I haven't had had much luck. (Full Version)

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Makemeyours59 -> I haven't had had much luck. (11/6/2016 1:26:58 AM)

I haven't been having much luck finding a mistress on collarspace. I was just wondering, could anyone give me some tips for finding a mistress? I'm always polite and respectful. I'm looking for someone who's nice. I don't mind if the person is mean as long as they aren't mean all the time.

Gunshow -> RE: I haven't had had much luck. (11/6/2016 1:15:51 AM)

The standard advice is that online is fruitless if you are new. And often even if you're not new. The best avenue is through real life events and building a social network. It's very hard to build a social network from scratch, purely online.

Rochsub2009 -> RE: I haven't had had much luck. (11/6/2016 1:13:46 PM)

This is a common question. Do a search, and read some of the other threads that have been written about this same question. There is at least one every week.

I took the liberty of peeking at your profile and i have some advice for you.

Firstly, expand your profile. You say very little about yourself. You definitely don't say anything that would inspire a Domme to think that you are the sub/slave of her dreams. So give the ladies more. Tell them what skills you bring to the table. Can you fix her car? Are you a certified chef? Do you have an 11 inch penis? (I was joking about that last one. DON'T lead with your penis).

Remember, there are other male subs vying for the attention of the same Dommes that you are. So you have to separate yourself from the crowd. Do you think your profile does that?

The last line of your profile reads "I'm willing to try just about anything but I don't give much experience." Do you see the typo there? So will any Domme who reads your profile. So go back and fix that. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and your first impression tells Dommes that you're careless, lazy, and perhaps stupid. I don't think that is what you were going for.

Sorry if this response comes off as insulting. I didn't mean for it to be. But I had to be real with you in order to help you. Good luck to you.

P.S. - Also sign up for FetLife. They have an extensive list of local events and BDSM organizations. Join the one nearest you. I think you'll have better luck that way than trying to find a partner strictly online.

Alecta -> RE: I haven't had had much luck. (11/6/2016 1:43:03 PM)

You aren't sure of what you're looking for: a girlfriend who is kinky and likes being on top in the bedroom? A Dominatrix to show you pervy kinky stuff? A woman to serve as a slave to? A friend to go to events and munches with? A woman who'll let you slobber over her feet? A friendly person to give you a taste of what being a slave to someone is like?

What do you even think being a slave is/means?

Figuring that out and clearing that up in your profile would help refine the kinds of people who will pay notice to you either because they know right away without talking to you that you are incompatible, or because they have an interest in what you want to be.

It'll also help you figure out what else you need to put forward to be worth their notice.

angelikaJ -> RE: I haven't had had much luck. (11/6/2016 2:43:30 PM)

These links may help you:
Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman
CMail Help: How to Contact a Dominant Woman

I got them from here:

Best wishes!

DarkSteven -> RE: I haven't had had much luck. (11/6/2016 9:17:36 PM)

In addition to the above suggestions:

Add more pics. The one you have, doesn't impress. A pic of you smiling would be better, as well as some showing you in an activity - playing a musical instrument, carrying a horse, kicking a soccer ball, fixing a car.

You're 140 lbs and 5'11". I'd wonder if that thinness was due to drugs. I'd add something about you being straight edge if you don't take drugs.

Finally, you ask how to meet a Domme on Collarspace. I suggest instead finding local munches and parties, and meeting them there. Your odds are much better.

MaidMonkey -> RE: I haven't had had much luck. (11/7/2016 12:41:56 AM)

Well you've been searching for 5 months. That seems like a long time, but a lot of people search for years here so don't assume there is something wrong with you.

I like the profile pic, but I recommend more info in the profile. Examples:

What you are looking for dynamic wise.
What your ideal situation is.
Things you have tried.
This you are curious about or want to try.
Your fuck no, I'm never trying that list.
What do you do in spare time.
Etc. etc. etc.

Give people more to go off of.

MsZifra -> RE: I haven't had had much luck. (11/8/2016 12:37:59 AM)

Get out and go to a munch. Take classes. Meet real people!


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