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Joined: 3/9/2015 Status: offline
Right. Nothing has been said about Don Jr and illegal drugs. Uh huh. The article says "The Post did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC". So why do I need to care? My dark overlord's son had business dealings with an evil Chinese guy named Gongwen Dong. I know it's not appropriate, and may seem transphobic or racist (I'm not either), but that name made me giggle. In a Beavis and Butthead kinda way. Dong. Teehee. So there's no confirmed link to any wrongdoing Hunter possibly did to the current President, and then Vice President, Joe Biden. Hunter might be a criminal. But Hunter didn't run for office, so unless I get jury duty on any eventual trial, I have no reason to care. Sure, somebody that does care will probably keep digging, and eventually a link may be confirmed. That is when I'll care. Because now, all I see is unconfirmed and baseless accusations. But you can't even keep your own thread on topic. You have to even derail that to try to make your point. Kinda sad. You misrepresent what the articles you post even say. I won't hold that against you, as the click bait headlines do a fair job of misrepresenting the articles as well. The Trump family has been getting money from the American people. Even after he lost the election. Lost. Didn't win. Trump still took donations. None of that money went to the Party for the midterms. That seemed unusual. Hunter has used (and may still use) illegal drugs. That says little to nothing about Joe. I don't know if Junior gave any of the money for his meat deal to his daddy. I haven't heard anything about Ivanka for a while, though I vaguely remember something about her and the Chinese government during her dad's term in office. Something about patents or some such. Apparently Hunter has some sort of experience, what with Ukraine and China now. I haven't seen his resume. I have seen pictures of him holding a gun, with a reported prostitute. Sex worker? Some nameless female, but her face was blurred out. Seems as important as Lindsay Lohan or Prince Harry pics. I didn't see either of them on a ballot either. You keep saying the FBI 'installed' President Biden. In my memory, Trump left the White House peacefully and Biden was inaugurated. Because Biden won the election. I have no reason to not believe the FBI acted to have a smooth transfer of power. I have no reason to believe that's not their job, if and when required. There has been nothing to compare Trump denying the 2020 election results to, but I have no reason to believe the FBI would act any differently if the opposite party pulled such a stunt. You keep saying the FBI 'installed' Biden as President. But the truth is, the American people did that. By voting. In a legal election. Had the FBI NOT acted to ensure a smooth and peaceful transition of power, it would have violated our Constitution. Trump lost fair and square. He lost the electoral college. And he lost the popular vote, again. I am overjoyed that we don't live in a world where we have an American King. And I'm glad it's not Trump. Yet, anyway.