a domme interested in you.

Local events and Internet contacting each have their specific advantages and drawbacks. As I am prepared to an online relationship, the Internet allows me to contact people from all over the world, thus greatly increasing my chances to find a good match.

Online is 100% safe and doesn't require travel or accomodation: you can dominate me from the comfort of your home.

Imagine you want me to sit on my knees for 4 hours. With an in person encounter, you know that I do it because otherwise, you will torture me. With online in front of my webcam, it costs you less than one minute to establish a Skype session, and, when you are satisfied, to watch if I am still sitting on my knees and telling me that the session is finished. But moreover, you have the advantage to know that, however boring, exhausting and painful it was, I kept sitting on my knees for 4 hours, not because otherwise you could torture me, but just because I wanted to offer you this satisfaction.


It is and it isn't, insofar as even if you were not submissive, and even if you were not contacting dominants, it is not up to you whether you are of interest to anyone else based on whatever criteria they may no matter how much you happen to believe you would make a suitable match.

Of course. Even if I fulfill all the criteria of someone else, that person is perfectly entitled to refuse me, and even without having to tell me why. It's just about the way this is done. There are more elegant ways than deleted unread. But then again, everyone who wants to show that she or he has no good manners is allowed to do so.


Point blank, was your message Deleted Unread by a domme who had also selected she was open to conducting cyber D/s? If not, then you were taking a shot in the dark expecting to hit the bull's-eye in the name of civility, when your expectation in making unsolicited contact was unreasonable to begin with. Is this your idea of being considerate from your end? It does not matter how polite your message was; nobody is obligated to read or to respond to any communiqué (your sales pitch) which does not match up with their consumer needs, generally speaking.

Please, tell me where on Collarspace one can indicate if she or he is interested in an online relationship or not, except in the text of the profile or the journal.

I have received requests to submit online from people after having viewed their profile, although, based on their profile, I thought they would never be interested by online. So I suppose that there are dominants who didn't consider an online relationship, but who feel attracted to with I am prepared to offer them this way.


Not many dominants want submissives who are loosey-goosey (a saying) or all over the map (a saying, but in your case could be literally apropos) in terms of not being selective of whom they offer their submission to. Many so-called submissives are suspect in this regard, as not really being sincere in offering submission as opposed to just wanting to get their cyber freak on.

Dominants differ with respect to this. Some don't want a doormat, but a sub who is alpha in vanilla life. Others want a sub who considers himself to be a worthless slut.

The fact that I am not very selective stems from my core concept of submission. For example, the fact that I am not selective with respect to gender stems from the fact that, as a submissive, when a dominant wants me to submit, I have not to choose whether I will have to lick a clit or to suck a dick.

In fact, if you want to better understand my submissiveness, let me tell you this. I would have liked to be the wife of a husband who comes home drunken, insults and beats his wife for no reason until she cries, then brutally rapes her and cruelly beats her if she dares to get wet. But I would think my husband didn't love me if he didn't treat me in this was. And no, I am glad that I am not a masochist at all (there is no pain I am able to enjoy, I have a low pain treshold, and I am afraid of pain), as therefore, a sadistic dominant can be sure that, if he tortures me, I will really suffer from it.


By the same token - which is not to say that this pertains to you personally - subs who go around claiming to be no-limits slaves, are not welcomed with open arms due to how absurdly disingenuous, unrealistic, and recklessly fantasy-based such a declaration is.

Many submissives seem to not be very well aware about the difference between phantasies that arouse them, and what they would be able to really undergo.

As long as we are talking about BDSM (and not about criminal sadists), everybody has limits.

My strategy is to inform a dominant about my hard limits, which leaves the dominant a large framework into which the dominant can treat me however she or he wants, whether I like it or not. I have no wish list, and I don't expect a dominant to care about what I like and what I don't like. The dominant's satisfaction is all I need for my satisfaction.

With respect to hard limits, the traditional BDSM credo "consensual, safe, and sane" is unsifficient to me. I also exclude illegal interactions, as well as interactions that could (psychologically) hurt other people. For example, I will not allow you to kick me in the balls in presence of my daughter, because she would not understand why her dady allows you to torture me.



ORIGINAL: QualityFirst
Please... I am straight, and I have no stick in my arse, I am still an anal virgin.

That was a slang phrase, as subsequently explained by Shandirra. It is to acting like an anal-retentive stickler to your made-up rules, as being "butt hurt" is to publicly airing your private grievances over an imagined slight to your wounded pride. [:-]

OK, thank you very much to explain me this. I do my best, but there are expressions in English I still don't know. Please apologize for it.

Over all, I would like to thank you very much for your contributions to help me better understand some things.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 6:55:43 PM)


Dude, you get me the creepy crawlies.

You and a whole lot of others. :)

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:01:42 PM)



You have made a logical error: you think the only men here are part of "the BDSM lifestyle" and as such have taken a code of ethics. As far as I have been able to determine, only a small percentage of the men here are actually part of "the BDSM lifestyle" to the extent that they have a personal code of ethics and have adopted a philosophy of consent. They are outnumbered by men who are seeking a woman to exploit. This explains the number of rude messages.

You are right.

I feel D/s can add a very enriching dimension to a relationship, but at the same time, it makes a relationship more complex.

Considering how many people don't have the social qualities which are required for a successful vanilla relationship, it is clear that even much less people have the higher level social qualities which are required for a successful D/s relationship.

My error was indeed to assume that people who want to engage into BDSM are all aware about what it takes to be successful.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:15:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


Perhaps out of some fair play?

Fair play? You just don't get it do you? With no way of knowing if you will get abusive with me, why take the chance? Just on the off chance that you are not mature enough to take rejection like an adult? Sorry, but that just makes you even more likel;y to be a jerk about it all.

Thank you for the insult.

A first way to know if a sub has something worthfully to offer to you, is to not delete his message unread.



Thanks for having learnt me what good men deserve.

I didn't say it's what they deserve, but it's what they get. Such is life. You want the problem solved? Great so do we, so go take it up with your fellow men who are jerks, don't blame us for not wanting to put up with their shit.

Yeah, you are right. The best way to make sure you dump worthfull submissves is to poor away the child with the bath water.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:18:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


No, once again: I don't write to a random woman. I first read her profile and her journal to make sure I can offer her what she wants and I have nothing she doesn't want.

Yes you do. They are, despite you thinking you are some sort of match, actually random women online.

So you pretend that, even ladies who express clearly their requirements in their profile, nonetheless remain random women online?

I would never dare to insult such ladies in that way.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:20:30 PM)

Oooo, out comes the passive aggressive shit, eh?

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:23:12 PM)


I would never dare to insult such ladies in that way.

And yet you feel free to insult every woman who deleted your messages unread and also those on this thread who have explained to you why they do that.

A first way to know if a sub has something worthfully to offer to you, is to not delete his message unread.

Did it ever occur to you that there may have been something about you that told them you were not worthwhile to them without them needing to read your message.

It really is time you got it through your skull that neither you, nor your email are at all important.

Shandirra -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:32:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick
Just on the off chance that you are not mature enough to take rejection like an adult? Sorry, but that just makes you even more likely to be a jerk about it all.

A first way to know if a sub has something worthfully to offer to you, is to not delete his message unread.

Hey, Clueless. Yeah, you. The one beating the dead horse. Haven't you paid attention to anything anyone has typed at all?? For whatever you hold holy? Pull your head out of your backside like an adult and move on with your life.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:32:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: mousekabob

I delete messages unread all the time. It could be that I read your forum posts and found you to be an asshole. It could be you have photos posted that I find tacky and unattractive. If any of those happen, why would I bother reading or responding to your email? 9 times out of10, the mail back is going to be rude and vitriolic so, yeah...I don't bother.

Reading a message of me could change your perception of me.

But even then: you are entitled to dump me, even without any valuable reason. It's up to you if you prefer to do this with some respect for me, or to show me that you have no good manners at all.


I mean, seriously....if a stranger deletes your email is what you are upset about, it's time to step away from the computer and get some fresh air. I'm serious.

Yes, you are right. I can only regret the extreme low level to which so many people like you feel attracted, just because it's only electronic communication.


Edited to add: after going back and reading your forum posts, yup, I'd delete your emails unread. You seem like a whiny little boy. I'd be careful with what you write here if you want dommes or anyone else for that matter, to take you seriously.

I dnon't care about it. I know that, one day, there will be some dominant who still appreciates my virtues, and who will agree to offer me domination.

I really don't care about the many dominants here who don't want me, just because they are very poor people without human values.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 7:49:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


I would never dare to insult such ladies in that way.

And yet you feel free to insult every woman who deleted your messages unread and also those on this thread who have explained to you why they do that.

Please don't always again accuse me for what I have never written, which seems to be your specialization, and which is definitely not in the interest of your credit standing here.

I never insulted a lady who deleted a message from me unread. I just told that it hurts me.


It really is time you got it through your skull that neither you, nor your email are at all important.

And it is really even more time that you got it through your skull that not at all you, but respectful and sincereful people are important.

If not only you have no decent way to tell something, but moreover you have nothing interesting to tell, it is in you interest to shut up.

Shandirra -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 8:58:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst

...I just told that it hurts me.

No one cares if your feelings are hurt.


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst
And it is really even more time that you got it through your skull that not at all you, but respectful and sincereful people are important.

You have yet to prove that you are respectful or sincere.


ORIGINAL: QualityFirst

If not only you have no decent way to tell something, but moreover you have nothing interesting to tell, it is in you interest to shut up.

A) It's a virtual, written medium, so it's impossible for her to 'shut up'. Which leads me to ask; what will you do if she doesn't 'shut up'? Will you report her? Out her? Track down her ISP to her underground lair and shake your reproving finger at her?? *eye rolls*
B) Your rude behavior is a shining example of why you're alone.
C) The more you reply poorly. the worse it makes you appear. You've done nothing but exhibit the very antithesis of what you claim to be which is exactly why women don't open or reply to random dudes that email them.

Congratulations! You've become precisely the monster you abhor.

Grown ass men don't whine. They take rejection in stride and move on with their lives. You're behaving like a puerile, churlish, brat. Man up, buttercups! The world doesn't revolve around you and your ever so precious feelings. Boo hoo!

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Deleted unread (5/8/2016 10:21:14 PM)


I never insulted a lady who deleted a message from me unread. I just told that it hurts me.

Wrong. here are some examples of how you insulted them.
From your OP

How far has the lack of elementary respect for each other come, when people just delete a message unread? Is this the BDSM world, into which mutual respect is supposed to be evident?

Here you accuse them of lacking in elementary respect and of not being "true" BDSMers.
Or this one

Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

Becuas ethey don;'t do things the way you would prefer they lack "elementary politeness".

People complain they receive one liners and copy-and-paste messages. But if someone spends 15 minutes on writing a personalized message, they find it to be OK to just delete it unread.

Poor society.

Here you accuse them of being unfit for general society.

You cannot. So give me a honest chance instead of deleting my message unread.

Here you declare ma woman's time to be of less importance than yours, which by extension means that she and her wants and desires are of less importance than you and yours.

Even a woman who would delete one of my message to hurt me

Here you accuse them of deleting your message in order to deliberately hurt you.

Perhaps out of some fair play?

here again, some sense of fair play is more important than her wants and desires, that she is less important than "fair play", that she should do something she does not wish to just on the off chance that she might have judged you wrongly. Again, you are making what she wants to be of no importance.

But then again, everyone who wants to show that she or he has no good manners is allowed to do so.

Again, unless she spends time doing something she does not want to do she is uncouth and unworthy. Only a woman who behaves as you prefer is worthy.

it is clear that even much less people have the higher level social qualities which are required for a successful D/s relationship.

My error was indeed to assume that people who want to engage into BDSM are all aware about what it takes to be successful.

Here you declare them to not have the "higher level social qualities" and therefore inferior to you. And again, you declare them to not really be capable of "true" BDSM.

A first way to know if a sub has something worthfully to offer to you, is to not delete his message unread.


Yeah, you are right. The best way to make sure you dump worthfull submissves is to poor away the child with the bath water.

And here you dismiss a woman's point by belittling it, once again stating that those that disagree with you and who do not do as you want them to are less than you, that they and their opinions are of lesser importance than yours.

It's up to you if you prefer to do this with some respect for me, or to show me that you have no good manners at all.

Again, they must do it your way or they are less than you.

I can only regret the extreme low level to which so many people like you feel attracted, just because it's only electronic communication.

Again, those who do not do things your way are lesser beings.

I really don't care about the many dominants here who don't want me, just because they are very poor people without human values.

And now anybody who does not want you is somehow not fully human.

I think that is enough for now.
As you can see, you have in fact been insulting and dismissive of women right from the beginning of this thread, and yet you claim to be ever so respectful of them.

QualityFirst -> RE: Deleted unread (5/9/2016 12:48:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


How far has the lack of elementary respect for each other come, when people just delete a message unread? Is this the BDSM world, into which mutual respect is supposed to be evident?

Here you accuse them of lacking in elementary respect and of not being "true" BDSMers.

No. Don't you see the question marks?



Most answers here confirm my impression that elementary politeness by answering a friendly and well written message, even just with "Not interested", is no longer a shared value.

Becuas ethey don;'t do things the way you would prefer they lack "elementary politeness".

No, not because they don't do things the way I would prefer, but because they do things the way you never will succeed to qualify as respectful and polite.



People complain they receive one liners and copy-and-paste messages. But if someone spends 15 minutes on writing a personalized message, they find it to be OK to just delete it unread.

Poor society.

Here you accuse them of being unfit for general society.

No, I don't. I just say that I find it a poor society in which such a behavior is considered to be OK.



You cannot. So give me a honest chance instead of deleting my message unread.

Here you declare ma woman's time to be of less importance than yours, which by extension means that she and her wants and desires are of less importance than you and yours.

No. If a woman decides to not spend a minute for fair play, that's her good right, but then I know what to think about her.

Besides, I've more than enough from all the women here who claim that I should pay them for their precious time. As if mine would be less precious, even if I don't spend my time to abuse the sexual needs of someone to earn my living.



Even a woman who would delete one of my message to hurt me

Here you accuse them of deleting your message in order to deliberately hurt you.

No. Try to read what I wrote, not what you like to imagine I wrote. Don't try to make me believe that you really too dumb to understand the meaning of "would".



Perhaps out of some fair play?

here again, some sense of fair play is more important than her wants and desires, that she is less important than "fair play", that she should do something she does not wish to just on the off chance that she might have judged you wrongly. Again, you are making what she wants to be of no importance.

As opposed to you, each woman who deserves to be called a lady honours fair play.



But then again, everyone who wants to show that she or he has no good manners is allowed to do so.

Again, unless she spends time doing something she does not want to do she is uncouth and unworthy. Only a woman who behaves as you prefer is worthy.

No. A woman doesn't have to behave as I prefer to be worthy. But if she is impolite, she isn't worthy.



it is clear that even much less people have the higher level social qualities which are required for a successful D/s relationship.

My error was indeed to assume that people who want to engage into BDSM are all aware about what it takes to be successful.

Here you declare them to not have the "higher level social qualities" and therefore inferior to you. And again, you declare them to not really be capable of "true" BDSM.

I don't declare them at all to be inferior to me. But it is clear tht, as BDSM is a more complex relationship than a vanilla one, someone who lacks the social qualities which are required to have a successful BDSM relationship will never succeed in the BDSM world. Unless you consider to succeed in the BDSM world just to have men pay money.



A first way to know if a sub has something worthfully to offer to you, is to not delete his message unread.


Yeah, you are right. The best way to make sure you dump worthfull submissves is to poor away the child with the bath water.

And here you dismiss a woman's point by belittling it, once again stating that those that disagree with you and who do not do as you want them to are less than you, that they and their opinions are of lesser importance than yours.

No. It's not about disagreeing with me or not doing as I want. It' about to be stupid by pooring away the child with the bath water.



It's up to you if you prefer to do this with some respect for me, or to show me that you have no good manners at all.

Again, they must do it your way or they are less than you.

No, no woman is less than me, on the contrary. I feel I owe respect to every woman on earth, even the ugliest one who is in jail and who I can only incite to shit on my face. But that doesn't imply that I would be able to value whatever a woman does.



I can only regret the extreme low level to which so many people like you feel attracted, just because it's only electronic communication.

Again, those who do not do things your way are lesser beings.

Again not. As I wrote, I can only regret it.



I really don't care about the many dominants here who don't want me, just because they are very poor people without human values.

And now anybody who does not want you is somehow not fully human.

Not at all. I admire each woman who refuses me, because if I was interesting to her, she would not do so.


I think that is enough for now.
As you can see, you have in fact been insulting and dismissive of women right from the beginning of this thread, and yet you claim to be ever so respectful of them.

Several people in this thread, who first seemed to have their doubts about me, which I fully understand, finished by giving me precious advice, for which I remain very thankfully.

I grant you the pleasure to know that your reproaches badly hurted me and have made me truly afraid of you. Nevertheless, I appreciate your sincerety, and I very much respect you. I prefer a lady like you, who makes it clear to me that to her, I am a worthless male, over a woman who thinks the same but doesn't tell it me.

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