RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (Full Version)

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bounty44 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 4:08:46 PM)

give a listen to the Dixie chicks "the voice inside my head"---its one of my all time favorite songs. though I don't think the writer ever publicly stated what the song is about, or if it is a personal story of hers, it seems to be about the singer's giving up her baby to adoption.

but as opposed to murdering your baby in the womb?

most people are not built for such things (killing), and mothers, all the more so.

Lucylastic -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 4:10:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Of course, there is that taboo option of putting the baby up for adoption.....

what makes it taboo?
why is it taboo
who is saying adoption is not an option?

Lucylastic -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 4:20:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

All women who don't approve of fetuscide are liars?
is an adhom, simple

Fetal anomalies run from anything from heart or brain issues issues, encephaly, down syndrome, non growth of kidneys, or other organs, etc etc, IM sure if you would like a more "exact list" google is your friend.

I was asking how YOU were defining the term, so Google probably wouldn't have helped unless you're published somewhere on the interwebz?

well I am, but that isnt the issue.
there are hundreds of problems with pregnancy and fetal anomalies, thats why the maternal death and fetal deaths still happen often.
WHen I was involved in delivering babies, half of them hadnt been recognized, so I havent needed to keep up on the advances in diagnoses.
Many of them arent diagnosable until the 20th week, altho some are being caught much earlier as well.
So there you have it, alll without google
so what was your point?

bounty44 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 4:21:30 PM) (I hope that's it)

"Voice Inside My Head"

I was only a kid
When I said goodbye to you
Ten summers ago
But it feels like yesterday
Lost, scared and alone
Nothing I could give to you
I tried, I really did
But I couldn't find another way

And I want and I need
Somehow to believe
In the choice I made
Am I better off this way

I can hear the voice inside my head
Saying you should be with me instead
Every time I'm feeling down, I wonder
What would it be like with you around

So I, I made my way
Cold and roaming in the wild
I'm forever changed
By someone I never knew
Now I've, I've got a place
I've got a husband and a child
But I'll never forget
What I've given up in you

And I want, I need
Somehow to believe
In the choice I made
Am I better off this way

I can hear the voice inside my head
Saying you should be with me instead
Every time I'm feeling down, I wonder
What would it be like with you around

And I want, I need
Somehow to believe
In the choice I made
Am I better off this way

jlf1961 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 5:14:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Of course, there is that taboo option of putting the baby up for adoption.....

what makes it taboo?
why is it taboo
who is saying adoption is not an option?

All those who say it would be wrong for suggesting a woman carry an unwanted child to term.

In other words, I was being sarcastic.

There are those who make the statement, 'what is it better for the child to be born and the family be on welfare?' like there is no other option.

Studies are showing that the growing trend is for women to establish a career before starting a family, and that makes a hell of a lot of sense, financially and personally.

It is also a proven medical fact that the chances of infertility rise after age 35 for women, hence the famous 'biological clock' joke that was so popular a few years ago.

And there are contradictory studies that infertility rates among younger men and women are rising as well. I say contradictory because in one study, they considered the option of In Vitro Fertilization as a positive fertility group, even when it involved a donor egg from someone besides the mother.

Then there are the supporters of abortion who point to the growing human population as a reason for justification of abortion.

And again I will mention that supporters of the pro abortion argument with rebuttals for all the points I just mentioned still agree to the idea that a person who kills a pregnant woman should be hit with two counts of murder, or manslaughter.

Which to me means that they agree that the fetus is a living human, unless we are talking abortion, then it is a mass of cells.

Lucylastic -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 5:30:14 PM)

Aaaaaah, it sounds like you are saying "abortion seeking women" should be forced to carry to full term so childless couples can have a freebie?
If so why??
If not, please clarify.
Because it certainly didnt sound like sarcasm.
It isnt taboo and many women do choose adoption.
My sister went thru that whole mess with IVF, for years. She considered adoption, but didnt qualify at the time, it was a nightmare for her and her husband, I dont envy what childless couples go through at all.
But at the expense of a womans liberty, I fucking do.
PS Im pro choice, not pro abortion.
A pregnant woman has decided not to abort. Her choice, her decision, her body.
Someone who kills the fetus of a woman who is pregnant by choice is killing a wanted future child. And taking away that mothers choice, and possibly her life, certainly her health.
That you dont see it is because you dont believe in choice and chose not to see it.

Danemora -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 6:58:13 PM)

~FRing it~

Just an F.Y.I...

Late term abortions are only performed at 3 clinics in the US. None are Planned Parenthood run either by the way. Its not cheap and I dont believe its covered by insurance. There used to be 4 clinics, but George Tiller was murderd while serving as an usher at a church service. Its not done for birth control...because a medicated abortion early on is easier to perform than a late term abortion. At this point, its many women whos lives are at risk or their fetuses are diagnosed in utero with a myriad of horroble medical conditions. Its well beyond birth control at that point.

Adoption? Lisa Steinberg comes to my mind instantly. Plus we as a country then have to ask ourselves if we want to enter the baby warehousing/adoption business? Because what else will we do with all these children born instead of aborted? There are children rotting right now in the foster care system by the way...all waiting for someone to adopt them. Too many need adoption and so few homes are available for the kids alive right now. Hell, my state was having foster kids sleeping in offices or hotels because there is no room at the inn. We cant even adequately care for children alive right now. Can we really afford the alternative...forced pregnancies, baby adopting, foster care, orphanages, etc? For you conservatives who are also you honestly wamt to? Because once those kids are all born, its on us to warehouse them until an adoptive family can MAYBE be found before the kid ages out of the foster cate system.

Is this truly better? Im not so sure

jlf1961 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/14/2017 11:25:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Aaaaaah, it sounds like you are saying "abortion seeking women" should be forced to carry to full term so childless couples can have a freebie?
If so why??
If not, please clarify.
Because it certainly didnt sound like sarcasm.
It isnt taboo and many women do choose adoption.
My sister went thru that whole mess with IVF, for years. She considered adoption, but didnt qualify at the time, it was a nightmare for her and her husband, I dont envy what childless couples go through at all.
But at the expense of a womans liberty, I fucking do.
PS Im pro choice, not pro abortion.
A pregnant woman has decided not to abort. Her choice, her decision, her body.
Someone who kills the fetus of a woman who is pregnant by choice is killing a wanted future child. And taking away that mothers choice, and possibly her life, certainly her health.
That you dont see it is because you dont believe in choice and chose not to see it.

Lucy, let me begin my answer with this:
I have seen and heard women who support abortion turn and say in their next breath that killers of pregnant women should be charged with two counts of manslaughter or murder.

Then go right back to screaming that abortion is okay because it is not a living person.

Now, if the fetus in a pregnant woman constitutes a legal reason to file a second murder or manslaughter charge, remembering that murder is the intentional killing of a human and manslaughter is the unintended causing the death of a human, then how in the fucking hell is it any different if the woman chooses to have a fucking abortion?

And, as for freebie? There is nothing free about raising a child.

But if these hypocrites can support, condone and scream for the second count involving the killing of an expectant mother and the unborn child, then, they should shut the fuck up about abortion being the best fucking alternative.

And when adoption is mentioned to these same idiots, then you get the 'what force a woman to carry to term' bullshit.

And as I said before, the government does not have the right or authority to legislate what a woman chooses to do, however, my personal view is that it is morally wrong to consider abortion as a common means for birth control.

In the cases of rape or incest, yes the victim should have the option.

If the mother's life is in jeopardy if she continues the pregnancy, yes the choice should be hers.

But when you hear some woman say, "well if I get pregnant, I can always get an abortion" it falls under the category of fucking bullshit.

And when current research indicates that 45% of woman who have had abortions have had more than one, there is a problem. I would also point out that the problems are not that they are having more than one abortion, the problems are the reasons they feel it is necessary. These range from long term economic problems to the simple fact that they will get lower quality health care if they tried to carry the baby to term, which seems to be the main one. Source

And of course, there are some who will say that because the majority of these women are in minority groups, that is the reason.

The simple fact is that, at least in a significant number of women who get abortions, there is no real choice. If they keep the baby, they may not get adequate health care and then there is the fact that economically speaking, they may not be able to provide for the child without assistance.

In both instances, it is not the fault of the mother.

Health care in the US is primarily a luxury for the middle class and up, and Obamacare did not help that very much. Even with the Obamacare subsidized health insurance plans, the copay is out of the reach for most who got them.

Then there are the economic factors.

Yes, there have been a lot of new jobs created, and the projection through 2022 is for even more, healthcare, healthcare support, construction, and personal care fields, but jobs requiring skilled workers are also showing potential for increase.

I use the word potential, because skilled jobs require education past the high school level, either in specialized technical schools or 2 and 4 year degrees.

There in lies the rub.

Inner city schools where the majority of those on some form of assistance and fall into that 45% number of women getting multiple abortions went to school produce the lowest percentage of graduates who actually go to college or a technical school.

And with the schools producing higher number of college bound and applied technical school bound graduates are actually not in those inner city areas.

Of course, the American Public education system is no longer the best in the world, hell it aint even in the top ten.

So those skilled jobs are probably going to be sent to countries that actually support, push for and value public education, which means a lot of low paying jobs in the US flipping burgers or doing jobs that have no chance at any decent future, thus leaving women with no choice but abortion.

And Lucy, to be quite blunt, the majority of American women who get abortions are in the lower income brackets, and you cannot tell me that they actually had a real choice.

Who in their right mind would want to bring a child into a neighborhood where crime, drug addiction, poverty and barely livable housing is the norm, not the exception?

So while I am personally opposed to the idea of abortion as a form of common birth control, and oppose the government legislating what a woman can do or not do concerning her body, and would prefer that adoption be looked at more often, I have this to say:

The 'pro choice' argument is a load of bullshit, the simple fact that in all reality, most of the women who get abortions have no real choice. A choice means that, all things being equal, there would be little impact of either keeping the child or having an abortion.

Furthermore, abortion is not a moral or ethical problem, it is the problem of a society that creates the situation where an expectant mother considers the unborn is better off aborted.

And anyone that calls that a real choice has a much poorer outlook on human civilization than I do, because it makes it clear that the women making that choice have little chance for something better.

Lucylastic -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 12:09:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Aaaaaah, it sounds like you are saying "abortion seeking women" should be forced to carry to full term so childless couples can have a freebie?
If so why??
If not, please clarify.
Because it certainly didnt sound like sarcasm.
It isnt taboo and many women do choose adoption.
My sister went thru that whole mess with IVF, for years. She considered adoption, but didnt qualify at the time, it was a nightmare for her and her husband, I dont envy what childless couples go through at all.
But at the expense of a womans liberty, I fucking do.
PS Im pro choice, not pro abortion.
A pregnant woman has decided not to abort. Her choice, her decision, her body.
Someone who kills the fetus of a woman who is pregnant by choice is killing a wanted future child. And taking away that mothers choice, and possibly her life, certainly her health.
That you dont see it is because you dont believe in choice and chose not to see it.

Lucy, let me begin my answer with this:
I have seen and heard women who support abortion turn and say in their next breath that killers of pregnant women should be charged with two counts of manslaughter or murder.

Then go right back to screaming that abortion is okay because it is not a living person.

Opinions are like assholes and inconsistencies are always there
A pregnant woman has decided not to abort. Her choice, her decision, her body.
Someone who kills the fetus of a woman who is pregnant by choice is killing a wanted future child. And taking away that mothers choice, and possibly her life, certainly her health.

Now, if the fetus in a pregnant woman constitutes a legal reason to file a second murder or manslaughter charge, remembering that murder is the intentional killing of a human and manslaughter is the unintended causing the death of a human, then how in the fucking hell is it any different if the woman chooses to have a fucking abortion?
A pregnant woman has decided not to abort. Her choice, her decision, her body.
Someone who kills the fetus of a woman who is pregnant by choice is killing a wanted future child. And taking away that mothers choice, and possibly her life, certainly her health.

And, as for freebie? There is nothing free about raising a child.

There is nothing free about being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. let alone raising it.

But if these hypocrites can support, condone and scream for the second count involving the killing of an expectant mother and the unborn child, then, they should shut the fuck up about abortion being the best fucking alternative.

A pregnant woman has decided not to abort. Her choice, her decision, her body.
Someone who kills the fetus of a woman who is pregnant by choice is killing a wanted future child. And taking away that mothers choice, and possibly her life, certainly her health.

And when adoption is mentioned to these same idiots, then you get the 'what force a woman to carry to term' bullshit.
Because that is EXACTLY what it entails. FORCE

And as I said before, the government does not have the right or authority to legislate what a woman chooses to do, however, my personal view is that it is morally wrong to consider abortion as a common means for birth control.
Your consideration is noticed, but morally you have no right to force your views on another humans body

In the cases of rape or incest, yes the victim should have the option.

If the mother's life is in jeopardy if she continues the pregnancy, yes the choice should be hers.

But when you hear some woman say, "well if I get pregnant, I can always get an abortion" it falls under the category of fucking bullshit.
How many woman have you heard say it???? how many women do you know, compared to those who have said, I can always get an abortion.

And when current research indicates that 45% of woman who have had abortions have had more than one, there is a problem. I would also point out that the problems are not that they are having more than one abortion, the problems are the reasons they feel it is necessary. These range from long term economic problems to the simple fact that they will get lower quality health care if they tried to carry the baby to term, which seems to be the main one. Source

Interesting that you couldnt direct me to the actual "current research" Or pay attention to the methodology, or the several reasons why a woman may have had more than one abortion.

And of course, there are some who will say that because the majority of these women are in minority groups, that is the reason.
All races have abortions. All religions and all ages, up to menopause and sometimes beyond

The simple fact is that, at least in a significant number of women who get abortions, there is no real choice. If they keep the baby, they may not get adequate health care and then there is the fact that economically speaking, they may not be able to provide for the child without assistance.

In both instances, it is not the fault of the mother.

Health care in the US is primarily a luxury for the middle class and up, and Obamacare did not help that very much. Even with the Obamacare subsidized health insurance plans, the copay is out of the reach for most who got them.

Depending on the state, medicaid finances from between 27%(NH) and 72%(NM) of births.

Then there are the economic factors.

Yes, there have been a lot of new jobs created, and the projection through 2022 is for even more, healthcare, healthcare support, construction, and personal care fields, but jobs requiring skilled workers are also showing potential for increase.

I use the word potential, because skilled jobs require education past the high school level, either in specialized technical schools or 2 and 4 year degrees.

There in lies the rub.

Inner city schools where the majority of those on some form of assistance and fall into that 45% number of women getting multiple abortions went to school produce the lowest percentage of graduates who actually go to college or a technical school.

And with the schools producing higher number of college bound and applied technical school bound graduates are actually not in those inner city areas.

Of course, the American Public education system is no longer the best in the world, hell it aint even in the top ten.

So those skilled jobs are probably going to be sent to countries that actually support, push for and value public education, which means a lot of low paying jobs in the US flipping burgers or doing jobs that have no chance at any decent future, thus leaving women with no choice but abortion.

And Lucy, to be quite blunt, the majority of American women who get abortions are in the lower income brackets, and you cannot tell me that they actually had a real choice.

Who in their right mind would want to bring a child into a neighborhood where crime, drug addiction, poverty and barely livable housing is the norm, not the exception?

So while I am personally opposed to the idea of abortion as a form of common birth control, and oppose the government legislating what a woman can do or not do concerning her body, and would prefer that adoption be looked at more often, I have this to say:

The 'pro choice' argument is a load of bullshit, the simple fact that in all reality, most of the women who get abortions have no real choice. A choice means that, all things being equal, there would be little impact of either keeping the child or having an abortion.

Furthermore, abortion is not a moral or ethical problem, it is the problem of a society that creates the situation where an expectant mother considers the unborn is better off aborted.

And anyone that calls that a real choice has a much poorer outlook on human civilization than I do, because it makes it clear that the women making that choice have little chance for something better.

the economic issue is way to vast and convoluted, to use against women and their pregnancies, it is ultimately far more intimate than that..

Abortion IS actually down, you know why???
sex education, access to birthcontrol and education.
NOT religion, not morals, NOT forced birth.
NOT forcing anyone to carry a child into this fucked up excuse for a world.

bounty44 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 5:51:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961
Furthermore, abortion is not a moral or ethical problem, it is the problem of a society that creates the situation where an expectant mother considers the unborn is better off aborted.

excuse me what??

moral: of or concerned with the goodness or badness of human character or the principles of what is right or wrong in conduct. the abortion issue, ironically even as you poorly described it, is the epitome of an issue exemplary of "moral."

DaddySatyr -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 6:26:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44

excuse me what??

moral: of or concerned with the goodness or badness of human character or the principles of what is right or wrong in conduct. the abortion issue, ironically even as you poorly described it, is the epitome of an issue exemplary of "moral."

It has to not be a "moral or ethical" issue, bounty or people wouldn't be able to shut up their conscience long enough to be pro-abortion.



jlf1961 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 6:27:59 AM)

Lucy, I gave my opinion, and my reasons and never said that I would shove my beliefs on someone else, so using the term force when referencing my opinion, is complete bullshit.

And yes, medicaid does cover a large percentage of lower income births, however, medicaid does not insure that the best possible care is available for the patient.

And of course, you have forgotten one very important part, doctors and hospitals are not required to accept medicaid, except in emergency situations, as for hospitalization, all they are required by law to do is administer whatever treatment is necessary to stabilize a patient for transportation to a hospital that does accept medicaid.

So, while the care is covered, there is no guarantee that the care is anything above mediocre.

So do you really want to stand with that argument, about a government health coverage that barely covers basic health needs? And then there is the fact that the states can decided what is authorized under medicaid and what is not. Medicaid only assures that the patient on the program receives the basic care necessary, and does not insure that they will receive the best care.


When comparing reimbursement rates among health insurance plans, Medicaid is the lowest payer, meaning it’s not a moneymaker for doctors’ offices. Paired with the administrative requirements of accepting public insurance, doctors sometimes just don’t want the hassle.

And when reading that article, please note that the government program to bump reimbursement rates for medicaid patients only lasted one year.

But the best line in the whole article is:

I think the key is the statement 'medicaid is not a money maker for doctors' offices' which leads to this article $1 million mistake: Becoming a doctor.

So while being a doctor should not (in a near perfect world) be about making money, the reality is that a new physician has to make money, a lot of money in order to pay for the education that allowed him to be a doctor. Which leads to this interesting read.

So, again, how is medicaid the savior of the lower income women wanting a child?

And as for your problems with the article I linked to, it seems that Washington Post had no problem using the same data.

And yes, I will agree that abortion rates are down, except in some minority groups which also seem to have the highest rate of low income and near poverty level standard of living, and yes it is due to sex education and the availability of other forms of birth control.

As for the availability of other forms of birth control, lets take a look at that, shall we?

Birth control pills have the following risks:

Increased risk of cervical and breast cancers
Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
Higher blood pressure
Gall bladder disease
Benign liver tumors
Decreased bone density
Yeast overgrowth and infection
Increased risk of blood clotting

As for the implanted chemical birth control we have:
Bruising or swelling
Irregular menstrual bleeding
Depression and other mood changes
Weight gain
Abdominal pain or nausea
Breast pain, back pain, or headache
Not to mention the ones already listed for the pill.

Of course the IUD is safer, but still involves risks at implantation and possible long term risks, and is not for every woman.

Which brings up an interesting fact, big pharma is spending a lot of money and research time in making the ED treatments for men safer, but in comparison, very little is spent on researching safer forms of birth control for women.

And, while the church frowns on contraception of any form, personally I feel that the church is way out of date on the whole 'sex for procreation' argument. My mom had a total of 12 siblings, my father 8. And I still cant figure out how either of the families made it financially back in the 'good ol days.'

And with the cost of living today, it is virtually impossible.

So, I support safe birth control, unfortunately, it isnt, because there is no real money in it. I mean hell, when you look at the cost of the drugs used to treat the side effects, it is clear that is the cash cow.

So while I agreed that abortion rates are dropping, I still say there is no real 'choice' for women.

So while I am opposed to abortion, I accept the reality that, all things considered, it is probably safer than any of the alternatives.

Lucylastic -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 7:05:46 AM)

DaddySatyr -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 7:08:46 AM)

Washington Post


ORIGINAL: From The Link:
The GOP-led House of Representatives on Nov. 3 passed a CHIP reauthorization bill by a vote of 242-174, with most Democrats voting against it because of funding offsets.

Ya just can't make this shit up!

Lucylastic -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 7:23:24 AM)

what is your point?
what does the WP disagree with politico on exactly?
I only posted the url because i had a glitch hit ok instead of paste, i lost the paste comments...ah well

Greta75 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 7:32:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Of course, there is that taboo option of putting the baby up for adoption.....

I am one of those who is against adoption. I prefer abortion.

Especially when you see so many abandon children. I saw a program where Kim kardeshian visited an orphanage in thailand and fell inlove with a thai girl child, and wanted to adopt her, and apparently, regardless her wealth and the perfect life she could give this kid. There are laws that forbid her adoption of that poor child. And I won't be surprise if she got pick up by some thai unscrupulous sex ring to be forced to be stripper later in life instead. I am 100% convinced that poor child was denied being adopted by Kim because she was already promised to a sex ring.

This is the whole fucking program! Too many children stuck at orphanages not picked up, and sooo many red tape to prevent it, as there is sooo much child trafficking shit going on. Look at how madonna practically got to kidnap the african kid she wanted to adopt. I shudder to think what will happen to that kid in an African orphanage if madonna didn't break laws and come to the rescue.

Or people who adopt babies for sexual abuse or prostituting them out reasons. I believe this is even still happening in the US. As an incident I shared awhile ago about a girl claiming she got adopted or her parents sold her to this child bdsm ring. Where they breed them as slaves. I fucking believe it is happening.

Abortion is the best solution.

I feel like people are perputrating lies that most adopted kids got happy endings.

Wasn't there sooo many abuse cases in the US of adopted kids that are paid by government to care for parentless kids. And then they abuse and starve the kids. Wasn't there this one family who took like 20 adopted kids or something. And abused them all and treated them locked up like animals. How does this shit still happen! It's horrible, there is not enough genuine loving parents to take care of all the unwanted kids. On top of most children if they knew they were unwanted by their actual parents may develop alot of emotional problems later in life.

I think the kid is safer aborted in the tummy. Where it will barely register anything yet.

No matter what, I do believe in this extreme idea that, the government should try to control making sure every kid gets born into a wholesome family who will be loving and would love to have the kid.

It's a tough thing to regulate. But it starts with alot of education, of the importance of thinking about the consequences of having an unwanted child.

WhoreMods -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 9:32:03 AM)

Aren't a few kids very difficult indeed to place for adoption? As Greta says (and agreeing with her on something like this makes me feel a little worried) anything that isn't a visibly caucasian baby is considered declasse by the white a types who worked through their twenties and thirties to be able to afford to raise a kid in (what they feel is) the correct fashion.

jlf1961 -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 10:41:09 AM)

Greta, the cases you are talking about is in the foster care system not adoption.

WhoreMods -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 10:48:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: jlf1961

Greta, the cases you are talking about is in the foster care system not adoption.

Because nobody wanted the child until a b list celebrity came looking to use other people's misery as a PR stunt in the case she cites.
I'm very dubious that you can just give any baby you don't abort up for adoption when the A types rushing towards menopause who are the big market for adoptees are so picky about their brood mares that they sometimes resort to IVF to produce a genetically desirable child to foster. I wouldn't wish some of the stories I've heard about state orphanages on my worst enemy, never mind some child that's done nothing worse than getting born at an inconvenient moment for its parent.

DesideriScuri -> RE: Congress pass new abortion law to ban late term abortion (12/15/2017 11:23:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: bounty44

ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri
I have no right to force my beliefs on another person, just as someone who feels abortion isn't wrong doesn't have the right to force their belief on me.

i see an overwhelming amount of law as the favoring or granting of one side's belief as opposed to another, and all of the law represents "force."
at some point, it really is necessary to decide when the baby has rights isn't it?

Of course it is. You really think that anything you and I come up with (because we're pretty much the only two discussing this tertiary topic) is going to settle anything?

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