Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (Full Version)

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Najakcharmer -> Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 4:36:40 PM)

I've been amusing myself reading http://www.ebolamonkeyman.com for all the fun that can be had playing with Nigerian scammers.  Lo and behold, looks like one has come right to my doorstep on this site.  Imma gonna have me so much fun.  He seriously sucks at it, too. His name is American, but he writes in mugu-ese Nigeria-speak, and he's "visiting" West Africa right now because his mother is sick.  [:D][:D][:D][:D]

Anyone have any good ideas as to how I should proceed to amuse myself with this poor lad?  There's lots of fine tools to do that with over on http://419eater.com/ and some other fun sites, which I am now availing myself of in preparation. 

Najakcharmer -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 5:04:24 PM)

I know I'm not allowed to post anyone else's email to me on the forums, which is a damn shame as this guy is fucking priceless.  Mugu-bonics all the way.  But I'll post what I sent back to him.  Watch him fall for it. 

OK, how's this for my reply?

Do you have a picture of yourself Patrick?  I always like to see who I am talking to. 

I have never married, because I have a rare medical condition known as butfudgeitis which will not allow me to have children.  So I am a lonely woman in life, my sole comfort in life being my inherited money so I don't have to work except for charity work, and my giant Hitachi magic wand.

I don't believe in cheating on a man or a woman.  In fact I don't even cheat on my Hitachi.  I am eternally faithful.  Now if only the right man were to come along that would be great....but I don't think that will really happen because I like too many strange things.  

OK, let's see what the silly mugu does now....

MasterFireMaam -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 5:15:14 PM)

Tell me you have myspace page. PLEASE!? *chuckle* Things like this are excellent blog fodder.

Master Fire

Najakcharmer -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 5:45:42 PM)

I'm posting the full correspondence on http://forums.four1nine.com/showthread.php?t=115 I can only post my side of it here.  You may need to register for those forums to see the posts, because they don't want them searchable by scammers.

So after hearing that I have butfudgeitis (and lots of money), our delightfully sincere fellow has written back with an expressed wish to kill himself because life is so bleak and lonely, a wish that we should meet someday and give him hope to live, and some love poetry - all in VERY BAD mugu-bonics.   This was my reply:

That is such sweet poetry. It echoes in my ears like the flushing sound of water down a commode. You know, the old fashioned kind of commode in an outhouse with a crescent moon on the door and lots of corncobs stacked next to it to wipe off your hoo-hoo-dilly. You see, I am a good old fashioned country girl and I miss those days.

Please don't consider killing yourself, at least not until you have provided me lots of amusement. I am sure you are going to be able to make me smile and laugh many times. So please be looking forward to our beautiful correspondence and don't even think of ending your life. I am really looking forward to seeing your picture. I should tell you my real first name, which is Imma. I didn't want to use my real name on that other site. But we are building trust between us so I will tell you.

I don't know if we can really have trust in one other yet, we are still just strangers passing like ships in the night. Kind of like the Titanic and that iceberg. And how can we meet if you are in West Africa caring for your ailing mum? Maybe you can explain these things to me since I am just a simple country girl like Ru Paul. Do you like Ru Paul? She is my favorite country singer and my personal idol.

[image]http://forums.four1nine.com/images/misc/progress.gif[/image] - Imma

Saratov -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 6:18:56 PM)

What a shame he found you first you sweet talker you. [:-]
With your infirmity and mine we could combine my disability checks with your inheritance and see the world. [8D]

Najakcharmer -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 6:31:39 PM)

If you want one for yourself, they are very easy to pick up.  Check out the various scambaiter and 419 forums for tips, tricks, tools and even direct lines to surplus scam baits that you can grab and have fun with.  Way too much fun.

Najakcharmer -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 7:26:50 PM)

Looks like our lad really likes his Ru Paul country girl with butfudgeitis.  He's declaring his love already and sending sappy poetry.  Had to respond.  The full name that will be pulled out of the hat in a few more emails, for the purposes of getting a photo of him holding up a sign with "my name" on it, will of course be Imma Dilldoe.   So here's what I wrote him. 

Oh, you are so sweet and romantic and funny. Especially funny. In fact you remind me of a "funny uncle" I once had, before he died of AIDS in prison. He touched me so deeply. Right on my hoo-hoo-dilly. They all said that was wrong, and that's why he ended up in prison as the unfortunate butt-boy of a large and unclean man who enjoyed wearing silk lederhosen while smoking cigars, but what do they know of love. I can see that you want to touch me that way too.

You might just be my soulmate, but are you sure that you are really adventurous enough? I am not the usual kind of Ru Paul country girl you know. I like many things and some of them are pretty strange. I need to know if I can trust you enough to tell you the things I like to do.

What things do you like to do? In the bed room I mean.

- Imma D.

twistedwillow -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 8:42:33 PM)

LOL, OMG, i logged in this afternoon, to exactly the same email, his dad is dead, his ma is sick and he has a brother who he loves... yada yada.

Basically  he rambles a whole heap anuffin![:D]

at least i can say yay, i got spammed on cm, now i dont feel like such an outcast... i is wonada fambly now..

edited to add,  and i'm loving your replies to him Najak, cracking me up, this could be my new day time soapy drama.


Powerman40 -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 8:50:16 PM)

I have been busted....
now what to do. what to do.. perhaps I should change my profile and become a female..[:@]

LadySeraphina -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 8:58:10 PM)

Fantastic! I shall stay tooned - same bat-time, same bat-station.

Najakcharmer -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 8:58:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: twistedwillow

LOL, OMG, i logged in this afternoon, to exactly the same email, his dad is dead, his ma is sick and he has a brother who he loves... yada yada.

Let's both play with him, shall we?  Email me on the other side.  We could have real fun with a jealousy thing later on when we "find out" that the dirty rat has been courting us both. 

Get a gmail or hushmail address for baiting.  If you need a gmail invite I've got plenty.  Remember that you can say just about ANYTHING to these guys and they will eat it up, since their Engrish not so goodness and they're working off a standardized scam script for the most part.  With a little work you can create a real masterpiece.  A little more work and you can get them to take photos of themselves holding up a sign with "your name" (in my case "Imma Dilldoe") or "your company's name" on it.  Be creative.  These photos can be posted and shared as trophies of your good work.  [8D]

The ethics of scambaiting are that the more of the scammer's time you waste amusing yourself, the less time the asswipe has to scam somebody who might actually fall for it.   Works for me. 

Najakcharmer -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 9:00:32 PM)

I want to set up a poll. What plot twists should I introduce next?

1. Imma Dilldoe is a dominatrix who likes men who dress up in women's clothes. In particular she has a fetish for the combination of pantyhose or women's panties and cigars. Lederhosen will also do. Send photos please.
2. Imma Dilldoe is actually a cross dressed man who wants true love and acceptance for the woman he really is inside, even though his transsexual surgery hasn't been scheduled yet.
3. Imma Dilldoe enjoys anal play and men who stick things in their rectums. Send photos please.

twistedwillow -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 9:05:06 PM)

lol sounds good, i'll go set up an email addy now.

i seriously need a life, im all excited now.!


mgdartist -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 9:50:32 PM)

o ffs!
now you tell me.
during the month of sept and oct i must have had a dozen beautiful black girls from across the ocean after me. I had a little fun, but nothing like you are getting to, and eventually ran them all off telling them i'd NEVER send them a dime. They still kept coming back, as i guess they thought I was lying, and were ever so ripe to be back-scammed...had I had a clue how.

no, not me, always the straight shooter buh buh buh..arrgh...woulda been so fun...had some russians ones last summer too.

DAYYUUMM i missed out.

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/4/2006 9:53:02 PM)

lol where do they got to school to become PROFESSIONAL ENGENEERING MANAGER that they're taught such illiteracy.

MmakeMme -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/5/2006 5:59:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Najakcharmer

I'm posting the full correspondence on http://forums.four1nine.com/showthread.php?t=115 I can only post my side of it here.  You may need to register for those forums to see the posts, because they don't want them searchable by scammers.

So after hearing that I have butfudgeitis (and lots of money), our delightfully sincere fellow has written back with an expressed wish to kill himself because life is so bleak and lonely, a wish that we should meet someday and give him hope to live, and some love poetry - all in VERY BAD mugu-bonics.   This was my reply:

That is such sweet poetry. It echoes in my ears like the flushing sound of water down a commode. You know, the old fashioned kind of commode in an outhouse with a crescent moon on the door and lots of corncobs stacked next to it to wipe off your hoo-hoo-dilly. You see, I am a good old fashioned country girl and I miss those days.

Please don't consider killing yourself, at least not until you have provided me lots of amusement. I am sure you are going to be able to make me smile and laugh many times. So please be looking forward to our beautiful correspondence and don't even think of ending your life. I am really looking forward to seeing your picture. I should tell you my real first name, which is Imma. I didn't want to use my real name on that other site. But we are building trust between us so I will tell you.

I don't know if we can really have trust in one other yet, we are still just strangers passing like ships in the night. Kind of like the Titanic and that iceberg. And how can we meet if you are in West Africa caring for your ailing mum? Maybe you can explain these things to me since I am just a simple country girl like Ru Paul. Do you like Ru Paul? She is my favorite country singer and my personal idol.

[image]http://forums.four1nine.com/images/misc/progress.gif[/image] - Imma

~weeeeeeeping~ Ohhhhhhhhhh GOD.

MmakeMme -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/5/2006 6:00:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Najakcharmer

I want to set up a poll. What plot twists should I introduce next?

1. Imma Dilldoe is a dominatrix who likes men who dress up in women's clothes. In particular she has a fetish for the combination of pantyhose or women's panties and cigars. Lederhosen will also do. Send photos please.
2. Imma Dilldoe is actually a cross dressed man who wants true love and acceptance for the woman he really is inside, even though his transsexual surgery hasn't been scheduled yet.
3. Imma Dilldoe enjoys anal play and men who stick things in their rectums. Send photos please.


LotusSong -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/5/2006 6:53:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Najakcharmer

Looks like our lad really likes his Ru Paul country girl with butfudgeitis.  He's declaring his love already and sending sappy poetry.  Had to respond.  The full name that will be pulled out of the hat in a few more emails, for the purposes of getting a photo of him holding up a sign with "my name" on it, will of course be Imma Dilldoe.   So here's what I wrote him. 

Oh, you are so sweet and romantic and funny. Especially funny. In fact you remind me of a "funny uncle" I once had, before he died of AIDS in prison. He touched me so deeply. Right on my hoo-hoo-dilly. They all said that was wrong, and that's why he ended up in prison as the unfortunate butt-boy of a large and unclean man who enjoyed wearing silk lederhosen while smoking cigars, but what do they know of love. I can see that you want to touch me that way too.

You might just be my soulmate, but are you sure that you are really adventurous enough? I am not the usual kind of Ru Paul country girl you know. I like many things and some of them are pretty strange. I need to know if I can trust you enough to tell you the things I like to do.

What things do you like to do? In the bed room I mean.

- Imma D.

  This is too funny!!!! You are on a ROLL GIRL!!
(You are only in your 30's but there is a wonderful saying  - that I can't quite recall that this reminds me of)
"Youth and enthusiasm are no match for old age and treachery" (or something like that :)

ShreveportMaster -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/5/2006 9:38:28 AM)

Oh this is priceless, right out of the sap opera (yes sap, not soap) "As the stomach turns"
I also vote for #3, preferably large spiky things...like barrel cactus.
One thing did surprise Me, I thought Beverly Sills was your favorite Country singer!
We shall have to give you some type of honor for this fine service...Ah! I have it, You shall be inducted into the Wheredafuckarewe tribe and given the name Big Chief pain in the ass.
Keep us posted, and keep up the good work (and make sure your 13 y/o role play gorean magic ninja assasin makes an apperance.)

                                                                        I wish you well,

Jeniluscious -> RE: Oh funny....I got a Nigerian romance scammer (12/5/2006 9:50:16 AM)

Couldn't you mix 1 and 3?  "Now stick this up yer bum but DO NOT run the pantyhose or there will be repercussions of most grave magnitude!"
OR he could use the cigar, you betcha.

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