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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 1:26:53 PM   

Posts: 69
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Facts and citations!!!!

Stand and Deliver!!!!

Good grief.  Abortion is just one.

Do you still require "facts and citations"?

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 201
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 1:34:56 PM   

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In a word. Yes. 
This will be a rather droll thread if the interplay is:

You: Good Grief! Abortion!
Me: Fuck That! Iraq!

While aesthetically, such conversations are pleasing to me, I doubt your or my Zen is capable of floating along the undercurrents of our exchange, like a leaf on the river. 



Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 1:41:11 PM   

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ORIGINAL: caitlyn

This may be wrong ... but my observation is that the moderators give us a bit more leeway in this section.
I'm thankful for it. By it's very nature, most of the subject matter discussed here will polarize people relatively quickly.

Yes, they come pre-polarized, in fact.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 2:00:53 PM   

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Yes, they come pre-polarized, in fact.

You are sharpe today!

Damn I've cut myself!


There are fascists who consider themselves humanitarians, like cannibals on a health kick, eating only vegetarians.

(in reply to Level)
Profile   Post #: 204
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 7:13:48 PM   

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It could just as easily be stated as "happy people tend to vote Republican".

You know, I've wondered if the causality might run that way. I can see how people who are happy with the status quo might tend to be conservative, while those who see room for improvement might veer toward liberalism.

Then again, I think the terms conservative and liberal have come to be well-nigh meaningless is American politics. I don't know Canadian politics well enough to know if that's true up north as well.

(in reply to candystripper)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 8:07:43 PM   

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ORIGINAL: trannysub007


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Ignorance is bliss.


Careful .... someone will think you are a "ditto head"!


Good point ... but mostly, i just didn't feel like typing. =-P

(in reply to FirmhandKY)
Profile   Post #: 206
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 10:31:38 PM   

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>Conservatives: (1) mental rigidity and closed mindedness, including (a) increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, (b) decreased cognitive complexity, (c) decreased openness to experience, (d) uncertainty avoidance, (e) personal needs for order and structure, and (f) need for cognitive closure; (2) lowered self esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system.<

Under this clinical definition, I wouldn't doubt that an unhappy conservative would deny his unhappiness and check "I'm happy" on the survey.

(in reply to saskslave)
Profile   Post #: 207
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/14/2006 11:04:35 PM   

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ORIGINAL: cloudboy

>Conservatives: (1) mental rigidity and closed mindedness, including (a) increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, (b) decreased cognitive complexity, (c) decreased openness to experience, (d) uncertainty avoidance, (e) personal needs for order and structure, and (f) need for cognitive closure; (2) lowered self esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system.<

Under this clinical definition, I wouldn't doubt that an unhappy conservative would deny his unhappiness and check "I'm happy" on the survey.

I couldn't imagine you made that definition up

(in reply to cloudboy)
Profile   Post #: 208
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 5:14:08 AM   

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ORIGINAL: cloudboy

>Conservatives: (1) mental rigidity and closed mindedness, including (a) increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, (b) decreased cognitive complexity, (c) decreased openness to experience, (d) uncertainty avoidance, (e) personal needs for order and structure, and (f) need for cognitive closure; (2) lowered self esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system.<

Under this clinical definition, I wouldn't doubt that an unhappy conservative would deny his unhappiness and check "I'm happy" on the survey.

I couldn't imagine you made that definition up

Really?  I don't think it takes much imagination, at all. 

(in reply to NeedToUseYou)
Profile   Post #: 209
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 5:31:05 AM   

Posts: 3486
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ORIGINAL: cloudboy

>Conservatives: (1) mental rigidity and closed mindedness, including (a) increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, (b) decreased cognitive complexity, (c) decreased openness to experience, (d) uncertainty avoidance, (e) personal needs for order and structure, and (f) need for cognitive closure; (2) lowered self esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system.<

Under this clinical definition, I wouldn't doubt that an unhappy conservative would deny his unhappiness and check "I'm happy" on the survey.

Main Entry:1con£ser£va£tive
Date:14th century

2 a : of or relating to a philosophy of conservatism  b capitalized   : of or constituting a political party professing the principles of conservatism: as  (1) : of or constituting a party of the United Kingdom advocating support of established institutions  (2) : PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE
3 a : tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions  : TRADITIONAL  b : marked by moderation or caution  *a conservative estimate*  c : marked by or relating to traditional norms of taste, elegance, style, or manners  *a conservative suit*
4 : of, relating to, or practicing Conservative Judaism
–con£ser£va£tive£ly adverb 
–con£ser£va£tive£ness noun 

Merriam-Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary.
i identify myself as "socially liberal"  and "fiscally conservative".  i believe in the smallest possible government, esp at the Federal level.  i strongly believe in privacy and non-discrimination rights.  i believe W/we should not be the world police force.
ATM, i am very unhappy (politically) due to The Shrub.

< Message edited by candystripper -- 11/15/2006 5:33:56 AM >

(in reply to cloudboy)
Profile   Post #: 210
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 5:48:09 AM   

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ORIGINAL: losttreasure

Really?  I don't think it takes much imagination, at all. 

That's because a new study reveals that conservatives have 2.7% more imagination than people named cloudboy.

Maybe we can all argue about that next!


I want the scissors to be sharp
And the table perfectly level
When you cut me out of my life
And paste me in that book you always carry.
-Billy Collins

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Profile   Post #: 211
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 5:59:02 AM   

Posts: 8948
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ORIGINAL: cloudboy

>Conservatives: (1) mental rigidity and closed mindedness, including (a) increased dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, (b) decreased cognitive complexity, (c) decreased openness to experience, (d) uncertainty avoidance, (e) personal needs for order and structure, and (f) need for cognitive closure; (2) lowered self esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system.<

Under this clinical definition, I wouldn't doubt that an unhappy conservative would deny his unhappiness and check "I'm happy" on the survey.

Alternate view (see my earlier post for disclaimers):

Lefty:  (1) mental rigidity and closed mindedeness, but under the delusion of being "open minded" and "accepting" including (a) complete dogmatism and intolerance of opposing ideas, (b) decreased cognitive complexity, hidden under a cloak of rationality and science - see Junk Science (c) decreased openness to the possibility that any experience can be bad or dangerous, (d) absolute certainity of righteousness (e) personal needs to impose control on others, and refusal to respect any authority except their own for any reason (f) inability to entertain compromise; (2) feelings of grandiosity and superiority: (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt (especially contempt); (5) freely seeks to give away other people's possessions and money; (6) fear of life; (7) threat arising from jealousy and envy when other's have more than they do; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system.

Under this clinical definition, I wouldn't doubt that a happy lefty would deny his happiness and check "I'm unhappy" on the survey.

Just saying ....


< Message edited by FirmhandKY -- 11/15/2006 6:10:54 AM >


Some people are just idiots.

(in reply to cloudboy)
Profile   Post #: 212
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 6:48:34 AM   

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ORIGINAL: justheather


ORIGINAL: losttreasure

Really?  I don't think it takes much imagination, at all. 

That's because a new study reveals that conservatives have 2.7% more imagination than people named cloudboy.

Maybe we can all argue about that next!

Several authorities have published survey's and studies (hat tip to philosophy) which show that the conservative imagination is (conservatively) 4.3% or better than that of people named cloudboy. 



Some people are just idiots.

(in reply to justheather)
Profile   Post #: 213
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:20:40 AM   

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Several authorities have published survey's and studies (hat tip to philosophy) which show that the conservative imagination is (conservatively) 4.3% or better than that of people named cloudboy. 


How on earth could one possibly come to such a precise measurement? What possible criteria can one measure imagination? Imagination defies measurement because at its best it will make a quantum leap in creativity and sometimes the best course of action is precisely to do nothing and that takes imagination too! And quite often imagination isn't recognized until much later in a game.

< Message edited by meatcleaver -- 11/15/2006 7:21:51 AM >


There are fascists who consider themselves humanitarians, like cannibals on a health kick, eating only vegetarians.

(in reply to FirmhandKY)
Profile   Post #: 214
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:23:05 AM   

Posts: 875
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ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



Several authorities have published survey's and studies (hat tip to philosophy) which show that the conservative imagination is (conservatively) 4.3% or better than that of people named cloudboy. 


How on earth could one possibly come to such a precise measurement? What possible criteria can one measure imagination? Imagination defies measurement because at its best it will make a quantum leap in creativity and sometimes the best course of action is precisely to do nothing and that takes imagination too! And quite often imagination isn't recognized until much later in a game.

It was a joke, Meatcleaver. 

(in reply to meatcleaver)
Profile   Post #: 215
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:25:09 AM   

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ORIGINAL: losttreasure


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



Several authorities have published survey's and studies (hat tip to philosophy) which show that the conservative imagination is (conservatively) 4.3% or better than that of people named cloudboy. 


How on earth could one possibly come to such a precise measurement? What possible criteria can one measure imagination? Imagination defies measurement because at its best it will make a quantum leap in creativity and sometimes the best course of action is precisely to do nothing and that takes imagination too! And quite often imagination isn't recognized until much later in a game.

It was a joke, Meatcleaver. 

Perhaps I should take more time to read a thread

*slinks off highly embarrrasse*


There are fascists who consider themselves humanitarians, like cannibals on a health kick, eating only vegetarians.

(in reply to losttreasure)
Profile   Post #: 216
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 7:38:56 AM   

Posts: 875
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ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

Perhaps I should take more time to read a thread

*slinks off highly embarrrasse*

S'okay... personally I think that happiness is affected by how much time you spend reading threads.    You might be better off.

Edited for clarity.

< Message edited by losttreasure -- 11/15/2006 7:40:19 AM >

(in reply to meatcleaver)
Profile   Post #: 217
RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 8:05:27 AM   

Posts: 7306
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>We have reviewed several theories of individual differences,
epistemic and existential needs, and individual and collective
rationalization to arrive at eight specific hypotheses concerning the
motivated social–cognitive bases of political conservatism. In
what follows, we consider evidence for and against the hypotheses
that political conservatism is significantly associated with (1)
mental rigidity and closed-mindedness, including (a) increased
dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity, (b) decreased cognitive
complexity, (c) decreased openness to experience, (d) uncertainty
avoidance, (e) personal needs for order and structure, and (f) need
for cognitive closure; (2) lowered self-esteem; (3) fear, anger, and
aggression; (4) pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss preven-
tion; (6) fear of death; (7) threat arising from social and economic
deprivation; and (8) threat to the stability of the social system. We
have argued that these motives are in fact related to one another
psychologically, and our motivated social–cognitive perspective
helps to integrate them. We now offer an integrative, meta-analytic
review of research on epistemic, existential, and ideological bases
of conservatism.<

Actually I got that from findings in a Sociology paper named:

POLITICAL CONSERVATISM AS MOTIVATED SOCIAL COGNITION, Psychological Bulletin, 2003, Vol. 129, No.3, 339-375


John T. Jost, Stanford University
Arie W. Kruglanski, University of Md. College Park
Jack Glaser University of California, Berkeley
Frank J. Sulloway, University of California, Berkeley

Basically the findings are about how conservatives don't react well to facts or information that might threaten their own pre-existing belief systems. Examples include: mixed marriage, Sabbath observance,
the theory of evolution, modern art, royalty, White superiority, socialism, women
judges, apartheid, birth control, suicide,
jazz music, divorce.

I thought about this when watching FRONTLINE's report last night on Jim West. (Not the gay culture icon from the Wild Wild West, BTW.)


"Spokane Mayor Jim West, who championed an anti-gay agenda during his tenure as one of the most powerful Republicans in the Legislature, yesterday admitted to using the trappings of his current office to entice what he thought was a young adult man but denied allegations that he molested two young boys more than 20 years ago."

< Message edited by cloudboy -- 11/15/2006 8:09:55 AM >

(in reply to candystripper)
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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 8:18:47 AM   

Posts: 54
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First the reference of the "white hood", and now this...."Kain-tuck"? It's spelled Kentucky. And just to let you know, we've already paid for "Reconstruction", get over it yankee.


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RE: Why are conservatives happier than liberals? - 11/15/2006 8:39:25 AM   

Posts: 13029
Joined: 2/24/2005
From: Pennsylvania
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"Kain-tuck"? It's spelled Kentucky.

I did the Kentucky thing for one will always be Kain-tuck to me.  Mainly because people actually posed this question to me "Hey Yankee, where r y'all from?" 


“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
- Albert Einstein

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