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Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the typo

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Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the typo - 4/23/2023 4:47:27 PM   

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Correcting the typo

1. Eliminate Money in elections and in Congress
A. For Presidential Elections
i. Abolish the Electoral College in its entirety
ii. Let every individual candidate who gets a minimum number of signatures on a petition get on a National Ballot
iii. Eliminate ALL private funding of candidates - Dark Money especially, but ALL money
iv. Give EACH candidate public money of $3 Million. That is wayyyy less than what is spent on security at taxpayer expense for the candidates in our current system. The $3 Millon is limited to campaign expenses and can be spent any way the candidate chooses (advertising, travel, etc.)
v. Make the election 8 weeks from candidates getting on the ballot to the actual election
vi. Have as many debates as possible within the 8 week time period (have Zoom if needed)
This gives the power to the US voters, and takes it way from political parties, monied interests and corrupt state legislatures
vii. REQUIRE VOTER ID, but make sure a Voter ID is easily, and quickly attainable with proper documentation. Allow for people who don't have transportation to government offices, who may have to do this online or by phone. Voter ID should be available 365 days a year
viii. Make it SIMPLE to vote for all registered and previously ID'd voters. That includes:
By Mail
Online - YES ONLINE! (Crazy you say. China could hack the system!)
ONLNE Voting - Protect the vote!
Impement a Protect the Vote Intiative
Allowing anyone to verify and see exactly how each (de-identified) voter voted, as well as see his/her own vote. ALl voters would be identified by a random voter ID, so their identities cannot be discerned.. Anyone who voted in person or by mail, or online, can obtain a full report of the tallied votes, and verify it is correct. They can export it to excel and tally it themselves. That way all votes are automatically verified by the voters themseleves.

B. House of Representatives
1. Same Public funding for elections as in Presidential elections, but only $500k is alotted - Destroying corruption, lobbyist interest, and party control over candidates
2. Rank choice voting for representatives. If there are 5 seats open, then the entire state votes for five candidates on the ballot, and specifies a preference for which district they would like that canidate to serve. The top 5 candidates get selected for those seats in the districts that were the highest voted for their name
This KILLS gerrymandering and gives the power back to the voters of the state
3. BAN the Republican-style pay-to-play scheme of forcing the House members to raise money from lobbyists and give it directly to the Repiblican party JUST to keep their seat in the house. MORE $$$ for speakerships, and more for Top leadership positions. - Watch Matt Gaetz admit all of this in "The Swamp"
This takes all the power from the political parties and allows INDEPENDENT voices in the House
4. With the complete demise of political parties grip on the House, the Speaker position can return to the Non-Partisan nature of which it was intended. In fact it SHOULD be someone outside of the House entirely.. The SPeaker should have limited power to keep bills or ammendments from reaching the House floor.

US Senate similar public financing plan for elections. Once again... Takes away the power of political parties, monied interests, etc.

C. State Houses - similar to US House
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/24/2023 8:52:38 PM   

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If we made these changes, we would take power away from political parties

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/25/2023 7:45:48 AM   

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Mob rule GOOD, Master

YES Igor. YESSSSS!!!! (When WE do it)


Montana trans lawmaker is silenced AGAIN as she tries to speak after telling Republican colleagues they will have 'blood on their hands' if they ban sex change surgery for kids: Seven supporters are arrested in the clash

Zooey Zephyr was forbidden to speak on a gender affirming care ban on Monday
The lawmaker defiantly allowed her supporters to riot inside the capital
About seven people were arrested and released after a half an hour protest

I smell a WHITE HOUSE INVITE around the corner!!!!


Thought Criminal

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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/25/2023 3:25:58 PM   

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Tucker Carlson is gone from FOX. Don Lemon is gone from CNN. Democracy may actually have a chance.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/25/2023 6:28:33 PM   

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Mob rule GOOD, Master

YES Igor. YESSSSS!!!! (When WE do it)


Montana trans lawmaker is silenced AGAIN as she tries to speak after telling Republican colleagues they will have 'blood on their hands' if they ban sex change surgery for kids: Seven supporters are arrested in the clash

Zooey Zephyr was forbidden to speak on a gender affirming care ban on Monday
The lawmaker defiantly allowed her supporters to riot inside the capital
About seven people were arrested and released after a half an hour protest

I smell a WHITE HOUSE INVITE around the corner!!!!

This post is irrelevant to this thread

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/25/2023 9:01:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Mob rule GOOD, Master

YES Igor. YESSSSS!!!! (When WE do it)


Montana trans lawmaker is silenced AGAIN as she tries to speak after telling Republican colleagues they will have 'blood on their hands' if they ban sex change surgery for kids: Seven supporters are arrested in the clash

Zooey Zephyr was forbidden to speak on a gender affirming care ban on Monday
The lawmaker defiantly allowed her supporters to riot inside the capital
About seven people were arrested and released after a half an hour protest

I smell a WHITE HOUSE INVITE around the corner!!!!

This post is irrelevant to this thread

The topic is literally "yay mob rule"


Thought Criminal

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/25/2023 9:53:33 PM   

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Can I it's Bosco off the island?

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/25/2023 11:22:53 PM   

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Can I it's Bosco off the island?

Idkwtf. I meant to say-
Can I vote Bosco off the island?

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/26/2023 6:02:05 AM   

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Can I it's Bosco off the island?

Idkwtf. I meant to say-
Can I vote Bosco off the island?

Dickless little mob mentality fascist pos droolers cam do literally anything they want, when they're part of a mob


Thought Criminal

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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/26/2023 6:05:59 PM   

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Don't be silly, Bosco. If I was in a mob, I'd be the one with the pitchfork up your buttocks.

I do think we need to get money out of politics, especially dark money, but that seems impossible until Citizens United is overturned.

I agree with voter ID, and it should be issued upon registering to vote, at no cost. Even a temporary ID can be printed (so we still have registration drives, etc), and a photo ID can be mailed out.
Registration should be instantaneous and online, with a picture being taken at time of registration.
Any valid State ID/license, military ID, passport w/ photo, or other acceptable forms of ID can be used as voter ID, if necessary. And should be easily modified with a symbol for registered voters.

This seems like a bi-partisan plan though, so that would never work. Far too sensible.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/26/2023 6:18:11 PM   

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The topic is literally "yay mob rule"

Where the hell did this "Mob" nonsense come from? Are you calling the will of the American people a "Mob"????

You are making no sense here.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 6:02:17 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


The topic is literally "yay mob rule"

Where the hell did this "Mob" nonsense come from? Are you calling the will of the American people a "Mob"????

You are making no sense here.

You have no education or common sense. Democracy has always been mob rule.

That is exactly what it is.


Thought Criminal

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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 6:17:31 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


The topic is literally "yay mob rule"

Where the hell did this "Mob" nonsense come from? Are you calling the will of the American people a "Mob"????

You are making no sense here.

You have no education or common sense. Democracy has always been mob rule.

That is exactly what it is.

As opposed to the "let them eat cake" GOP that cares nothing about the people, only the money.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 6:57:47 AM   

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As opposed to the "let them eat cake" GOP that cares nothing about the people, only the money.

Do you have any evidence of that, or that "Democrat" elitists such as Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, or any of the megacorporations that own your corporate media propaganda feeds care about "the people"

The Bidens and the Clintons have raked in millions by peddling influence - but not from the poor.


Thought Criminal

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 7:00:19 AM   

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The Bidens and the Clintons have raked in millions by peddling influence - but not from the poor.

Not even from Americans


Thought Criminal

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 8:31:10 AM   

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Some dude named Elon (whatever the fuck kinda name that is) Musk (that's a stinky odor a man gets when he needs to wash his ass) now owns Twitter, one of the largest (and most declining) social media platforms in the world. I think he has some money too, supposedly.

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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 9:24:21 AM   

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Free speech for everyone. The horror.


Thought Criminal

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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 5:34:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


The topic is literally "yay mob rule"

Where the hell did this "Mob" nonsense come from? Are you calling the will of the American people a "Mob"????

You are making no sense here.

You have no education or common sense. Democracy has always been mob rule.

That is exactly what it is.

Wow... Your indoctrination is even deeper than I thought.

That statement is sans any critical analysis or any critical thought, whatsoever.

Pure cult-fed propaganda.

Democracy = Mob Rule... Straight out of Geobbels.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 8:35:03 PM   

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Republican legislators and governors are passing laws about how doctors can practice medicine,how teachers and schools can teach (along WITH WHAT they can teach), how parents can raise their children, how companies can only use their influence to support GOP the agenda....

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RE: Recipe for restoring Democracy in the US - Sans the... - 4/27/2023 8:40:31 PM   

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<shaking my head>

I post a well thought out to plan to steer this country back to how its founders intended, and take the power from the political parties and give it back to the people, and there is no discussion of the toipic.

Just cult-like = "DEMOCRACY BAD - MOB RULE" and off topic bickering


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