RE: forced bisexual acts (Full Version)

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MistressSassy66 -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/29/2006 11:02:37 AM)

Generalizing any person into a certain catagory is stereo typing...I thought we were beyond all that.

I have several male friends and I can guarantee they have never thought of being with a man.
As matter of fact one of them did jail time for assault when a guy came on to him at a local bar.
If I was you(and I am glad I'm not) I wouldnt sit there and make a statement like that unless you have all the data to back it up.

k0rrupt -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/29/2006 11:20:45 AM)

i was merely making a valid point that any guy that goes out of his way to continually and repeatedly convince himself and others of being straight, is most likely otherwise. a few grasped what i said and meant... it's fine.

LadyOunce -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/30/2006 11:18:22 PM)

I challenge the defininition of force. Is this force as in - Oh god, yes please Mistress force me to take that cock - or more along the lines of you have this as a hard limit and she's ignoring that line?
If the former, there is something very hot about boy on boy and some Mistress enjoy watching that and controlling the situation. For many that is why they enjoy bisexual boys. They may be the only woman in his life but there may be males.
If the latter, then it's time to look at your relationship a little closer and recognize the signs of abuse.

LASub4Real -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/31/2006 7:37:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: k0rrupt

i was merely making a valid point that any guy that goes out of his way to continually and repeatedly convince himself and others of being straight, is most likely otherwise. a few grasped what i said and meant... it's fine.

Yes, yes, of course. And people who make a big fuss about Bush are all closet Republicans! And people who fuss about the environment are actually would-be polluters! People who throw blood on fur coats, actually have a closet full of them themselves. Hypocracy is THE only answer to any vigorous opposition to anything.

Yeah right.

r4l884slave -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/31/2006 7:44:02 AM)

Agree with lotus song-cant rape the willing-I say that when sub and slaves say that Want to be raped-No such thing.

undergroundsea -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/31/2006 9:43:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: r4l884slave

Agree with lotus song-cant rape the willing-I say that when sub and slaves say that Want to be raped-No such thing.

Then you could extend that logic to say the only way one can be dominant is by non-consensually dominating a person who does not enjoy BDSM. In my opinion, a dominant act does not have to be completely at odds with what the submissive wants for it to be dominant.

I think consensual non-consensuality and emotional masochism provide counterexamples to the logic you suggest.



k0rrupt -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/31/2006 10:11:15 AM)

it's the former type of force  that i like (Oh god, yes please Mistress force me to take that cock )

LadyOunce -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/31/2006 3:13:40 PM)

I can't speak for all but for myself, a lot of that appeal is in the equation - I may be the only female in his life but males are another story. It puts them all in the same group together with me as the driving force above them all.

flipr -> RE: forced bisexual acts (10/31/2006 10:28:52 PM)

In truth, if during a play session a Domme introduces another male into the scene, and you as the submissive male is suppose to submit to Her will, dont you think the curiousness, or out right wanting to perform had been an issue before, if not on the limits list is it really forced?

XMick -> RE: forced bisexual acts (11/2/2006 5:23:11 PM)

helo all.. nice to see you..

LadyIce -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/8/2006 3:39:59 PM)



One thing I never mess with is someone's sexuality.

As far as the practice of forcing it.. I don't believe one can "rape the willing" and I refuse to be the "excuse".

I agree, you can not rape the willing!

iwearpanties -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/9/2006 2:59:27 AM)

i dont want too start a war or words here but seems its already gotten going ?  but i do ask this submisives we teand too push are limits ??? and i think this is one case where a subs limits come into play ?  is it a soft limit or a hard limit im guessing deep inside many theres that little want too try things ......after all when you meet a Mistress or before you meet arent some rules or ideas discussed about how afr you would be willing too goor test your sefl limits.... fuel for thoguth???

pixelslave -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/9/2006 2:30:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: k0rrupt

yeah. you're spending WAY too much time repeating yourself on here, as well as trying to convince yourself and everyone else. You've said you won't do it, so fine, don't. My comment was for and towards everyone else, not you. You're a closeminded repetitive bore. As many others on this forum and on these boards know, men like that you that devote so much time and energy to being homophobic, have deep rooted fears that they are precisely what they're so afraid of. No amount of your denial or statements changes the facts. you can repeat yourself to everyone on here until you're blue in the face, it changes nothing. Not to mention the fact, that most of these Mistresses on here know what makes up a real sub better than we know ourselves. The difference between you and me is, that i know and accept that, and you don't and never will. this is the first and last time on this board that i will devote my energy and waste my time on you, because in my opinion, you're a phony and a poser. Thankfully for my sake, i won't see anymore of your small minded repetitive responses or posts.

First, let me say that this comes across to me as rather judgemental on your part and something of a personal attack, which I'd prefer to not see here on the boards when it isn't necessary. 

Michael GA2 said the following:


you're more loyal and adventurous than i am. i know i've said this way too often, but i wouldn't do this regardless who says and i don't care if others think i'm in denial...i am not...period

To me, and I'll acknowlege I've not read the entire thread, he's said himself that he's probably said this way too often.  But it sounds to me as though he's also stating this is a hard limit for him; something I'd hope would be respected by a Mistress until it was stated as otherwise.

And BTW, my statements have nothing to do about homophobia, only about one being able to state their opinions without being personally attacked and also having their hard limits respected; something that I feel is important in this lifestyle whether or not anyone else agrees with the particular limits that have been stated by a sub, Dom, Mistress, Master, etc.! [8|]

- pixel

MzMia -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/10/2006 12:01:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: defiantbadgirl

Any man who is straight will have bisexual activity on his list of hard limits. If a woman tried to force it, he would leave.

Standing up to applaud! I meet men that have "bisexuality" as a hard limit.
Thank you, thank you and thank you!
You can hardly rape the willing. [sm=mrpuffy.gif]

AAkasha -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/10/2006 12:06:46 PM)




ORIGINAL: defiantbadgirl

Any man who is straight will have bisexual activity on his list of hard limits. If a woman tried to force it, he would leave.

Standing up to applaud! I meet men that have "bisexuality" as a hard limit.
Thank you, thank you and thank you!
You can hardly rape the willing. [sm=mrpuffy.gif]

Are all the straight women that have made out with other ladies while drunk in a bar (to attract men), gotten into a threesome with their man (because she wanted to please him, but not because she wanted a sexual relationship with a woman) now bisexual?  Does it mean deep down they "wanted" to get together with a woman on some level (since it wasn't a hard limit, and they did it) and were bi but in denial?


MzMia -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/10/2006 12:10:19 PM)

Heck I don't know, I have never done any of those things.
But then bisexuality is a hard limit for me also.
LOL [sm=mrpuffy.gif]

Morrigel -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/10/2006 8:09:18 PM)

I dunno.  I tend to think sexual orientation is more a sliding scale rather than a binary choice.  The difference between "basically straight" and "violently homophobic" is how far you are pushed over into the red.  Some people have issues with same-sex contact that go far beyond simple indifference or disinclination:  I would say they have a real problem, for it to enter into the Hard Limit category.  For others, though, "heterosexual" doesn't have to mean anything more than "I am only really attracted to the opposite sex"--you don't have to be hysterically squicked or freaked out by people of your own sex.

Just think of it in the same terms as any other sexual inclination and this will make more sense.  There are plenty of kinks that I am not incredibly attracted to, and ALSO not incredibly squicked by.  I am neutral toward them--not my personal cuppa tea, but I might do them for someone else's sake, if I was kindly disposed toward that person.  For some people, same-sex play could fall into this category.


michaelOfGeorgia -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/10/2006 8:23:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: k0rrupt

when a guy makes as much repeated effort to give the impression that he is NOT interested in something, he truly is. however he simply has been conditioned by society for whatever reason(s) that it is wrong, so he pretends otherwise. who am i to say? im a guy, and i know how guys are. guys are told and conditioned from a very young age. if he had just said it wasn't his thing, and then left it at that, that would be one thing, and he'd be believable. however the mere fact that he spends every single one of his posts on here attmepting to convince himself and everyone else that he'd never do anything with a guy. anyone that devotes that much effort to trying to convince themselves and others of not being bi curious, in my book, is a liar. you're entitled to your opinion and im entitled to mine (mine is based on intelligence, past experience, relating to others, and plain common sense). if you don't like my opinion, that's certainly your perrogative, but i truly could care less. i call things as i see them... for in my D/s world, honesty and straightforwardness is an absolute must. i don't pretend to be someone i'm not in order to fool others and myself.

well, you DO NOT know me, (formerly michaelGA2) so you have no right to call me a liar. you are one of the reasons i hate men. they all are egotisitcal know-it-alls and i do not subscribe to the male way of thinking.

BlackKnight -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/22/2006 11:33:15 AM)

I understand Michael, men are ugly. outside, and most inside.  Being a Dom I'm having trouble understanding the idea of forcing bisexual acts.  Fine I could tie a man down and have his assets raped, but if that happened to me, they better kill me, cause there will be payback!  Force me to perform orally?   To quote a friend " I can always wash my mouth out", which most people find amusing, "I can always wash my mouth out!", " you can't grow another!", course the idea of payback follows if rings are used!  Now on this point I'd love to force a woman on a woman, that would excite me, But it couldn't be 'forced' because of the reasons I stated earlier, that and respect(couldn't be a hard limit, hmmm maybe a curiosity, or we'd just play that I forced her,hmmm)

Grlwithboy -> RE: forced bisexual acts (12/22/2006 3:44:32 PM)

Like Najakcharmer, I just find M/m hot. Full stop.

I've found the line very clear among the bottom ranks I've met. "Man I'm curious about that, I whack off to it all the time/Been there done it love it/I'm not into dating men, but cock is hot" versus "I'll throw up/leave." It's very obvious to me which population is going to give me the mileage I want.

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