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Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible?

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Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 6:53:40 AM   

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This is really interesting ....


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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 7:15:02 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!


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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 8:08:14 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!

Sgt. Pepper is considered by most music critics as the best Rock album ever.

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 8:27:12 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!

Sgt. Pepper is considered by most music critics as the best Rock album ever.

It regularly turns up in polls by hacks in lifestyle magazines, which isn't the same thing at all. It tends to get voted up in those polls because it's bland and inoffensive enough that everybody sort of likes it a bit, or will at least give it the benefit of the doubt for one song or another, and acquired a bit of a cachet for being experimental as a result of it watering down stuff that a lot of other bands had already done better for the mass audience.


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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 8:47:04 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!

Sgt. Pepper is considered by most music critics as the best Rock album ever.

It regularly turns up in polls by hacks in lifestyle magazines, which isn't the same thing at all. It tends to get voted up in those polls because it's bland and inoffensive enough that everybody sort of likes it a bit, or will at least give it the benefit of the doubt for one song or another, and acquired a bit of a cachet for being experimental as a result of it watering down stuff that a lot of other bands had already done better for the mass audience.

Sgt Pepper is #1 on the Rolling Stone list if the top 500 Rock Albums of all time.
But then I guess you consider Rolling Stone as a hack lifestyle magazine with no background in music.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 8:48:17 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!

Sgt. Pepper is considered by most music critics as the best Rock album ever.

I personally liked Rubber Soul better but that's an opinion. That and a dollar will get you a cup of bad coffee.


Kinkier than a cheap garden hose.

Whoever said "Religion is the opiate of the masses" never heard Right Wing talk radio.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 8:54:38 AM   

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OMG, this is seriously a music nerd! His explanation was so dull and lifeless, I couldn't finish watching it!

But I do agree modern music is disappointing.

Too much electronic, too much fake autotune help or lipsyncing.

I don't know how all the old singers sound perfect all the time, without any of those help.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 9:12:38 AM   

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I don't know how all the old singers sound perfect all the time, without any of those help.

Practice, practice, practice. Most if the old groups refined their craft in small clubs for years before cutting their first albums.
For example, long before anyone ever heard of Bruce Springsteen, I used to see him all the time at a Jersey Shore club, where he sat solo on a stool playing his guitar and singing in near anonymity.That was five years before "Born To Run" hit.
Bands today are put together by managers who select members for stage/video appearance and just cover up their lack of musical ability with sessions musicians and autotunes.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 9:44:59 AM   

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That is exactly it. Perfect example. Go to you tube and listen to Jay Black and the Americans (then and now, Cara Mia ) It is amazing how good he sounds.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 10:14:13 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!

Sgt. Pepper is considered by most music critics as the best Rock album ever.

It was the turning point from juicy fruit I-want-to-hold-your-hand stuff to the guitars gently weeping, Abbey Road stuff.


You can be a murderous tyrant and the world will remember you fondly but fuck one horse and you will be a horse fucker for all eternity. Catherine the Great

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 10:21:14 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!

Sgt. Pepper is considered by most music critics as the best Rock album ever.

It regularly turns up in polls by hacks in lifestyle magazines, which isn't the same thing at all. It tends to get voted up in those polls because it's bland and inoffensive enough that everybody sort of likes it a bit, or will at least give it the benefit of the doubt for one song or another, and acquired a bit of a cachet for being experimental as a result of it watering down stuff that a lot of other bands had already done better for the mass audience.

Sgt. Peppers is double and even triple platinum depending where you look and the rating system used.

The facts are that in the past, every group had their own sound and style. Not anymore.

Today, far too many all sound the same. Go across the radio dial and count the oldie/classics stations compared to new pop and new pop is outnumbered.


You can be a murderous tyrant and the world will remember you fondly but fuck one horse and you will be a horse fucker for all eternity. Catherine the Great

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
J K Galbraith

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 10:49:24 AM   

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I got about a minute into that. If you're complaining about contemporary music being crap, it'd be handy to have a better yardstick to measure it against than Sergeant Pepper's. It isn't even the best Beatles album, FFS!

Sgt. Pepper is considered by most music critics as the best Rock album ever.

It regularly turns up in polls by hacks in lifestyle magazines, which isn't the same thing at all. It tends to get voted up in those polls because it's bland and inoffensive enough that everybody sort of likes it a bit, or will at least give it the benefit of the doubt for one song or another, and acquired a bit of a cachet for being experimental as a result of it watering down stuff that a lot of other bands had already done better for the mass audience.

Sgt Pepper is #1 on the Rolling Stone list if the top 500 Rock Albums of all time.
But then I guess you consider Rolling Stone as a hack lifestyle magazine with no background in music.

A poll in one magazine marketed at ageing boomers who like to think they're still hepcats despite not having bought a new album since Bill Wyman left the Stones is now the last word on the best album ever?
Dearie me.

Hill, I prefer Revolver myself, but Rubber Soul's another of the really good ones.


It was the turning point from juicy fruit I-want-to-hold-your-hand stuff to the guitars gently weeping, Abbey Road stuff.

Despite the fact that Norwegian Wood and Nowhere Man appeared on Rubber Soul and Tomorrow Never Knows appeared on Revolver? (While My Guitar Gently Weeps was on the White Album, not Abbey Road, btw.)


On the level and looking for a square deal.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 11:14:48 AM   

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I don't know how all the old singers sound perfect all the time, without any of those help.

Practice, practice, practice. Most if the old groups refined their craft in small clubs for years before cutting their first albums.
For example, long before anyone ever heard of Bruce Springsteen, I used to see him all the time at a Jersey Shore club, where he sat solo on a stool playing his guitar and singing in near anonymity.That was five years before "Born To Run" hit.
Bands today are put together by managers who select members for stage/video appearance and just cover up their lack of musical ability with sessions musicians and autotunes.

Sounds like The Monkees! The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 11:32:29 AM   

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Did you know Stephen Stills, Charles Manson, Harry Nilsson and David Crosby were all turned down for the Monkees?


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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 11:48:43 AM   

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The Monkees were a put together group, and it's true that during the first season of that show almost all their music was actually done by sessions musicians. But the big difference with The Monkees as opposed to more recent such groups, is that The Monkees (with the exception of Mike Nesmith, who already had a long background in music) was that they immediately began musical and voice training, and by their second season they were doing all of their own music. Also, they were the exception for their time, when most groups had real musical talent long before hitting the charts.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 11:56:15 AM   

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Nesmith likes to make a big thing of that, yes. My point was that (apart from Manson whose records sound like the work of an autistic Ricky Nelson with his throat slit) some fairly talented people turned up to those auditions. I think a lot of the Motown and Stax girl groups were auditioned as well, weren't they? Nobody dismisses them as a camp joke, I've noticed...
(Not entirely off topic, as the Beatles were mad keen on the girl groups by most accounts.)


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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 12:02:15 PM   

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One of the biggest differences between then and now though was that if you went to a concert in the 60s or 70s you heard a rendition of the album music that was very close, but different enough that you knew it was actually a live performance. Today concerts have the exact same sound as the album because the musicians are just lip-syncing to the album version because their "sound" can only be produced in a studio.

Musicians used to be more experimental back then as well. "A Day In The Life" is quite different from"Rocky Raccoon" yet you could listen to either the first time and immediately recognize that it was The Beatles.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 12:08:10 PM   

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The girl groups then were put together around one talented singer, and filled in by experienced back up singers. They weren't exactly just girls off the streets, even if they may have been chosen as much for appearance as musical chops.

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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 12:14:45 PM   

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I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't have heard anything like the post-rock lot or the proggier extreme metal bands back in the '60s (seriously, if you want to hear a batshit mash up of Sun Ra, Quatermass, Napalm Death and Anette Peacock, listen to some Sigh), and the best rock album ever (allegedly) was deliberately recorded overdub heavy to excuse the Beatles from having to tour it, was it not?
(I'm also convinced that it's fairly easy to tell Lady Gaga's Madonna impersonation from Katy Perry's airbrushed pastiche of Josie Cotton, and I'm hardly fond of either...)


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RE: Why Is Modern Pop Music So Terrible? - 9/19/2017 12:25:48 PM   

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Natalie Cole pretty much proved you can overdub in concert successfully.
I think the Beatles just got so busy creating that they didn't have time left for touring.
As solo artists they have all toured and managed to still include songs off Sgt. Pepper's.

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