RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (Full Version)

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nephandi -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 6:15:04 PM)

Yes Master that is so. But then in times past a woman was often just alowed to be anywere, court, her home and so on on the mercy of some noble, but she was at least free to go to if she wished, a curtisan that disliked her employer could leve, where a wife would not, she could speak against him, she might then be out of a job, but at least she could.

May i wish you well.

Nosathro -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 7:13:19 PM)

greetings nephandi
A good friend of mine who plays a Courtesan at Renaissance Faires really has researched it and tells some interesting stories.  It is true some were very sucessful.  But many were not.  No, she just could not just leave her employer, in many cases that either landed her in prison or proverty if she was lucky.  Speaking out against a Noble, regardless of who he was, got her killed in most cases.  Courtesans did not come from Noble Families, most were recruited from the streets.  Their Benefactor bought their clothing, apartment, etc and in return she did his/her bidding.  She was not a slave in the strict sense but the term that applied was a "Kept Woman".   My Friend tells me that the best Courteasan were not the one who were beautiful but the ones who could keep a secret.
I wish you well

dawntreader -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 7:19:49 PM)



Doms, put away your whips and chains
(Does the prospect make you nervous?)
Dawntreader feels that what's germain
Is a tenderer sort
Of sexual service.

Noah, i am quite flattered to be included in your delightful poem :-)
At the beginning of my journey , before i had experienced ANYTHING, i was thinking along those lines and when presented with this info , felt pretty drawn to it.

however, i have since been exposed to a few things and discover how erotic "a little" pain can be :-)  Today i came across the article again as i was cleaning off my computer bookmarks and thought it might make for an interesting topic and it has! i have enjoyed reading all the responses but you get the gold star for creating a poem! and putting me in it!

Angelaktariel -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 7:33:11 PM)

How interesting.....that is exactly what I am looking for, someone to serve us sexually, both my husband and I.  I am so glad there is name for it now...hehehehe

Noah -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 9:09:58 PM)


however, i have since been exposed to a few things and discover how erotic "a little" pain can be :-) 

As they say in Canada: "The longest journey begins with a single step, eh?"


Today i came across the article again as i was cleaning off my computer

Wow. So you really liked it a lot, then.
You will wipe that off before re-filing it, won't you?


bookmarks and thought it might make for an interesting topic and it has! i have enjoyed reading all the responses but you get the gold star for creating a poem! and putting me in it!

I've enjoyed it too. You're welcome.

Firsttime -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 9:44:05 PM)



I found this at
An odalisque was a virgin female slave, who could rise in status to being a concubine or a wife in Ottoman Seraglios, but most of whom tended to the harem of the Turkish sultan. The word appears in a French form, and originates from the Turkish odalık, meaning "chambermaid", from oda, "chamber" or "room". Some writers spell the word as, odahlic, odalisk, and odaliq. An odalisque was not a concubine of the harem, but it was possible that she could become one. Odalisques were ranked at the bottom of the social stratification of a harem, serving not the sultan, but rather, his concubines and wives as personal chambermaids. Odalisques were usually slaves given as gifts to the sultan, although some Georgian and Caucasian families urged their daughters to enter a harem as an odalisque, hoping that they might become a palace concubine, favored slave, or wife of the sultan. Generally, an odalisque was never seen by the sultan, but instead remained under the direct supervision of the Valide sultan. If an odalisque was of extraordinary beauty or had exceptional talents in dancing or singing, she would be trained as a possible concubine. If selected, an odalisque trained as a concubine would serve the sultan sexually, and only after such sexual contact would she change in status, becoming thenceforth, a concubine. In the Ottoman Empire, concubines encountered the sultan only once, unless being especially skilled in dance, singing, or the sexual arts, and thus gaining his attention. If a concubine's contact with the sultan resulted in the birth of a son, she would become one of his wives.
In popular use, the word odalisque also may refer, rather inappropriately given the virgin nature of these slaves, to a mistress, concubine, or paramour of a wealthy man.  In Western culture during the 19th century, odalisques became common fantasy figures in the artistic movement known as Orientalism, being featured in many erotic paintings from that era.

Noah -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:01:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Firsttime

In popular use, the word odalisque also may refer, rather inappropriately given the virgin nature of these slaves, to a mistress, concubine, or paramour

In fact that was how harems got started. This sultan from Brooklyn says to himself: "Yo, if one odalisque is dis much fun, I should have at least paramour."

Phoenix2raven -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:16:23 PM)

i've served as both an odalisque and a seneschal, but neither separately. i can't see sitting around the harem all day eating Ben & Jerry's, waiting to be called on for cock servce, without at some time having to take phone messages, go grocery shopping, or get the car fixed ;)

velvetears -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:18:13 PM)

Didn't read through all the posts but the first thing that came to mind for me is a "Sugar Daddy's" girl.  He's usually wealthy and older, maybe good looking maybe not, unimportant really and she is usually young, beautiful, with a great body.  Their relationship is based on an exchange of service - status/wealth for beauty/sex.  Only difference - she can leave when ever she wants - usually when the money runs out lol. 

julietsierra -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:27:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Phoenix2raven

i've served as both an odalisque and a seneschal, but neither separately. i can't see sitting around the harem all day eating Ben & Jerry's, waiting to be called on for cock servce, without at some time having to take phone messages, go grocery shopping, or get the car fixed ;)

CHAUFFER! Yes! Add that to my list of jobs he needs to hire someone for!! This is getting better and better!!


catize -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/30/2006 10:31:52 PM)




ORIGINAL: Firsttime

In popular use, the word odalisque also may refer, rather inappropriately given the virgin nature of these slaves, to a mistress, concubine, or paramour

In fact that was how harems got started. This sultan from Brooklyn says to himself: "Yo, if one odalisque is dis much fun, I should have at least paramour."

Puns are the humor of sadists!   Ow, hee hee, ouch!

nephandi -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/31/2006 3:17:22 AM)

Master, my knowledge is more of spesific ereas, so i guess you are right and yes, the life of a curtesan that was sucsesfull was probably quite good, but the life of an unsucsesfull one was not so good, and ofcourse whatever or not she could leve depended on whatever or not she could get new work to food herself orself ofcourse she would starve.

But then than is the case many places and many profession, even somtimes to day, pepole are held captive by work or by their husband or family becouse they can not fend for themself in the way of getting enough moeny to live, so they have no choice but to continue working and do as they are told.

May i wish you well Mester, and wish you a happy New Year.

AquaticSub -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/31/2006 3:43:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: dawntreader

i am interested in people's thoughts on this:

"Recently, another style of consensual slave-play has emerged. It is called "Code d' Odalisque". This is a rewriting of the ancient sex slave traditions of the Orient. It is a male dominant/ female submissive style in which a woman voluntarily plays the role of willing sex slave to a male Slavekeeper who uses her for his sexual gratification. This is a non-Sado-masochism style - the woman is kept as an exclusive pleasure slave. Nor is she a beast of burden. In the ancient exotic traditions of the East attractive female slaves were selected to serve as sex slaves in the Sultan's harem. They were saved from toil and their beauty preserved as they are put to a life of pleasure. Such slaves are called "odalisques" (a French version of a Turkish word.) An odalisque is a female sexual servant."

So... I get pampered and then used for sex? Sounds good to me!

nephandi -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/31/2006 3:48:38 AM)

For me to, do the pampering include chocholate, nice clothes and as many books as i can read? sign me up. :D lol.

AquaticSub -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/31/2006 3:50:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi

For me to, do the pampering include chocholate, nice clothes and as many books as i can read? sign me up. :D lol.

Oooo... it's even better then I thought. Do you think it comes with a personal martial arts instructor as well? I've been working on losing some weight and that would make me better able to defend my owner's property!

nephandi -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/31/2006 3:53:22 AM)

That would be nice yes. i am rather partial to ninjutsu, what martial arts instructor would you like. Aslo a personal beauty therapist is a must and perhaps a lifetime suply of X Box games :D

losttreasure -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/31/2006 9:54:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: LordODiscipline

All well and good - but, where is the basis for calling it (even partially) ancient and/or historical?

Seems another method of people to state that what they are doing is "legitimate" because it has "history" (*where none exists previously)

Fantasy play with "codified" assignments?



ORIGINAL: dawntreader

i am interested in people's thoughts on this:

"Recently, another style of consensual slave-play has emerged. It is called "Code d' Odalisque". This is a rewriting of the ancient sex slave traditions of the Orient. It is a male dominant/ female submissive style in which a woman voluntarily plays the role of willing sex slave to a male Slavekeeper who uses her for his sexual gratification. This is a non-Sado-masochism style - the woman is kept as an exclusive pleasure slave. Nor is she a beast of burden. In the ancient exotic traditions of the East attractive female slaves were selected to serve as sex slaves in the Sultan's harem. They were saved from toil and their beauty preserved as they are put to a life of pleasure. Such slaves are called "odalisques" (a French version of a Turkish word.) An odalisque is a female sexual servant."

Okay... to be fair I did go to the website provided and do a bit of reading.  The following is provided in the FAQ:

Where did Code d' Ode come from?  It grew out of our personal dissatisfaction with existing genres of slave play. We wanted a style of play just for the sex slave, the bedroom slave. Code d' Odalisque is a codification of this style. It draws upon the opulent slave traditions of the Near East, ancient Egypt, the Levant, Persia, Turkey. It is adapted for contemporary heterosexual adults.

I do feel that a bit of historical license is taken by creating the impression that slavery with the primary intent of sexual use was in any way codified or "opulent".  However, I believe there is enough historical evidence to show that there were at least some instances where women were kept in relative luxury for the purpose of satisfying the sexual desires of a powerful man.  The Persian King Ahasuerus comes to mind with regard to the tale of Esther... and we've all been exposed to stories of Sultans and their harems.  Whether these accounts are accurate or complete, is another issue altogether and beside the point. 

In essence, Code d'Odalisque is a codification of the idea of a pampered slave dedicated to sexual service based on impressions from historical and ancient writings.  The founders of this code obviously felt that BDSM does not embrace all possible permutations of submissive and slavery... particularly ones that don't involve S&M and the degradation of a slave.  From what I've seen, I'd have to agree.

Perhaps people wouldn't feel the need to try to justify what it is that they enjoy if they weren't made to feel illegitimate.

At any rate, it still sounds like fun to me. 

justheather -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (12/31/2006 10:00:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: catize
Puns are the humor of sadists!   Ow, hee hee, ouch!

And here I thought they were just the humor of my particular sadist.

It takes a special kind of guy to make you laugh in agony.

RogerWilco -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/12/2009 6:56:13 PM)

Interesting to me that there are very few techniques in the "Arts of Pleasure" described in any of the groups for the Code d' Odalisque. I have learned quite a few over the years but am reluctant to share them with anyone by my women. Hmmm, maybe that's why.

Huntertn -> RE: "Code d' Odalisque" (6/12/2009 8:44:30 PM)

still at it I see..hello dawntreader.just a hint..the infighting,pickering, and shear boredom caused many of these ladies to take a dive off the no, it was Not all fun and games...Huntertn

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