RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (Full Version)

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thetammyjo -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 9:43:43 AM)



Interesting though, if I'm not mistaken, Arabia and Persia are distinctly different than the Orient.


Depends. Until fairly recently in history the "Orient" could include anything east Greece. For the Roman Greece is somethings boxed up in the same category as the Near East and farther east depending on what they are bitching about in their literature.

There's a divide of Oriental and Occidental -- or East and West -- popular in most pre-modern western literature. We divide things up more I think because we are more aware of differences between cultures.

Rover -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 9:56:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: thetammyjo



Interesting though, if I'm not mistaken, Arabia and Persia are distinctly different than the Orient.


Depends. Until fairly recently in history the "Orient" could include anything east Greece. For the Roman Greece is somethings boxed up in the same category as the Near East and farther east depending on what they are bitching about in their literature.

There's a divide of Oriental and Occidental -- or East and West -- popular in most pre-modern western literature. We divide things up more I think because we are more aware of differences between cultures.

Not to be perceived as slicing hairs, but most people west of Turkey see the "Middle East" (for example).  And it's those "Middle Eastern" cultures themselves that have (centuries old) divisions such as "Persian" and "Arab".  For them, it is a deep and meaningful distinction both historically and today.
If I'm not mistaken, the same can be said about the "Far East" including the Japanese, Chinese, Mongolians, Koreans, etc. 
I've always been under the impression that their distinctions are significantly more numerous, and historical, than our Western distinctions for the same region.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:06:52 AM)
Code d0Odalisque
Have you ever heard of....

Missokyst -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:18:18 AM)

Seems like a good job if one could find it.  Being kept, groomed for pleasure to serve the guy who supports you, and none of it painful or difficult.  Having someone care for all your needs of shelter and keeping you soft and supple too.  You wouldn't have to work except keeping your mate sexually content.
Oh wait.. there are such places!!
Looks like the rich guys found an easy way to seek arm candy.

thetammyjo -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:23:55 AM)




ORIGINAL: thetammyjo



Interesting though, if I'm not mistaken, Arabia and Persia are distinctly different than the Orient.


Depends. Until fairly recently in history the "Orient" could include anything east Greece. For the Roman Greece is somethings boxed up in the same category as the Near East and farther east depending on what they are bitching about in their literature.

There's a divide of Oriental and Occidental -- or East and West -- popular in most pre-modern western literature. We divide things up more I think because we are more aware of differences between cultures.

Not to be perceived as slicing hairs, but most people west of Turkey see the "Middle East" (for example). And it's those "Middle Eastern" cultures themselves that have (centuries old) divisions such as "Persian" and "Arab". For them, it is a deep and meaningful distinction both historically and today.

If I'm not mistaken, the same can be said about the "Far East" including the Japanese, Chinese, Mongolians, Koreans, etc.

I've always been under the impression that their distinctions are significantly more numerous, and historical, than our Western distinctions for the same region.


We were talking about the French concepts here in this thread -- they would certainly use western terms and see the world in a western way. I'm not talking about objective reality, just the concepts that the OP brought forth.

roughleather -> This is fiction. (12/30/2006 10:54:50 AM)

This is copied from something some wanker wrote on [slut-wife-stories] in 2005.

Missokyst -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 11:00:35 AM)

I forgot to mention one more thing.  If someone is kept as a sex slave it doesn't mean they are there for their pleasure.  It means they are solely for use, whether or not they get pleasure back would be irrelevant.
So, if the keeper was a 5 second cum, then the pleasure slave has done her job. 
Now.. if only the guard at the door was not a eunich!

losttreasure -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 11:10:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: bandit25

juliet...will you call mine too?  He may be a bit more open to it if you tell him.

Add mine to the list, too!  [:D]  Who cares if it isn't really ancient or historical?  It sounds wonderful!

bandit25 -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 11:14:22 AM)

You got it!  Anyone else...adding to the call list.

Noah -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 12:13:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: dawntreader

i am interested in people's thoughts on this:

"Recently, another style of consensual slave-play has emerged. It is called "Code d' Odalisque". This is a rewriting of the ancient sex slave traditions of the Orient. It is a male dominant/ female submissive style in which a woman voluntarily plays the role of willing sex slave to a male Slavekeeper who uses her for his sexual gratification. This is a non-Sado-masochism style - the woman is kept as an exclusive pleasure slave. Nor is she a beast of burden. In the ancient exotic traditions of the East attractive female slaves were selected to serve as sex slaves in the Sultan's harem. They were saved from toil and their beauty preserved as they are put to a life of pleasure. Such slaves are called "odalisques" (a French version of a Turkish word.) An odalisque is a female sexual servant."

The "Code d' Odalisque"
Go read now at your risk
Of ancient perves
How they were served
Their pots of musky bisque

From far 'cross the prime meridian
(decried in books from Gideon)
The heaving thrust
Of tales of lust
So counter to the quotidian

Recently rewritten,
Handed down from asians, smitten
Who gave the dirty
Without the hurty
To their pampered, dripping kittens

It was sexual surrender
Before there were cars (or fenders)
Over which to fold
That slave of old
Thereby to plumb her splendors

Ingres portrayed the haunches
Which, viewed from over paunches,
Caused all but eunuchs
To drop their tunics
And countdown their own wee launches

Girls who read the rules and learn them
Find sultans will not spurn them
Though feminists
May feel they're dissed
And try to overturn them

Doms, put away your whips and chains
(Does the prospect make you nervous?)
Dawntreader feels that what's germain
Is a tenderer sort
Of sexual service.

marieToo -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 12:21:35 PM)

that was pretty fuckin cool.

nephandi -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 12:36:29 PM)

Yes Master Nosatrhro, there ofen were slaves in harems, though not all harm women was sex slaves or even slaves at all and most did not tipptoe around in pretty dresses.

One side note to if you aalow Master. In many parts of the world curtisans was the most free of women, expensive prostitutes and companions for hire that could use the money they erned to live free of a man`s control, so most of them were far som slaves.

mnottertail -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 12:45:24 PM)


That don't plug no holes.


Noah -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 12:45:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: marieToo

that was pretty fuckin cool.

Aw shucks.

blmtrsne -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" for a Mistress (12/30/2006 1:51:28 PM)

Sounds interesting. But why only a harem for a man? I can imagine a wealthy woman wanting her proper love slaves by the hand. Let's castrate the guys and develop a device to get their penis hard whenever electronically switched on. It should only be a matter of blocking a few blood-vessols so the blood stays in the penis... Seems man get to be so much nicer when they are treated this way...

nephandi -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" for a Mistress (12/30/2006 1:53:21 PM)

Poor men :O

Fawne -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 3:27:33 PM)

Love the poem, Noah! Creativity abounds :)

Oh, come on, people... think about it.
Who owned slaves? The very rich. ( mostly)

Possibly - could it have been a status symbol to own lucious slaves who solely serve sexually?

The prince would want the finest horse in the land, why not a lush, silky slave? 

The very rich today DO have servants for different jobs. A chef, a household staff, a driver, maybe a nanny... and hell, who knows... they could hire high class hookers for the sex.  (clearly, she won't do windows). Yeah..  the luxury car, an ostentatous house, front row Knicks tickets... some people "got it like that"

But, yes .... today - most of us multi task it... right?

Does that mean it is or was always so for absolutely everyone?

thetammyjo -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" for a Mistress (12/30/2006 4:22:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: blmtrsne

Sounds interesting. But why only a harem for a man? I can imagine a wealthy woman wanting her proper love slaves by the hand. Let's castrate the guys and develop a device to get their penis hard whenever electronically switched on. It should only be a matter of blocking a few blood-vessols so the blood stays in the penis... Seems man get to be so much nicer when they are treated this way...

I have an imaginary one on my website... I rarely update it anymore. I don't find many celebrities as attractive as I used to.

TPEOwner -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 4:57:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: dawntreader

i am interested in people's thoughts on this:

"Recently, another style of consensual slave-play has emerged. It is called "Code d' Odalisque". This is a rewriting of the ancient sex slave traditions of the Orient. It is a male dominant/ female submissive style in which a woman voluntarily plays the role of willing sex slave to a male Slavekeeper who uses her for his sexual gratification. This is a non-Sado-masochism style - the woman is kept as an exclusive pleasure slave. Nor is she a beast of burden. In the ancient exotic traditions of the East attractive female slaves were selected to serve as sex slaves in the Sultan's harem. They were saved from toil and their beauty preserved as they are put to a life of pleasure. Such slaves are called "odalisques" (a French version of a Turkish word.) An odalisque is a female sexual servant."

My thought is, so?  There are as many codes of living as there are people who have lived.  Why does what some other person thought was important enough for them to write down make any difference to me?  Sure, they can make enteraining reading, and perhaps there is an idea or two that might appeal enough to pick it out and try it, but adapt my life to some silly code most likely written by a chat room dom in his mother's basement?  Next thing you know someone will try and base bdsm relationships on bad juvenile science fiction stories about some warrior planet on the other side of the sun.

Nosathro -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 5:37:09 PM)

greetings nephandi
Yes you correct, harems girls were not just sex slaves.  Yes a Courtesan was a "Free Woman" but she was only allowed in Court at the grace of some Noble.  They remained in Court so long as they performed duties their benefactor required.  Some Courtesans retired wealthy, others died under mysterious circumstances. 
I wish you well



ORIGINAL: nephandi

Yes Master Nosatrhro, there ofen were slaves in harems, though not all harm women was sex slaves or even slaves at all and most did not tipptoe around in pretty dresses.

One side note to if you aalow Master. In many parts of the world curtisans was the most free of women, expensive prostitutes and companions for hire that could use the money they erned to live free of a man`s control, so most of them were far som slaves.


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