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RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now

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RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 8:34:13 PM   

Posts: 4552
Joined: 3/29/2016
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Thanks spanky, I'll keep a look out.

(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 761
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 8:40:03 PM   

Posts: 9968
Joined: 2/6/2011
Status: offline
So all our Singaporean men are military trained and trained to handle guns. Whereas, all of us girls never attended military, so am clueless about guns. I was asking my brother about the gun that the killer used.

Basically my brother said, he was not senselessly spraying bullets, if he was doing that, there would have been alot of lesser death. He was aiming and shooting to kill each shot intently. He said the sounds made does not sound like spraying senselessly. He also said from so far away, it is actually very difficult to hit specific targets. The fact that he got so many is intentive shooting.

He said in their military training exercises, they had machine guns where they sprayed multiple target senselessly infront of them and only one target will be hit.

He also said such heavy guns, even with tripod, has the tendency to move upwards when shooting with it. It's not all that easy to control.

He basically said, for someone who all his family members claim is not into guns at all, is clearly quite trained in using guns and have had experiences with using them.

I told him that the whole duration of his shooting only lasted 11 minutes. So in 11 minutes, that's how many he managed to took down. And my brother reaction was, he didn't know all that happened only in 11 minutes. Which even make the shooter more skilled.

And for me, I wonder why the lawyer stopped his GF from answering this very simple question IF she knew about her boyfriend collecting all these guns.

She has gotta know going gun shopping with him, that he was amassing an unusual amount of guns and was very interested in guns.

(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 762
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 8:41:35 PM   

Posts: 11032
Joined: 3/11/2006
Status: offline



ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
You're just going to ignore anything I say that doesn't fit what you want to believe, but whatever... lucky for you, you get to lecture me about how rape works and get all outraged at my 'victim-blaming', even when I clearly insisted the victim was not to blame. Enjoy the emotional charge of your outrage. I guess people can just do whatever they want and don't need to be cautious about who they get involved with, where they live/go. etc.? That is all I was saying... 'it's probably dangerous to be in such a situation' is not the same as 'bitch had it coming'... but i doubt this will ever register.

The US is definitely a scary place and I never want to live there again... which is also why people need to know about the areas they're moving into, the people they meet and interact with, etc. Surely there are areas where rapist home invasions are less likely to happen? I knew people in college who moved into cheap apartments in rough areas and were shocked when they were robbed over and over by crackheads looking for expensive shit to steal. No surprises there, but it doesn't mean they deserved it... still, there were plenty of student ghettos and ethnic areas where it probably wouldn't have happened.

Of course Nancy is going to fake compassion because that helps his pro gun narrative... but the idea that he's being genuinely sensitive is laughable... he's a pathological asshole. It's also pretty clear at this point that Americans get really upset when you suggest there are alternatives to guns... obviously those alternatives won't be as effective when guns and dogs and huge combat-trained stalkers are everywhere waiting to pounce and the police are nowhere to be found... but despite the propaganda i am still not convinced that guns are the solution... except of course in a paranoid, gun-crazy society like the US, where guns are already so commonplace you will never be able to escape the threat.

I've honestly felt safer in third world countries than in the US, but never to the point where i wished i had a gun.
I guess it's pretty offensive to admit that.

At this point, I'm going to say yes, that you are being offensive. I don't know if you are meaning to or you are managing to do so without that being your intention. Either way, we're going to straighten this out so there can be an end to it.

I'm not disagreeing that it's helpful to watch for character traits in people. You seem to be under the impression that people who are dangerous are always that way (so a person could see the signs of it) rather than understand that some become that over time. This is before we even start talking about whether you reject a person or you are putting them out of your life, the hard truth about some of these cases is that they will escalate.

I want you to sit and THINK about that. Rather than try to use language that makes it sound like this is ridiculous, (i.e., huge, combat trained stalkers are everywhere, etc.) I want you to use your brain cells and connect the dots. Have you given any thought to what professions have higher DV rates? Gee, some of those just happen to be military personnel, cops, and prison guards. People who absolutely have better training than you do.


Combat veterans are responsible for almost 21 percent of domestic violence nationwide, linked to the development of post traumatic stress disorder. This is comparable to the fact that veterans alone account for 20 percent of U.S. suicides. We call the problem of veteran suicide an "epidemic," funding research, convening conferences, and creating new programs, hotlines and therapies aimed at prevention, intervention and reducing the stigma of seeking mental health care. But we don't talk about veteran intimate partner violence at all, effectively ensuring that the catastrophic consequences remain largely unacknowledged and unaddressed.


Lady P, you have to realize that you're dealing with someone who thinks everybody on here who is on the right...from Bosco to Bounty to me to anybody from the a RWNJ . His main mode of posting seems to run to offensive hostility.

< Message edited by CreativeDominant -- 10/7/2017 9:06:04 PM >

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 763
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 9:04:49 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline


So all our Singaporean men are military trained and trained to handle guns. Whereas, all of us girls never attended military, so am clueless about guns. I was asking my brother about the gun that the killer used.

Basically my brother said, he was not senselessly spraying bullets, if he was doing that, there would have been alot of lesser death. He was aiming and shooting to kill each shot intently. He said the sounds made does not sound like spraying senselessly. He also said from so far away, it is actually very difficult to hit specific targets. The fact that he got so many is intentive shooting.

He said in their military training exercises, they had machine guns where they sprayed multiple target senselessly infront of them and only one target will be hit.

He also said such heavy guns, even with tripod, has the tendency to move upwards when shooting with it. It's not all that easy to control.

He basically said, for someone who all his family members claim is not into guns at all, is clearly quite trained in using guns and have had experiences with using them.

I told him that the whole duration of his shooting only lasted 11 minutes. So in 11 minutes, that's how many he managed to took down. And my brother reaction was, he didn't know all that happened only in 11 minutes. Which even make the shooter more skilled.

And for me, I wonder why the lawyer stopped his GF from answering this very simple question IF she knew about her boyfriend collecting all these guns.

She has gotta know going gun shopping with him, that he was amassing an unusual amount of guns and was very interested in guns.

Sorry but your brother is wrong. A .308 for example at that range can go clear through one person and do serious damage to another.
The difficulty they would have getting medical aid to the victims made it worse. I have owned several 30-06s and none were difficult to control even without a bi-pod (much more
likely than a tripod). The.308 has virtually the same ballistics as the -06 The .223 has almost no recoil.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Greta75)
Profile   Post #: 764
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 9:49:42 PM   

Posts: 3623
Status: offline

color=#660099]At this point, I'm going to say yes, that you are being offensive. I don't know if you are meaning to or you are managing to do so without that being your intention. Either way, we're going to straighten this out so there can be an end to it.

I'm not disagreeing that it's helpful to watch for character traits in people. You seem to be under the impression that people who are dangerous are always that way (so a person could see the signs of it) rather than understand that some become that over time. This is before we even start talking about whether you reject a person or you are putting them out of your life, the hard truth about some of these cases is that they will escalate.

I want you to sit and THINK about that. Rather than try to use language that makes it sound like this is ridiculous, (i.e., huge, combat trained stalkers are everywhere, etc.) I want you to use your brain cells and connect the dots. Have you given any thought to what professions have higher DV rates? Gee, some of those just happen to be military personnel, cops, and prison guards. People who absolutely have better training than you do.


Combat veterans are responsible for almost 21 percent of domestic violence nationwide, linked to the development of post traumatic stress disorder. This is comparable to the fact that veterans alone account for 20 percent of U.S. suicides. We call the problem of veteran suicide an "epidemic," funding research, convening conferences, and creating new programs, hotlines and therapies aimed at prevention, intervention and reducing the stigma of seeking mental health care. But we don't talk about veteran intimate partner violence at all, effectively ensuring that the catastrophic consequences remain largely unacknowledged and unaddressed.


Well, if you're upset at my tone, maybe next time don't start your argument by laughing in my face? It's especially going to sour things on a forum where you already have assholes like Nancy and bounty and Bosco doing the same thing over things they don't even understand. Douchiness is pretty much the rule around here, so that's what you need to expect when you come here. I know I do.

I was talking about random acts of violence, not situations where you know the person... that's why I am saying what I am saying now. JVoV was talking about how he started carrying a gun to ward off strangers who might want to lynch him because of his lifestyle, NOT because he was being abused at home. So when you came in with some vague tale about a tiny woman facing off against a combat trained killing machine, I tried to fit it into that context.

I also still don't know how saying that these abusers are trained in combat somehow proves that learning martial arts is ridiculous or useless, or whatever was so funny about what I was saying. Did you have actual quality self defense training when this happened? I mean, you're bringing your own experience into this argument, so I guess at this point it's fair to ask.

No, actually... I don't even want to know.
I know this isn't going to be a fair debate because now that you've made it personal, you and your buddies will be acting like I'm putting you on trial, objectivity will be lost, and I'll end up looking like I'm attacking a victim.
That's probably also how we got to the whole 'victim-blaming' thing... even though if I said that buddy guy who brought his $1000 stereo into his $195/month Crackton apartment probably should have expected thieves, it wouldn't be a controversy, and it's exactly the same situation.
Sure, it's not always possible to know ahead of time-- but you just showed me that the research is there and you must have known what this guy's job was.
So that's something.

So whatever, I'm sorry you suffered... you're still free to own as many guns as you want, god bless.
Except it probably won't make a difference if your attacker pulls out a bigger, better gun... amirite?

(in reply to LadyPact)
Profile   Post #: 765
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 9:53:51 PM   

Posts: 9968
Joined: 2/6/2011
Status: offline


Sorry but your brother is wrong. A .308 for example at that range can go clear through one person and do serious damage to another.
I have owned several 30-06s and none were difficult to control even without a bi-pod (much more
likely than a tripod). The.308 has virtually the same ballistics as the -06 The .223 has almost no recoil.

Damn, this means our military is training with outdated guns. That's not good to know.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 766
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 9:59:59 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline




Sorry but your brother is wrong. A .308 for example at that range can go clear through one person and do serious damage to another.
I have owned several 30-06s and none were difficult to control even without a bi-pod (much more
likely than a tripod). The.308 has virtually the same ballistics as the -06 The .223 has almost no recoil.

Damn, this means our military is training with outdated guns. That's not good to know.

What are they training with ?


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Greta75)
Profile   Post #: 767
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 10:01:21 PM   

Posts: 9968
Joined: 2/6/2011
Status: offline


What are they training with ?

I have no idea about specific gun names. Will have to ask my bro when I see him again.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 768
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 10:08:29 PM   

Posts: 20687
Joined: 2/27/2005
Status: offline




What are they training with ?

I have no idea about specific gun names. Will have to ask my bro when I see him again.

They use the m-16 and variants. The same thing the U S army uses.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Greta75)
Profile   Post #: 769
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 10:29:35 PM   

Posts: 836
Joined: 3/20/2007
Status: offline





What are they training with ?

I have no idea about specific gun names. Will have to ask my bro when I see him again.

They use the m-16 and variants. The same thing the U S army uses.

if that's true then from My understanding both armies are out gunned already,.... there are plenty of higher firepower long guns on the civilian market.... didn't the vegas shooter have and possibly use them?? (the latter, not the former.) Ive not heard what model weapon(s) he used.


I will allways be a knight, instead of a prince.

What would the internet be like if we couldn't say trump is a moron?

The Republican party complains government doesnt work for people, and then makes darn sure it cannot.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 770
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 11:16:46 PM   

Posts: 3623
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Lady P, you have to realize that you're dealing with someone who thinks everybody on here who is on the right...from Bosco to Bounty to me to anybody from the a RWNJ . His main mode of posting seems to run to offensive hostility.

You ARE an RWNJ.
And of course, everyone on the forum would be so polite and respectful if it weren't for me.

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 771
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/7/2017 11:45:06 PM   

Posts: 836
Joined: 3/20/2007
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant




ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
You're just going to ignore anything I say that doesn't fit what you want to believe, but whatever... lucky for you, you get to lecture me about how rape works and get all outraged at my 'victim-blaming', even when I clearly insisted the victim was not to blame. Enjoy the emotional charge of your outrage. I guess people can just do whatever they want and don't need to be cautious about who they get involved with, where they live/go. etc.? That is all I was saying... 'it's probably dangerous to be in such a situation' is not the same as 'bitch had it coming'... but i doubt this will ever register.

The US is definitely a scary place and I never want to live there again... which is also why people need to know about the areas they're moving into, the people they meet and interact with, etc. Surely there are areas where rapist home invasions are less likely to happen? I knew people in college who moved into cheap apartments in rough areas and were shocked when they were robbed over and over by crackheads looking for expensive shit to steal. No surprises there, but it doesn't mean they deserved it... still, there were plenty of student ghettos and ethnic areas where it probably wouldn't have happened.

Of course Nancy is going to fake compassion because that helps his pro gun narrative... but the idea that he's being genuinely sensitive is laughable... he's a pathological asshole. It's also pretty clear at this point that Americans get really upset when you suggest there are alternatives to guns... obviously those alternatives won't be as effective when guns and dogs and huge combat-trained stalkers are everywhere waiting to pounce and the police are nowhere to be found... but despite the propaganda i am still not convinced that guns are the solution... except of course in a paranoid, gun-crazy society like the US, where guns are already so commonplace you will never be able to escape the threat.

I've honestly felt safer in third world countries than in the US, but never to the point where i wished i had a gun.
I guess it's pretty offensive to admit that.

At this point, I'm going to say yes, that you are being offensive. I don't know if you are meaning to or you are managing to do so without that being your intention. Either way, we're going to straighten this out so there can be an end to it.

I'm not disagreeing that it's helpful to watch for character traits in people. You seem to be under the impression that people who are dangerous are always that way (so a person could see the signs of it) rather than understand that some become that over time. This is before we even start talking about whether you reject a person or you are putting them out of your life, the hard truth about some of these cases is that they will escalate.

I want you to sit and THINK about that. Rather than try to use language that makes it sound like this is ridiculous, (i.e., huge, combat trained stalkers are everywhere, etc.) I want you to use your brain cells and connect the dots. Have you given any thought to what professions have higher DV rates? Gee, some of those just happen to be military personnel, cops, and prison guards. People who absolutely have better training than you do.


Combat veterans are responsible for almost 21 percent of domestic violence nationwide, linked to the development of post traumatic stress disorder. This is comparable to the fact that veterans alone account for 20 percent of U.S. suicides. We call the problem of veteran suicide an "epidemic," funding research, convening conferences, and creating new programs, hotlines and therapies aimed at prevention, intervention and reducing the stigma of seeking mental health care. But we don't talk about veteran intimate partner violence at all, effectively ensuring that the catastrophic consequences remain largely unacknowledged and unaddressed.


Lady P, you have to realize that you're dealing with someone who thinks everybody on here who is on the right...from Bosco to Bounty to me to anybody from the a RWNJ . His main mode of posting seems to run to offensive hostility.

now THERES a hoot!...LOL!!

If I had just .50cents for every time u RWNJ called us of the left any number of disparaging names and character assassinations, thinly veiled or blatant , other than just "lefties" since I came on here in 2007, I'd be able to Contribute to "feed My starving children" enough cash to feed an (American) football teams worth of children for about 5 years.... and probably toys for Xmas too....

"offensive hostility? HA!! ur all ones to talk about being hostile....


I will allways be a knight, instead of a prince.

What would the internet be like if we couldn't say trump is a moron?

The Republican party complains government doesnt work for people, and then makes darn sure it cannot.

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 772
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 12:00:29 AM   

Posts: 11032
Joined: 3/11/2006
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Lady P, you have to realize that you're dealing with someone who thinks everybody on here who is on the right...from Bosco to Bounty to me to anybody from the a RWNJ . His main mode of posting seems to run to offensive hostility.

You ARE an RWNJ.
And of course, everyone on the forum would be so polite and respectful if it weren't for me.

There's only two reasons you consider me one:

1. I'm on the right...hence nut job
2. I don't agree with you

I never said you were the only impolite one. I just...correctly...noted that your usual modus operandi is offensive hostility.

(in reply to heavyblinker)
Profile   Post #: 773
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 12:08:03 AM   

Posts: 11032
Joined: 3/11/2006
Status: offline



ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant




ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
You're just going to ignore anything I say that doesn't fit what you want to believe, but whatever... lucky for you, you get to lecture me about how rape works and get all outraged at my 'victim-blaming', even when I clearly insisted the victim was not to blame. Enjoy the emotional charge of your outrage. I guess people can just do whatever they want and don't need to be cautious about who they get involved with, where they live/go. etc.? That is all I was saying... 'it's probably dangerous to be in such a situation' is not the same as 'bitch had it coming'... but i doubt this will ever register.

The US is definitely a scary place and I never want to live there again... which is also why people need to know about the areas they're moving into, the people they meet and interact with, etc. Surely there are areas where rapist home invasions are less likely to happen? I knew people in college who moved into cheap apartments in rough areas and were shocked when they were robbed over and over by crackheads looking for expensive shit to steal. No surprises there, but it doesn't mean they deserved it... still, there were plenty of student ghettos and ethnic areas where it probably wouldn't have happened.

Of course Nancy is going to fake compassion because that helps his pro gun narrative... but the idea that he's being genuinely sensitive is laughable... he's a pathological asshole. It's also pretty clear at this point that Americans get really upset when you suggest there are alternatives to guns... obviously those alternatives won't be as effective when guns and dogs and huge combat-trained stalkers are everywhere waiting to pounce and the police are nowhere to be found... but despite the propaganda i am still not convinced that guns are the solution... except of course in a paranoid, gun-crazy society like the US, where guns are already so commonplace you will never be able to escape the threat.

I've honestly felt safer in third world countries than in the US, but never to the point where i wished i had a gun.
I guess it's pretty offensive to admit that.

At this point, I'm going to say yes, that you are being offensive. I don't know if you are meaning to or you are managing to do so without that being your intention. Either way, we're going to straighten this out so there can be an end to it.

I'm not disagreeing that it's helpful to watch for character traits in people. You seem to be under the impression that people who are dangerous are always that way (so a person could see the signs of it) rather than understand that some become that over time. This is before we even start talking about whether you reject a person or you are putting them out of your life, the hard truth about some of these cases is that they will escalate.

I want you to sit and THINK about that. Rather than try to use language that makes it sound like this is ridiculous, (i.e., huge, combat trained stalkers are everywhere, etc.) I want you to use your brain cells and connect the dots. Have you given any thought to what professions have higher DV rates? Gee, some of those just happen to be military personnel, cops, and prison guards. People who absolutely have better training than you do.


Combat veterans are responsible for almost 21 percent of domestic violence nationwide, linked to the development of post traumatic stress disorder. This is comparable to the fact that veterans alone account for 20 percent of U.S. suicides. We call the problem of veteran suicide an "epidemic," funding research, convening conferences, and creating new programs, hotlines and therapies aimed at prevention, intervention and reducing the stigma of seeking mental health care. But we don't talk about veteran intimate partner violence at all, effectively ensuring that the catastrophic consequences remain largely unacknowledged and unaddressed.


Lady P, you have to realize that you're dealing with someone who thinks everybody on here who is on the right...from Bosco to Bounty to me to anybody from the a RWNJ . His main mode of posting seems to run to offensive hostility.

now THERES a hoot!...LOL!!

If I had just .50cents for every time u RWNJ called us of the left any number of disparaging names and character assassinations, thinly veiled or blatant , other than just "lefties" since I came on here in 2007, I'd be able to Contribute to "feed My starving children" enough cash to feed an (American) football teams worth of children for about 5 years.... and probably toys for Xmas too....

"offensive hostility? HA!! ur all ones to talk about being hostile....

You might want to take a course in reading comprehension. Then, you'd be able to discern that I was referring to one specific person on the left...not you, not kd sub, etc..

If you can find a post where I...specifically...have called you a disparaging name in the last year or two, feel free to bring it forth.

(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 774
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 12:45:22 AM   

Posts: 9968
Joined: 2/6/2011
Status: offline


I believe the gf that she didnt know, given that according to some articles he was rude to her and she seemed to know to let him have his way on things, & be on the submissive side... he had money and seems to have had an (overbearing) attitude to go with that.. I believe her when she said that she thought the reason for the money he sent her, the trip, etc was cuz she thought he planned to dump her.. many women in that same position would think that too.. In a weird way, he did dump her...

(Assuming he has one) I wonder what his will says, who he leaves his money etc to.. (of course that money will likely be tied up in court for some time)..

You are the second person who said THIS!
Where is this article that claim that he didn't treat her well? Her own family said he adored the hell out of her.
A man who bothered sending her away to safety and telling her to buy herself a house with 100k in Philippines. By the way, 100k in Philippines, you can really live in luxury. Is clearly not a man who was mean to her.

(in reply to tj444)
Profile   Post #: 775
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 1:33:46 AM   

Posts: 836
Joined: 3/20/2007
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant




ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant




ORIGINAL: heavyblinker
You're just going to ignore anything I say that doesn't fit what you want to believe, but whatever... lucky for you, you get to lecture me about how rape works and get all outraged at my 'victim-blaming', even when I clearly insisted the victim was not to blame. Enjoy the emotional charge of your outrage. I guess people can just do whatever they want and don't need to be cautious about who they get involved with, where they live/go. etc.? That is all I was saying... 'it's probably dangerous to be in such a situation' is not the same as 'bitch had it coming'... but i doubt this will ever register.

The US is definitely a scary place and I never want to live there again... which is also why people need to know about the areas they're moving into, the people they meet and interact with, etc. Surely there are areas where rapist home invasions are less likely to happen? I knew people in college who moved into cheap apartments in rough areas and were shocked when they were robbed over and over by crackheads looking for expensive shit to steal. No surprises there, but it doesn't mean they deserved it... still, there were plenty of student ghettos and ethnic areas where it probably wouldn't have happened.

Of course Nancy is going to fake compassion because that helps his pro gun narrative... but the idea that he's being genuinely sensitive is laughable... he's a pathological asshole. It's also pretty clear at this point that Americans get really upset when you suggest there are alternatives to guns... obviously those alternatives won't be as effective when guns and dogs and huge combat-trained stalkers are everywhere waiting to pounce and the police are nowhere to be found... but despite the propaganda i am still not convinced that guns are the solution... except of course in a paranoid, gun-crazy society like the US, where guns are already so commonplace you will never be able to escape the threat.

I've honestly felt safer in third world countries than in the US, but never to the point where i wished i had a gun.
I guess it's pretty offensive to admit that.

At this point, I'm going to say yes, that you are being offensive. I don't know if you are meaning to or you are managing to do so without that being your intention. Either way, we're going to straighten this out so there can be an end to it.

I'm not disagreeing that it's helpful to watch for character traits in people. You seem to be under the impression that people who are dangerous are always that way (so a person could see the signs of it) rather than understand that some become that over time. This is before we even start talking about whether you reject a person or you are putting them out of your life, the hard truth about some of these cases is that they will escalate.

I want you to sit and THINK about that. Rather than try to use language that makes it sound like this is ridiculous, (i.e., huge, combat trained stalkers are everywhere, etc.) I want you to use your brain cells and connect the dots. Have you given any thought to what professions have higher DV rates? Gee, some of those just happen to be military personnel, cops, and prison guards. People who absolutely have better training than you do.


Combat veterans are responsible for almost 21 percent of domestic violence nationwide, linked to the development of post traumatic stress disorder. This is comparable to the fact that veterans alone account for 20 percent of U.S. suicides. We call the problem of veteran suicide an "epidemic," funding research, convening conferences, and creating new programs, hotlines and therapies aimed at prevention, intervention and reducing the stigma of seeking mental health care. But we don't talk about veteran intimate partner violence at all, effectively ensuring that the catastrophic consequences remain largely unacknowledged and unaddressed.


Lady P, you have to realize that you're dealing with someone who thinks everybody on here who is on the right...from Bosco to Bounty to me to anybody from the a RWNJ . His main mode of posting seems to run to offensive hostility.

now THERES a hoot!...LOL!!

If I had just .50cents for every time u RWNJ called us of the left any number of disparaging names and character assassinations, thinly veiled or blatant , other than just "lefties" since I came on here in 2007, I'd be able to Contribute to "feed My starving children" enough cash to feed an (American) football teams worth of children for about 5 years.... and probably toys for Xmas too....

"offensive hostility? HA!! ur all ones to talk about being hostile....

You might want to take a course in reading comprehension. Then, you'd be able to discern that I was referring to one specific person on the left...not you, not kd sub, etc..

If you can find a post where I...specifically...have called you a disparaging name in the last year or two, feel free to bring it forth.

I made as much of a blanket statement as I'm going to expound on. u just happen to be queued up in the quote.

I well knew who u were going after, and I still think its the fine china calling the gravy bowl white. nobody here is innocent of it.

Ive thrown My own share of such at RWNJ's here so I don't hold Myself to a higher standard in that regard. take that!...LOL!

this is an entertainment message board, nothing here is serious, catching "nancy" lying on here and calling him on it is a good laugh for instance.

so there's no point in going back years to find a specific slight from u..... I'll not care.

I have no beef with u...... specifically. and even if u did,.... I'll still not care.

and time will march on......


I will allways be a knight, instead of a prince.

What would the internet be like if we couldn't say trump is a moron?

The Republican party complains government doesnt work for people, and then makes darn sure it cannot.

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 776
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 1:43:54 AM   

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What are they training with ?

I have no idea about specific gun names. Will have to ask my bro when I see him again.

They use the m-16 and variants. The same thing the U S army uses.

if that's true then from My understanding both armies are out gunned already,.... there are plenty of higher firepower long guns on the civilian market.... didn't the vegas shooter have and possibly use them?? (the latter, not the former.) Ive not heard what model weapon(s) he used.

I don't know what specific models he used but I have read that he used a .308 and a .223 and never used the other guns.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to itsSIRtou)
Profile   Post #: 777
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 3:15:16 AM   

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ORIGINAL: heavyblinker


color=#660099]At this point, I'm going to say yes, that you are being offensive. I don't know if you are meaning to or you are managing to do so without that being your intention. Either way, we're going to straighten this out so there can be an end to it.

I'm not disagreeing that it's helpful to watch for character traits in people. You seem to be under the impression that people who are dangerous are always that way (so a person could see the signs of it) rather than understand that some become that over time. This is before we even start talking about whether you reject a person or you are putting them out of your life, the hard truth about some of these cases is that they will escalate.

I want you to sit and THINK about that. Rather than try to use language that makes it sound like this is ridiculous, (i.e., huge, combat trained stalkers are everywhere, etc.) I want you to use your brain cells and connect the dots. Have you given any thought to what professions have higher DV rates? Gee, some of those just happen to be military personnel, cops, and prison guards. People who absolutely have better training than you do.


Combat veterans are responsible for almost 21 percent of domestic violence nationwide, linked to the development of post traumatic stress disorder. This is comparable to the fact that veterans alone account for 20 percent of U.S. suicides. We call the problem of veteran suicide an "epidemic," funding research, convening conferences, and creating new programs, hotlines and therapies aimed at prevention, intervention and reducing the stigma of seeking mental health care. But we don't talk about veteran intimate partner violence at all, effectively ensuring that the catastrophic consequences remain largely unacknowledged and unaddressed.


Well, if you're upset at my tone, maybe next time don't start your argument by laughing in my face? It's especially going to sour things on a forum where you already have assholes like Nancy and bounty and Bosco doing the same thing over things they don't even understand. Douchiness is pretty much the rule around here, so that's what you need to expect when you come here. I know I do.

I was talking about random acts of violence, not situations where you know the person... that's why I am saying what I am saying now. JVoV was talking about how he started carrying a gun to ward off strangers who might want to lynch him because of his lifestyle, NOT because he was being abused at home. So when you came in with some vague tale about a tiny woman facing off against a combat trained killing machine, I tried to fit it into that context.

I also still don't know how saying that these abusers are trained in combat somehow proves that learning martial arts is ridiculous or useless, or whatever was so funny about what I was saying. Did you have actual quality self defense training when this happened? I mean, you're bringing your own experience into this argument, so I guess at this point it's fair to ask.

No, actually... I don't even want to know.
I know this isn't going to be a fair debate because now that you've made it personal, you and your buddies will be acting like I'm putting you on trial, objectivity will be lost, and I'll end up looking like I'm attacking a victim.
That's probably also how we got to the whole 'victim-blaming' thing... even though if I said that buddy guy who brought his $1000 stereo into his $195/month Crackton apartment probably should have expected thieves, it wouldn't be a controversy, and it's exactly the same situation.
Sure, it's not always possible to know ahead of time-- but you just showed me that the research is there and you must have known what this guy's job was.
So that's something.

So whatever, I'm sorry you suffered... you're still free to own as many guns as you want, god bless.
Except it probably won't make a difference if your attacker pulls out a bigger, better gun... amirite?

Well look at you precious little boy. You've effectively turned this your own that it's everybody else's fault and you are the saintly victim. I knew you'd do it. LMAO at you Google boy.

(in reply to heavyblinker)
Profile   Post #: 778
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 3:27:34 AM   

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ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant
Lady P, you have to realize that you're dealing with someone who thinks everybody on here who is on the right...from Bosco to Bounty to me to anybody from the a RWNJ . His main mode of posting seems to run to offensive hostility.

You ARE an RWNJ.
And of course, everyone on the forum would be so polite and respectful if it weren't for me.

There's only two reasons you consider me one:

1. I'm on the right...hence nut job
2. I don't agree with you

I never said you were the only impolite one. I just...correctly...noted that your usual modus operandi is offensive hostility.

And right now you're definitely taking the high ground and contributing so much to the argument.

Let's face it, you and Nancy are full of glee because LP is apparently popular here and she laughed in my face when I said something.
Then to make it even sweeter for you, I was ganged up on by some of my fellow libruls and called a victim-blamer (which doesn't even make sense).
I can only imagine how elated you were when finally you sensed weakness and could move in for the kill.

Oh what a great guy you are... how totally noble.

The idea that anyone would be upset about personal attacks on a forum this bad is absurd.
So, you come here because you actually enjoy the totally logical debates everyone has?

(in reply to CreativeDominant)
Profile   Post #: 779
RE: Las Vegas shooting unfolding now - 10/8/2017 3:34:46 AM   

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hey blinker, a "must see" post for you over on the "original arguments" thread, page 6, wouldn't want you to miss it. enjoy...

while im here, I saw greg gutfeld last night suggest the potential of drones as security for large open air events.

I imagine they can be fitted with sensors to detect certain activity and weapons to be able to respond more quickly than physical bodies.

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