dealing with PMS as a sub (Full Version)

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gypsylee -> dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 4:08:24 PM)

i guess this is directed at fem subs/slaves out there with male Doms, although God help those boys n girls who have Dommes with bad PMS!

how do you deal with that time of the month which i like to refer to as Putting up with Men's Shit? He calls it Pass My Shotgun.

my lower abdomen cramps... my head aches... i am hyper-sensitive... i feel like either crying or screaming.


i haven't posted this in the medical forum because i don't really need advice on alleviating PMS. i've spoken to numerous professionals over the years and am on medication which only helps so much.

what i'd like to know is this. as a submissive who does not have the 'luxury' of throwing tantrums (oh yes, i can throw a good one), how do you stop from going mad?

any words of sympathy wouldn't go astray either. [sm=boohoo.gif]

gypsy-fkn-lee xxx

diamonddreamlove -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 4:32:27 PM)

Well i have had problems like that in the past.  Hysterectomy helped but does not stop all the Putting up with Mens Shit that i wish it would have taken care of.  When i get in one of those moods usually Sir corrects me and if that doesn't work cause i am too far gone into NoMansLand then He will give me a pat and ignore me until it goes away.  Myself i have found that working on something physical helps me get past these behaviors a lot quicker as well.  During these times i crave His attention more but know that to have it i must behave or be ignored.  So comes down to my choice as to how i want to be and of course then i realise that to serve is what i want to do and i can't do that and be ignored.


gypsylee -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 5:02:11 PM)

ahhh, diamond you put a smile on my face. yeah, i've considered a hystorectomy but at 33yo and considering another child, it's probably not a good idea ;) NoMansLand LOL! omg, that's so true... a lot of the time i feel completely off-the-planet.

being ignored by Him? argh!!! anything but that! yeah, if i feel narky i try and remove myself and do some retail therapy :) or i just get all floppy and sooky which He's sympathetic to thank God (more sympathetic than most vanilla men i've been with that's for sure.)

gypsy xxx

twicehappy -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 5:09:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: gypsylee

my lower abdomen cramps... my head aches... i am hyper-sensitive... i feel like either crying or screaming.


what i'd like to know is this. as a submissive who does not have the 'luxury' of throwing tantrums (oh yes, i can throw a good one), how do you stop from going mad?

any words of sympathy wouldn't go astray either. [sm=boohoo.gif]

Hopefully your owner understands and is sympathetic. Pamper yourself a little more, Write an evil post or do something physical to relieve the stress.

Personally mine is BADDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!

Lucky for me my owners understand when i stay in my room, they eat out when the smell of cooking nauseates me, they ignore my crankiness and if i am asleep they are very quiet(they would rather have me asleep then, it is safer that way), they even bring me chocolate.

So you have my sympathy, if all else fails try Hersheys Special Dark chocolate, aleve, a heating pad and stay as inconspicuous as you can.

twicehappy -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 5:16:30 PM)


pleazuredpain -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 5:22:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: gypsylee

i guess this is directed at fem subs/slaves out there with male Doms, although God help those boys n girls who have Dommes with bad PMS!

how do you deal with that time of the month which i like to refer to as Putting up with Men's Shit? He calls it Pass My Shotgun.

my lower abdomen cramps... my head aches... i am hyper-sensitive... i feel like either crying or screaming.


i haven't posted this in the medical forum because i don't really need advice on alleviating PMS. i've spoken to numerous professionals over the years and am on medication which only helps so much.

what i'd like to know is this. as a submissive who does not have the 'luxury' of throwing tantrums (oh yes, i can throw a good one), how do you stop from going mad?

any words of sympathy wouldn't go astray either. [sm=boohoo.gif]

gypsy-fkn-lee xxx

PMS is a medical condition.  I handle it like any other medical condition that may effect things.  Tell him and hope he understands.

RedSavageSlave -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 6:16:06 PM)

I had a partial hysterectomy so while I dont have the bleeding anymore I still have the hormone production..

I have been allowed 15 minutes each month to PMS... so I had better make it worthwhile LOL

actually PMS for me generally involves alot of crying on a single day.. He usually just hides away because no matter how much a man hates tantrums.. a womans tears are usually a bigger mystery..

Littlepita -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 6:46:06 PM)

My Sir is very tolerant of my moods when I'm suffering with PMS. That doesn't mean I don't try to do things to alleviate some of the symptoms. We both know when I feel crappy that I need certain things like space and he gives it to me. Sometimes I need to be held and babied. I am very lucky that I have someone so incredibly understanding and I do try not to take advantage of that anymore then my hormones allow. [&:]

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 7:13:17 PM)

I think for the majority of females in the world, if any adjustments need to be made, they can be made unobtrusively, taking a few pills, taking a longer shower, exercising a bit more, etc and require absolutely no change in day-to-day workings. It might be helpful to make your partner aware of your cycle so they can at least understand any crimps that come up, but I don't think it should be cause for any disruption or special accommodations.

For the FEW percentage who experience actual crippling emotional/physical effects from it, obviously it should be handled as any illness or dysfunction should.

To add:
I do get a bit annoyed when women spend so much time complaining and wasting energy about their cycle.  I wish more would celebrate it.  While there is a small percentage of women for whom menstruation IS an ordeal and difficult for them, I think the majority of problems are blown far out of proportion.
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How do you like your dom/master treating you on your period?

gretchenS -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 7:17:11 PM)


I have thought about having a whipping boy for my self, in order to satisfy certain urges of getting back to my Daddy.

I wonder if having a whipping boy would help to get through the bad PMS??

I know a little excersise is good for the pain...[:-]

juliaoceania -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 7:21:53 PM)

I become much more sensitive when I have PMS. I take things more personally. Some months are worse than others. I sometimes have two periods in a month. I do not throw tantrums, although I can get whiny and a little insecure.,..making mountains out of mole hills...

It is part of the territory. I am not looking forward to the time I quit producing estrogen, so I will put up with it happily. Once menopause hits we lose part of our natural protection against heart disease and osteoporosis

Celeste43 -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 7:57:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

To add:
I do get a bit annoyed when women spend so much time complaining and wasting energy about their cycle.  I wish more would celebrate it.  While there is a small percentage of women for whom menstruation IS an ordeal and difficult for them, I think the majority of problems are blown far out of proportion.

LA, you're a lot younger than I am. At this point in perimenopause, periods are rough. Prostaglandin production is in overtime. And that means the cramps are much worse than five years ago. HRT is not an option until in full menopause. Believe me, Advil and a heating pad only go so far.

But when I was 26, I was on the pill and periods were light and painless. Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it's easy for everyone.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 8:10:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Celeste43
But when I was 26, I was on the pill and periods were light and painless. Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it's easy for everyone.

Nice assumption that it's easy for me :)

OhReallyNow -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 8:20:14 PM)

this slave is 38 years old; from the time she was 12, her periods have been extremely painful and hard for her; and they continue to do so. This slave agrees with what LuckyAlbatross said in regards to the fact that she sees no reason why daily routines should be interupted; unless one is bedridden from the pain.
of course, this is just this slave's opinion [:)]

gypsylee -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 8:41:56 PM)

thank you all for your words of support and advice [sm=flowers.gif]

yes, He is very understanding. i was even allowed to shave my armpits early [sm=banana.gif]

(i was told to let the hair grow for His curiousity and as a bit of a punishment for my incessant vanity)

i did a bit of retail therapy, cleaned the house a bit and did hair & makeup (which always makes me feel better) so am pretty okay atm. and sympathy from others does make a big difference.


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

I do get a bit annoyed when women spend so much time complaining and wasting energy about their cycle.  I wish more would celebrate it. 

i totally agree LA. although i complain and go beserk during the week leading up to my period i really enjoy getting it. not once in my life have i skipped a period using the Pill.  i really sympathise with those women who have medical reasons to do so, but otherwise i don't really understand it. i love bleeding. i don't even mind cramping when i've got something to show for it.

thanx again lovely people.

TrainMeSir -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 9:17:06 PM)

Wait til you get older............

FirmhandKY -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 9:21:28 PM)

GAWD!  PMS! .... RUN MEN! ... HIDE!!!

mystictryst -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/27/2006 10:22:21 PM)

As one who gets very sick each month, it's not always a happy time! I am however, very fortunate to have a Master who is more sympathetic and understanding to my moods and problems then I am... He feeds me my favorite foods, takes me for longer walks, gets me the pain pills, and will even by my 'goods' if I'm too sick to go to the store. I appologize incessently and he just tells me not to worry and that he loves me. :) I'm lucky.

BitaTruble -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/28/2006 1:56:10 AM)


how do you deal with that time of the month which i like to refer to as Putting up with Men's Shit? He calls it Pass My Shotgun.

my lower abdomen cramps... my head aches... i am hyper-sensitive... i feel like either crying or screaming.


what i'd like to know is this. as a submissive who does not have the 'luxury' of throwing tantrums (oh yes, i can throw a good one), how do you stop from going mad?

any words of sympathy wouldn't go astray either. [sm=boohoo.gif]

gypsy-fkn-lee xxx

Well, I'll offer up some sympathy as the first order of business. In addition to PMS I have the wonderful 'extra' of endometriosis to go along with it, so I can totally relate. It's the sort of pain that really goes beyond a descriptive reference. The closest I can describe it to a man is to hack off their balls, then jump up and down on them while they still feel the pain of having their balls hacked off. Then double that. That's probably pretty close. ;)

The first step was informing Himself that I had endo when we first met and ask him to read up on it so he would know exactly what he was getting. That helped. Then, the first time he saw me have an attack which dropped me to my knees, well.. that really helped. He not only allows me to take care of my medical needs, he insists on it. (Whoever invented the heating pad needs to be Knighted!) Hot soaks in tubs, having an incredible Master, being allowed to cry when I need to and being hugged a hell of a lot whenever I ask during those times rather alleviates any need to pull out the 30 aught six and going gunning for my ex. (Like I need a reason to do that anyway!)

Bottom line (no pun intended) half the battle is won because I have Himself firmly on my side .. the other half is won because of my own awareness of what goes on inside the body, knowing my cycle, knowing the possibities and taking steps before the whole thing starts to lessen the effect it has on me.

Ain't perfect, but so far I've only killed two people, so that's not so bad for being alive so long, don't ya think?

I wish you wellness and good health..


justanotheclaire -> RE: dealing with PMS as a sub (9/28/2006 2:22:28 AM)

Your lucky regular cycles remind you everythign is ok, I do not have reg cycles. Once or twice a year when i can hardly move.
i even missed being pregnant for nearly 3 months

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