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RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 4:43:46 PM   

Posts: 9980
Joined: 10/31/2009
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Let’s be honest here. None of us who are white knows what it is like to be black, jobless, and poorly educated in America. Maybe frustration trumps empathy.

So you think it is somehow different if you are white...jobless...and poorly educated in America... Vince I am guessing but I will bet that there are more white than black in the situation above...if only because there are so many more whites than blacks. I think they know exactly what it feels like.


Butch, you are probably correct. I would have agreed with Bama if he hadn't made that international Jewish conspiracy comparison. We don't need to play the Hitler card here to get our points across.

According to this chart the comparable poverty rates in 2012 by race were Black 27.2%, Hispanics 25.6%, non-Hispanic Whites 9.7%.

If 9.7 of the white population is greater than 27.7% of the black population requires some further calculations. Maybe it is. IDK.

Look at the amazing drop in the poverty rates for Blacks down from about 60% in 1959. Evidently, it was a wise move to leave the share-cropping Southland and migrate north and west.

So, lets assume for the sake of argument, there are equal real numbers of poor Whites and poor Blacks. Why is it our news media seem constantly to be informing us of police shooting of blacks more than whites? Don't poor whites carry guns? Don't poor whites commit crimes? Don't poor whites use meth, cocaine, and heroin? Are the news media exaggerating the number of white cop shooting black incidents?

Or is there something different in the relationships between police vis-a-vis black and white communities?

What do you think, Butch? Bama? Anyone?



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 101
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 4:57:17 PM   

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Let’s be honest here. None of us who are white knows what it is like to be black, jobless, and poorly educated in America. Maybe frustration trumps empathy.

So you think it is somehow different if you are white...jobless...and poorly educated in America... Vince I am guessing but I will bet that there are more white than black in the situation above...if only because there are so many more whites than blacks. I think they know exactly what it feels like.


Butch, you are probably correct. I would have agreed with Bama if he hadn't made that international Jewish conspiracy comparison. We don't need to play the Hitler card here to get our points across.

According to this chart the comparable poverty rates in 2012 by race were Black 27.2%, Hispanics 25.6%, non-Hispanic Whites 9.7%.

If 9.7 of the white population is greater than 27.7% of the black population requires some further calculations. Maybe it is. IDK.

Look at the amazing drop in the poverty rates for Blacks down from about 60% in 1959. Evidently, it was a wise move to leave the share-cropping Southland and migrate north and west.

So, lets assume for the sake of argument, there are equal real numbers of poor Whites and poor Blacks. Why is it our news media seem constantly to be informing us of police shooting of blacks more than whites? Don't poor whites carry guns? Don't poor whites commit crimes? Don't poor whites use meth, cocaine, and heroin? Are the news media exaggerating the number of white cop shooting black incidents?

Or is there something different in the relationships between police vis-a-vis black and white communities?

What do you think, Butch? Bama? Anyone?

I never said that you used the Hitler card, I said that "white privilage " is the same kind of scapegoating that racists have used since the begining of time.

Don't compare the number of blacks and whites to the total population, compare them to the % of violent crimes committed you will find that 52% of violent crimes are committed by blacks for a lot of reasons. High poverty rates is a part of it, and the absoution of responsibility is another. I do not hold with the idea that it is just the nature of blacks, that is stupid and racist.
However it only makes sense that the people who commit the most, particularly violent, crimes will have the most confrontational interaction with the police. Of course it also follows that the people with the most confrontational interaction with the police are the ones most likely to be shot by them. The media doesn't exagerate the number of blacks shot by police, but they ignore the number of whites shot by the police. This creats the impression, intentional or not, that the police only shoot blacks. They also totally ignore the relationship between crime rates and police shootings which further distorts the picture.

BTW I have seen the international Jewish conspiracy trash lots of times up to 70 years after Hitlers death.

< Message edited by BamaD -- 8/16/2016 5:09:43 PM >


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 102
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 5:11:14 PM   

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Vince if your percentages are correct 11,000,000 blacks live in poverty and 19,500,000 whites live in poverty.

You should know blacks killed by police...and not just white police...make a story... whites killed don't... News outlets have to make money. I believe it was Bama, not sure, that pointed out the number of whites shot by police and it was shrugged off because of the difference in populations.



Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 103
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 5:15:44 PM   

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Vince if your percentages are correct 11,000,000 blacks live in poverty and 19,500,000 whites live in poverty.

You should know blacks killed by police...and not just white police...make a story... whites killed don't... News outlets have to make money. I believe it was Bama, not sure, that pointed out the number of whites shot by police and it was shrugged off because of the difference in populations.


I, among others.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to kdsub)
Profile   Post #: 104
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 5:32:46 PM   

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"seriously, every study every done points out disproportionately people of color have those issues many times more than whites.... and u knew that before u even typed that line.... "

Surely it has nothing to do with them being disproportionately unskilled and prone to violence.

Of course not.


(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 105
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 5:44:51 PM   

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"They have the same problems but since they aren't given anyone else to blame it on they are force to deal with it. Blacks on the other hand have "white privilage" to fall back on, are constatly told that no matter how hard they work it won't do any good, and that their only hope is the for libs who run the plantation to give them stuff. White privilage is 21st century Americas version of the international Jewish consperacy.

You look at the bios of many people running certain key things (lkike banks and advisors) in countries all over the world you will find alot of Jews. I have.

And really, I do not deny that there is some White privilege, but it is waning. Also, I believe that as long as we are in the majority we should be running things and others conform to us, not the other way around.

But that does not mean shooting them down in the streets or letting Whites off for crimes and watching the others every minute and giving them a hard time.

You got Al Sharpton and groups all over the place to make a stink every time a Black person gets killed. We used to have the National Alliance newsletter. Never called for violence. One incident they reported came close though. Some Black cunt hit a homeless Man on the street and he somehow got caught in the hood of the car and had broken legs and could not free himself from the predicament. She let him lay there for three fucking days dying. Crying for help. Turned the music up so the neighbors could not hear him. Went in the house and had a party with her boyfriend and a bunch of drugs. Does a human being do that ?

And that is not to say there aren't any White people who would do that, my point is that there was no media coverage involved and nobody was up in arms about it.

Where the fuck was the White privilege during that three days ?


< Message edited by Termyn8or -- 8/16/2016 5:47:30 PM >

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 106
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 5:54:53 PM   

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"I'm pretty sure there has been complaints once or twice over immigrants taking jobs. And the Jewish conspiracy of a global takeover is now a Muslim takeover "

Sooner or later it will be "wrong" to criticise them as well, and call it anti-Semitism. Alot of them are not Semites but same with alot of Jews. Ashkenazis are not Semitic. the Palestinians are more Semitic than those who run Israel. And then you got places like Iran which is Islamic, but not Semitic. The real Iranians are actually Aryans.


(in reply to DominantWrestler)
Profile   Post #: 107
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 5:57:50 PM   

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"I got a history degree from a "traditionally black college" and with what they taught the only decent think white people ever did was kill other white people, you know, the Civil War. "

What do you think would happen if a college taught that it is a good thing that most Blacks are killed by other Blacks.

(and last I heard that is still true)

Where is that White privilege now ?


(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 108
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 6:09:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

"I got a history degree from a "traditionally black college" and with what they taught the only decent think white people ever did was kill other white people, you know, the Civil War. "

What do you think would happen if a college taught that it is a good thing that most Blacks are killed by other Blacks.

(and last I heard that is still true)

Where is that White privilege now ?


To be fair, they never outright said that, but the only thing they approved of, done by white people was the Civil War. They also ignored the part whites played in the Civil Rights movement.

Interestingly enough they did say that integration destroyed the black business community in Montgomery.
Whites had no reason to switch to the black businesses, and blacks wanted to see what was so great about the white businesses they hadn't been allowed into.

Also I heard several black students say things like (and including) that the country was built by black people, and that white people didn't do anything toward building the nation.

< Message edited by BamaD -- 8/16/2016 6:44:13 PM >


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Termyn8or)
Profile   Post #: 109
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 6:45:11 PM   

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"If 9.7 of the white population is greater than 27.7% of the black population requires some further calculations. Maybe it is. IDK. "

If those numbers are correct we are in deep shit. Blacks make up about 20 % of the population but let's just round off the numbers. Or do easy math. If Blacks were 25 % of the population that would be one fourth. If 25 % of them are at poverty level then that is one fourth of one fourth, which is significantly lower than 9.7 %, or call it 10 % just to round it off.

That means that indeed there are more Whites in poverty by sheer numbers, but not per capita in group of course. And while the disparity is significant, it does not necessarily indicate White bigotry. Otherwise, how do you explain other races doing so well, like Orientals and Indians ?

Blacks have come a long way. In a bit less than 300 years they came out of the jungle where they were eating each other and getting chased by lions or tigers or whatever, to becoming doctors and engineers. And in some states in the past it was illegal to teach them to read.

So they are adapting in 300 years to a society that has taken 3,000 years to build. So kudos to those who make something of themself, and they are still at a slight disadvantage, though it is not what it once was. At least what society imposes.

Plenty more of them are born to Parents who are only semi-literate, poorly educated and definitely not wealthy or doing well enough to put them in private schools, which might not accept anyway. I knew how to read and write and basic numbers and addition/subtraction before I even went to kindergarten. My family would be ashamed to send a kid to school without those necessary skills. And in that day, it was not done on a computer or smart phone. They actually had to spend the time.

So, I do not blame them completely. But I will say this, that cop has a gun and if you don't put yours down and cooperate either he is going to shoot you or you are going to shoot him. Neither situation is desirable.

What's more, I do not believe this 9.7 % White poverty rate anyway. It has to be more than that. Kinda like the unemployment stats, oh, after you don't have a job for X months you are no longer unemployed. Bullshit. Only about a third of the people in this country file income tax returns and I bet only half of them really pay anything. As wages go down they get more and more breaks due to personal exemption and with the EIC might get back more than they paid in. Not me, but I know people who have. Me, I take cash. I got the moxy to demand it. They will liberate somehow like $35,000 a year cash for me. I am totally invisible to the government. And there is nothing in my name. (that's how they got Al Capone)

I notice another thing about Black people. They have no fucking idea how to handle the courts. they do not even know the concept that if a court forces you to sign something you do not have to. Anything you sign with those people is giving away your rights. That may be one of the reasons there are more of them in prison.

But they also have to realize that the fighting ring is the court, not out in the street with a Man with a gun pointed at you. Iff I knew a bit more law I would maybe offer courses for Black people on how to handle the law.. I am pretty good, but really, not good enough to teach. My people hired retired Harvard law professors to tutor them n shit. We are talking busted with a grow room, selling weed to a turncoat, finding the grow room, and then him winning his appeal. No longer a convicted felon. He kicked their ass.

Years ago I was on vacation for a DUI and I am talking to this Black Man, he says "They should just come out and say drinking is illegal. you can't drink and drive, you can't drink and walk, you can't drink and fuck, you just about can't drink and do anything". I see the logic to his statement, but that is partly because I know, typically, they cannot handle the courts.

Since they are at such a disadvantage, they see the government as an enemy. And in a way it is. It is all of our enemy actually, they have just not gotten around to "you" yet. But they will.

I just hope that when revolution time comes around the Blacks will be on our side rather than shooting us in the back because they think we commoners did all this to them. Every bad thing that happened to them, at least in the institutional sense was not not done by us commoner Whites. Some was in the past but we stopped. Pretty much. You find people lynching a Black for whistling at a White Woman (Emmet Hill) I will help them lynch them back. They got a point, some bad shit has happened to them. "Open and shut case y'honor, n_____ stole more chain than he could swim with". And the youngest person ever executed by the government was a Black kid, I think he was 13, and the evidence was not that strong from what I heard.

So I do understand. Not that I can do much though. the world is much bigger than me. You want classes on how to fuck with them in court I can do that but am not the best teacher. But that does nothing for out on the street. You have to live to get to court.

Bottom line, the whole country is burning to the ground. I hate to say it but it is true - we should have picked our own cotton. But there are things, alot of things, that simply cannot be undone.


(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 110
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 6:55:18 PM   

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Let’s be honest here. None of us who are white knows what it is like to be black, jobless, and poorly educated in America. Maybe frustration trumps empathy.

Translation, ok honkeys shut up and give us whatever we want or else.

Let's be honest here, none of us who aren't white knows what it is like to be blamed for everything everyone else does wrong.
I got a history degree from a "traditionally black college" and with what they taught the only decent think white people ever did was kill other white people, you know, the Civil War.

and to continue in Let's be honest here, none of us who aren't white knows what it is like to BE ACTUALLY to blame for way too much crap everyone else has to deal with.

I know u want to whine about being saddled with a problem ur largely a part of. ...yes u. white male privilege is a real and ever-present problem. deal with it. because we of color have to.

get off ur ass & try being part of the solution instead of whining about being part of the problem.


I will allways be a knight, instead of a prince.

What would the internet be like if we couldn't say trump is a moron?

The Republican party complains government doesnt work for people, and then makes darn sure it cannot.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 111
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 7:09:47 PM   

Posts: 40310
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he cant be a part of the solution, why should he...he has his, he has no clue, he is the problem, actually most of the ignorant assholes posting racism/ignorance, left right and center will never want to be part of a solution.


<) )╯SUCH
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( (> A NASTY
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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 112
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 7:37:47 PM   

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white male privilege is a real and ever-present problem. deal with it. because we of color have to.

Why don't you tell us just what you think "white male privilege" is, exactly.


(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 113
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 8:24:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

he cant be a part of the solution, why should he...he has his, he has no clue, he is the problem, actually most of the ignorant assholes posting racism/ignorance, left right and center will never want to be part of a solution.

I rarely contribute much when threads "turn" like this on here.
I don't have the time, interest or the energy.

I don't think the young man involved in Milwaukee was "innocent", I certainly don't condone this violence or looting.

I offered an explanation for the frustration that many people of all races are feeling these days.
There is a serious issue with meth and heroin these days among young and some older white folks.

Some self destruct with guns, some with drugs, and some with crime, some with suicide.
The common thread for many of these people is hopelessness and frustration.
Again I said this is the explanation for some not all.

< Message edited by Marini -- 8/16/2016 8:33:45 PM >


As always, To EACH their Own.
"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. "
Nelson Mandela
Life-long Democrat, not happy at all with Democratic Party.
NOT a Republican/Moderate and free agent

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 114
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 8:27:13 PM   

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Let’s be honest here. None of us who are white knows what it is like to be black, jobless, and poorly educated in America. Maybe frustration trumps empathy.

Translation, ok honkeys shut up and give us whatever we want or else.

Let's be honest here, none of us who aren't white knows what it is like to be blamed for everything everyone else does wrong.
I got a history degree from a "traditionally black college" and with what they taught the only decent think white people ever did was kill other white people, you know, the Civil War.

and to continue in Let's be honest here, none of us who aren't white knows what it is like to BE ACTUALLY to blame for way too much crap everyone else has to deal with.

I know u want to whine about being saddled with a problem ur largely a part of. ...yes u. white male privilege is a real and ever-present problem. deal with it. because we of color have to.

get off ur ass & try being part of the solution instead of whining about being part of the problem.

I am not part of the problem.
I have been on the wrong side of racial discrimination several times, and yes it happens that way too..
I treat people as individuals, not part of a group.
And I help people according to their need and my ability.
I have given a helping hand to as many black people as white people.
I have not been whining about anything, but you want to be given everything.
The cure for the problems are fairly simple but you wouldn't go for them.
Don't whine about black kids not getting jobs they aren't qualified for, see to it they get qualified.
Don't whine about single parent families get off the dole and keep families together.
Get back to the values black people had before they were convinced that the new plantation owners would take care of all their needs.
Come to your senses and realize that the left is useing you to gain political power, consider your vote as their property, and sacrificing your young people to create one crisis after another to advance their power.
For 8 years you have had one of your own in the White House, and you have lost ground. Keep you angry, keep you hostile , and you will keep them in power till they have all the power and you still have nothing.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 115
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 8:58:52 PM   

Posts: 40310
Status: offline



I don't think the young man involved in Milwaukee was "innocent", I certainly don't condone this violence or looting.

neither do I.


<) )╯SUCH
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( (> A NASTY
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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Marini)
Profile   Post #: 116
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 9:01:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

he cant be a part of the solution, why should he...he has his, he has no clue, he is the problem, actually most of the ignorant assholes posting racism/ignorance, left right and center will never want to be part of a solution.

I rarely contribute much when threads "turn" like this on here.
I don't have the time, interest or the energy.

I don't think the young man involved in Milwaukee was "innocent", I certainly don't condone this violence or looting.

I offered an explanation for the frustration that many people of all races are feeling these days.
There is a serious issue with meth and heroin these days among young and some older white folks.

Some self destruct with guns, some with drugs, and some with crime, some with suicide.
The common thread for many of these people is hopelessness and frustration.
Again I said this is the explanation for some not all.

Pulling a gun on a cop overlaps with suicide.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Marini)
Profile   Post #: 117
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 9:05:27 PM   

Posts: 20687
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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

he cant be a part of the solution, why should he...he has his, he has no clue, he is the problem, actually most of the ignorant assholes posting racism/ignorance, left right and center will never want to be part of a solution.

I rarely contribute much when threads "turn" like this on here.
I don't have the time, interest or the energy.

I don't think the young man involved in Milwaukee was "innocent", I certainly don't condone this violence or looting.

I offered an explanation for the frustration that many people of all races are feeling these days.
There is a serious issue with meth and heroin these days among young and some older white folks.

Some self destruct with guns, some with drugs, and some with crime, some with suicide.
The common thread for many of these people is hopelessness and frustration.
Again I said this is the explanation for some not all.

Lucy knows this about me because she follows me around and takes notes about all the things I have recieved, or she is just blowing smoke to look like she cares more than me.
What have I gotten, particularly because I am white?
How specifically have I contributed to the problem?
It would seem that it is not me who know not whereof they speak.
We have two racists on this thread, ok maybe three.
And Vincent.

< Message edited by BamaD -- 8/16/2016 9:12:39 PM >


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Marini)
Profile   Post #: 118
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 9:10:28 PM   

Posts: 40310
Status: offline






ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

he cant be a part of the solution, why should he...he has his, he has no clue, he is the problem, actually most of the ignorant assholes posting racism/ignorance, left right and center will never want to be part of a solution.

I rarely contribute much when threads "turn" like this on here.
I don't have the time, interest or the energy.

I don't think the young man involved in Milwaukee was "innocent", I certainly don't condone this violence or looting.

I offered an explanation for the frustration that many people of all races are feeling these days.
There is a serious issue with meth and heroin these days among young and some older white folks.

Some self destruct with guns, some with drugs, and some with crime, some with suicide.
The common thread for many of these people is hopelessness and frustration.
Again I said this is the explanation for some not all.

Lucy knows this about me because she follows me around and takes notes about all the things I have recieved, or she is just blowing smoke to look like she cares more than me.
We have two racists on this thread, ok maybe three.
And Vincent.

dont flatter yourself.
and stop projecting.


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 119
RE: Milwaukee Burning - 8/16/2016 9:12:46 PM   

Posts: 3629
Joined: 2/14/2010
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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

he cant be a part of the solution, why should he...he has his, he has no clue, he is the problem, actually most of the ignorant assholes posting racism/ignorance, left right and center will never want to be part of a solution.

I rarely contribute much when threads "turn" like this on here.
I don't have the time, interest or the energy.

I don't think the young man involved in Milwaukee was "innocent", I certainly don't condone this violence or looting.

I offered an explanation for the frustration that many people of all races are feeling these days.
There is a serious issue with meth and heroin these days among young and some older white folks.

Some self destruct with guns, some with drugs, and some with crime, some with suicide.
The common thread for many of these people is hopelessness and frustration.
Again I said this is the explanation for some not all.

Pulling a gun on a cop overlaps with suicide.

Maybe it's news to you, but most white & black people call pulling a gun on a cop...... Drum roll please...... Suicide.
Who doesn't know that?
It IS a form of suicide, don't you think these men {unless they are cognitively impaired or on drugs/alcohol} know that?
We all fucking know it.
Anyone who pulls a gun on a cop, wants to die/death wish.

This has nothing to do, with the many black men and women, that have been shot and killed by cops for little to no reason.
Every situation has to be examined differently, and these days all cops should have body cams on them and their squad cars.
Many don't seem to get that.
Time to go, you all continue.

< Message edited by Marini -- 8/16/2016 9:31:58 PM >


As always, To EACH their Own.
"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. "
Nelson Mandela
Life-long Democrat, not happy at all with Democratic Party.
NOT a Republican/Moderate and free agent

(in reply to BamaD)
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