RE: Attached at the hip !! (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 7:56:57 PM)

would you care to explain how you are where you are today in your  moment of honesty and clarity?

Or will the right honorable member from Yorkshire withdraw from her stance of holyness and purity and refrain from disadvantaging others with her advice or must it be written in the record?

Civil?  A girl test will result in different outcomes than you have fantasized............


missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:06:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

would you care to explain how you are where you are today in your  moment of honesty and clarity?
Sure i'm fine today thank you. Im in my livinroom and my honesty and clarity are just fine. Everyone involved knows everything and its all good.

Or will the right honorable member from Yorkshire withdraw from her stance of holyness and purity and refrain from disadvantaging others with her advice or must it be written in the record?
Im not saying i am holy and pure, i have admitted my mistakes and apologised for them.

Civil?  A girl test will result in different outcomes than you have fantasized............
I havent fantasised about anything and civil?


mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:10:34 PM)


would you care to explain how you are where you are today in your moment of honesty and clarity?
Sure i'm fine today thank you. Im in my livinroom and my honesty and clarity are just fine. Everyone involved knows everything and its all good.

not everyone---------------

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:12:51 PM)

Ok pray tell who doesnt know everything that is involved in this?

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:20:03 PM)

everything as in honesty?

KIJU(think about it you got time), or he wouldn't be asking you for im histories
mr shibari master or he would kick you to the curb
any one who has listened to your abcessed whining and has petted you
Another guy from NY who you shucked and jived
well that is enough for now.


Devilslilsister -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:21:34 PM)


See i'm pretty much the opposite, i've been very independant since the age of 17 so struggle to be dependant on anyone. I've relaxed some what in this recently but still find myself wanting to do things and struggle through on my own. Maybe its my lack of ability to depend on people that causes my struggle to understand in this subject.

Has nothing to do with dependence.  It comes from maybe talking to your Dom once a week and maybe seeing them once a month. (and having issues with that)

I know when i was used to seeing my Dom every weekend and then it dropped down to every month.... it was hard to swallow.  a routine was set up.  The routine changed.  Its not about "all the time" its about TIME.  Talking to the person i am in a relationship once a week, or even twice a week - with a grand total of less than an hour talk time....... yeah it wears on you.  What the hell is the point of being in a relationship with some one you never talk to or rarely interact with.  Its not enough.  If i'm going to make a life long commitment with some one, i expect them to be in my life.  OTHERWISE - make it a casual relationship. 

The problem i think, comes from the whole "new" relationship thing.  Some Dom's set up a standard.. a routine.. of seeing their subs alot... and then things change for no apparent reason.  Thats when it becomes a problem  You get an expectation and then its not met.  And you stand there going wtf.  Trying to re adjust to the "new" situation. 

So yeah, i was one of those subs who dearly wanted to be attached at the hip.  Losing his presence or contact had me trying to mentally re align to days with out him in it.  I adjusted and now he "wants" ah.... more contact?  Which is ALSO hard to adjust to as, now i'm not used to it. 

Personally, i think its all about what you're used too and when a game plan changes, it can throw people for a loop. 

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:24:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

everything as in honesty?

KIJU(think about it you got time), or he wouldn't be asking you for im histories
Ok that never started and he knew everything. The reason he asked for im histories because someone bitter and twisted gave him reason to doubt.
mr shibari master or he would kick you to the curb
I dont have a shibari master so where you get that from i have no idea. The only shibari i have experienced was done by a friend at a munch the day i first met my present Sir.
any one who has listened to your abcessed whining and has petted you
Ok whatever.
Another guy from NY who you shucked and jived
Who would that be, as i have no clue who you are referring too.
well that is enough for now.


Why the big interest in my life Ron?

KnightofMists -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:41:59 PM)

devilslilsister.. that was very insightful prespective that one should consider!  Changing routines are indeed something one should consider!

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:47:41 PM)

no interest in your new(LOLOLOLOL), just wouldn't want anyone to get caught in the vortex.


Mercnbeth -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:51:13 PM)

From the responses we've read we are living an "unhealthy", "unbalanced","needy","clingy","co-dependent"; life together. GUILTY on ALL counts and more. We live with the biggest fear being what would the other do if something happens to one of us. I'm very happy that I'm the Dominant in this situation because I ordered beth, and she's not allowed to die before me.

No we aren't "attached at the hip", if there were a choice on the physical side - the "hip" wouldn't be in the top 5 places. We are attached at the soul. No, I wouldn't believe it possible either, but as it happened, and as beth says; it happens whether you believe it of not.

In some regard I am not happy about the situation and was actually angry at myself for feeling so "co-dependent". Being an only child, I never had a problem going someplace or being alone. It was often a desire to be so, and another's company was never needed for entertainment, diversion, or to have fun. It is not the case in my life today.

Being with beth isn't necessary, but it is preferred. I don't want to experience anything without sharing it with her. I've stated my selfishness with beth and her time many times, sighting it as a reason I required she not work outside my house. One of the key reasons for that is, traveling often for business, I want her with me. Currently our time away is limited to my job, and I'm in process of eliminating or reducing that time. After 4+ years together that hug we share when I come home is just as tight and passionate as it was the first day beth took up residence with me.

But it only works because as I type this, beth's head is resting on my knee and she says she feels the same way. she was more open to the possibility than I was when we met. I didn't believe it possible. But there you have it - it happens.

Now to the questions...

What happened to the things you used to do before you hooked up / moved in with your partner? Did they get given up completely? Some yes. I used to golf a few times a week, now I don't. I used to jog, now I try to use a treadmill because beth's feet prohibit that type of activity. But other than those things we just share the activities we had separately. I still play the piano as much as I did, but now beth is there listening. beth gardens and I'll lug in the soil and watch her toil.
Were you just killing time with hobbies until you found 'the one'? No. You fill up spare time in your life the best way possible. I enjoyed my spare time activities then, I enjoy those I participate in now. The only difference is beth's there - that to me is a big improvement.
Does your life get taken over so completely in your servitude / dominance that you forget how to be just you and do the things you enjoy doing solitarily? No. We acknowledge to each other that for the first times in our lives throughout many relationships, this is the first time we can be comfortable and true to our nature with a partner - ALL the time. It is the reason we don't need "down time". We are "just you", doing, or better said, living is the ultimate way we enjoy.

One last item. Before anyone thinks that we're representing some Utopian existence that everyone should strive to obtain; I assure you that is NOT the case. I'd love everyone to experience it, but wouldn't recommend it. Life is tenuous, and short. In all seriousness, it is a scary thought to be without her, and I can see tears in beth's eyes reading this considering her life without me. Why seek something that ultimately will result in one of you feeling so much pain?

Meanwhile, we have more fun together than should be legally allowed. With any luck, fifty years from now we'll be attending the Folsom Street Fair with beth's wheelchair and the end of a leash attached to my wrist.  

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 8:52:54 PM)

Ron, if there is something you want to tell the people of CM then please feel free to get it off your chest. I'm not sure they actually are interested in the slightest but do go ahead.
I apologised for hurting you and if you cant accept the apology then ok but you need to stop this as its pretty pathetic behaviour trying to disparage me.

mnottertail -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:01:16 PM)

agreed, nevertheless------since it is invited---

I would be wary of anything Joanne says, or does without your actual seeing it, she tends to tell things in a way that leave many blanks.  While she is a pretty good parrot she lacks some very fundamental core traits that would be soliceted by men from women.

Other than that, she is a good gab and all that.

hows that chuckie?

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:04:13 PM)

Thats just fine. You done now?
I'm pretty sure people will judge me as they find me here and not on the words of some pathetic person having a bitch at me in the threads.

raevnn -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:09:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

From the responses we've read we are living an "unhealthy", "unbalanced","needy","clingy","co-dependent"; life together. GUILTY on ALL counts and more. We live with the biggest fear being what would the other do if something happens to one of us. I'm very happy that I'm the Dominant in this situation because I ordered beth, and she's not allowed to die before me.

No we aren't "attached at the hip", if there were a choice on the physical side - the "hip" wouldn't be in the top 5 places. We are attached at the soul. No, I wouldn't believe it possible either, but as it happened, and as beth says; it happens whether you believe it of not.

In some regard I am not happy about the situation and was actually angry at myself for feeling so "co-dependent". Being an only child, I never had a problem going someplace or being alone. It was often a desire to be so, and another's company was never needed for entertainment, diversion, or to have fun. It is not the case in my life today.

Being with beth isn't necessary, but it is preferred. I don't want to experience anything without sharing it with her. I've stated my selfishness with beth and her time many times, sighting it as a reason I required she not work outside my house. One of the key reasons for that is, traveling often for business, I want her with me. Currently our time away is limited to my job, and I'm in process of eliminating or reducing that time. After 4+ years together that hug we share when I come home is just as tight and passionate as it was the first day beth took up residence with me.

But it only works because as I type this, beth's head is resting on my knee and she says she feels the same way. she was more open to the possibility than I was when we met. I didn't believe it possible. But there you have it - it happens.

Now to the questions...

What happened to the things you used to do before you hooked up / moved in with your partner? Did they get given up completely? Some yes. I used to golf a few times a week, now I don't. I used to jog, now I try to use a treadmill because beth's feet prohibit that type of activity. But other than those things we just share the activities we had separately. I still play the piano as much as I did, but now beth is there listening. beth gardens and I'll lug in the soil and watch her toil.
Were you just killing time with hobbies until you found 'the one'? No. You fill up spare time in your life the best way possible. I enjoyed my spare time activities then, I enjoy those I participate in now. The only difference is beth's there - that to me is a big improvement.
Does your life get taken over so completely in your servitude / dominance that you forget how to be just you and do the things you enjoy doing solitarily? No. We acknowledge to each other that for the first times in our lives throughout many relationships, this is the first time we can be comfortable and true to our nature with a partner - ALL the time. It is the reason we don't need "down time". We are "just you", doing, or better said, living is the ultimate way we enjoy.

One last item. Before anyone thinks that we're representing some Utopian existence that everyone should strive to obtain; I assure you that is NOT the case. I'd love everyone to experience it, but wouldn't recommend it. Life is tenuous, and short. In all seriousness, it is a scary thought to be without her, and I can see tears in beth's eyes reading this considering her life without me. Why seek something that ultimately will result in one of you feeling so much pain?

Meanwhile, we have more fun together than should be legally allowed. With any luck, fifty years from now we'll be attending the Folsom Street Fair with beth's wheelchair and the end of a leash attached to my wrist.  

I really enjoyed reading that - thank you both.

You sound very much like my owner and I and we're both pretty well balanced, regardless of being 'attached at the hip.' :)

hisannabelle -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:11:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

From the responses we've read we are living an "unhealthy", "unbalanced","needy","clingy","co-dependent"; life together. GUILTY on ALL counts and more. We live with the biggest fear being what would the other do if something happens to one of us. I'm very happy that I'm the Dominant in this situation because I ordered beth, and she's not allowed to die before me.

No we aren't "attached at the hip", if there were a choice on the physical side - the "hip" wouldn't be in the top 5 places. We are attached at the soul. No, I wouldn't believe it possible either, but as it happened, and as beth says; it happens whether you believe it of not.

In some regard I am not happy about the situation and was actually angry at myself for feeling so "co-dependent". Being an only child, I never had a problem going someplace or being alone. It was often a desire to be so, and another's company was never needed for entertainment, diversion, or to have fun. It is not the case in my life today.

Being with beth isn't necessary, but it is preferred. I don't want to experience anything without sharing it with her. I've stated my selfishness with beth and her time many times, sighting it as a reason I required she not work outside my house. One of the key reasons for that is, traveling often for business, I want her with me. Currently our time away is limited to my job, and I'm in process of eliminating or reducing that time. After 4+ years together that hug we share when I come home is just as tight and passionate as it was the first day beth took up residence with me.

But it only works because as I type this, beth's head is resting on my knee and she says she feels the same way. she was more open to the possibility than I was when we met. I didn't believe it possible. But there you have it - it happens.

Now to the questions...

What happened to the things you used to do before you hooked up / moved in with your partner? Did they get given up completely? Some yes. I used to golf a few times a week, now I don't. I used to jog, now I try to use a treadmill because beth's feet prohibit that type of activity. But other than those things we just share the activities we had separately. I still play the piano as much as I did, but now beth is there listening. beth gardens and I'll lug in the soil and watch her toil.
Were you just killing time with hobbies until you found 'the one'? No. You fill up spare time in your life the best way possible. I enjoyed my spare time activities then, I enjoy those I participate in now. The only difference is beth's there - that to me is a big improvement.
Does your life get taken over so completely in your servitude / dominance that you forget how to be just you and do the things you enjoy doing solitarily? No. We acknowledge to each other that for the first times in our lives throughout many relationships, this is the first time we can be comfortable and true to our nature with a partner - ALL the time. It is the reason we don't need "down time". We are "just you", doing, or better said, living is the ultimate way we enjoy.

One last item. Before anyone thinks that we're representing some Utopian existence that everyone should strive to obtain; I assure you that is NOT the case. I'd love everyone to experience it, but wouldn't recommend it. Life is tenuous, and short. In all seriousness, it is a scary thought to be without her, and I can see tears in beth's eyes reading this considering her life without me. Why seek something that ultimately will result in one of you feeling so much pain?

Meanwhile, we have more fun together than should be legally allowed. With any luck, fifty years from now we'll be attending the Folsom Street Fair with beth's wheelchair and the end of a leash attached to my wrist.  

thanks for this post.

i do not, by any means, think that being attached at the hip (or soul, so to speak) is a codependentnegativebadwrongevil thing in all circumstances. i definitely experienced the hip attachment phenomenon with my previous dominant and in our case it was unhealthy. in this relationship, i think "attached at the soul" fits us pretty well, but we are definitely not attached at the hip...

anyway, i really enjoyed reading your perspective, merc. i can identify especially with where you said that you do the things you enjoy, but now beth is with you. that's how it is with us a lot of the time, although we are not together as much as i or we would like to be.

dawntreader -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:14:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: KnightofMists

There is a big difference between living for Him or Her, which reflects a possible Co-dependency Dynamic

as compared to

Living for US and WE that reflects an Inter-dependent Relationship Dynamic.

Within a Co-dependency Dyanmic.. individuality and independenceare sure to suffer.

Within a Inter-dependent Relationship Dyanmic.. the individuality and independent identity is allowed to grow... but a new indentity also is born.. and that is the WE.  Many can't seem to reconcil the I and We can co-exist.  It's a question of balancing ... to much or to littl e water plant dies.. to much or to little sun and it is just as bad off.  Balancing the needs of the WE with the I is the key.  But I assure you.. if the I takes precedence in the long-term.. there will be no WE. 

i like this explaination :-)

kc692 -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:19:40 PM)

I will say this, there are others that know "the rest of the story" besides the two doms involved.  This is a message board, and sometimes there are personal interactions off the boards.  Not taking sides as this isn't my fight or involves me at all(and I will be through with the subject after this, and plan to treat everyone as cordially as I ever have), but when you put items such as are calling for sympathy.. Wow, big change from hating hurting someone to calling them pathetic, don't you think?  There are two and sometimes 3 sides to the story, but all that was heard (and you brought it up first in that thread ) was your side, and man, it was truly made folks want to have sympathy.  It is always said though that we do not hear both sides to the stories , and therefore sometimes acquire opinions based on one side.  As you can see though, at least one was hurt, and I daresay that you keeping your sig line you have at the moment is probably not the most pleasing to others, since they are not speaking to you either, but again it is not my business.  I only responded to say that Ron is not pathetic by any means, and yes the people here will not base their opinions of him based on your words either, and some will judge you by your words here, and others will judge you by the ones you have made in private.

FukinTroll -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:26:40 PM)

Now I am rather close to this situation and I am sitting here rather stunned out how it has played out in this forum. This has disintegrated into a very dark thing. I would refrain from taking things that evolved in privet into such a public medium. Ron, just back away from it, your point has been made and I will make a few others for you and turn the page on this thread and not look back it. Shame on you misst. You have made thread about your goofs, and now this banter here. You took what was privet and laid it out for the public. Now I am a person that needs time to think hard before I make a decision. I am looking for commitment and am very good at making a commitment. I can make a good commitment because I am very careful with who I invite into my life. Almost 20 years ago I wasn’t so careful and married the girl that picked me up hitch hiking 30 days after that day. Fortune favored this fool and nearly 20 years later I am still committed to her. Now I wanted some time to consider everything after being the second guy in this disaster and after reading all the inconsistencies in your account of this tale, I am happily done.

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:29:01 PM)



I will say this, there are others that know "the rest of the story" besides the two doms involved.  This is a message board, and sometimes there are personal interactions off the boards.  Not taking sides as this isn't my fight or involves me at all(and I will be through with the subject after this, and plan to treat everyone as cordially as I ever have), but when you put items such as are calling for sympathy.. Wow, big change from hating hurting someone to calling them pathetic, don't you think?  There are two and sometimes 3 sides to the story, but all that was heard (and you brought it up first in that thread ) was your side, and man, it was truly made folks want to have sympathy.  It is always said though that we do not hear both sides to the stories , and therefore sometimes acquire opinions based on one side.  As you can see though, at least one was hurt, and I daresay that you keeping your sig line you have at the moment is probably not the most pleasing to others, since they are not speaking to you either, but again it is not my business.  I only responded to say that Ron is not pathetic by any means, and yes the people here will not base their opinions of him based on your words either, and some will judge you by your words here, and others will judge you by the ones you have made in private.

Yes i made that thread and no i wasnt looking for sympathy in it. I was actually only trying to air and get off my chest. There are no sides to take, i admitted my mistakes openly and honsetly. You dont know the whole story, how can you? Have you spoken to me about it? No you havent. I havent asked anyone to judge Ron on anything. I havent dissed him in any way other than to say that bitching at me on the board is probably not the best way to handle it. You have no idea what Ron has threatened or said in private other than the side he has given you so please stay out of what doesnt concern you and you dont know everything about. My shoe sig line offends? Who knew. Seriously i hadnt even thought about it and wasnt aware that the other person concerned wasnt speaking to me. Wonder if he'll be pleased you've advertised who he is?

missturbation -> RE: Attached at the hip !! (3/17/2007 9:31:05 PM)

I didnt bring anything in to this thread and i was done with all this a long time ago. Judge as you wish.

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