RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (Full Version)

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ChasingOblivion -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/12/2009 9:40:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: julietsierra


ORIGINAL: Phoenix2raven

i've served as both an odalisque and a seneschal, but neither separately. i can't see sitting around the harem all day eating Ben & Jerry's, waiting to be called on for cock servce, without at some time having to take phone messages, go grocery shopping, or get the car fixed ;)

CHAUFFER! Yes! Add that to my list of jobs he needs to hire someone for!! This is getting better and better!!


Seriously!! Where do I sign up??

Missokyst -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/12/2009 10:08:33 PM)

I keep thinking of how much sex I would get out of a guy who has to take care of a harem.  Food, water, treats, candies.. a few minutes of sex once a month, and the rest of the time conversing with a eunuch.  I hope the eunuch is witty.

ORIGINAL: ChasingOblivion


ORIGINAL: julietsierra


ORIGINAL: Phoenix2raven

i've served as both an odalisque and a seneschal, but neither separately. i can't see sitting around the harem all day eating Ben & Jerry's, waiting to be called on for cock servce, without at some time having to take phone messages, go grocery shopping, or get the car fixed ;)

CHAUFFER! Yes! Add that to my list of jobs he needs to hire someone for!! This is getting better and better!!


Seriously!! Where do I sign up??

leadership527 -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/13/2009 6:18:49 AM)

Well, my immediate thought is that the very last thing in the entire world that this community needs is yet more poorly defined jargon to describe a very simple concept. We especially don't need one rooted vaguely in some half-reconstituted pseudo-history -- it just reeks of the whole ancient secret order thing. Will we be having arguments next about whether someone is a real odalisque or not?

Let's get serious here for just one second before we go back into fantasy land. Come on folks. I tell carol to do stuff. Sometimes she does it, sometimes not. For the most part, that decision is determined by my skills and abilities as a leader and hers as a follower. There ya go... subs/slaves/doms/masters/sultans/odalisques/kings/concubines/kajiras ... all of it. done! Even top/bottom might (I don't know enough to comment well) fit into that model. About the only qualifier that's worth mentioning is any known limits and even that is mostly empty space since limits have a real tendency to change relationship to relationship.

Here's a little safety tip.... you are not that special. We are not that special. The only thing that makes any of this worth talking about at all is that when it works, it can be a great thing. But there is really no need to redefine history or reality in order to get to that.

I now return this thread to it's regularly scheduled flight of fancy. Please return your keyboard trays to their folded and upright position.


Losttreasure said:
The founders of this code obviously felt that BDSM does not embrace all possible permutations of submissive and slavery... particularly ones that don't involve S&M and the degradation of a slave. From what I've seen, I'd have to agree.

Perhaps people wouldn't feel the need to try to justify what it is that they enjoy if they weren't made to feel illegitimate

*shrugs* I can certainly sympathize. But isn't it just easier to say, as I do, "I'm not into BDSM" if you feel you don't belong in the group? Isn't it easier just to take out the jargon which serves no purpose anyway rather than add to it?

littlewonder -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/13/2009 6:49:44 AM)'s what we call a "kept woman" or "Mistress" today.

Prinsexx -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/13/2009 3:05:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: dawntreader

i am interested in people's thoughts on this:

"Recently, another style of consensual slave-play has emerged. It is called "Code d' Odalisque". This is a rewriting of the ancient sex slave traditions of the Orient. It is a male dominant/ female submissive style in which a woman voluntarily plays the role of willing sex slave to a male Slavekeeper who uses her for his sexual gratification. This is a non-Sado-masochism style - the woman is kept as an exclusive pleasure slave. Nor is she a beast of burden. In the ancient exotic traditions of the East attractive female slaves were selected to serve as sex slaves in the Sultan's harem. They were saved from toil and their beauty preserved as they are put to a life of pleasure. Such slaves are called "odalisques" (a French version of a Turkish word.) An odalisque is a female sexual servant."

Re-inventing history is jusy like trying to re-invent the wheel.

LaTigresse -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/13/2009 3:17:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: RogerWilco

Interesting to me that there are very few techniques in the "Arts of Pleasure" described in any of the groups for the Code d' Odalisque. I have learned quite a few over the years but am reluctant to share them with anyone by my women. Hmmm, maybe that's why.

I was reading through this thread thinking....."Wow (insert name) is posting again!" .........then I noticed the date the thread began and wanted to bitchslap the person that resurrected it.[:@]

Aylee -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/13/2009 3:19:07 PM)

So, do the weal and twue Odalisques practice foot binding? 

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