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RE: "Subs/Slaves"- Spoiled and Otherwise

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RE: "Subs/Slaves"- Spoiled and Otherwise - 6/18/2007 8:41:55 PM   

Posts: 244
Joined: 8/31/2006
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ORIGINAL: Celeste43

Weird rant with a huge boatload of assumptions.

Why do you assume that every sub here doesn't work, has no money of their own, lives off a man? Because just like in the vanilla world, it isn't true. In today's world it takes two incomes to raise a family.

....................  and you assume it takes 2 incomes to raise a family.  We did it on one income, raised 2 ums, had a very nice home, took vacations and other trips together, always had 2 pretty good wroking vehicles, and sometimes 3.  Neither of our ums wore thrift store clothes.  We were not rich or even what most call "well to do", we were smart and did without the boat so we could take family trips.  We simply made smart choices about how we spent what money, I clipped cupons and shopped sales and specials, our kids did not have the newest trendiest shoes and flashy jeans, but they learned how to live without being pressured into all that crap.  So please do be carefulabout your assumptions too.


He held out His hand and said "Step into the abyss with me."

and I did.

(in reply to Celeste43)
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RE: "Subs/Slaves"- Spoiled and Otherwise - 6/18/2007 8:49:57 PM   

Posts: 1086
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~fast reply to the op~

Accusatory and inflaming posts, especially those of great length, are more likely to annoy people than to roust them to your cause. ~shrug~ You say you are new to WIITWD and then you proceed to lecture everyone on their wrongness / your rightness.

You may have had the best of intentions, but somehow the plan went awry. Oh dear. Oh well. Better luck next time.


You only lose what you cling to. ~~Gautama Sidharta

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~~Mother Teresa

(in reply to TheDiva)
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RE: "Subs/Slaves"- Spoiled and Otherwise - 6/19/2007 12:24:16 AM   

Posts: 126
Joined: 5/6/2007
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ORIGINAL: AquaticSub

~Using Fast Reply~

The only people I've seen clamouring about the things that must be given to them are dominants, nor would I consider the blogs on dominant's profile an accurate gauge of the submissive/slave community.

If blogs are accurate gauges, then most dominants are fake, HNGs who have no more mastery then "On your knees and suck my cock bitch".

Agreed!! LOVE IT!


"This aint a scene.. it's a god-damned arms race!" - Fall Out Boy

(in reply to AquaticSub)
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RE: "Subs/Slaves"- Spoiled and Otherwise - 6/19/2007 10:19:06 AM   

Posts: 1841
Joined: 9/26/2004
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ORIGINAL: valkyriesdaughte

First of all - yes, this is a RANT!!!!!! But if you make it through to the end, you just might learn a thing or two. Although a relative newcomer to this world, I have 17 years of a vanilla marriage to my credit; and some things are universal.

It seems that many "subs/slaves" want to play one upmanship- "My Dom/me buys me this and this and this", or "How come Daddy doesn't get me all the toys I want". First and foremost- QUIT WHINING! "Stuff" is just that- stuff. No relationship that ever survived was built on stuff. Before worrying about what you don't have or want or what someone else has, consider all you do have: Are you fed, clothed, sheltered? Are provisions made for your health and safety? Those are basic needs, everything else can be worked around.

Now on to the "stuff"-  Wants and Needs are 2 very different things, maybe you would like new appliances/furniture/cars/clothes/etc, but do you need them? If what you have is adequately servicable, quit worrying about it.

Like it or not, your Dom/me has to deal with the vanilla world, and STUFF costs money- cold hard cash. There may be a whole host of reasons your Dom/me doesn't buy you the same presents your little sub friends get, or everything you think you deserve. None of which are any of your business, unless your Dom/me chooses to share them. It wouldn't hurt you to think a little on your own though- pick up a newspaer. The economy sucks. Your Dom/me may work in a field that is insecure, and may wish to save for a possible rainy day, they may have had to change careers/jobs, and are still recovering from the financial setback. They may be paying child or spousal support from a previous relationship, or paying off the debt left after a divorce, etc. Medical bills, previous debt, student loans. The list goes on. Or they may simply be frugal, and forego immediate gratification for a long term goal- home ownership, retirement saving, childrens education, etc. It doesn't really matter. To top it off- housing, food, utilities, and transportation all have to be provided for on a regular basis. You have what you have, make the most of it.

Look at yourself, and what you are doing to contribute to the relationship financially. Do you immediately spend your "allowance" on yourself, shop at the mall, and eat out frequently? Try downscaling. Even the most humble dwelling can be made into a home, a welcoming sanctuary for your Dom/me with a little effort and creativity on your part, for very little money. Try thrift stores, Dollar stores, garage sales, and clearance racks. Be patient- you may not find everything you want at once; and you may also find interesting touches you didn't think of. Be creative. A nice table cloth ( real cloth) and a couple of pretty towels will instantly brighten any kitchen, a matching bath and hand towel in the bathroom is a nice touch, everybody likes plants, real or fake, decorative candles; an afghan from the thrift store over the sofa is nice and homey. (I bought 4 new fake greenerys in planters- for $1.99 each off the clearance shelf in the back of Meijers last week, along with a nice collection of 3 candles, and a set of votive holders filled with those colored bead rocks from the aqauarium section- the whole collection was less than $12.00. Every pair of my dress slacks came from the thrift store for $2.99 apiece, the afghans were 5 bucks apiece from the thrift store, and I have the most perfect set of embroidered sheets- on clearance for less than $20.00. Years ago, I once made a baby dresser out of 2 cardboard boxes stacked, with a piece of cloth over the top and cut up the front. Functional, and better than using the plain boxes- we were REALLY poor at the time! Neccessity is the mother of invention, be creative).
You could also learn to make your Dom/me tasty, yet inexpensive meals. There are many things that take only minmal cooking skills to make, and are quite good. Love is a wonderful seasoning. If you can't boil water- ask around, most people are happy to share their recipes and tips, along with shopping hints. Make friends with the stay at home Mom with several children- they are the queens of grocery sale shopping and cheap cooking.

Instead of spending money on your manicures, and pedicures and such, buy the supplies at a discount store and do your own. Even kinky toys and clothes can be made or improvised with a little effort and very little, if any money.(The fabric/craft section at Walmart can be a treasure mine of useful things).
Bottom lime- ask your self what your Dom/me will see you as in 5, 10, 20 years- merely a pretty playting past their prime; or a loyal servant and partner, who has brought happiness to them? Put a bit of effort into making their life and home pleasant, instead of focusing on yourself, and the answer will be clear.

Well, aren't YOU just the sweetest little thing! Imagine that! A whole 17 years of marriage under your belt and suddenly you're the next Martha Stewart of the bdsm world!!

One: I was married for 18 years before I decided he wasn't worth it - no matter HOW much he made (and it was quite a lot). Does this mean I have more knowledge than you? How kind of you to help lil ole me learn something from your many years of marriage. (oooh, there I go again, doing that one upmanship dance you so kindly have pointed out that "we" do. Oh, but then again, it would seem you do this pretty well yourself considering your boast of the 17 years stuff.)

Two: I could care less about how much someone else has, doesn't have or any part in between. I could care less how long they've been in their marriages, their relationships and if they play them, their games. The ONLY things I care about are my Master, my family and my friends. Since I remember the thread this post is most likely referencing, before you get even more sanctimonious than you already seem to be, it might help to understand that for some people, things outside of their realm do indeed astound them - much in the same way I see your thread.

Three: Plants and little table cloths and all that huh? I hate that shit. It's cute in the store but quite inconvenient, inconsequential and inane here at home. Not everyone chooses to be Martha - even if others like to pretend they are. Here, we have too much to do to worry about plastic plants and little cutsie dishtowels. Not that it's wrong, it's just not right for us...but thank you again for your ever so helpful hints about how those dust-gathering dishtowels will brighten a room.

Four: Buying at Salvation Army or Lord & Taylor is no indication of a strong marriage, a loyal partner or anything of the sort. It's just a shopping trend. I'd suggest not placing so much importance on where other people shop and do your own where you see fit. Different people have different value systems in place and yours is not the ONLY way things are done or can be done.

My parents' first purchase - BEFORE they found a place to live after they were married, BEFORE the doctor's bills they found out they were going to incur because I was a wedding night baby, BEFORE they paid off their student loans was...a boat... yup... what most people consider a luxury item they considered a necessity. And thank goodness too!! Boats in our family are an expectation, not a hope and a prayer and all of us have them. One of the MANY reasons I divorced my husband was because he refused to buy a boat. Sounds vain and selfish doesn't it? So what? The other side of that coin is that in our family, boats are what keep people together. Boats and being out on the water are where we find our peace. My father is close to ALL his grandchildren because of boats and guns. They fish and shoot together. My brother is close to his children and nephews and nieces because of boats. The cousins are more like brothers and sisters, no matter the age differences because when they get together, they are more than likely to be tooling around in boats or working on them during the winter months. My parents will be celebrating their 49th anniversary in a couple of weeks. Hmmm... I'm thinking their 49 years of NOT being frugal trumps your 17 and my 18 any day of the week. And they live very well even though at one time, we needed two hands to count those luxury items at our house. Their philosophy: Pursue your leisure. Don't wait till you're too old to enjoy it.

And MOST importantly to me, my MASTER and I share that same love with three boats between the two of us covering two major rivers and a lake. Boats cost money. We spend it and gladly spend it. While others are sacrificing and planning for their retirement years, we're enjoying the great lakes every weekend while we fish and swim and always know where our kids are. And along the way (just to appear frugal and all that), our freezers are full of perch, walleye and salmon. So our "luxury" has economic sense as well. If these are not your priorities that's fine. But they're ours and I don't apologize for any of it - nor do I see the sense in denying myself this just to appear more "frugal" to other people

Five: I have a nail tech that I've been with for 9 years now. I have no intention of changing this. It's not a luxury around here. It's a necessity. I find ways to include manicures and pedicures in my budget. My hair stylist and I are on a nearly best friend basis. I see her every four weeks and she's not cheap. These are important things to me but more importantly, they are important to my Master. I don't put forth effort to look good for the masses. I do it for him. And I do it because within my marriage of lots of money, frugality was so stiff that I wasn't allowed to get haircuts for 7 bucks or anything else either. So, if you see that my choices are difficult, I'll tell you the same thing I told my father when he had issues over who my Master was - if you don't like it, don't do it. Otherwise, I'm not asking for your blessing, your opinion or your permission. He got over his issues. I presume you'll get over yours.

Six: Thanks for the tip on the cardboard box dressers. I'm sure that'll come in handy sometime and aren't you just so next to godliness for having done that? Have you thought about starting your own little bdsm/helpful household hints magazine?

Oh, and seven... if you don't like the tone of this and are somehow offended by the condescension, you might for a minute consider how your thread came across. You are not the be-all end-all in the vanilla and/or bdsm world. Amazingly enough, plenty of us have been living our lives - and pretty darn well too - without all those helpful "if you read this you may just learn something" hints you've so "graciously" provided us. Furthermore, if your thread was actually in response to onl;y one person's thread, may I suggest a private message the next time?


(in reply to valkyriesdaughte)
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