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Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 7:06:23 AM   

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If you ever want to drive "Democrats" (communists) into a fit of quivering hysterics, simply challenge their uber wealthy and elitist master's iron-fisted grip on the expression of news, facts, thoughts, ideas, or political power

How dare we find out that the FBI literally installed Joe Biden as president, right

Manufactured the "RUSSIA!!! RUSSIA!!! RUSSIA!!!!" lie against President Trump, then covered up the Biden Crime Family's crimes, as revealed on the Hunter Biden laptop



BREAKING: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff: ‘Did you approve hidden state censorship in direct violation of the Constitution’?

The comment comes in the wake of the most recent round of Twitter Files, which show that Twitter was used as a vassal of the FBI.


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 3:04:37 PM   

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There's a lot to unpack there. But I'll keep my response on the thread's topic.

The article says the FBI had Twitter watching out for and in a lot of cases removing election misinformation. There's that word again, "misinformation". That means a lie. Worse, it means a lie told in order to confuse or convince another that the truth isn't the truth. Probably in order to prevent another event like we saw on January 6th.

Twitter is a private company, and the current laws don't hold the company accountable for what gets said on its platform. But Twitter can do as it pleases to moderate that platform, and any user can post what they please subject to that moderation. The federal government had an interest in making sure lies about the election were not continuously Tweeted, and the FBI made a connection with Twitter to get their support with that. It seems Adam Schiff gave his official approval for that. So far, I don't have a problem with any of that.

Now comes the Constitutional matter. Musk has accused Schiff of violating the Constitution. That's a rather vague accusation, and gets made frequently. An official legal charge would include which section or paragraph Schiff was accused of violating. A jury would find it easier to connect the dots that way. That's kind of important, since a jury is less likely to know the laws than a lawyer. So I honestly don't know what law Musk is specifically accusing Schiff of breaking. I'm not sure Musk does either.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 5:25:10 PM   

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The article says the FBI had Twitter watching out for and in a lot of cases removing election misinformation.

The New York Post news article about the Hunter Biden laptop that the FBI arm of the Democrat party crushed, was in no way disinformation. Where the fuck do you get these crazy ideas

Twitter is a private company, that government goons pushed to silence news and opinions that said goons didn't like due to their politics

Is this the world you want to live in - your government overlords deciding who is allowed on social media, and what news and opinions you are allowed to see or share

When will it be the Donald Trump's turn to decide what's "misinformation' and who is allowed to post what


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 5:38:32 PM   

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The FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop

How the FBI & intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and *before* The New York Post revealed the contents of his laptop on October 14, 2020



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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 5:54:04 PM   

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Another private company, pushed by government goons to silence speech

Zuckerberg tells Rogan Facebook suppressed Hunter Biden laptop story after FBI warning


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 6:12:59 PM   

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The bottom line? This is about the Bidens taking bribes from China.


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 8:39:55 PM   

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Dammit. I'm in the wrong world again. Oh but the world with the sexy guy rubbing my feet doesn't have Reese's Trees. Damn these decisions. Sex or chocolate?

I choose to live. And this is the world. I'll change what I can, if I care enough. Your rallying cry has been heard, but I have yet to see how anything here impacts my life in such a way I need to do anything. Except maybe stock up on Reese's Trees before they're gone for the year.

But I don't understand why I need to care about Hunter Biden's laptop. So, walk me through it. Take me down this rabbit hole.

What's the story? Hunter Biden had a laptop? Yeah, ok. I'm with you so far.
And on that laptop he had files related to his criminal deeds involving China. Um, like in Microsoft Word? I mostly use my laptop for porn, but I'm sure if I had criminal dealings with China, I'd need a way to track all that.
And that laptop was taken in for repair? Well, it's usually better to buy a new one and just move the files. I just bought a laptop during a Black Friday sale that's better than the one I had before by leaps and bounds. But ok, there are people that take their laptops in for service or repair, whatever.
And somebody at that shop saw incriminating files and turned the laptop over to the Feds. This is where I start to get confused. Is encryption not a thing? If I had incriminating files that detailed criminal conspiracies, I hope I'd at least have them password protected. Geez. Hunter is kinda dumb, huh? Ok, what's next? And how did China get involved? I thought we hated Hunter cuz Ukraine? Oh right. China was first. Like how Phantom Menace is before Star Wars. Ok, gotcha.
And so the Feds had to decide whether or not to press charges. Ok, federal charges against Hunter may incriminate Joe too, so Joe could always pardon him. And it's not like Joe will be in office until the statute of limitations runs out, so the Feds could always press charges later. Although, vital information and key evidence could go missing by someone trying to protect the Bidens.

But now we're talking about Twitter and Facebook being FBI lackeys.

The Feds probably made em do it. Wait. Doesn't Elon own Twitter now?

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/22/2022 9:00:45 PM   

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If Joe, through Hunter, took money from China, then where is it?

I find money in the laundry and I get excited.

Unless the answer is "blow and bitches", I would be disappointed.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/23/2022 6:09:40 AM   

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Have your Masters neglected to inform you that every business in China is a part of the Chinese Communist Party?


Well now you can consider yourself enlightened.

From the far left Washington Post:


Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives

Hunter - 10% goes to "the big guy" (other sources claim that he gets a lot more than 10%)

Keep in mind, Hunter Biden is literally a crackhead with no business skills or experience.

Just a wild guess, but I am thinking that IF President Trump had a crackhead son taking millions from the Chinese Communist Party and giving large portions of that money to President Trump, you would have heard about it before now. I am also guessing that the Democrat's pet FBI wouldn't have worked overtime censoring that news in order to install Trump as president

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 12/23/2022 6:54:09 AM >


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/23/2022 1:04:58 PM   

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Right. Nothing has been said about Don Jr and illegal drugs. Uh huh.

The article says "The Post did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC". So why do I need to care? My dark overlord's son had business dealings with an evil Chinese guy named Gongwen Dong. I know it's not appropriate, and may seem transphobic or racist (I'm not either), but that name made me giggle. In a Beavis and Butthead kinda way. Dong. Teehee.

So there's no confirmed link to any wrongdoing Hunter possibly did to the current President, and then Vice President, Joe Biden. Hunter might be a criminal. But Hunter didn't run for office, so unless I get jury duty on any eventual trial, I have no reason to care. Sure, somebody that does care will probably keep digging, and eventually a link may be confirmed. That is when I'll care. Because now, all I see is unconfirmed and baseless accusations.

But you can't even keep your own thread on topic. You have to even derail that to try to make your point. Kinda sad. You misrepresent what the articles you post even say. I won't hold that against you, as the click bait headlines do a fair job of misrepresenting the articles as well.

The Trump family has been getting money from the American people. Even after he lost the election. Lost. Didn't win. Trump still took donations. None of that money went to the Party for the midterms. That seemed unusual.

Hunter has used (and may still use) illegal drugs. That says little to nothing about Joe.

I don't know if Junior gave any of the money for his meat deal to his daddy. I haven't heard anything about Ivanka for a while, though I vaguely remember something about her and the Chinese government during her dad's term in office. Something about patents or some such.

Apparently Hunter has some sort of experience, what with Ukraine and China now. I haven't seen his resume. I have seen pictures of him holding a gun, with a reported prostitute. Sex worker? Some nameless female, but her face was blurred out. Seems as important as Lindsay Lohan or Prince Harry pics. I didn't see either of them on a ballot either.

You keep saying the FBI 'installed' President Biden. In my memory, Trump left the White House peacefully and Biden was inaugurated. Because Biden won the election. I have no reason to not believe the FBI acted to have a smooth transfer of power. I have no reason to believe that's not their job, if and when required. There has been nothing to compare Trump denying the 2020 election results to, but I have no reason to believe the FBI would act any differently if the opposite party pulled such a stunt.

You keep saying the FBI 'installed' Biden as President. But the truth is, the American people did that. By voting. In a legal election. Had the FBI NOT acted to ensure a smooth and peaceful transition of power, it would have violated our Constitution. Trump lost fair and square. He lost the electoral college. And he lost the popular vote, again. I am overjoyed that we don't live in a world where we have an American King. And I'm glad it's not Trump. Yet, anyway.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/23/2022 6:14:42 PM   

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The article says the FBI had Twitter watching out for and in a lot of cases removing election misinformation.

The New York Post news article about the Hunter Biden laptop that the FBI arm of the Democrat party crushed, was in no way disinformation. Where the fuck do you get these crazy ideas

I was commenting about the article you actually posted, which wasn't from the New York Times. If you want an opinion about that, you should post it. You have made conclusions based on facts, and I haven't quite followed your logic, and you haven't presented it. Was a NYT article targeted by Twitter? That's their call. You disagree with it, apparently. But I didn't do it, and can't undo it.


Twitter is a private company, that government goons pushed to silence news and opinions that said goons didn't like due to their politics

Twitter is a private company that made a judgment call on content they allowed on their platform. The FBI had opinions. You've offered no evidence of anything more than that. You've also provided no relevant backstory. Was this before or after Trump was banned from Twitter?


Is this the world you want to live in - your government overlords deciding who is allowed on social media, and what news and opinions you are allowed to see or share

I have been able to share things I care about on social media. Maybe because I'm not a Russian bot with few followers. I haven't been on Twitter for some time, as I had personal issues to deal with, and really I just don't care for it. I generally stick with Facebook, though I've unfriended most of the rabid and insane people, many of which supported Trump.


When will it be the Donald Trump's turn to decide what's "misinformation' and who is allowed to post what

Trump began his one term in office by presenting "alternative facts". For his four years in office, he whined about "fake news", which was just news he didn't like, or that made him look bad. Journalism was under attack. The truth itself was under attack by our government leaders. That was the world we lived in. And we dealt with that during a global pandemic. And now it's a different world.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/24/2022 7:29:26 AM   

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So why do I need to care?

Useful idiots don't have a care in the world, do they.

Mist be nice.


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/24/2022 2:00:19 PM   

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Mist be.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/24/2022 3:44:18 PM   

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Mist be.

Good for you, you found a typo to latch onto

Bravo, that's really special (bless your heart)

Regarding the topic - leftist elitists trying to quash free speech: Hilarity has breached the gates over here


Elon Musk torches Adam Schiff's 'false' claims about hate speech on Twitter

Schiff and fellow California Democrat Congressman Mark Takano sent the tech CEO a sternly written letter

Twitter users roasted Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for his tweet Thursday "demanding action" from Elon Musk on his claims of rising hate speech, which the CEO denied.

Schiff spoke on behalf of Rep. Mark Takano, D-Calif., after they wrote a formal letter to Musk and condemned his leadership, tweeting: 

"On Elon Musk's Twitter:- Slurs against Black people have tripled - Slurs against women are up 33% - Slurs against Jewish people are up 61% - And slurs against gay men are up 58%," Schiff tweeted. "These numbers are abysmal – and unacceptable. Today, @RepMarkTakano and I are demanding action."

Musk replied, "False, hate speech impressions are actually down by 1/3 for Twitter now vs prior to acquisition."



It's also worth noting that Elon Musk has interrupted the trafficking of child porn that the wokesters and FBI agents who were previously running Twitter allowed


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/24/2022 5:49:10 PM   

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Have your Masters neglected to inform you that every business in China is a part of the Chinese Communist Party?


Well now you can consider yourself enlightened.

From the far left Washington Post:


Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives

Hunter - 10% goes to "the big guy" (other sources claim that he gets a lot more than 10%)

Keep in mind, Hunter Biden is literally a crackhead with no business skills or experience.

Just a wild guess, but I am thinking that IF President Trump had a crackhead son taking millions from the Chinese Communist Party and giving large portions of that money to President Trump, you would have heard about it before now. I am also guessing that the Democrat's pet FBI wouldn't have worked overtime censoring that news in order to install Trump as president

ok... Maybe not a crackhead son...

Just an incredibly corrupt son-in-law

China Corruption


And we can't forget his own corruption and conflicts of interest:

More corruption

Let's look at all the praise he gave in return for all this cash:


“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”


“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”


“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,”


"Our relationship with China has now probably never, ever been better,"

He was Xi's bitch. Just like Putin

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/24/2022 7:58:14 PM   

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You're desperate, and it shows. Real estate developers developing real estate right out in the open is supposed to be a scandal - and you know that the FBI arm of the Democrat party and every other corruptocrat scam bureaucratic agency on the planet to include the IRS and everyone else have been breathlessly "investigating" and leaking half baked conspiracy theories about everything Trump since the day he announced his 2016 run - and nothing has ever been found that is worthy of anything more than blatantly lying headlines predicting the end of President Trump for seven years in a row

Hunter Biden though - it's the complete opposite. Actual crackhead constantly having millions of dollars shovelled at him for no reason other than his dad happily does any trick requested by anyone who hates America and has half a dollar

All of these alphabet agencies actively COVER UP Biden's scandals, or they slow walk half hearted investigations to a point that they file them away forever and forget about them

That's exactly how it works, and it is going to bite every one of us in the ass


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Have your Masters neglected to inform you that every business in China is a part of the Chinese Communist Party?


Well now you can consider yourself enlightened.

From the far left Washington Post:


Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives

Hunter - 10% goes to "the big guy" (other sources claim that he gets a lot more than 10%)

Keep in mind, Hunter Biden is literally a crackhead with no business skills or experience.

Just a wild guess, but I am thinking that IF President Trump had a crackhead son taking millions from the Chinese Communist Party and giving large portions of that money to President Trump, you would have heard about it before now. I am also guessing that the Democrat's pet FBI wouldn't have worked overtime censoring that news in order to install Trump as president

ok... Maybe not a crackhead son...

Just an incredibly corrupt son-in-law

China Corruption


And we can't forget his own corruption and conflicts of interest:

More corruption

Let's look at all the praise he gave in return for all this cash:


“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”


“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”


“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,”


"Our relationship with China has now probably never, ever been better,"

He was Xi's bitch. Just like Putin


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/25/2022 2:41:55 AM   

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Hunter Biden though - it's the complete opposite. Actual crackhead constantly having millions of dollars shovelled at him for no reason other than his dad happily does any trick requested by anyone who hates America and has half a dollar

So, exactly what "trick" are you accusing his dad of doing? And for whom?

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/25/2022 2:49:24 AM   

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From the far left Washington Post:

Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives

Just a note... a quote from your link above...

"[The Post did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC, which took place after he had left the vice presidency and before he announced his intentions to run for the White House in 2020."

1. No evidence that Joe Biden knew or benefitted
2. Took place AFTER he left the Vice Presidency and before he announced his run for President.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/25/2022 5:57:21 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

1. No evidence that Joe Biden knew or benefitted
2. Took place AFTER he left the Vice Presidency and before he announced his run for President.

This is tiresome.

Biden was a huge power broker in Washington and the top contender for president. Ask yourself if it would be acceptable for a crackhead Trump kid to take millions from the Chinese Communist Party for drooling on the floor, and giving President Trump a cut of that right now... And again - from the same post you cherry picked that from:


Hunter - 10% goes to "the big guy" (other sources claim that he gets a lot more than 10%)

Beyond that, I am disappointed in you. Your party is using the power of the FBI to censor news, banish citizens from social media, install a corrupt and senile president, silence dissent... And your friend Jvov is worried about a typo while you're work hard to ignore the plain reality

Soviet-style show trials are okay with you. Let me guess - you're also good with teaching racism in schools, and with drag queens twerking in the faces of people who can't be mentioned here. The only standard you're good with is a double standard. That about cover it?

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 12/25/2022 6:17:44 AM >


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 12/25/2022 8:07:59 AM   

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Are Democrats stupid? In denial? Ignorant? Brainwashed?

Or just plain horrible people.

A few excerpts of old news - Crackhead Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China to do business deals with his Vice-President dad:


AP’s shameless claim that Joe Biden never discussed Hunter’s business deals defies belief

The Associated Press’ statement at this stage of the scandal was breathtaking but telling: “Joe Biden has said he’s never spoken to his son about his foreign business, and nothing the Republicans have put forth suggests otherwise.”

For years, the media have continued to boost President Biden’s repeated claim that “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” At the outset, the press only had to suspend any disbelief that Biden could fly to China as vice president with his son on Air Force Two without discussing the latter’s planned business dealings on the trip.

Of course, the emails on Hunter’s laptop quickly refuted this claim. But the media buried the laptop story before the election or pushed the false claim that it was Russian disinformation.

President Biden’s denials continued even after the laptop revealed a voicemail he left Hunter specifically discussing coverage of those dealings: “Hey, pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you. I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.”

But who are you going to believe, the media or your own ears?

Some of us have written for two years that Biden’s denial of knowledge is patently false. It was equally evident the Biden family was selling influence and access.

There are emails from Ukrainian and other foreign clients thanking Hunter for arranging meetings with his father. There are photos from dinners and meetings that tie Joe to these figures, including a 2015 dinner with a group of Hunter’s Russian and Kazakh clients.

People were told to avoid directly referring to Joe. In one email, Hunter associate James Gilliar instructed Tony Bobulinski, then a business partner of Hunter, not to speak of the former veep’s connection to any transactions: “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u [sic] are face to face, I know u [sic] know that but they are paranoid.”

Instead, the emails apparently refer to Joe with code names such as “Celtic” and “the big guy.” In one, “the big guy” is mentioned as possibly receiving a 10% cut on a deal with a Chinese energy firm; other emails seem to note Hunter paying portions of his father’s expenses and taxes.

Bobulinski has given multiple interviews saying he met twice with Joe Biden to discuss a business deal in China with CEFC China Energy Co. That would seem obvious evidence. In addition, the New York Post reported on a key email that discussed “the proposed percentage distribution of equity in a company created for a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Co.” That was the March 13, 2017, email that talked of “10 held by H for the big guy.”

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 12/25/2022 8:22:28 AM >


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