RE: Resentment while obeying (Full Version)

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camille65 -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:13:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: camille65

Okay, am I reading correctly? (I'm super tired lol).
Are you asking her if it is okay before you give an order or directive?


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian
At this point, pretty much, yes.  Which rather takes the bite out of D/s doesn't it?

I personally would be so confused that resentment would pour out of me. It doesn't just take the bite out, it removes all of the power exchange for me.
I'm having trouble finding the words so please bear with me. If R asked me if he could master me then the balance would be so far tipped over that I wouldn't know what to do.

You seem to be caught. Not receiving what you think you want, she isn't receiving mastering but more confusion from you. By asking you undermine the very thing which you strive for.

I understand that you both have trouble communicating needs, so this feels like you are trying but in the wrong direction. Fudge. I am just in too much lupus fog to make sense so I will leave this til later. Final thought tho,

If you can't get across what you need, time & time again then please ak take a look at how YOU are communicating to her. Feels that neither of you really listen to the other, you don't listen past the words to the intent/emotion.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:16:21 PM)

You seem to be confusing asking for input with asking for permission.

Instead of thinking "Wow, what is this resentment?  Where did it come from?  How can we work to eliminate this between us?" you think "I hate this resentment, it sucks, she's ruining everything."

"What do you think about this idea?" is not at all the same as "May I order you to take out the trash please?"

feastie -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:18:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian


ORIGINAL: feastie


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

What does this bring to mind?  I find that sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't, and because I want to avoid it I find myself in the position of asking a question that means "Is it ok to give you an order about this?" which royally screws with the sense of M/s for me even if I wanted her to get her way.  Which I don't.  But the resentment just rains all over my parade even if I "get what I want".  Is this passive aggression?  If so, what would you say about passive aggressive behaviour in an M/s situation?

Honestly, the more you post the more I believe that you couldn't dominate yourself out of a wet paper bag with a hole in it. 

You really need help with the whole "it's not MY fault" thing you got going.  Truly.

Again, you personally are not capable of this type of relationship at this point in your life.  You NEED a mentor in the very worst way.

I'm not trying to be snarky or mean, but geeeeeeez, this is a neverending thing with you two.  If you want an M/s relationship, then take the advice of so many people here and get the help you need to create it.  This kind of relationship absolutely requires each party, not just one, both, to take long, critical looks at themselves and honestly figure out where changes may need to be made on both parts.

Being Master is far more than just being boss.  It is a relationship that has to be grown into and developed with time and you simply cannot expect instanenous perfection, but you have to be willing to take responsibility for yourself and your actions.

So far, you just want to be boss, micromanage, and bitch and lay blame at her feet when something doesn't go the way your narrow little brain thinks it should.  If anyone needs punishment in this relationship, I'd say it's you. 

Get smart.  Be realistic.  Be honest.  Do not place blame.  Accept responsibility.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you meant well, and reply.  I've been at this for 8 years, and am active in the local BDSM community.  Classes, clubs, events, and so on.  If I wasn't keen on hearing people out, I wouldn't have posted this thread.  I get advice from everyone, I just don't have a greying "Master Don Dan the daddy man" picked out whose name to hide behind and say "I do this because super elder dom said to".  I go out to talk to people like that every chance I get however, and am actually going out to Edges tonight.  Please though, more honey less vinegar.

As for not taking blame, I really don't care who is to blame for what.  I simply want the problem understood, and resolved.  Therefore I have no idea what you are referring to.

I'm all out of honey, as I'm all out of patience with this constant scenario with you.  This problem is the same as the last ones you've presented on these boards, the only difference is they're dressed in different clothes.  You don't need honey, you need something that will get your attention and wake you the hell up.  Eight years, no matter how active you are, doesn't mean squat when you refuse to consider the fact that you yourself just might be the problem.  You do not provide good communication.  She does not respond with good communication.  Every problem that has come up, has been her fault.  Never your fault.  Yet you don't seem to understand that because you continue having these same problems, you just might be the one with the problem.  Every time someone points out these things to you, you would rather explain more how it's not your fault rather than spend some time in introspection and deep thought to see how much of a part in your problems that you play. 

It's very easy to pass off, negate and otherwise ignore what others are saying, to your face, without any sugarcoating.  It's harder still to say, "Hmmmmmmmmm...
maybe I am wrong ..."

violetaelf -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:27:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

Violeta: I am not a service top, in fact, perhaps my sig needs that disclaimer since people seem amazed that I'm doing things to please my own self.

I don't know what you mean by 'service top' but all the posts of yours that I've read so far were all about you... your problem with your sub.. your not sure what to do with your sub, your problem with your sub being late.. It takes two in a relationship and the problem as it appears from all your posts is that you guys (not just you, but both of you) lack the ability to communicate clearly.

You talk about 'mixed signals' well there wouldn't be any if both you knew how to sit down and communicate, feelings, thoughts and emotions to each other. I've not been in your home and haven't seen you to... but if you come on few times a month to ask questions of the whole community on continuous problems with your slave... then there is really a problem. Either communication problem or compatibility problem. And let's hope for the best that it's a communication one, because that one is easier to solve.. and learn to communicate one with another..

Your current post... no one can really tell you what to do or why this is happening.. no one except for one person.. your slave ! Her you should be talking.. and it may not take just one conversation, may be two or may be three... but that's where you got to start..

It takes two to tango.. !!! Both well and crappy.

Good luck...

akbarbarian -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:35:01 PM)

This sounds like a good system, if not one that speaks to my desires personally.

ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross

Not for me :)  I will often ask my partner about an order I'm considering giving him.  I want his input, I want him to challenge my perspectives and fill in the holes I might have, I want to know how he processes orders and how they might effect us short and long term.

It completely enriches the process to know that he's not only following my will, but that he understands exactly WHY he is.

If I just wanted to give orders and have them done, I'd hire someone.

But then my partner has had issues in his life where he simply obeys without understanding, or obeys due to guilt, or obeys due to lack of self esteem.  I made it my priority to teach him to learn to obey me for the right reasons.  In order to do that, I must understand exactly how he processes orders from start to finish.

akbarbarian -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:37:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

She says I don't make a great enough allowance for reality.  That we both want the same thing in fantasy, but different things in reality if I'm understanding correctly.

To be very blunt, as I'm sure you expect from me, I'm inclined to agree with her. However I would have to know the specifics to have an actual opinion.

ORIGINAL: akbarbarian
Ah, the meat of the matter, finally.  So passive aggression might happen because it's more ok to be resentful, than to say what one actually wants, or to top from the bottom?  If Jodi's not happy yielding at the level I want, I want it identified at the outset so we can have reasonable mutual expectations from each other.  We've discussed having a regularly re-negotiated contract to that end.

Not more ok, but less dreaded. The term and scolding phrase "topping from the bottom" is vastly overused in my opinion and some subs/slave may be resorting to passive aggressive (which is, to be clear, undesirable behavior) tactics to avoid the possible labeling. However for your case, if she telling you quite clearly that you making her do something would cause her to resent you then I really can't view that as passive aggressive.

Well the scary thing for me, is if I don't ask she'll obey and I won't know she's going to be resentful until it's too late.  Does this mean I have to make it a habit to ask her each time?  Maybe, but it takes the fun out of it for me.  I'm not saying it's practical, it's just how I'm wired.  I mean, how practical is it to be submissive?  It's about our hearts and our instincts.  Ancient Rome discovered long ago that slavery is not a particularly efficient system. 

akbarbarian -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:41:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: camille65


ORIGINAL: camille65

Okay, am I reading correctly? (I'm super tired lol).
Are you asking her if it is okay before you give an order or directive?


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian
At this point, pretty much, yes.  Which rather takes the bite out of D/s doesn't it?

I personally would be so confused that resentment would pour out of me. It doesn't just take the bite out, it removes all of the power exchange for me.
I'm having trouble finding the words so please bear with me. If R asked me if he could master me then the balance would be so far tipped over that I wouldn't know what to do.

You seem to be caught. Not receiving what you think you want, she isn't receiving mastering but more confusion from you. By asking you undermine the very thing which you strive for.

I understand that you both have trouble communicating needs, so this feels like you are trying but in the wrong direction. Fudge. I am just in too much lupus fog to make sense so I will leave this til later. Final thought tho,

If you can't get across what you need, time & time again then please ak take a look at how YOU are communicating to her. Feels that neither of you really listen to the other, you don't listen past the words to the intent/emotion.

See, I get this from her!  Exactly!  Bingo!  And I feel it too, the wrench in the gears that is the M asking the s when to give orders.  At the same time she wants me to be demanding, to take her by the hair and march her over for corner time to make sure she learns to accept what i want (and tells me so) she at other times resents it.  It's like she has a love/hate relationship with her own slavery, and I'm caught in the middle.  I'm glad someone seems to understand what's going on to a degree.

akbarbarian -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:44:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross
How can we work to eliminate this between us?"

This part is how I do see it, I'm not sure why I'd seem to be any other way about it.  I want to learn about resentment as it relates to M/s, in general. 

akbarbarian -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 6:46:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: feastie


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian


ORIGINAL: feastie


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

What does this bring to mind?  I find that sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't, and because I want to avoid it I find myself in the position of asking a question that means "Is it ok to give you an order about this?" which royally screws with the sense of M/s for me even if I wanted her to get her way.  Which I don't.  But the resentment just rains all over my parade even if I "get what I want".  Is this passive aggression?  If so, what would you say about passive aggressive behaviour in an M/s situation?

Honestly, the more you post the more I believe that you couldn't dominate yourself out of a wet paper bag with a hole in it. 

You really need help with the whole "it's not MY fault" thing you got going.  Truly.

Again, you personally are not capable of this type of relationship at this point in your life.  You NEED a mentor in the very worst way.

I'm not trying to be snarky or mean, but geeeeeeez, this is a neverending thing with you two.  If you want an M/s relationship, then take the advice of so many people here and get the help you need to create it.  This kind of relationship absolutely requires each party, not just one, both, to take long, critical looks at themselves and honestly figure out where changes may need to be made on both parts.

Being Master is far more than just being boss.  It is a relationship that has to be grown into and developed with time and you simply cannot expect instanenous perfection, but you have to be willing to take responsibility for yourself and your actions.

So far, you just want to be boss, micromanage, and bitch and lay blame at her feet when something doesn't go the way your narrow little brain thinks it should.  If anyone needs punishment in this relationship, I'd say it's you. 

Get smart.  Be realistic.  Be honest.  Do not place blame.  Accept responsibility.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you meant well, and reply.  I've been at this for 8 years, and am active in the local BDSM community.  Classes, clubs, events, and so on.  If I wasn't keen on hearing people out, I wouldn't have posted this thread.  I get advice from everyone, I just don't have a greying "Master Don Dan the daddy man" picked out whose name to hide behind and say "I do this because super elder dom said to".  I go out to talk to people like that every chance I get however, and am actually going out to Edges tonight.  Please though, more honey less vinegar.

As for not taking blame, I really don't care who is to blame for what.  I simply want the problem understood, and resolved.  Therefore I have no idea what you are referring to.

I'm all out of honey, as I'm all out of patience with this constant scenario with you.  This problem is the same as the last ones you've presented on these boards, the only difference is they're dressed in different clothes.  You don't need honey, you need something that will get your attention and wake you the hell up.  Eight years, no matter how active you are, doesn't mean squat when you refuse to consider the fact that you yourself just might be the problem.  You do not provide good communication.  She does not respond with good communication.  Every problem that has come up, has been her fault.  Never your fault.  Yet you don't seem to understand that because you continue having these same problems, you just might be the one with the problem.  Every time someone points out these things to you, you would rather explain more how it's not your fault rather than spend some time in introspection and deep thought to see how much of a part in your problems that you play. 

It's very easy to pass off, negate and otherwise ignore what others are saying, to your face, without any sugarcoating.  It's harder still to say, "Hmmmmmmmmm...
maybe I am wrong ..."

If I learn somthing on here (unlikely from you while you're all flaming), and I apply it to my situation with Jodi, that implies I did somthing different or "less wrong" doesn't it?  I hope I'm wrong, because at least that I can change.  If Jodi's wrong, it's up to her to change it.  At least I can change myself, provided I learn anything useful. 

AquaticSub -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 7:10:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian
Well the scary thing for me, is if I don't ask she'll obey and I won't know she's going to be resentful until it's too late.  Does this mean I have to make it a habit to ask her each time?

No. It means you take the time out of your life to learn about Jodi. Learn why she is resentful about things. Valyraen knows I love to give him head, but if he wants me to stop writing a paper I'm going to be pretty damn annoyed and actually resentful. Not because of the activity but because of his timing. This is not an issue of her being wrong and you being right. It's an issue where you, as a couple, are having a problem and both of you have to admit fault and work to make it go away, not just her.

Maybe, but it takes the fun out of it for me.  I'm not saying it's practical, it's just how I'm wired.  I mean, how practical is it to be submissive?

You spoke of fantasies and realities and the reality of life is that not all fantasies can come true and frankly, not all of them should. This may be something you need to come to terms with.

It's about our hearts and our instincts.  Ancient Rome discovered long ago that slavery is not a particularly efficient system. 

So? What does that have to do with the price of tea in china or, in this case, what you seem to see as a fault in Jodi instead of a problem that both of you are responsible for fixing.

AquaticSub -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 7:13:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

If I learn somthing on here (unlikely from you while you're all flaming), and I apply it to my situation with Jodi, that implies I did somthing different or "less wrong" doesn't it?  I hope I'm wrong, because at least that I can change.  If Jodi's wrong, it's up to her to change it.  At least I can change myself, provided I learn anything useful. 

Nobody is flaming you or insulting you. Simply pointing what we view as quite obvious: You and Jodi have major communication issues and you do seem very "me" focused. Nothing is going to change these opinions but you. If you dislike them, perhaps your first step would be a brutal self-examination.

akbarbarian -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 7:14:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

If I learn somthing on here (unlikely from you while you're all flaming), and I apply it to my situation with Jodi, that implies I did somthing different or "less wrong" doesn't it?  I hope I'm wrong, because at least that I can change.  If Jodi's wrong, it's up to her to change it.  At least I can change myself, provided I learn anything useful. 

Nobody is flaming you or insulting you. Simply pointing what we view as quite obvious: You and Jodi have major communication issues and you do seem very "me" focused. Nothing is going to change these opinions but you. If you dislike them, perhaps your first step would be a brutal self-examination.

I meant her, not everyone.  "All flaming" like all afire. 

callistaIn -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 7:18:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

What does this bring to mind?  I find that sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't, and because I want to avoid it I find myself in the position of asking a question that means "Is it ok to give you an order about this?" which royally screws with the sense of M/s for me even if I wanted her to get her way.  Which I don't.  But the resentment just rains all over my parade even if I "get what I want".  Is this passive aggression?  If so, what would you say about passive aggressive behaviour in an M/s situation?

quite honestly, from reading this and other posts of yours; if I was your submissive or slave, I would be walking out the door simply because whimps do not impress me at all.

julietsierra -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 7:58:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

I am not a service top, in fact, perhaps my sig needs that disclaimer since people seem amazed that I'm doing things to please my own self. 

OH  MY  GOD!!! The horrid servicetopphobia!!! I know it sounds strange to you who is so abhorently afraid of becoming the dreaded "SERVICE TOP" (see, you have to say that in capitals every time for just how horrid it can be), but as much as you don't want to become the SERVICE TOP, she is still a human being and as a human being who also happens to be submissive, she just may want/need/demand (yep demand) respect for being such a person. So far, I've seen none of this in all of your postings. And I don't give a rat's ass if you've been in this lifestyle 8 weeks, 8 months, 8 years or 8 decades. Face it buddy, while you wouldn't be facing the nightmare of possibly becoming a dreaded SERVICE TOP the fact remains that if you don't climb off that high horse of yours and start to treat her with the respect she deserves for even BOTHERING to deal with your happy little games, you're not going to have to worry about being ANYTHING to her.

Personally, about the time you started griping about me visiting my grandparent vs your relative who you've never met before, would be the time I'd be showing your SERVICE TOP ass the door and reminding you to not let it hit you on the way out.

AND NOW!! It's not enough that she does what you ask but the next problem is that she doesn't do it in the WAY you want her to do it. Strange, but I don't see her posting her problems in here, making derogatory comments about YOU all under the guise of "just getting some input."

Yep...I'd be putting the exit sign up in neon with bright flashing lights - just so your SERVICE TOP ass doesn't get lost on the way through the door... course, I've heard they make GPS systems for just such an occassion. And if you get the right one, of course, you can always use it in the beat up car so that you can find your way around town without her scheming, passive aggressive little ways hindering your progress...Then you really CAN have it all your way - just alone - which is the direction you're headed in.

How's that for not being passive aggressive?


catize -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 8:06:00 PM)


I am not a service top, in fact, perhaps my sig needs that disclaimer since people seem amazed that I'm doing things to please my own self.    

And would you say that is working well for you?  From where I'm sitting, you don't seem all that pleased.

julietsierra -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 8:07:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: catize


I am not a service top, in fact, perhaps my sig needs that disclaimer since people seem amazed that I'm doing things to please my own self.    

And would you say that is working well for you?  From where I'm sitting, you don't seem all that pleased.

You DO say things so much more nicely!!


MadRabbit -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/22/2007 9:04:07 PM)

Theres a lot of ways resentment can grow.

Double standards is often a big one. This is one people can relate to very easily often with their bosses at work.

Bad decisions is another. Making decisions that are solely for you and your own wants without any consideration for the slave. I love to do things that are solely because "I want them to do it" with no other rhyme or reason then that. This is how I satisy my fetish for control and power. But there is a time and a place for everything. Wanting someone to stop what they are doing, strip down naked and crawl around for you when they are rushing out the door and late for work is a "bad decision".

Sometimes resentment builds simply because you "fucked up". You made a mistake because your just another human being. Sometimes the mistake cant easily be forgiven.

Getting past it takes work on both sides. You can apolgozie and own up to it and do your part, but if the slave isnt willing to figure you or isnt mature enough to accept that it was a mistake and move past it, then there isnt much you can do.

However, in your case, the word "resentment" brings to mind the fact that you have proven to me that you are a narcissist.

I posted this mostly for the benefit of other people reading, since as I have stated before in other threads, you have your head to far up your ass to really comprehend or develop any real awareness of yourself.

A prime example of how years of experience doent really mean shit.

TankII7871 -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/23/2007 5:01:53 AM)

OK you say you are not a service top that you do everything you do because its all for you.  I have bad news for you then IMO your going to go through relationship after relationship until you end up old and alone.  All healthy relationships are 2 way streets.  Did you ever stop and think that she maybe is acting resentful because you have made this all about you and none of it about her?  If you always play with her in only manners that you enjoy and never in a way she will enjoy then she has my blessing to cheat on your ass.  Its really simple if you fail to meet her needs sooner or later she will go and find someone that will.


OK my spell check must be broken it said i didn't misspell anything

becca333 -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/23/2007 6:59:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: akbarbarian

What does this bring to mind?  I find that sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't, and because I want to avoid it I find myself in the position of asking a question that means "Is it ok to give you an order about this?" which royally screws with the sense of M/s for me even if I wanted her to get her way.  Which I don't.  But the resentment just rains all over my parade even if I "get what I want".  Is this passive aggression?  If so, what would you say about passive aggressive behaviour in an M/s situation?

Sounds like a match made in heaven. 

Hisbellaluna -> RE: Resentment while obeying (8/23/2007 1:17:14 PM)

well...your main complaint seems to be that she spends too much time with her family...hmmm...without getting too deep into armchair psychology...did you take into effect how involved she was with her family before you got involved with her?  cause while some of us only go home maybe for sunday dinner after our 18th birthday, others of us still live with our parents by choice until we get married...
other thing i wanted to point out is that you are in month 4...right...well i have heard...not sure how exact this is but, that the first 3 months are perfect, the second 3 months are the worst and the next 3 months are what reality is like...this is assuming that the relationship dynamics don't change like from vanilla to M/s (or it starts all over again) or theres no illness or long time apart or're in the worst time...suck it up, stick with it, it gets better...don't stop communicating...
good luck, if both of you want this to work, it can...

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