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RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 9:19:57 AM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
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Again, only 256 found in the arrests of two years? Try again. Where is the data that these were arrests, where is the data from the control group, where is the blood work from all arrests, how many did they miss?

You got no study.

So why wasnt she shot for murdering the guy?

You will never admit to being wrong because you are a factless retard. The identification of drug use AFTER THE FACT is not justifiable homicide.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to InfoMan)
Profile   Post #: 341
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 9:20:54 AM   

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Ok forensics gurus I am going to give you all something to think about. How to doctor a crime scene.

Excellent review and summation, RO. Thanks.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 342
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 9:44:30 AM   

Posts: 9362
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He was black murdered him dead live on the tele - whats not to get?


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 343
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 9:44:54 AM   

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Which conclusively shows Drug Recognition Experts correctly visually identifying the presence of PCP 95% of the time... a direct contradiction of what you claimed.

Infoman, the success of DRE in visually identifying an affected subject depends on the DIE procedure, or Drug Influence Evaluation. This is a twelve step process that Shelby surely did not have time or ability to do at the scene before killing Crutcher. Let's have a look.

A DIE involves the following 12 steps (a detailed description for each step is given at the[5])

Breath Alcohol Test: The arresting officer reviews the subject’s breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) test results and determines if the subject’s apparent impairment is consistent with the subject’s BrAC. If so, the officer will not normally call a DRE. If the impairment is not explained by the BrAC, the officer requests a DRE evaluation.
Interview of the Arresting Officer
Preliminary Examination and First Pulse
Eye Examinations
Divided Attention Psychophysical Tests
Vital Signs and Second Pulse
Dark Room Examinations
Examination for Muscle Tone
Check for Injection Sites and Third Pulse
Subject’s Statements and Other Observations
Analysis and Opinions of the Evaluator
Toxicological Examination : After completing the evaluation, the DRE normally requests a urine, blood and/or saliva sample from the subject for a toxicology lab analysis.

It is obvious that Shelby could not have made a judgment about the nature of Crutcher's condition based on her education as a DRE at the scene. All this shit about Crutcher's exceptional threat because of PCP is utter crap you have used to defend Shelby's panicky execution of Mr. Crutcher. Your use of PCP impairment as a justification for every second of the killer's action is inexcusable.




Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to InfoMan)
Profile   Post #: 344
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 10:02:40 AM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Again, only 256 found in the arrests of two years? Try again. Where is the data that these were arrests, where is the data from the control group, where is the blood work from all arrests, how many did they miss?

You got no study.

So why wasnt she shot for murdering the guy?

You will never admit to being wrong because you are a factless retard. The identification of drug use AFTER THE FACT is not justifiable homicide.

Why would i admit to being wrong when I've presented facts, reasoning, and studies which support my statements - while you on the other hand have only spat ignorance, hate, and insult?

You have done nothing to try and convince anyone of anything other than your own ignorant hate.
you try and incite violence, calling on others to kill police (which is illegal mind you)
And every time. EVERY time you are countered with sound, reasonable, and factual truths - you ignore it - insult people and continue on your hateful way.

and what good does that all do?
what good would getting rid of the police achieve?

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 345
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 11:15:04 AM   

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simple, cops wives are always innocent

So let me get this straight... Your argument is that because a couple of lazy officers in Wisconsin didn't feel like putting in the foot work to find the truth and just lazily went off of the word of the victim... this is proof that they are spending millions of dollars in Tulsa Oklahoma by planting evidence and rigging a trial so they can save face of a Single white woman?

Hell, even if you want to argue the guys most recent murder trial -
It is him vs. the Police Department and a 36 Million Dollar lawsuit against the state, so it could be argued that there was corruption there...

But the Shelby case is just a single white woman.

here let me try this again:

She [Zellner attorney at law] says that Manitowoc police planted the evidence against Avery, and she hopes to detect that misconduct using physical clues she thinks they left behind: “They used forensic science to convict [Avery], and I’d be using it to convict them of planting the evidence.”

Some of the lawyers who’ve faced Zellner caution Wisconsin prosecutors not to underestimate her, don’t bluff her and to anticipate that she’ll have a deep knowledge of the case. “She’s smart as the dickens and skilled, skilled, skilled,” says Robert Smith, the attorney who defended Will County when Zellner sued in the Kevin Fox case. “She makes use of all 52 cards and both jokers if you’re in the courtroom with her.”

On a cool and windy Friday in February, Zellner drove herself almost three hours to Waupun Correctional Institution, built in 1851 using convict labor. After seeing Avery and climbing back into her car for the drive home, Zellner pulled up Twitter to tap out a new message. “Fifth trip to Steven Avery. Collected samples for new tests. The inevitable is coming—he was smiling so were we.”

unless you live in a tiny village say population 150, literally every just-us club throughout the whole US is corrupt. I can dig up a situation of corruption in every state of the union, and manitwok is not a big city maybe 25-30000. most of them simply do not get caught because they are in a protection racket, same as any mob.

its a big club and you aint in it. Hell look at snowden, he should be awarded a 5 million dollar mansion for exposing the corruption in the NSA for violating our rights and the constitution by spying on us, nope listen to the asshats claim its treason. Any wonder corruption is completely out of control?

Hell the corruption in the avery case can easily be seen all the way up to the atty general and appeals courts, the fbi, and the forensics labs, its a big club and you aint in it.

These MF's in the just us club are trying to incite a fucking civil war, how much more obvious can it get when she claims shit was outside her training as a sanction for pulling the trigger, fuck we can get any asstwit without training to pull a trigger and they should get off the hook because 'they werent trained' WTF over!

You don't even understand the conditions of the case which you are trying to tout as conspiracy.

The Avery case of misconduct occurred when some one claimed they where sexually assaulted then identified Avery as the culprit despite him being out of town which was easily confirmed by receipts, witnesses, and even the actual perpetrator which was imprisoned a county over and confessed to the crime himself. The detectives simply didn't want to do the paper work and went off of the Victim stated, as she described him, picked him out of a photo gallery, then subsequently picked him out of a line up.

The second crime he was convicted of was the Murder of a young woman - who's remains where found on his property, His blood was found in her car, and her car was found at a salvage yard he frequented. Now this just so happened coincidentally right before his 36 Million dollar suit against the state for their violation of his civil liberties and wrongful imprisonment. So in this case it isn't Avery against a single officer, it is Avery against the entire Department and Corrections System of the State which would cost them Millions of Dollars.

In this case the conspiracy of the State spending Millions to make a man go away can make sense because how much he would cost the State otherwise.

Officer Shelby and the Crutcher shooting on the other hand...
we are talking about a relative nobody cop in some small department in the insignificant part of Tulsa Oklahoma. At what point is the state threatened with a multi-million dollar event, claim, or suit which would warrant them to spend millions on a cover up? Tulsa is hardly the proverbial Racial powder keg of the Midwest, so it isn't like they are afraid of riots that would burn down half the city...

Now thats hilarious, I dont understand what happened in what can literally be said is my back yard, but you on the other hand with your colorful dissmissive descriptions designed to water down the extent of the entrenched criminal activity in departments and positions of/in 'TRUST' is a modern day atrocity.

The avery case had nothing what so ever to do with 'lazy' and everything with falsely hanging avery as the mob thought they could get away with it and did for 18 years until dna proved his innocence, and THAT is what fueled the 36million suit against the state. That same mob doubled down when they took out Halbach with [2 in the hat] then plant and fix the evidence.

The reason Zellner is so sure the evidence was planted by the police is because she is a smart cookie and understands the forensics across several fields, the exact thing needed to comprehend 911, OKC, Waco and other syndicate crimes conducted here in the US.

What you fail to comprehend is that everything starts with an incident, in this case the guy was shot in cold blood.

The state does not give a flying fuck about spending our money they do 'ANYTHING' to insure their power and cash cows. when money gets low simply raise taxes because all that money is spend RIGHT BACK INTO THEIR OPERATION! They and their pals get it. Its a big club and you [meaning] 'we' aint in it!

The connection is so simple it escapes you. There are only 2 things MOBACRACIES give a damn about....
MONEY....[who gets it]....
POWER....[who has it]...

Tulsa is looking at a several million dollar suit against the department and if it can be shown that she is also personally liable down comes the corporate viel in addition amd the money flows in the wrong direction. This isnt rocket science for those wwho understand how the system is designed to work.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to InfoMan)
Profile   Post #: 346
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 11:47:27 AM   

Posts: 9980
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RO, without a doubt there has been a history in America of police corruption and brutality. Not all police by a wide margin, but a significant history nevertheless. It is a big issue with passionate opinions on both sides. A separate thread would be justified. However, bringing up the Avery story at this point really distracts from the issue of Crutcher's death. Please give Mr. Crutcher the respect he deserves and leave the thread on track. Thanks.

I am anxious to read InfoMan's explanation of how Crutcher's killer could have assessed his condition so quickly and inferred the possible dangerous consequences.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 347
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:08:11 PM   

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which is why I brought it back to tulsa at the end. you can thank disinfo for his strawman arguments used to dismiss the seriousness of these matters which required further exoplantion to illustrate its systemic and built in across the board. Avery was used to ahow the extent the state will go when they fuck up or decide to take you out. In this case call it whatever we want accidental, over reactive whatever that cop should not even have had her weapon out in the first place, she should of waited for back up to be firmly in place before proceeding, if he tried to get in the car and run cars dont go very far with holes in them and blwn tires, just sit back and let him leisurely burn himself out, then get him when he has no where to go, al of which would serve to de-esca;ate the matter but cops are only trained to escalate matters at a minimum to a DUI or drug bust, something anything that will bring in revenue.

Thids is from an x-sherrif:


Dos and Don’ts:
Do remember that an officer is REQUIRED to read you your rights before questioning or searching you if they have placed you in a custodial arrest. In Texas you ARE ALWAYS in a custodial arrest when stopped for an alleged “traffic offense” (see Secs. 543.001-.009, Texas Transp. Code). The reading of your rights is a mandatory requirement that works in your favor unless/until you behave stupidly by talking voluntarily (sees Art. 38.22, Texas Code of Crim. Proc.). Be aware, however, they almost NEVER do this, meaning that anything incriminating that you may say or that they may find can be suppressed as an involuntary or coerced statement or illegal warrantless search and seizure. You should also be aware that the officer(s) is/are trained to lie about you being in a custodial arrest and will most likely say instead that you are in an “investigative detention.” If you are in Texas (and most other “states”), then understand that this is a TOTAL LIE! You almost always ARE in a full-blown custodial arrest (see Legal Equation illustration below).

Trained to lie, any 'honest' cop can corroborate that.
My scope is focused on crutcher and the thousands more like him if this built in systemic corruption dont stop and in order to do that peeps must understand the larger picture as a brief side note.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 5/24/2017 12:09:02 PM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to vincentML)
Profile   Post #: 348
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:17:27 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Again, only 256 found in the arrests of two years? Try again. Where is the data that these were arrests, where is the data from the control group, where is the blood work from all arrests, how many did they miss?

You got no study.

So why wasnt she shot for murdering the guy?

You will never admit to being wrong because you are a factless retard. The identification of drug use AFTER THE FACT is not justifiable homicide.

Why would i admit to being wrong when I've presented facts, reasoning, and studies which support my statements - while you on the other hand have only spat ignorance, hate, and insult?

You have done nothing to try and convince anyone of anything other than your own ignorant hate.
you try and incite violence, calling on others to kill police (which is illegal mind you)
And every time. EVERY time you are countered with sound, reasonable, and factual truths - you ignore it - insult people and continue on your hateful way.

and what good does that all do?
what good would getting rid of the police achieve?

Comfirming PCP after the fact is relevant, it showed that his assaesment of the situation was correct.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to InfoMan)
Profile   Post #: 349
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:21:56 PM   

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doesnt show a correct assessment.

You are a fucking retarded welfare patient with a gun, I know you have taken drugs in your life, and are probably on meds now.

Bang, you are dead.

Correct assessment. I am guiltless.

Shoot cops who kill citizens, its a risk no one should take.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 350
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:30:27 PM   

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Comfirming PCP after the fact is relevant, it showed that his assaesment of the situation was correct.

however thats not correct now is it.

correctly stated "Comfirming PCP after the fact MAY be relevant".

Predicting he is on pcp then magicaly producing it AFTER the fact wreaks of evidence planting.

Now if that was obtained from the victims blood sample, its another story and would carry more weight, and even that has a huge potential to be fraudulent.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 351
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:38:41 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Again, only 256 found in the arrests of two years? Try again. Where is the data that these were arrests, where is the data from the control group, where is the blood work from all arrests, how many did they miss?

You got no study.

So why wasnt she shot for murdering the guy?

You will never admit to being wrong because you are a factless retard. The identification of drug use AFTER THE FACT is not justifiable homicide.

Why would i admit to being wrong when I've presented facts, reasoning, and studies which support my statements - while you on the other hand have only spat ignorance, hate, and insult?

You have done nothing to try and convince anyone of anything other than your own ignorant hate.
you try and incite violence, calling on others to kill police (which is illegal mind you)
And every time. EVERY time you are countered with sound, reasonable, and factual truths - you ignore it - insult people and continue on your hateful way.

and what good does that all do?
what good would getting rid of the police achieve?

I have provided far more links to studies, facts, reasonings which say your one single link is not a study and nothing but asswipe, just a triple based assessment after the fact and crafted in bias.
You got nothing but your own ignorance, when you are confronted with murder you ignore it like the fucking retard you are so you can push your retarded propaganda.

Provide a fact, reasoning, and study, that says, the law is that you shoot people as a cop because you are absolutely inept at your job.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to InfoMan)
Profile   Post #: 352
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:50:54 PM   

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He was black, murdered him dead, live on the tele, whats not to get?
I am not writing new stuff for this one

What half wit saw it differently?


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 353
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:53:04 PM   

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the haters who love cops who murder and quote prima facie defective 'studies' that dont say what they want them to say so they add to them.

In America, taking illegal drugs is no capital offense.

In their little hitler 1984 worlds they think it is.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to WickedsDesire)
Profile   Post #: 354
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:54:22 PM   

Posts: 5079
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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

the haters who love cops who murder and quote prima facie defective 'studies' that dont say what they want them to say so they add to them.

In America, taking illegal drugs is no capital offense.

In their little hitler 1984 worlds they think it is.

Driving under the influence is illegal.

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 355
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 12:59:31 PM   

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it is not a capital offense either. speeding is illegal, jaywalking is illegal, loitering is illegal, rolling stop is illegal, failure to signal is illegal, god, the list goes on and on what is illegal and not a capital offense.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to tamaka)
Profile   Post #: 356
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 1:02:34 PM   

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Then why is cannabis legal to those fuking idiots- Idiot! (what happened to your pic?)

Well surely they shoot the autistic and handicapped and blame
erm blame
it will come to me


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to tamaka)
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RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 1:04:43 PM   

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Heh swearyman

if they are autistic, handicapped and a bit darkie, do your police death squads remove their brains from the heads with a bazooka live on the tele?


wE arE tHe voiCes,
We SAtuRaTe yOur aLPHA brain WAveS, ThIs is nOt A DrEAm The wiZaRd of Oz, shoES, CaLcuLUs, DECorAtiNG, FrIDGE SProcKeTs, be VeRy sCareDed – SLoBbers,We DeEManDErs Sloowee DAnCiNG, SmOOches – whisper whisper & CaAkEE

(in reply to WickedsDesire)
Profile   Post #: 358
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 1:41:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

I have provided far more links to studies, facts, reasonings which say your one single link is not a study and nothing but asswipe, just a triple based assessment after the fact and crafted in bias.
You got nothing but your own ignorance, when you are confronted with murder you ignore it like the fucking retard you are so you can push your retarded propaganda.

Provide a fact, reasoning, and study, that says, the law is that you shoot people as a cop because you are absolutely inept at your job.

The things that you have provided, you've horribly misunderstood....

For example:


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

heres one at 50%

When the DREs claimed drugs other than alcohol were present, they were almost always detected in the blood (94%);
Multiple drug use was common: 72% used two or more drugs including alcohol. 45% used three or more drugs including alcohol;
All of the drugs were identified in almost 50% of the subjects;
87% of the time the DREs correctly identified at least one drug other than alcohol;
Only 3.7% of the suspects who had used drugs had BACs equal to or greater than .10%.

So, she cant recognize a threat or a gun, but wondering if he is on PCP is grounds to shoot him. Kill Cops, save lives, and save us from narrowminded retards who disseminate disinformation.

you use in an attempt to state that the DRE is only reliable to an accuracy margin of 50%.
But that isn't what is said there.

What is said is that when presented an individual that is under the influence of multiple drug use - 50% of the time the Agent can identify ALL the compounds. In those same conditions 87% of the time the DRE Agent can correctly identify at least 1 additional compound other then alcohol.

You then try and drop this as a counter point.

ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Who has peer reviewed it, seems like other than cops it dont look good:

Except the case study he provided is not a case study - it reads like investigation journalism with little to no experimentation or observation of the experimentation.

What's more the site which his 'peer review study' is published is the "journal of negative results in biomedicine" a site which is not super deeply moderated when it comes to peer reviewed studies and is more then willing to publish controversial articles specifically because they are controversial.

And then you post this:


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

here is better than chance, and some other interesting stuff.

A study
conducted by the Canadian Centre of Substance Abuse found that “In general,
officers trained in the DEC program are able to identify persons under the
influence of drugs and to specify the drug class responsible with a degree of
accuracy that not only exceeds chance, but in some cases reaches a very high
level” (Beirness, 2007). Yet another study found that “overall accuracy in
recognizing drug intoxication was 95 percent” when DRE's were given face
sheets only, with no toxicology results available (Smith, 2002).

and the study was showing pictures of people. Uh, like Gary Busey and Andy Garcia?

Which you think also damns the DRE process as being little more effective then chance, in fact says the opposite:

the drug doses consumed by users are typically much higher than those permitted in controlled laboratory studies. In general, officers trained in the DEC program are able to identify persons under the influence of drugs and to specify the drug class responsible with a degree of accuracy that not only exceeds chance, but in some cases reaches a very high level.

In the end - the links you've provided to 'studies, facts, reasonings' mostly disagree with what you're saying, and only in your own ignorance biased mind does it read in such manner that supports Anything you've claimed.

< Message edited by InfoMan -- 5/24/2017 1:42:09 PM >

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 359
RE: BLM NOT SO MUCH - 5/24/2017 1:59:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Again, only 256 found in the arrests of two years? Try again. Where is the data that these were arrests, where is the data from the control group, where is the blood work from all arrests, how many did they miss?

You got no study.

So why wasnt she shot for murdering the guy?

You will never admit to being wrong because you are a factless retard. The identification of drug use AFTER THE FACT is not justifiable homicide.

Why would i admit to being wrong when I've presented facts, reasoning, and studies which support my statements - while you on the other hand have only spat ignorance, hate, and insult?

You have done nothing to try and convince anyone of anything other than your own ignorant hate.
you try and incite violence, calling on others to kill police (which is illegal mind you)
And every time. EVERY time you are countered with sound, reasonable, and factual truths - you ignore it - insult people and continue on your hateful way.

and what good does that all do?
what good would getting rid of the police achieve?

Comfirming PCP after the fact is relevant, it showed that his assaesment of the situation was correct.

Now that i think of it that information came from her Lawyer. May well have been fabricated after the autopsy. There is just no way she could have made that assessment. RO is right. She should have backed off and let him burn himself out.



Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~ MLK Jr.

(in reply to BamaD)
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