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Sissy Maid Poll #1

(a) placed in a removable chastity device
  50% (96)
(b) placed in a permanent chastity device
  27% (52)
(c) castrated
  21% (41)

Total Votes : 189

(last vote on : 7/16/2013 1:49:49 PM)
(Poll will run till: -- )
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RE: Sissy Maid Poll #1 - 4/30/2005 6:11:09 PM   

Posts: 131
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ORIGINAL: sissymaidlola

Sissy Maid Poll #1

As a little sissy boy that craves both chastity enforcement and cuckolding from his owning Mistress, should lola be placed in short term chastity confinement, long term chastity confinement, or just simply castrated. The poll options are given above. The logic behind each of them is as follows:

(a) Placed in a removable chastity device for only short periods at a time (i.e., 2-3 days max.). This will enable his sissy "rosebud" to be milked at the end of each short chastisement period ONLY if his Mistress wishes to do so, but at least sissy will be very motivated to work extremely hard at his assigned tasks and chores for Her, and be totally obedient and compliant WRT to all Her other needs and desires, in the hope that She will regularly reward his obeisance and level of servile focus and attention by permitting him the opportunity to dribble his sissy slime in his ruffled panties for Her. Although Mistress has full and total control of his ability to attain sexual release, nevertheless sissy can still hold on to the belief that he might possibly be able to affect his own destiny with hard work and total obedience to his Mistress. Any release that he is permitted will only reinforce his desire to achieve it again and make him constantly aware of what he is being deprived of when release is not granted. There exists a very powerful sexual tension between Domina and sissy with this option.

(b) Placed in a permanent (or as near permanent) chastity device for long periods of time (i.e., weeks or months on end, release from the device being only for health and sanitary maintenance purposes). Since sissy would also be a cuckold, with his Mistress free to take as many real men as She desires, She really has no need to mess with option (a) for Her own sexual satisfaction purpose. The health of sissy would be maintained with anal prostrate milkings and there would be NO promise of any other kind of release. However there would always be the slim hope in sissy's mind that a reward might be forthcoming during one of the rare maintenance release periods. Hope remains eternal for sissy with this option (but that's all). This option may ultimately lead to total resignation and acceptance of his predicament by sissy, thereby negating any of the sexual tension that was present in option (a).

(c) Castrated. The logic for this option from his Mistress' perspective is the same as for option (b) - She doesn't need sissy's releases for Her own sexual pleasure as She has real men boyfriends that provide that service for Her. However, castration would remove any opportunity for Her to derive any amusement from observing sissy's desperate plight that She retains with options (a) and (b). From sissy's perspective, all hope is removed with this option and total resignation to his fate will negate any sexual tension, as described in option (b). However, there is also now nothing to distract him from total dedication to his chores and servile duties, and it is quite probable that he will be much more focused on pleasing and obeying his Mistress than he would be under options (a) or (b). He would also know that he would be of no use to any other Woman so he would probably become even more loyal, and desperate to do anything to please the Mistress to whom he gave the most sublime gift that he could offer anyone - his masculinity !

Thank you for voting.

what if she leaves you?

(in reply to sissymaidlola)
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RE: Fessing up - 4/30/2005 10:59:48 PM   

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Anyway confession: You know I voted for your castration when you first began this thread because I was annoyed with you

Well, they do say that confession is good for the soul, Madame. Sheesh, it's only a poll to determine which option has the D/s dynamic that most appeals to You, Madame, not a friggin' online form to determine the real fate of sissy's family jewels! Hee, hee, did You really believe that voting for option (c) would actually result in sissy being castrated, Madame ? Boy, there's a DumDom born every minute <giggles> ....

Do You normally wish castration on males that annoy You, Madame ? Anyway, how could sissy possibly annoy You ? ... was it sissy's stocking seams ? ... please don't tell him they were crooked again, Madame ? ... OMG, sissy hates it when that happens!


I'm glad you didn't go with that option ...

Well the poll hasn't finished yet, Madame ...


... or all this flirting would be with one sans penis which I kind of like.

You kind of like the flirting or the penis, Madame ? Or the one sans penis ? Perhaps if You posted in French, Madame ?

Respectfrilly Yours,

sissy maid lola


If i don't seem submissive to You, it may be because i'm NOT submissive to You.

(in reply to BlkTallFullfig)
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RE: Fessing up - 5/1/2005 12:10:48 AM   

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ORIGINAL: sissymaidlola
Well, they do say that confession is good for the soul, Madame. Sheesh, it's only a poll to determine which option has the D/s dynamic that most appeals to You, Madame, not a friggin' online form to determine the real fate of sissy's family jewels!


Do You normally wish castration on males that annoy You, Madame

No, I don't normally wish castration; but you annoyed me and you were a sissy, so I thought what use do I have for him; but now am not so sure. I mean a slave (one who cooks, cleans, puts out, lol) wife with a penis might be okay even if he's dressed in shameful gear.


You kind of like the flirting or the penis, Madame ? Or the one sans penis ? Perhaps if You posted in French, Madame ?
sissy maid lola

I mean that flirting is better with men (with all his parts) rather than a person without yah know.
I wish I knew enough french for conversation; I understand enough, but can't remember enough from my 2 semesters to converse.
Hey Sissy, why don't you have any pics in sleeker black or red dresses? M

< Message edited by BlkTallFullfig -- 5/3/2005 11:36:23 AM >


a.k.a. SexyBossyBBW
""Touching was, and still is, and will always be, the true revolution" Nikki Giovanni

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RE: Sissy Maid Poll #1 - 5/1/2005 12:15:48 AM   

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One last thing here - just thought you might find this interesting - radio show about sissies featuring a segment with none other than Dan Savage explaining why he loves sissies.


(the show is down on the main page)

(in reply to sissymaidlola)
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RE: Dan Savage and sissies - 5/1/2005 4:21:15 PM   

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Hi Gordon,

sissy Has become quite a fan of "This American Life (TAL)" over the last few months and he did hear that broadcast on PRI last weekend. Although the program has been around since 1995 it has only been syndicated on sissy's local NPR station for a few months now. sissy Sees from the "TAL" web site that the program on sissies was initially aired at the end of 1996, over eight years ago! The only problem he had with it was the overall premise that being a sissy is synonymous with being gay. From the perspective of the four segments presented in the "TAL" program, the term "sissy" was used to mean "effeminate gay" ... what we used to denote in the seventies and eighties by terms such as "fairy" or "puffda" etc. As many submissive heterosexual male TVs (such as this sissy) on this and other BDSM sites will attest, having a gay sexual orientation has nothing at all to do with having a "sissy" mindset or headspace.

The overall gay bias aside, that "TAL" show on sissies made a number of points that lola clearly endorses in his own writings on this site. Though being gay in 2005 no longer carries much of a stigma in most cosmopolitan areas of the country, being a sissy still very much does, even amongst gay men, as Dan Savage so rightly pointed out. It is this almost universal group subconscious fear, and resultant overt social disgrace, from which lola's own kink ultimately derives. If there was no transphobia there would ultimately be no degradation and humiliation associated with his proclivity ... and where would be the fun in that ?

One of the reasons that transvestitism is such a common proclivity - go do a search on the number of submissive and slave males on this site that identify as "CD", "TV", "TG", "TS", "sissy", "pansy", etc. to see exactly how ubiquitous this kink actually is - is that it involves a base tactile and/or visual fetish (most CDs can get physically turned on simply by the feel of silky underwear and/or seeing themselves in the mirror wearing such pretties), with all kinds of humiliation kinks built on top of it ... being crossdressed may be considered humiliating because the CD fears others will consider him gay (feeds off his own knowledge of homophobia in others), others will consider him simply a weak and effeminate sissy (feeds off his own knowledge of transphobia in others), and possibly even others will think less of him because he now looks like a woman (feeds off of his own knowledge of misogyny and/or male chauvinism in others). In some cases it may even feed off of the CD's own inclinations towards homophobia, transphobia and/or misogyny.

In the case of the sissy maid kink an extra level of degradation (viz., lowering of social status) kicks in because the crossdressed male is now additionally reduced to being merely "servant class." Whichever of these mind games resonate for any particular submissive CD, the ultimate effect of being crossdressed in front of a Dominant Woman (and possibly others) is that the CD feels restricted (due to tight skirts and corsets, etc.), awkward (very feminine clothing such as stockings, foundation garments, petticoats, etc. makes one acutely aware of one's predicament of being a "man in a dress"), and humiliated (fear of being perceived gay and/or weak and/or effeminate) all of which makes the CD feel vulnerable ... and that overall sense of vulnerability is what allows the submissive to ultimately achieve his headspace (subspace).

The second segment of that "TAL" program, which was a reading from a 1942 book called "How To Improve Your Personality" consisting of instructions for men on how to avoid being perceived as effeminate was quite amusing to lola as almost all of the listed unmanly affectations, that a male must avoid and work on changing in order to appear more masculine, are almost exactly the same traits that this male has to work on mastering in order to be a more convincing sissy.

The last segment of that "TAL" program, which was the piece by Dan Savage, is the one that sissy most strongly remembers. The reason for this was because Dan argued that it takes much more courage to be "ostentatiously gay" in public rather than "straight appearing." "Ostentatiously gay" would include being in full drag as a DQ but is certainly not confined to it ... having a lisp or being limp-wristed would also fall into that category, as would wearing makeup and facial piercings, for instance. sissy Fully concurs with Dan's view. sissy Has done parachute jumps, scuba diving, mountain climbing, driven cars way too fast, and so on, but none of these high risk activities required as big an internal struggle in order to get up the courage to do them as going out in public crossdressed for the first time did, although his first parachute jump may have come close. As sissy ends one of his blogs in his journal: "it takes a lot more balls for a man to wear a dress in public than not to."

Nevertheless, just as discretion is the better part of valor, transphobia is the better part of homophobia! What most father's immediately fear if their son comes out of the closet to them and announces that they are gay is NOT that their son might enjoy being sodomized behind closed doors by other men, but more that they might now start showing up at home as some big effeminate sissy, wearing skirts, dresses and makeup and mincing and lisping, etc. Out of sight is out of mind, and most people are really not that bothered what one does in a private sexual situation with someone else, but they are much more concerned how one's own gender expression may immediately impact directly on them, and reflect badly on them in front of others. A perfectly straight son showing up in front of mom and dad with a pink Mohawk haircut, facial piercings and heavy makeup may be much more distressing to a the cliched parents in such a situation than a son wearing his conservative business suit quietly informing his parents that he prefers men to women.

The interesting thing about the so called "sissy" (more accurately, closet dandy) Palestinian father and his "sissy" (more accurately, simply gay) son story of the first segment in that "TAL" program is that the father was most upset with his son being homosexual NOT because he might show up in front of friends and family as some big sissy, or even that he might enjoy the act of sodomy with other men, but simply that he would not produce any progeny to carry on the family name. This is a very "old world" source of homophobia rather than the more common modern ones caused primarily by an abhorrence of sodomy and/or effeminacy.

The Roman Catholic church (and other religions, too) has taught for most of its history that homosexuality was wrong for two basic reasons - first, in its view, sodomy was an unnatural human act (which was presumably widely indulged in by the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah thereby leading to their destruction by an angry God in the Biblical story of Lot) on a par with bestiality and necrophilia; and second, because the act of sodomy was also the sin of Onan - that is, it wasted the human seed unproductively. Up until somewhere around WW2 masturbation (onanism), early withdrawal during sex (a.k.a. coitus interruptus), and the use of contraception (until the availability of the "pill" in the sixties achieved mostly via condoms) were all equally despised and vilified by the RC church for their non-productive nature ... in the eyes of the RC church in particular, but many other Christian churches too, these acts were considered at that time almost as abominable as abortion.

Although homosexuality has now shed the church's stigma of being the sin of Onan, and has even successfully distanced itself from those other "unnatural human acts" of bestiality and necrophilia (a view that originally caused virtually every state of the Union to have anti-sodomy laws on its books, and it is a similar disdain of sodomy that is still behind the current official U.S. military's anti-gay stance) because sodomy is clearly a loving and consensual activity where those other acts are neither loving nor consensual, it is still plagued with being associated with rampant effeminacy and sissiness. The cliched view of society is still that most gays are limp-wristed, lisping, over-sensitive effeminate males that spend most of their time in drag.

The real truth of the matter is that the incidence of homosexuality amongst crossdressers is about the same that it is amongst non-CDs ... that is, about 75%-80% of CDs are strictly heterosexual, about 10%-15% are strictly homosexual, and the rest are bisexual (percentages may vary, but if they do, they do not affect the argument being made here). The numbers are actually a little fuzzier than those just cited because many gay guys are lured into doing drag because it is an acceptable gay thing to do, while many heterosexual CDs may cross the line into partaking of homosexual activities (such as cocksucking and anal penetration) when fully en femme and in their submissive male headspace (what in BDSM we normally refer to as "forced bi play" even though much of it is quite voluntary once subspace is attained) because they feel that it increases their submission as males.

The irony of all this is that the biggest remaining stigma against being gay today is probably the general social disapproval of effeminacy and sissiness, while approximately three in every four such sissies are actually straight. But of course there is a big difference between having a sissy mindset (such as many otherwise masculine looking TVs) and actually being physically effeminate. But even real male effeminacy is probably distributed in the same proportions across sexual orientation and is not the unique preserve of those that are gay, although many that are physically effeminate may feel pressured into adopting the gay lifestyle simply because they will not be granted credence by others as heterosexual males.

Anyway, the "TAL" program did a lot more to attract sissy to the work of Dan Savage than those Q&A articles that featured Peyronie's disease, and sissy might not have paid attention to that segment in it by Dan if you hadn't have made him aware of him with your last post, so sissy thanks you for that.


sissy maid lola

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< Message edited by sissymaidlola -- 5/1/2005 4:49:22 PM >


If i don't seem submissive to You, it may be because i'm NOT submissive to You.

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RE: what if she leaves you? - 5/1/2005 4:56:45 PM   

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what if she leaves you?

It's OK, glassdoll, sissy has no intention of becoming "castrasted" ...

sissy maid lola


If i don't seem submissive to You, it may be because i'm NOT submissive to You.

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RE: one who cooks, cleans, puts out - 5/3/2005 9:24:46 AM   

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I mean a slave (one who cooks, cleans, puts out, lol) wife with a penis might be okay even if he's dressed in shameful gear.

Oh boy, Madame, that sure would be nice to have, wouldn't it ? But where on earth could You find a wife willing to do all that ?

Respectfrilly Yours,

sissy maid lola


If i don't seem submissive to You, it may be because i'm NOT submissive to You.

(in reply to BlkTallFullfig)
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RE: Sissy Maid Poll #1 - 5/26/2005 4:10:23 PM   

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Exactly. Gender is all in the mind.

Oh, golly gosh. Is gender really that straightforward?

sissy maid lola


If i don't seem submissive to You, it may be because i'm NOT submissive to You.

(in reply to LadyAngelika)
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RE: Sissy Maid Poll #1 - 5/26/2005 4:17:04 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sissymaidlola


Exactly. Gender is all in the mind.

Oh, golly gosh. Is gender really that straightforward?

sissy maid lola

Well, I wouldn't say "all in the mind" is straight-forward.


~in the begining it is always dark~

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RE: Mental gender - 5/26/2005 9:16:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: perverseangelic

ORIGINAL: sissymaidlola

ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
Exactly. Gender is all in the mind.

Oh, golly gosh. Is gender really that straightforward?

Well, I wouldn't say "all in the mind" is straight-forward.

Whether "all in the mind" is straightforward or not, human gender is more complicated than what goes in any one person's mind, or even the mind of everyone in society. "Mental gender" is but a single aspect of gender as was argued here.

sissy maid lola


If i don't seem submissive to You, it may be because i'm NOT submissive to You.

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RE: Everything has a Purpose - 5/28/2005 2:19:40 PM   

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Note that sexual orientation has nothing at all to do with gender identity. That distinction didn't really become clear to so-called medical and psychological experts until around the 1950s (possibly as late as the 1960s).

Although most experts in this area would now probably acknowledge that human sexual orientation does appear to operate independently from how many people self-identify WRT gender, for sissy to say that these two guises of human sexuality are totally unrelated may be going too far. Sexual orientation is definitely NOT a sixth aspect of gender - the type of person to whom one is sexually attracted has nothing to do with how one personally wishes to present in public gender-wise, nor how one wishes others to perceive and treat one gender-wise - but since they are both themselves different sides of human sexual countenance, they are not totally devoid of some connection with each other either.

The rest of this post attempts to give some possible reasons for why homosexual pair-bonding and lack of reproductive drive (as opposed to sexual drive) may nevertheless still work positively towards the survival and furtherance of any given animal species, humans being considered here to be a highly-developed city-dwelling primate, as offensive an idea as that might be to some. Two main ideas are discussed within what follows.

One is that when any animal species faces over-population relative to the basic supply of food, water and other resources necessary for sustaining its current numbers, the introduction of a natural inhibitor to rampant species reproduction - such as an increase in the incidence of non-reproductive homosexuality within the species population - may be just one natural ecological mechanism invented by Mother Nature to more smoothly put on the skids to self-defeating population increase and thereby helping to avert the imminent disaster (which may quickly progress to mass extinction). If homosexuality in any species is based on genes, a proliferation of those genes within the species as a whole at times when it is in the best interest for the survival of that species to stabilize, or even reduce, its overall population size would be rather an elegant bionomical feedback control mechanism. So much more adaptable and smoothly preemptive than relying solely on the only other alternative population control mechanism to cull excessive numbers - viz., relying on the simpler, yet more drastic, reactive mechanism of "survival of the fittest" to take care of the over-population situation in a much more devasting manner (from the perspective of the stability of the resultant reduced species population in the aftermath of the carnage).

The other idea that is discussed is the concept that non-reproductive homosexual pair-bonds provide a safety net of surrogate child-rearing parents to recover from the fumbles of heterosexual child-rearing pair-bonds that ultimately works towards the furtherance and advancement of the overall species population rather than being simply non-productive and simply an indulgence in the sin of Onan. The fact of the matter is that there are many ways of getting from point A to point B, and rather than being simply evolutionary dead-ends as the moronic religious right like to represent homosexuality, masturbation, chastity, celibacy, asexuality, intersexuality, transgenderism, etc. (i.e., anything other than reproductive monogamous sex being bad WRT the advancement of the human race) many of these aspects of human sexuality may simply represent diverse alternative routes to achieving the same overall goal - i.e., the ultimate survival of mankind (from the overall perspective of the species rather than the perspective of any given individuals, families or specific blood lines within the species).

sissy Has read in various places over the years that the sexual orientation of a human fetus can be impacted by environmental stress on the mother during pregnancy. In times of war, for instance, pregnancies are supposedly more likely to result in non-hetero individuals. If that is true, that might actually be a very good way for humans to respond to overpopulation and the resulting lack of adequate resources for the population. There have been studies done on rats where they are put in overcrowded cages but given adequate food and water. The rats always coexist peacefully under those conditions. However, as soon as food and water resources are subsequently reduced, antisocial behaviors start to manifest, such as violence, but there is also usually a corresponding increase in homosexuality. That would seem to suggest that it is Mother Nature's means to cutting back the unsustainable rat population to better match the reduced resources that it now needs to survive.

sissy Remembers from his reading of Desmond Morris many, many years ago (i.e., The Naked Ape, The Human Zoo, etc.) that when almost any species of animal is put under stress in a zoo (normally due to overcrowding, but there could be lots of other causes) incidences of aggression, masturbation and homosexuality all increase (or are manifested where there were none before). According to Morris, it is the high stress levels that causes the increased occurrence of these traits, although that does NOT mean that increased inter-species aggression, homosexuality or masturbation may not occur for more natural reasons (outside of captivity) in certain species. The case of Wendell and Cass, the two gay penguins at New York Aquarium in Coney Island comes immediately to mind.

In the particular case of these penguins, their homosexuality would appear to be the consequence of the artificial 2:1 ratio of males to females in the aquarium's African Black-Footed penguin population. Now, one could argue that a perceived lack of available mates for an animal that is monogamous and mates with its partner for life is a form of stress. OTOH, according to the article, Cass is a fierce fighter and therefore probably doesn't have to accept his exclusion from the gene pool in the same manner that Wendell (who is "afraid of his own shadow") probably does. If Cass is able to fight off attempts from other male penguins to steal nesting materials from his and Wendell's nest during the mating season, then clearly Cass is genetically more dominant than some of these other partnered males. So it would appear that Cass has chosen his gay lifestyle instead.

The story of Silo and Roy in the Chinstrap penguin population at the Central Park Zoo in New York would appear to suggest a possible reason for why male homosexuality amongst penguins might still make evolutionary sense in the wild rather than being simply an aberration caused by the artificial environmental conditions created by a surplus of males in captivity. In their particular case they were able to take over and successfully rear a surplus egg laid by an inexperienced heterosexual mating pair that might otherwise have been allowed to perish since raising two chicks would probably have been too much of a burden for them. With penguins, the mating female normally only lays a single egg, and the poor male penguin that is left to incubate the egg for the 65-75 days that it takes the egg to hatch will lose almost half his body weight because he has to sit on the egg the entire time, and therefore cannot go off to hunt and eat like the female does. Except for eating some snow, the male penguins rely entirely on their body fat, that they laid down during the summer months, in order to survive the 4-5 month long winter fast while they build a nest, court a female, mate, incubate the resultant egg, and then nurse the young hatchling until the females of the colony return back from their winter sojourn to their nesting families in order to relieve the near-starved males of their solo chick-raising duty (or, at least, to now share some of the responsibilities of this duty).

Outside of the laying of the egg, it is the male of the various penguin species that demonstrates the "maternal instinct" that we humans traditionally associate with the female of our own and other animal species. It is the penguin males that do all the incubating and early nurturing after the egg hatches, and their roles and functions within the penguin colony are much more critical to the survival of the species than that of the female penguins. Should surplus partnerless males naturally occur in the penguin's regular habitat, then homosexual bonding between them makes as much good sense WRT increased evolutionary survival of the species as does the adoption and rearing of the unwanted and abandoned offspring of heterosexual couples by childless lesbian couples does in human society. Far from homosexuality amongst male penguins being an evolutionary dead-end, it may be Nature's way to provide a backup means of recovering from the fumbles (e.g., abandoned eggs) of the heterosexual penguin population.

Of course, the framework of language determines what can and can't be discussed in it, and how we humans discuss the gender and child rearing roles of penguins is limited by the framework imposed upon that discussion by our own human gender and child rearing role stereotypes. We allocate the term "male" to the "sperm producing" gender of a species and the term "female" to the "egg producing" gender of a species because that is how sexual reproduction takes place in humans, and it's all we know, and therefore it is intrinsic to our linguistic gender terminology. If we defined "female" to mean the gender of the species that provides the primary protective and early nurturing of the offspring, women would still be human "females" (although this traditional human gender divide has arguably become somewhat blurred over the last twenty years or so in the West) but the framework for the discussion of penguin sexual and gender roles completely changes, and what we now call the male penguin would become the female of that species.

Or to put it another way, penguins have two separate genders, but the apportioning of basic sexual and breeding roles between those two genders does not conveniently divide out in exactly the same way as it does between the male and female genders of other mammals, especially the primates and homo sapiens. Luckily, unlike humans, penguins are not bogged down with linguistic frameworks and religious, social and political bigotry, and they can just get on with the job of breeding and surviving in whatever manner comes naturally to them.

One of the conclusions that can be drawn from Morris' studies more than 35 years ago, that fellow scientists and anthropologists mostly chose to ignore, is that the human race, despite being highly advanced and intelligent city-dwelling primates, exhibits a relatively high incidence of aberrant behavior such as inter-species aggression (i.e., mass genocide, wars, riots and street crime), homosexuality and masturbation that is only observed on a comparable scale in animals in captivity when they are deprived of basic resources, overcrowded or subjected to other forms of major stress. That is, despite all of our creative sophistication and technical prowess, the "human ape" exhibits many of the traits that only our brethren primates do when under severe stress in captivity, and our advanced city communities are really no more than "human zoos."

sissy Would love to know what the incidence of human homosexuality is in sparsely populated areas of the world, and also to learn much more about how homosexuality manifests in animal populations. sissy Doesn't mind being an inadvertent personal response to overpopulation ... actually, it makes him feel somehow more useful in the overall scheme of things. Of course, he does have sex with women, but he's adopted a very strict personal no-breeding policy. Now, if only there were some spare human eggs that needed incubating sissy's sense of purpose in the Universe might be even more complete!

sissy maid lola

< Message edited by sissymaidlola -- 5/28/2005 2:23:02 PM >


If i don't seem submissive to You, it may be because i'm NOT submissive to You.

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