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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/13/2023 7:02:25 PM   

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Never forget - "Democrats" are totalitarians at heart. I have yet to hear one of them criticize this rat-faced POS

BREAKING: Adam Schiff continuously demanded Twitter ban, censor, suppress criticism of self, staff, Biden: Twitter Files


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/17/2023 5:59:33 AM   

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"News" - hah! Try corporate-communist propaganda rag. But admit it - that's exactly how you like it.


ABC News Refuses To Ask Adam Schiff About His Push For Big Tech Censorship

ABC News host Jonathan Karl didn’t ask Schiff a single question about his attempts to censor dissenting voices on Twitter.


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/17/2023 12:38:19 PM   

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So unfair. "The evil media company didn't help support my narrative."

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/25/2023 2:51:48 PM   

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Video -

It's official - Schiff loses his Intel seat for lying about President Trump, and Swalwell lost his over being a stooge for that cheap Chinese spy whore of his


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/25/2023 5:09:06 PM   

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And even some House Republicans are speaking out against McCarthy for that decision. McCarthy is endangering what has historically been a bipartisan Committee, because the truth matters more than politics.
I doubt Democrats will forget this when they (eventually) take the House back.

< Message edited by JVoV -- 1/25/2023 5:10:16 PM >

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/25/2023 6:15:32 PM   

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Video -

It's well know that governments the world over are banning TikTok from official devices because it's a spy / propaganda tool for the Chinese Communist Party

In other news, Adam Schiff is fundraising on TikTok to prove that his removal from the Intel committee was totally justified

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 1/25/2023 6:18:54 PM >


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 1/25/2023 7:34:17 PM   

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But is he doing it on a government issued device?

I got a fundraising email from the Dems today, so it must just be fundraising time, on any platform they can think of.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 2/2/2023 6:42:01 AM   

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From the "I SEE RUSSIANS - EVERYWHERE!!!! " Files:


Twitter, Media, And Democrats Are All Guilty In The Hamilton 68 Scandal

Besides Hamilton 68, three groups deserve condemnation for peddling the Russian-bots hoax: the media, corrupt politicians, and Twitter.

The latest chapter of “The Twitter Files” broke on Friday, with the release of internal communications that provided a takedown of Hamilton 68, which wrongly purported to expose Russian disinformation on social media. The details released, however, prove equally devasting to the corrupt media, dishonest Democrats, and Twitter itself.

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi’s most recent exposé provided more details of the internal angst at Twitter caused by Hamilton 68, which Taibbi described as “a computerized ‘dashboard’ designed to be used by reporters and academics to measure ‘Russian disinformation.’” As Taibbi explained, former FBI counterintelligence agent Clint Watts conceived of the dashboard, which the Alliance for Securing Democracy think-tank hosted. It then served as “the source of hundreds if not thousands of mainstream print and TV news stories in the Trump years.”

“Virtually every major news organization in America is implicated, including NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and the Washington Post. Mother Jones alone did at least 14 stories pegged to the group’s ‘research,’” Taibbi stressed, adding, “Even fact-checking sites like Politifact and Snopes cited Hamilton 68 as a source.”

But there was a problem — a huge problem: “The Twitter Files expose Hamilton 68 as a sham.”

The internal communications revealed that Twitter had reverse-engineered how Hamilton 68 supposedly tracked online Russian influence and determined the methodology relied on a list of some 644 accounts. Twitter executives then ordered a forensic analysis of those accounts and determined that only 36 were registered in Russia, many of which were connected to Russia Today, the government “news” service.

According to Taibbi, “the accounts Hamilton 68 claimed were linked to ‘Russian influence activities online’ were not only overwhelmingly English-language (86%), but mostly ‘legitimate people,’ largely in the U.S., Canada, and Britain.”

Email exchanges captured the problem, with Twitter insiders saying, among other things: “No evidence to support the statement that the dashboard is a finger on the pulse of Russian information ops.” “Hardly evidence of a massive influence campaign.” “These accounts are neither strongly Russian nor strongly bots.”

As Twitter executive Yoel Roth synthesized: “I think we need to just call this out on the bullsh-t it is.” But while Twitter brushed reporters and politicians off Hamilton 68’s Russian-bots storyline, the tech giant’s concern about “playing the long game” kept it from calling BS on the project.

[READ: The Astounding Saga Of Hamilton 68 Illustrates Scope Of America’s Institutional Rot]

In a devastating Friday thread and subsequent article, however, Taibbi did. So devasting was his reporting, it prompted Hamilton 68 to post a response framed as a “FACT SHEET: Hamilton 68 Dashboard (2017-2018).”

Taibbi, who had basically begged Watts and those connected to the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) to speak with him before his “Twitter Files” reporting went live, was neither amused nor persuaded. He countered with his own response, saying: “After refusing to answer questions pre-publication, Hamilton 68 and Clint Watts printed a response to the Twitter files that’s both laughable and damning.” And he went on to add an addendum highlighting the changes Hamilton 68 made to its webpage’s discussion of the project.

These revelations prove devasting to Hamilton 68 and scandalous to the Alliance for Securing Democracy. But three additional groups deserve equal focus and condemnation for peddling the Russian-bots hoax: the media, corrupt politicians, and Twitter.



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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 2/2/2023 5:10:20 PM   

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K. What does this prove? What conclusions should be made concerning this information?

The only timeline I see is 2017-18. Ohhhh.... That would have been about the time of #releasethememo was investigated by Congress.

So basically, Adam Schiff and Dianne Feinstein sent a letter to Facebook and Twitter giving them 3 days to respond to allegations that Russian bots aided Devin Nunes's agenda. The article is worth reading. Seems impartial, as journalism should be.

So Republicans are still stuck in the past, trying to attack even the Mueller Report. That explains why they haven't accomplished anything to effect the present, or future.

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 2/9/2023 5:21:47 PM   

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I'm sure everyone remembers when Biden's handlers were flagging unapproved speech for censorship, and had certain Twitter accounts deplatformed

Psaki is back, preaching about the "danger" posed by free speech (typical "Democrat" <spit>)


< Message edited by BoscoX -- 2/9/2023 5:24:01 PM >


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 3/14/2023 7:40:18 AM   

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Breaking news - apparently the Treasury Department has been keeping a close watch on Hunter Biden's dick

Treasury Gives House Oversight Committee Access to Biden Family Suspicious Activity Reports


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 3/29/2023 10:22:14 PM   

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So much for our hero, Elon Musk... Champion of Free Speech!

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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 4/22/2023 2:06:51 PM   

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Bloodshot-Eyed, Grinning Elon Musk Says 4/20 Was Awesome And Also Has Anyone Seen His Rocket


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 4/30/2023 7:13:50 PM   

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Video - Elon Musk interview with Bill Maher


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RE: Elon Musk challenges Adam Schiff - 5/8/2023 4:30:39 AM   

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So another video link with none of your own thoughts? Typical.

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