RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (Full Version)

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WhoreMods -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 7:33:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

There is a madman in the white house, and the RWNJs think that an insignificant librarian changing her mind about Dr. Suess is a huge story.
Seriously, even if she is a raging hypocrite who doesn't think for herself, so what?
This is a major threat to society? This is something that has never been seen before?

There is absolutely no value to this story, aside from the fact that it gives assholes like Bosco and bounty an opportunity to prove once again that they are assholes.

I did notice that the obvious point about the Trumptooners making a big thing of this (if people aren't supposed to change their minds, doesn't that mean that el presidente is still a democrat?) is being ignored.
I suppose it's part of the ongoing campaign to play the victim, because obviously this librarian is only saying this to diss the failed model and former escort girlfirst lady and her marital shitgibbon: what the alt right will start saying when it emerges that the woman refuses to have The Art of the Deal in her library doesn't bear thinking about, does it?

BoscoX -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 7:55:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic
apart from the hypocritical bs from the usual suspects...

Twitter accuses Michelle Obama of pushing 'racist' literature onto children


that would be expected...
by the way, when is melania gonna stop copying and plagiarizing what the previous Flotus did.
She should be doing it her way...

Beside being a howler troll you are also an idiot

Unlike Michelle Obama, Melania gave the books as a gift (no surprise that you're joining in the howling about that)

bounty44 -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 8:31:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
There is a madman in the white house...



ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
and the RWNJs

smug pompous ass---see my previous point about "moral superiority" and "character flaw"


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
think that an insignificant librarian changing her mind about Dr. Suess is a huge story.

no one said anything about "huge." and only "huge" stories ever get talked about here right? you struggle with logic don't you?

however in a broad umbrella of all sorts of "things leftist" it is nevertheless interesting and has larger implications that could have been discussed had any of you a mind to do so. a half dozen things come to mind that could have/should have been discussion worthy. but noooooooooo, lets rag on bosco instead and then me too when that gets pointed out.


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
There is absolutely no value to this story,

see previous two replies above.


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
aside from the fact that it gives assholes like Bosco and bounty an opportunity to prove once again that they are assholes

see second post above.


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
This is why it is impossible to have any respect for people like them.

see all posts above.

and for whats it worth, from what ive seen, youre pathologically incapable of having respect with anyone with whom you disagree. so your attempt to insult there is meaningless.

normally, I ignore you because your posts are so much drivel but we should try this again sometime---talking with you is just like shooting fish in the barrel with a couple of your recently banned comrades.

oh and townhall! although, if you want, maybe i'll go search for it just for you...

Wayward5oul -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 8:45:55 AM)

Bounty, this is no different than what you do on here on a daily basis, with the way you disparage leftists and liberals and attribute all sorts of negativity to them. The words smug and pompous can be applied to the majority of your posts as well. Pot, kettle. You just choose not to acknowledge it because of your own biases. But it makes you no different than the people that you complain about.

Nnanji -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 9:29:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul

Bounty, this is no different than what you do on here on a daily basis, with the way you disparage leftists and liberals and attribute all sorts of negativity to them. The words smug and pompous can be applied to the majority of your posts as well. Pot, kettle. You just choose not to acknowledge it because of your own biases. But it makes you no different than the people that you complain about.

Except he supplies quotes from the liberals to demonstrate his points. You, on the other hand, ignore all of the liberal trash, quotes and all, and try to sound as if the only trash is those pointing out the trash. It's just what you do.

Wayward5oul -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 9:37:07 AM)




ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul

Bounty, this is no different than what you do on here on a daily basis, with the way you disparage leftists and liberals and attribute all sorts of negativity to them. The words smug and pompous can be applied to the majority of your posts as well. Pot, kettle. You just choose not to acknowledge it because of your own biases. But it makes you no different than the people that you complain about.

Except he supplies quotes from the liberals to demonstrate his points. You, on the other hand, ignore all of the liberal trash, quotes and all, and try to sound as if the only trash is those pointing out the trash. It's just what you do.

Show me one post where I have griped about rightwingers, or conservatives, or any derogatory term or acronym to disparage entire groups of people simply because they lean either to the left or the right of any spectrum. You can't.

When I comment on people, it is because of what they say or do based on their individual actions, not because of what they believe.

Nnanji -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:01:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul




ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul

Bounty, this is no different than what you do on here on a daily basis, with the way you disparage leftists and liberals and attribute all sorts of negativity to them. The words smug and pompous can be applied to the majority of your posts as well. Pot, kettle. You just choose not to acknowledge it because of your own biases. But it makes you no different than the people that you complain about.

Except he supplies quotes from the liberals to demonstrate his points. You, on the other hand, ignore all of the liberal trash, quotes and all, and try to sound as if the only trash is those pointing out the trash. It's just what you do.

Show me one post where I have griped about rightwingers, or conservatives, or any derogatory term or acronym to disparage entire groups of people simply because they lean either to the left or the right of any spectrum. You can't.

When I comment on people, it is because of what they say or do based on their individual actions, not because of what they believe.

You're changing the arguement. What you do is ignore the multitude of idiotic childish statements tossed out by the lefty loons and decry how all of the right wing people are meanies with no thought. It's what you do. So, rather than your silly arguement, you show me a post where you talked to HB, MM, Lucy, stef or WM like you do bounty and bosco.

PeonForHer -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:08:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44



ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
and the RWNJs

smug pompous ass---see my previous point about "moral superiority" and "character flaw"

This from the man who refers to all of us on the left as 'the Comrades' - as though we're all Marxists?

Nnanji -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:20:27 AM)




ORIGINAL: bounty44



ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
and the RWNJs

smug pompous ass---see my previous point about "moral superiority" and "character flaw"

This from the man who refers to all of us on the left as 'the Comrades' - as though we're all Marxists?

LMAO, seriously. After reading all of the idiocy directed at "RWNJ's", that's what makes you butt hurt. Maybe you should head over to the library for the children's story hour instead of being on this site. I hear it's a gripping Cat in the Hat story today.

PeonForHer -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:24:47 AM)


LMAO, seriously. After reading all of the idiocy directed at "RWNJ's", that's what makes you butt hurt. Maybe you should head over to the library for the children's story hour instead of being on this site. I hear it's a gripping Cat in the Hat story today.

Seems clear to me that all the butthurt and triggering going on this thread is on your side of the RW/LW divide, Nnanji. It's been righties throughout who've whined the most about having the piss taken out of them, after all. I think the conclusion you righties need to draw is if you can't take it, don't dish it, eh?

Nnanji -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:27:00 AM)




LMAO, seriously. After reading all of the idiocy directed at "RWNJ's", that's what makes you butt hurt. Maybe you should head over to the library for the children's story hour instead of being on this site. I hear it's a gripping Cat in the Hat story today.

Seems clear to me that all the butthurt and triggering going on this thread is on your side of the RW/LW divide, Nnanji. It's been righties throughout who've whined the most about having the piss taken out of them, after all. I think the conclusion you righties need to draw is if you can't take it, don't dish it, eh?

My goodness, you really put on your thinking cap for that response.

PeonForHer -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:30:26 AM)


My goodness, you really put on your thinking cap for that response.

I wish I could tell you where to buy such a cap, so you could do the same. [;)]

WhoreMods -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:31:38 AM)






LMAO, seriously. After reading all of the idiocy directed at "RWNJ's", that's what makes you butt hurt. Maybe you should head over to the library for the children's story hour instead of being on this site. I hear it's a gripping Cat in the Hat story today.

Seems clear to me that all the butthurt and triggering going on this thread is on your side of the RW/LW divide, Nnanji. It's been righties throughout who've whined the most about having the piss taken out of them, after all. I think the conclusion you righties need to draw is if you can't take it, don't dish it, eh?

My goodness, you really put on your thinking cap for that response.

You're so smart.

heavyblinker -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:38:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44
smug pompous ass---see my previous point about "moral superiority" and "character flaw"


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
think that an insignificant librarian changing her mind about Dr. Suess is a huge story.

no one said anything about "huge." and only "huge" stories ever get talked about here right? you struggle with logic don't you?

however in a broad umbrella of all sorts of "things leftist" it is nevertheless interesting and has larger implications that could have been discussed had any of you a mind to do so. a half dozen things come to mind that could have/should have been discussion worthy. but noooooooooo, lets rag on bosco instead and then me too when that gets pointed out.

The right tends to say 'smug pompous ass' when talking about academics and intellectuals, so I take it as a compliment... but really, coming from you, it's probably just meaningless. I think it's probably something you say because you need to come up with an insult and you heard it on TV once.

But I would say there's a very good chance that I am in fact morally superior to you-- it's not a character flaw, it's a strength.

And hey, great! At least you recognize that it's not a huge story, which is good... but it's pretty absurd to pretend there is any logic involved with reaching that conclusion.
RWNJs tend to think anything involving liberals being bullied, exposed, beaten or humiliated is worthwhile-- because that is the essence of who they are as people.
Like Trump, they only respond to winning and losing... and they are horrible horrible winners, and horrible losers too, because they never even seem to know when they've lost.
So maybe not a huge story, but part of the ongoing narrative that the right is pushing.

Really, it's not a huge story. It's also not a medium sized story. It's not even a small story. It is a non-story. It isn't worth talking about in any way, and there is no discussion that can be had about it.
And yet, here we all are, thanks you and the idiots like you.

I know that Bosco posted it to reinforce his prejudices about liberals, gloat, and troll everyone... most of his threads are like that... so really, responding to it at all was a mistake.
But Peon got some pretty good lines in, so I guess it's still worthwhile for those.

However if you think this OP merits serious discussion, then you might as well talk about how your otherwise totally competent teacher got a math problem wrong in front of the class back in 1994, how someone made a funny spelling mistake in a blog post, or how someone on twitter said 'death the liberals'.
It is always always always the right that's determined to focus on non-stories like this... always... and it's because they are bullies or losers who respond well to bullies. They like stories like this because of the humiliation factor, nothing more. Exactly what crime has she committed that makes it fair for a lot of losers like you, Bosco and the twitter bullies to share her photos with other losers and hurl insults and obnoxiousness at her? All I see here is mean-spirited douchebags like you making fun of someone for some perceived hypocrisy.

Seriously, what's the takeaway here? What discussion is there to be had? That hypocrisy exists? That some woman out there changed her mind and now everyone is allowed to mock her endlessly and ruin her life?
This has led the RWNJs to attack the wife of someone who isn't even president anymore, and it's now a story on AOL... absurd.

Of course, this is what the RWNJ media does, what the RWNJs do, and what you and Bosco do... which is also why I AM morally superior.


ORIGINAL: bounty44
normally, I ignore you because your posts are so much drivel but we should try this again sometime---talking with you is just like shooting fish in the barrel with a couple of your recently banned comrades.

oh and townhall! although, if you want, maybe i'll go search for it just for you...

LOL... exactly which voice in your head actually tells you that you're winning arguments on this forum?
You do what all RWNJs do-- ignore the meat of every argument, then ad hominem, strawman, and declare yourself the winner.

All I ever see from you is 'smug pompous ass'/generic RWNJ insults, 'oh no comrades, townhall!' and townhall.
There is absolutely no depth, no evidence of reason, no creativity, no ability to articulate ideas.

Anyways, go ahead and keep posting townhall because it's pretty obvious you can't come up with anything worthwhile yourself.

bounty44 -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:44:00 AM)






LMAO, seriously. After reading all of the idiocy directed at "RWNJ's", that's what makes you butt hurt. Maybe you should head over to the library for the children's story hour instead of being on this site. I hear it's a gripping Cat in the Hat story today.

Seems clear to me that all the butthurt and triggering going on this thread is on your side of the RW/LW divide, Nnanji. It's been righties throughout who've whined the most about having the piss taken out of them, after all. I think the conclusion you righties need to draw is if you can't take it, don't dish it, eh?

My goodness, you really put on your thinking cap for that response.

which "piss" is that I wonder?

and the bummer thing is peon, youre one of the supposed "intellectuals" amongst the comrades (yeah wayward, "fellow socialist/communist/collectivist"), you could have very easily approached the topic from that perspective. that you didn't says something sadly telling about the "lw/rw divide" in general, but as I stated earlier on, about the character of left wingers in particular.

and look blinker---no townhall! but its like holy water to vampires isn't it? especially to the non-thinking kind who can only rail on a source, the person who supplies it and never the content.

heavyblinker -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 10:50:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44
and look blinker---no townhall! but its like holy water to vampires isn't it? especially to the non-thinking kind who can only rail on a source, the person who supplies it and never the content.

Yeah, everyone mocks you because we're threatened by it, not because it's monotonous.
FFS even if you were paraphrasing it I would have slightly more respect for you... but you just post full articles here, and the point of every single one is 'liberals are bad'.

Wayward5oul -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 11:48:47 AM)




ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul




ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul

Bounty, this is no different than what you do on here on a daily basis, with the way you disparage leftists and liberals and attribute all sorts of negativity to them. The words smug and pompous can be applied to the majority of your posts as well. Pot, kettle. You just choose not to acknowledge it because of your own biases. But it makes you no different than the people that you complain about.

Except he supplies quotes from the liberals to demonstrate his points. You, on the other hand, ignore all of the liberal trash, quotes and all, and try to sound as if the only trash is those pointing out the trash. It's just what you do.

Show me one post where I have griped about rightwingers, or conservatives, or any derogatory term or acronym to disparage entire groups of people simply because they lean either to the left or the right of any spectrum. You can't.

When I comment on people, it is because of what they say or do based on their individual actions, not because of what they believe.

You're changing the arguement. What you do is ignore the multitude of idiotic childish statements tossed out by the lefty loons and decry how all of the right wing people are meanies with no thought. It's what you do. So, rather than your silly arguement, you show me a post where you talked to HB, MM, Lucy, stef or WM like you do bounty and bosco.

Show me where I have said that all the right wing people are meanies with no thought, or even anything similar.

MsLadySue -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 12:04:09 PM)

Only howler loons I see are the morons who voted for a racist, malignant narcissist/pathological liar, who has the intellect of a 5 year old with a 3rd grade vocabulary. He's such a great (cough, cough) leader that twice now, with control of both houses, couldn't pass the Repeal and Replace of ACA. Now the liar-in-chief, like a petulant child, is making sure ACA fails because he didn't get his way. Only thing this idiot has managed to do is seat one judge and mouth off in tweet after tweet like the mental midget he truly is.

Still wondering when this moron is going to do something to make the lives of the working people better? He isn't, and has no intention of doing so, it won't benefit him and his rich cronies. There will be no tax breaks for the average Joe, who will end up paying more if Trump's tax plan goes through. The only ones to receive lower tax rates will be the rich and corporations .

Fuck #MAGA!

AMERICA IS ALREADY GREAT! Trump, unfortunately, is turning it into a swamp, along with his incompetent administration/family members. His performance as a president, childish actions/words while giving speeches, comments of “fake news”, constant disparaging of others and baiting Un in North Korea, have made him a laughing-stock throughout the world.

Go take your meds, head cases. Get the help you urgently need.

MercTech -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 2:58:09 PM)

I guess it is politically correct to say any toxic divisive shit that pops to mind as long as it is anti Trump.

BoscoX -> RE: Howler Leftist Librarian Troll Gets Her Comeuppance (10/1/2017 3:00:00 PM)



I guess it is politically correct to say any toxic divisive shit that pops to mind as long as it is anti Trump.

Essentially the point of the OP, that. Him, and anyone who disagrees with them about whatever

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