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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/2/2023 5:09:50 PM   

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'Fauci Files' to be released this week: Elon Musk

When one Twitter user wrote, "Waiting… … for #FauciFiles," Musk replied, "Later this week."



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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/3/2023 4:57:49 PM   

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What could the Fauci Files actually say that would make any difference?

Where did covid start? A lab in China that Fauci funded? A wet market in China? Covid is here anyway, so how we deal with it matters more, right now. But we already know that viruses can be manipulated in a lab. We know viruses can jump from different species to us. With both being possible, we need to fund generic virus research, in order to be ready for the next one. Congress needs to do that, because we cant rely on big pharma.

I do think the pandemic could have been handled better by our government. But we made it through. We did. Many didn't.

I don't expect anything in the Fauci Files to change my opinion of the government, though it may change my opinion of Fauci. But if it does, I'll have to wonder why he had his job for so long. Under different parties in control of the White House.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/3/2023 7:55:26 PM   

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I am sure that it's just a coincidence that all of the "misinformation" (free speech) that the FBI wing of the "Democrat" party had banned, helped "Democrats" politically


FBI Paid Twitter $3.4 Million to Ban Accounts for So-Called Misnfo


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/3/2023 8:24:41 PM   

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Or for foreign interference (according to the actual link), which was everywhere in 2016, thanks to social media.

The First Amendment only applies to American citizens. Not foreign nationals. And I'm pretty sure it doesn't cover sock puppets.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/3/2023 8:41:21 PM   

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Or for foreign interference (according to the actual link), which was everywhere in 2016, thanks to social media.

The First Amendment only applies to American citizens. Not foreign nationals. And I'm pretty sure it doesn't cover sock puppets.

You are incredibly stupid (which is why I rarely read your posts).

1. It says for “foreign influence” AND for “misinformation”

2. If free speech is a good thing, and people who are more intelligent than you agree on that - why why would anyone defend "Democrat" goons with badges policing speech rather than going after real criminals

WTF do you think "the Russians" are going to post that has you scared like a little girl and hiding under your bed (poor stupid pitiful thing). Because you know what they posted?

FUCKING CARTOONS and that's it

"Oh fuck a cartoon - call in the FBI"

Fucking retards


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/3/2023 8:50:24 PM   

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I read a story the other day, about how Richard Nixon tried to have John Lennon deported for his opposition to keeping Vietnam free

Today's leftists are on Dick Nixon's side of the argument. "FREE SPEECH IS ONLY FOR AMERICANS!!!" "FREE SPEECH IS A DANGER TO DEMOCRACY!!!"

Swear to fucking god, the commie rat bastard education system has fucked up entire generations


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/3/2023 9:50:19 PM   

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A lot of countries have a certain amount of free speech. And that should be applauded. But when it comes to our elections, we don't need outside influence and lies spread with the help of American companies.

I left the education system before social media was a thing. But I am protectionist in this matter. Always have been. It's a national security thing. I don't think anyone else in the world should be influencing our elections through social media bots.

I don't vote for President based on who I think would be better for another country. Maybe it's selfish of me, but I tend to vote based on who would be better, in my opinion, for my own country. And for myself really. Just like I don't base my opinion of my Governor on whether his policies have been good for other states.

And this may seem hypocritical, but I'm ok with the Feds influencing foreign elections and politics. It saves us from having to invade them cuz they have asshole leaders.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/4/2023 6:56:28 AM   

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A lot of countries have a certain amount of free speech. And that should be applauded. But when it comes to our elections, we don't need outside influence and lies spread with the help of American companies.

I left the education system before social media was a thing. But I am protectionist in this matter. Always have been. It's a national security thing. I don't think anyone else in the world should be influencing our elections through social media bots.

I don't vote for President based on who I think would be better for another country. Maybe it's selfish of me, but I tend to vote based on who would be better, in my opinion, for my own country. And for myself really. Just like I don't base my opinion of my Governor on whether his policies have been good for other states.

And this may seem hypocritical, but I'm ok with the Feds influencing foreign elections and politics. It saves us from having to invade them cuz they have asshole leaders.

So, according to your mindwash - only the megacorporations that control American media (including Hollywood, Fakebook, Google / Youtube, every TV broadcast, newspapers, magazines, the comic book industry, and everything else) should influence your voting decisions. And the foreign nationals who your elitist masters are flooding the streets with should be allowed to guarantee them total control over every aspect of your life and the lives of every generation to come until the end of time

That about sum it up

(Show us on the doll where the free speech hurt you)

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 1/4/2023 7:08:54 AM >


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/4/2023 7:05:07 AM   

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The face of far left "the Russians are coming" hoax and hysteria, hates real journalists even more than he hates Russian cartoons.

This is George Orwell stuff, and you have been trained to LIKE it.

Adam Schiff’s Office Asked Twitter To Ban Investigative Journalist, Docs Show

The office of California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff asked Twitter to ban investigative journalist Paul Sperry, according to documents published Tuesday by veteran journalist Matt Taibbi.

Schiff’s office emailed Twitter analysis from the House Intelligence Committee related to “alleged harassment from Qanon conspiracists” against a Schiff staffer, according to an email tweeted by Taibbi as part of the latest “Twitter Files” reporting.



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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/4/2023 7:26:20 PM   

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The Mueller Report says "The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion."

So where's the hoax?

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/4/2023 8:01:53 PM   

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The Mueller Report says "The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion."

So where's the hoax?

Another team of far left radicals - that the best you got

Mueler himself was a drooler, confused and derelict old fool

Show us the smoking gun. Show us on the doll where the cartoons hurt you


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/4/2023 8:05:21 PM   

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So... What was President Trump convicted of again.

Schiff: 'Ample evidence of collusion in plain sight' - POLITICO › story › 2019/04/21 › adam-...
Apr 21, 2019 — Responding to attacks by White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, Rep. Adam Schiff on Sunday insisted his criticism of the Trump ...

'Evidence in plain sight' of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff ... › story › 2019/02/17 › trump...

Feb 17, 2019 — House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump's presidential campaign colluded with Russia.

Schiff: There is “direct evidence” of Trump collusion with Russia. › news-and-politics › 2019/03 › schiff-...
Mar 3, 2019 — Specifically, Schiff says that the 2016 offer from a Russian lawyer for information on Hillary Clinton to members of Trump's campaign is the ...

GOP turns fury on Schiff over Russian collusion claims › article
Mar 25, 2019 — “More than circumstantial.” A scandal of a size “beyond Watergate.” For two years, Rep. Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, ...

Rep. Schiff on CNN: Evidence of Collusion is Clear, Mueller ... › view › rep-schiff-on-cnn-evid...
Adam Schiff (D-CA), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, joined Alisyn Camerota on CNN's New Day to discuss the private Trump Campaign polling data ...
Missing: ties ‎| Must include: ties

Palmer Demands Accountability for Rep. Schiff over Russia Lies › media-center › press-releases

May 8, 2020 — After the release of the witness testimony transcripts, Congressman Gary Palmer (AL-06) released the following statement: "It is now clear that ...

Adam Schiff | FRONTLINE - PBS › Home › Interviews
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A Conversation With Chairman Adam Schiff › event › conversation-chairman-ad...
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Text - GovInfo › content › pkg › html
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IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was ... › house › documents
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Adam Schiff Presents His 'Evidence of Collusion' - Rolling Stone › politics › politics-news
Mar 28, 2019 — The House Intelligence Committee chairman and foe of President Trump delivered a fiery speech on Thursday morning.

Adam Schiff Keeps Lying | National Review › corner › adam-schiff...
Nov 9, 2021 — Adam Schiff confidently and frequently asserted that it was a fact that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia during the 2016 campaign ...

Adam Schiff defends Christopher Steele dossier on Trump ... › ... › US politics
Nov 14, 2021 — Intelligence panel chairman defends past statements after principal dossier source charged with lying to FBI.

Schiff says there is 'direct evidence' of collusion between ... › politics › schiff-says-there-is-...
Mar 3, 2019 — House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said on Sunday that he thinks a 2016 offer for dirt on Hillary Clinton by a ...
Missing: ties ‎| Must include: ties

WSJ Editorial Board: All the Adam Schiff transcripts – Chair ... › opinion › adam-schiff-transcr...

May 13, 2020 — ... Schiff spread falsehoods shamelessly about Russia and Donald Trump for three years even as his own committee gathered contrary evidence.

Schiffty Character - The American Conservative › schiffty-ch...
Dec 27, 2021 — Russia hoax booster and January 6 hawk Adam Schiff doesn't let reality get in the way of his political goals.

Schiff Defends Steele Dossier Comments, Saying Russia Ties ... › teakvetenadze › 2021/11/14 › s...
Nov 14, 2021 — It comes days after Igor Danchenko, a key source behind the dossier, was arrested for lying to the FBI, charges he pleaded not guilty to.

Schiff: New evidence shows possible Trump-Russia collusion › 2017/03/23 › politics › adam-schi...
Mar 23, 2017 — The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee is claiming that he has been presented with new information on collusion between ...

No, 'Russiagate' Wasn't the Hoax That Team Trump Claims It ... › commentary › no-russiagate-was...
Oct 25, 2022 — Russian agents did conspire to influence the election, undermine Clinton and help Trump, and Trump as well as people close to him eagerly ...

Schiff doubles down on Trump despite Russia report › nation › politics › la-na-pol-rus...
Mar 27, 2019 — President Trump, emboldened after the special counsel said he did not find evidence of a criminal conspiracy to sway the 2016 election, ...

Rep. Schiff: 'Circumstantial Evidence of Collusion' Between ... › politics › politics-news › sc...
Mar 19, 2017 — Rep. Adam Schiff in an exclusive interview on 'Meet the Press' on Sunday defended the House Intelligence Committee continuing to look into ...

Schiff: 'More Than Circumstantial Evidence' Trump Associates ... › politics › politics-news › sc...

Mar 22, 2017 — Previously, the top Democrat on the House Intel Committee said the evidence was 'circumstantial.' Now, he says, there's more.

'Undoubtedly there is collusion': Trump antagonist Adam Schiff ... › 2019/03/26
Mar 26, 2019 — Republicans say Rep. Schiff should resign as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and the president wants him banned from cable ...

Republican fury aimed at Schiff, face of the Russia investigation › politics › adam-schiff-under-fire
Mar 29, 2019 — When Adam Schiff was poised to take over the House Intelligence Committee late last year, he spoke about his desire to restore comity to the ...

Transcripts show Shiff knew there was no proof of collusion › transcripts-show-shif...
May 13, 2020 — Newly released Congressional testimony shows that Adam Schiff spread falsehoods shamelessly about Russia and Donald Trump for three years ...

The Trump-Russia Collusion Hall of Shame - AEI › articles › the-trump-russia-collusi...
The news that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the ...

Whistleblower never met or talked with Schiff - source - Reuters › article › whistleblower-never...
Nov 13, 2019 — The whistleblower who prompted an impeachment inquiry into U.S. President Donald Trump never met or spoke with congressman Adam Schiff, ...

House Republicans call on Adam Schiff to resign - Vox › adam-schiff-russia-trump-collus...
Mar 28, 2019 — On Thursday morning, the soft-spoken chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff (D-CA) seemed very angry.

Trump Accuses Schiff of Leaking Intelligence on Russia's ... › U.S. › Politics
Feb 25, 2020 — Without evidence, President Trump accused the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee of leaking intelligence.

Trump Demands Top Congressional Democrat Pursuing ... › justice-official-mueller-s-ru...
Mar 28, 2019 — California's Adam Schiff contends there is lots of evidence of collusion with Russia, despite the Mueller report clearing Trump.

Russia Investigation Transcripts Revealed; Schiff Criticized for ... › story › russia-investigation-t...
Adam Schiff (D-CA) spread falsities about having evidence of purported collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump. The transcripts include evidence ...

User Clip: Mueller and Schiff detail Trump's collusion with ... › video › user-clip-mueller-schiff-...
Jul 24, 2019 — Schiff: Trump and his campaign welcomed and encouraged Russian interference? MUELLER: Yes. SCHIFF: And then Trump and his campaign lied ...

Schiff: 'Ample evidence' of collusion between Trump campaign ... › news › politics › 2018/02/14
Feb 14, 2018 — The senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said only special counsel Robert Mueller can decide if there's enough for criminal ...

Adam Schiff Lays Out Mountain of Evidence Tying Trump to ... › adam-schiff-trump-r...
Mar 20, 2017 — Schiff pointed to a number of incidents, spanning from the early days of Trump's presidential campaign to present day, to make his case:.

Adam Schiff's Clapback at Republicans Lays Out the Case for ... › news-politics › adam-schiff-t...
Mar 28, 2019 — After they demanded his resignation, the House Intelligence chair reminded us no indictment doesn't mean no evidence.

Schiff: There is 'direct evidence' of Trump collusion › 2019/03/03 › schiff-there-is-direct...
Mar 3, 2019 — Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday there's “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump ...

Adam Schiff: Trump Colluded With Russia 'In Plain Sight' › adam-schiff-trump-col...
Feb 17, 2019 — Senate Intelligence chair Richard Burr's (R-NC) said last week that his committee didn't have any proof of collusion between Trump's campaign ...

Adam Schiff: 'There Is More Than Circumstantial Evidence Now' › archive › 2017/03 › schif...
Mar 22, 2017 — There is evidence that … is very much worthy of investigation” of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia, the Democratic vice chair ...

From WSJ Opinion: Newly released... - The Wall Street Journal › wsj › posts › from-wsj-opi...
From WSJ Opinion: Newly released documents show that Adam Schiff knew all along that there was no proof of Russia-Trump collusion.

Adam Schiff isn't closing the book on the Trump-Russia ... › adam-schiff-isnt-closin...
Apr 24, 2019 — Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee suspects US president is still susceptible to foreign influence.

The Resistance Liar - Eli Lake, Commentary Magazine › articles › eli-lake › ada...
Dec 15, 2021 — Adam Schiff was one of the star attractions at Donald Trump's first impeachment trial. In his role as one of the House impeachment managers, ...

Adam Schiff talks Trump, Ukraine at SXSW Live Studio › news › 2022/03/14 › a...
Mar 14, 2022 — AUSTIN, Texas — Coming fresh off of a panel called “Misinformation and the Ongoing Danger to Our Democracy,” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ...

Is Adam Schiff 'Linked' to a 'Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer'? › Fact Check
Claim: U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff is "linked" to a Ukrainian arms dealer.
Fact check by Mostly False

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Schiff's 'Parody' and Trump's Response - › 2019/10 › schiffs-parody-a...
Oct 1, 2019 — In recent days, President Donald Trump has suggested that Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House intelligence committee, ...

Trump-Russia: Republicans trying to kill off investigation, says ... › us-news › dec › republi...
Dec 15, 2017 — Top Democrat says move against House inquiry is a ploy to damage Mueller-FBI investigation, while Trump declines to rule out pardoning ...

Adam Schiff isn't closing the book on the Trump-Russia ... › 2019/04/23 › politics › adam-schi...
Apr 23, 2019 — WASHINGTON (JTA) — “Pencil neck” is not the worst of it. President Donald Trump's most recent sobriquet for Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ...

James Clapper, Susan Rice in Schiff transcript: No evidence ... › news › may › jame...
May 7, 2020 — Top Obama administration officials told the House Intelligence Committee they had no "empirical evidence" the Trump campaign conspired with ...

Senate report outlines 'grave' Russian threat in 2016 election ... › 2020/08/18 › senate-intellige...
Aug 18, 2020 — The Senate Intelligence Committee released its final report on Russian interference in the 2016 elections, detailing ties with the Trump ...

Links between Trump associates and Russian officials › wiki › Links_between_Trum...
Since Donald Trump was a 2016 candidate for the office of President of the United States, numerous links between Trump associates and Russian officials and ...

'Ample' Evidence of Trump Campaign-Russia Collusion, Says ... › opinion › articles › ample-e...
Feb 14, 2018 — The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee suggested Wednesday morning that the panel's investigation has turned up still-secret ...

Why We Still Don't Know If Trump Is a Russian Asset › 2020/08/31 › why-w...
Aug 31, 2020 — As chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam Schiff is attempting to meet the Supreme Court's guidelines for gaining ...

Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion? Rep. Adam Schiff Says ... › ... › Donald trump
Mar 22, 2017 — House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes says intelligence agencies did collect incidental information on the Trump transition team ...

Rep. Adam Schiff Says There Is "Certainly A Lot Of Evidence ... › article › lissandravilla
Feb 7, 2018 — The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said special counsel Robert Mueller would ultimately decide if the Trump campaign ...

Adam Schiff: House Dems will investigate Trump financial ties ... › 2018/11/23 › adam-schiff-hou...
Nov 23, 2018 — "There are a whole set of potential financial conflicts of interest and emoluments problems that Congress will need to get to the bottom of ...

Schiff: "There Is Evidence Of Collusion"; "Not Prepared To ... › video › 2017/05/24
May 24, 2017 — Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Cali.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Charlie Rose that, yes, "there is evidence of ...

Schiff says transcripts of House Intel Committee's Russia ... › news › schiff-transcripts-house...
May 7, 2020 — HOUSE Intelligence chair Adam Schiff claims newly released transcripts of top level interviews from the Russian collusion probe proves Donald ...

Money-laundering allegations could hurt Trump more ... - Quartz › trumps-money-laundering-allegations-...
Jan 5, 2018 — What makes Trump's finances suspicious—and why it matters.

Schiff: 'Circumstantial Evidence of Collusion' Between Trump ... › news › national-international
Mar 19, 2017 — Despite denials from some top intelligence officials that there was any evidence of collusion between associates of Donald Trump's ...


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/4/2023 8:17:06 PM   

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The face of far left "the Russians are coming" hoax and hysteria, hates real journalists even more than he hates Russian cartoons.

This is George Orwell stuff, and you have been trained to LIKE it.

Adam Schiff’s Office Asked Twitter To Ban Investigative Journalist, Docs Show

The office of California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff asked Twitter to ban investigative journalist Paul Sperry, according to documents published Tuesday by veteran journalist Matt Taibbi.

Schiff’s office emailed Twitter analysis from the House Intelligence Committee related to “alleged harassment from Qanon conspiracists” against a Schiff staffer, according to an email tweeted by Taibbi as part of the latest “Twitter Files” reporting.


GASP!!!!! Adam Schiff emailed Twitter, complaining about harassment of one of his staffers!!!! OH MY G-D!!!!

That Stalinist Elitist Communist!!!!!
Not only should he NOT have emailed Twitter... He should have joined IN the harassment!!!! Toughen up the staffer!!!

What was he thinking???

Damn Stalinist Elitist Communist

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/4/2023 8:26:52 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



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The face of far left "the Russians are coming" hoax and hysteria, hates real journalists even more than he hates Russian cartoons.

This is George Orwell stuff, and you have been trained to LIKE it.

Adam Schiff’s Office Asked Twitter To Ban Investigative Journalist, Docs Show

The office of California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff asked Twitter to ban investigative journalist Paul Sperry, according to documents published Tuesday by veteran journalist Matt Taibbi.

Schiff’s office emailed Twitter analysis from the House Intelligence Committee related to “alleged harassment from Qanon conspiracists” against a Schiff staffer, according to an email tweeted by Taibbi as part of the latest “Twitter Files” reporting.


GASP!!!!! Adam Schiff emailed Twitter, complaining about harassment of one of his staffers!!!! OH MY G-D!!!!

That Stalinist Elitist Communist!!!!!
Not only should he NOT have emailed Twitter... He should have joined IN the harassment!!!! Toughen up the staffer!!!

What was he thinking???

Damn Stalinist Elitist Communist

Emailed as the chair of the House Intelligence Committee in his official capacity, to silence a journalist who had criticized him

You think that's a laugh riot

Proving once and for all that you're not a bright one either


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/5/2023 12:11:05 AM   

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Um... The office of Adam Schiff. No evidence he sent the email. The article says nothing about his email being used. It would specifically say him if it actually was.

Sperry was eventually suspended from Twitter, though the article doesn't give a reason as to why.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/5/2023 12:17:19 AM   

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I didn't say anything about Trump when I mentioned the Mueller report's findings. Only a quote about Russian interference in our election. No idea why you would link former President Trump to that.

But Hillary's campaign attorney was acquitted of all charges. That makes 3 unsuccessful trials by Trump's chosen special counsel, John Durham. And no real evidence of a criminal conspiracy against Trump. But rest assured, Durham is still spending taxpayer money to find it.

< Message edited by JVoV -- 1/5/2023 12:44:03 AM >

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/5/2023 7:48:52 AM   

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Um... The office of Adam Schiff. No evidence he sent the email. The article says nothing about his email being used. It would specifically say him if it actually was.

Sperry was eventually suspended from Twitter, though the article doesn't give a reason as to why.

You're totally blind, like MJ

Don't see a damn thing, do you - because there are Ds by their names


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/5/2023 7:58:10 AM   

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I didn't say anything about Trump when I mentioned the Mueller report's findings. Only a quote about Russian interference in our election. No idea why you would link former President Trump to that.

I asked you for the smoking gun. How did drooler Mueller's imaginary Russians change the 2016 election. What cartoons were posted where, and how did they change even a single vote

Prove your big talk (you can't)

Hilarious to see you pretending SO HARD that Hillary's "RUSSIA!!!! RUSSIA!!!! RUSSIA!!!!" hoax didn't directly target President Trump

In reality it was all about denying election results and crippling the Trump presidency

In your CLOWN world there were Russians everywhere

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 1/5/2023 8:07:55 AM >


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/5/2023 8:20:02 AM   

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Back to the topic, how "Democrats" fight hard for censorship

From The Hill: "Democrat" darling Adam Schiff went too far even for the radical leftists that were running Twitter


‘We don’t do this’: Even Twitter’s censors rejected Adam Schiff’s censorship request

“We don’t do this.” That response from Twitter to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is a singular indictment, coming at the height of Twitter’s censorship operations. Apparently, there were some things that even Twitter’s censors refused to do.

One of those things was silencing critics of Schiff and his House committee.

In the latest tranche of “Twitter Files,” journalist Matt Taibbi revealed that Twitter balked at Schiff’s demand that Twitter suspend an array of posters or label their content as “misinformation” and “reduce the visibility” of them. Among those who Schiff secretly tried to censor was New York Post columnist Paul Sperry.

Sperry drew Schiff’s ire by writing about a conversation allegedly overheard by one of his sources. Sperry’s article, which appeared in RealClearInvestigations, cited two sources as overhearing two White House staffers discussing how to remove newly-elected President Trump from office. The article raised the possibility of bias on the part of an alleged key player in launching the first Trump impeachment, CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella. The sources reportedly said that Ciaramella was in a conversation with Sean Misko, a holdover from the Obama administration who later joined Schiff’s staff. The conversation — in Sperry’s words — showed that “just days after [Trump] was sworn in they were already trying to get rid of him.”

Rather than simply refute the allegation, Schiff wanted Sperry and other critics silenced. His office reportedly laid out steps to cleanse Twitter of their criticism, including an instruction to “remove any and all content about Mr. Misko and other Committee staff from its service — to include quotes, retweets, and reactions to that content.”

The date of Schiff’s non-public letter in November 2020 is notable: Earlier that year, I wrote a column for The Hill criticizing Schiff for pushing for censorship of misinformation in a letter that he sent to social media companies. His office promptly objected to the very suggestion that Schiff supported censorship.

We now know Schiff was actively seeking to censor specific critics on social media. These likely were viewed as more than “requests” since Schiff was sending public letters threatening possible legislative action against these same companies. He wanted his critics silenced on social media. After all, criticizing his investigations or staff must, by definition, be misinformation — right?

His office seems to have indicated they knew Twitter was using shadowing-banning or other techniques to suppress certain disfavored writers. In the letter, his staff asked Twitter to “label and reduce the visibility of any content.”

Twitter, however, drew the line with Schiff; one of its employees simply wrote, “no, this isn’t feasible/we don’t do this.”


< Message edited by BoscoX -- 1/5/2023 8:27:34 AM >


Thought Criminal

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/5/2023 3:40:27 PM   

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The best way to cripple a Trump Presidency is to HAVE a Trump Presidency.

I choose to talk about things that matter to me. Because facts matter to me. The official reports matter to me, and I don't have to agree with everything they say. I saw Russian bots on Facebook for myself. I saw Trump at a rally praising WikiLeaks and the cyber attack on the DNC, and wanting more to be released.

An attack doesn't have to be successful to be an attack. The attempt is enough. And even attempted crimes should be investigated, when there is evidence of that attempt.

Russia has an interest in our government. All countries do. As we do in theirs. A change in governments in any country could have global ramifications. Especially a nuclear power. It would be great if every country could just be like ours, or at least agree with us voluntarily. But they don't all the time.

Trump's involvement with Russia, before or after he became President, matters. Just as much as Biden's involvement with China does. Good or bad. I expect a House Committee to investigate Hunter's laptop. Maybe they'll be able to cut through all the partisan rhetoric and find something that interests me. Maybe not.

So several bodies of government, including law enforcement, contacted Twitter about specific users. But we just wanna focus on Schiff, cuz we hate him the most for being mean to President OompaLoompa. Geez, racist bastard. It's like that show, "Orange Is The New Black".

(in reply to BoscoX)
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