RE: War on Drugs. (Full Version)

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Alumbrado -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 8:20:36 AM)


consider the actions of Harry J. Anslinger, director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1937, who read into U.S. Congressional testimony(without objection) stories about "coloreds" with big lips, luring white women with jazz music and marijuana. 

That's just the tip of the iceberg....why did ole Harry take such a dislike to reefer?

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 9:45:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado


consider the actions of Harry J. Anslinger, director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1937, who read into U.S. Congressional testimony(without objection) stories about "coloreds" with big lips, luring white women with jazz music and marijuana. 

That's just the tip of the iceberg....why did ole Harry take such a dislike to reefer?

why indeed?  He is America's first Drug Czar.

The following are excerpts of Mr. Anslinger's testimony before a Senate hearing on marijuana in 1937, where he appears to portray the sentiments of a typical closed-minded-bible-thumping racist:

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use.  This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."

"...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."
"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."
"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."
"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."

many folks believe that Anslinger collaborated with industry giants to outlaw marijuana, in spite of his ascertations that it was for the moral good of this country's "degenerate" citizens, and protection of white folk.  He was buddies with the Hearsts and the DuPonts.  Hemp seed oil derivatives could replace DuPont's petroleum derived compounds, and Hearst had interests of his own to protect by promoting cannabis (hemp) as an evil to be outlawed.

brightspot -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 9:54:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Rushemery

Pot is illegal because its too easy to grow and the govt cant tax it, hemp cloths last longer and would put the cotton and wool growers out of buisness, the seeds are higher in protien than soy beans and an acre of pot puts as much oxygen in the air as 4 acres of trees, I dont think its a gate way drug but for some it may be. I dont smoke anymore because I dont want my lil ones to grow up and be users but thats my decision, I have seen far more lives destoryed by drinking so, what people need to do is stick together and demand change instead of talking about the injustice but thats just my opinion -- Rush 

Just curious, why would you smoke it in front of your children and why do you think because you smoke it they will?
Do you or anyone else drink alcohol in front of your children or smoke cigarettes?

Alumbrado -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 10:09:16 AM)


he appears to portray the sentiments of a typical closed-minded-bible-thumping racist:

His ambitions did not end with a bureaucrat's job...
Apparently he saw the anti-pot/pro-'decency' scare platform as a chance to ascend to McCarthy like levels of demagoguery... maybe even the Presidency.

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 10:26:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado


he appears to portray the sentiments of a typical closed-minded-bible-thumping racist:

His ambitions did not end with a bureaucrat's job...
Apparently he saw the anti-pot/pro-'decency' scare platform as a chance to ascend to McCarthy like levels of demagoguery... maybe even the Presidency.

absolutely!!!  and while these folks might not have it as the major plank of their platform, their position speaks to the legacy Anslinger leaves behind...70 years later.

"The FDA says marijuana has no additive medical benefit of any kind, that the illegal trafficking of marijuana is so great that it makes much more sense to keep it illegal. I will keep it illegal.” ... Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, August 17, Merrimack, N.H.

“I think I’d leave that to the DEA. Let me just be very blunt. I don’t support the idea. I think there are better ways to treat medical illnesses than the use of a drug that has really caused so many more people to have their lives injured than it has to necessarily have their lives helped.” — Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, June 4, Francestown, N.H.

“I believe that marijuana is a gateway drug. That is my view and that’s the view of the federal drug czar and other experts . . . I do not support the use of marijuana for medical purposes. I believe there are other ways of relieving that pain and suffering.” — U.S. Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), August 11, Milton, N.H.

“I don’t want medicinal marijuana; there are synthetic forms of marijuana that are available for people who need it for prescription. Don’t open the doorway to medicinal marijuana.“ — Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, July 25, Bedford, N.H.

“If you have a federal law, you have to enforce the law. And that’s my answer.” — U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter (Calif.), June 5, Manchester, N.H.

Politesub53 -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:08:49 AM)

I wonder how many politicians, worldwide, are against Marijuana because saying otherwise would lose votes. Many in the UK admit to having used it at Uni. I really dont feel all drug users come from poor backgrounds, just as many are from well off families.

I think the medical uses need to be looked into, my cousin has MS so it would help her. The government here are looking at using a marijuana drug to help with that. Its trade name begins with Z but i cant recall it. Some countries are at least starting to look into the effects of this, and the odd few allowing medical use.

I feel people see it as a gateway drug because while everyone who has smoked it doesnt go onto harder drugs. Most hard drug users did start using marijuana first. its true that alchohol is more likely to kill you, although both have long term health effects. As i said on another thread they are now finding its causing mental problems amongst teenage users in the UK.

I am all for freedom of choice, yet the dangers should be made very clear, i feel the same about alcohol even though i like a beer.

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:34:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: farglebargle


ORIGINAL: velvetears

Most of the pot isn't pure anymore - pcp is added. Each time my friend is tested she came up with pcp in her blood work urine. You never know whats in the shit you are buying on the streets.

Um.... Ever consider that your friend is a lying junkie?

And exactly what circumstances lead the these frequent blood and urine screens?

Why do you doubt there is pot laced with pcp - maybe because you enjoy it and don't want to fathom it could be laced with something you don't want to put into your system?

i have two brothers who were the biggest junkies you could imagine - one is clean now for 20 years the other was clean for the same amount of time but just recently relapsed. Both started out as pot heads, alcohol and ended up with needles in their arms full of heroin. They both have told me that the drugs on the street including pot isn't what it once was in the 70's and 80's - it's a lot worse, laced with a lot more shit. i believe them, especially the one who is now an active anti drug advocate and sponser who talks at schools and events.  Not wanting to believe and making excuses is classic drug addict denial behavior.  Get your head out of the sand and wake up.  At least acknowledge what you may be taking into your system - it might not be so pure anymore.

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:39:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

while there are those who report negative experiences or side-effects, as with any other medication/drug there have been no fatalities attributed to either accidental or purposeful overdosing using marijuana.

Can you cite the source you get this information from?  

What about the many accidents kids get into, and are killed, each year that are drug related? 

Abuse of a drug starts with use of a drug. 

farglebargle -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:51:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

while there are those who report negative experiences or side-effects, as with any other medication/drug there have been no fatalities attributed to either accidental or purposeful overdosing using marijuana.

Can you cite the source you get this information from?

What about the many accidents kids get into, and are killed, each year that are drug related?

Abuse of a drug starts with use of a drug.

Yes, but use does not imply abuse, so what's your point? That idiots do stupid things while they're stoned? They'd do stupid shit if they were just drunk. Think of it as evolution as action, and ask yourself, what's YOUR benefit to promoting their weak genes?

camille65 -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:53:43 AM)

Only slightly sarcastic here, but weed is not their first drug. The food additives, the chemical toxicity, mercury fish, the anti-biotic everything...This bit it not sarcastic at all:I personally know dozens of people that smoke it, and have never done any hard drugs because of it. I personally have never known anyone that bought laced weed but ohboy I have heard a ton of urban myths on it. Most is locally grown now, infact it is Kentuckys biggest cash crop. I smoke daily or I should say nightly in the privacy of my child free home, it never lead me down the path of dangerous debauchery nor have I robbed a 7-11 to get that occasional and ever rarer Mowie Wowie that I get each xmas. I'm a responsible tax paying, non-welfare adult.

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:55:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: farglebargle


ORIGINAL: velvetears


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

while there are those who report negative experiences or side-effects, as with any other medication/drug there have been no fatalities attributed to either accidental or purposeful overdosing using marijuana.

Can you cite the source you get this information from?

What about the many accidents kids get into, and are killed, each year that are drug related?

Abuse of a drug starts with use of a drug.

Yes, but use does not imply abuse, so what's your point? That idiots do stupid things while they're stoned? They'd do stupid shit if they were just drunk. Think of it as evolution as action, and ask yourself, what's YOUR benefit to promoting their weak genes?

Weak genes hmmmmmmm..... i don't think like you do.  People suffer from all sorts of weaknesses, maybe some its genetic and maybe for some it's peer pressure.  People will do what they want to do in the end. All i am saying is at least be informed - it's not just pot your smoking anymore.

SaudTargo -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:58:01 AM)

The reason marijuana is illegal is quite simple.  When prohibition was over Hoover wanted something to keep his staff busy on so he got Congress to crack down on "Reefer Madness".    Now, marijuana's illegality affords the criminal "justice" system easy prey to fill the prisons (= $$$) and provide slaves for the State.    Marijuana is one of the greatest plants God ever created which our founding fathers made much profit on with hemp rope and medical treatments.   However, in America, due to it's illegality, its use is stupid and and so are its users.  Those in favor of it should work to get the law changed, not hide under a rock.

slaveluci -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 11:58:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado


consider the actions of Harry J. Anslinger, director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1937, who read into U.S. Congressional testimony(without objection) stories about "coloreds" with big lips, luring white women with jazz music and marijuana. 

That's just the tip of the iceberg....why did ole Harry take such a dislike to reefer?

From an old post of mine here on CM:  "I would encourage everyone to read "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer.  Here's a link to his website:

The book details the conspiracy against marijuana, the lies upon which it's criminalization was based, etc.  Very informative, factual read"............luci

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:00:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: camille65

Only slightly sarcastic here, but weed is not their first drug. The food additives, the chemical toxicity, mercury fish, the anti-biotic everything...This bit it not sarcastic at all:I personally know dozens of people that smoke it, and have never done any hard drugs because of it. I personally have never known anyone that bought laced weed but ohboy I have heard a ton of urban myths on it. Most is locally grown now, infact it is Kentuckys biggest cash crop. I smoke daily or I should say nightly in the privacy of my child free home, it never lead me down the path of dangerous debauchery nor have I robbed a 7-11 to get that occasional and ever rarer Mowie Wowie that I get each xmas. I'm a responsible tax paying, non-welfare adult.

Maybe in kentucky  it's a purer crop but here in NY it's laced with all kinds of crap.  i'm not saying everyone who smokes pot is going to become some crazed addict.  Many never go on to harder substances... some do.  There are also studies i have recently read linking pot smoking to schizophrenia.  i'd rather my kid smoke pot then shot heroin, but in the end i'd rather them not do any of it at all.

farglebargle -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:05:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears


ORIGINAL: farglebargle


ORIGINAL: velvetears

Most of the pot isn't pure anymore - pcp is added. Each time my friend is tested she came up with pcp in her blood work urine. You never know whats in the shit you are buying on the streets.

Um.... Ever consider that your friend is a lying junkie?

And exactly what circumstances lead the these frequent blood and urine screens?

Why do you doubt there is pot laced with pcp -

Since pot is so damn cheap, and any manufactured drug is more expensive, exactly what motive are you suggesting there is for fucking up your market by selling tainted product? IF you're going to do PCP, you're going to pay the premium to BUY PCP. There is zero incentive for screwing over your customers. Don't you watch "Weeds"?


maybe because you enjoy it and don't want to fathom it could be laced with something you don't want to put into your system?

No, it just doesn't make any sense at all for anyone selling weed, to tamper with it. It goes against all free-market principles, AND it's not like they wouldn't get caught doing it. Unless you can show me a financial benefit I'm missing here, it's just non-sensical


i have two brothers who were the biggest junkies you could imagine

Wrong. You have 2 brothers who ARE junkies. Not *were*. Are.


They both have told me that the drugs on the street including pot isn't what it once was in the 70's and 80's - it's a lot worse, laced with a lot more shit.

I can't speak the the JUNK your brothers enjoy putting into their bodies, but as far as weed goes?

If by "Worse" you mean, "better and fresher", then yeah. People don't like buying shitty, brown Mexican dirtweed, when they can get green Canadian kindbud. I can sorta understand an idiot who only has smoked the shitty dirtweed to freak out a little bit when they smoke real pot. But usually they'd give up after a toke or two, and then wouldn't have to deal with the trippy highs of really good weed, I suppose POSSIBLY in someone really naive, inducing an anxiety attack.

I remember once, Wife#1 overindulged from the "Special" cookie-plate at a labor day bbq once.... Well.... She got so horny, we had to pull over into a rest area, and fuck in the car. Lemme tell you, it was a BAD TRIP all around. ; ) That's about the extent.

Why are you listening to the stories told by lying junkies? They'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear. If it gets you to begin the trust them in any capacity, they will abuse that opening.


I believe them, especially the one who is now an active anti drug advocate and sponser who talks at schools and events.

Despite your experience, you still believe the junkies' stories. Ok. There's nothing else to say.

SeeksOnlyOne -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:08:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears


ORIGINAL: farglebargle


ORIGINAL: velvetears

Most of the pot isn't pure anymore - pcp is added. Each time my friend is tested she came up with pcp in her blood work urine. You never know whats in the shit you are buying on the streets.

Um.... Ever consider that your friend is a lying junkie?

And exactly what circumstances lead the these frequent blood and urine screens?

Why do you doubt there is pot laced with pcp - maybe because you enjoy it and don't want to fathom it could be laced with something you don't want to put into your system?

i have two brothers who were the biggest junkies you could imagine - one is clean now for 20 years the other was clean for the same amount of time but just recently relapsed. Both started out as pot heads, alcohol and ended up with needles in their arms full of heroin. They both have told me that the drugs on the street including pot isn't what it once was in the 70's and 80's - it's a lot worse, laced with a lot more shit. i believe them, especially the one who is now an active anti drug advocate and sponser who talks at schools and events.  Not wanting to believe and making excuses is classic drug addict denial behavior.  Get your head out of the sand and wake up.  At least acknowledge what you may be taking into your system - it might not be so pure anymore.

having smoked pot for many years-minus a 16 year vacation that began the day i found out i was pregnant....and having done pcp back in the 70's and forgetting my name......i gotta say, no weed i have gotten in the past few years is laced with anything-if shes buying weed laced with pcp (or he), theyre doing it on purpose imho.

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:11:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: farglebargle


ORIGINAL: velvetears


ORIGINAL: farglebargle


ORIGINAL: velvetears

Most of the pot isn't pure anymore - pcp is added. Each time my friend is tested she came up with pcp in her blood work urine. You never know whats in the shit you are buying on the streets.

Um.... Ever consider that your friend is a lying junkie?

And exactly what circumstances lead the these frequent blood and urine screens?

Why do you doubt there is pot laced with pcp -

Since pot is so damn cheap, and any manufactured drug is more expensive, exactly what motive are you suggesting there is for fucking up your market by selling tainted product? IF you're going to do PCP, you're going to pay the premium to BUY PCP. There is zero incentive for screwing over your customers. Don't you watch "Weeds"?


maybe because you enjoy it and don't want to fathom it could be laced with something you don't want to put into your system?

No, it just doesn't make any sense at all for anyone selling weed, to tamper with it. It goes against all free-market principles, AND it's not like they wouldn't get caught doing it. Unless you can show me a financial benefit I'm missing here, it's just non-sensical


i have two brothers who were the biggest junkies you could imagine

Wrong. You have 2 brothers who ARE junkies. Not *were*. Are.


They both have told me that the drugs on the street including pot isn't what it once was in the 70's and 80's - it's a lot worse, laced with a lot more shit.

I can't speak the the JUNK your brothers enjoy putting into their bodies, but as far as weed goes?

If by "Worse" you mean, "better and fresher", then yeah. People don't like buying shitty, brown Mexican dirtweed, when they can get green Canadian kindbud. I can sorta understand an idiot who only has smoked the shitty dirtweed to freak out a little bit when they smoke real pot. But usually they'd give up after a toke or two, and then wouldn't have to deal with the trippy highs of really good weed, I suppose POSSIBLY in someone really naive, inducing an anxiety attack.

I remember once, Wife#1 overindulged from the "Special" cookie-plate at a labor day bbq once.... Well.... She got so horny, we had to pull over into a rest area, and fuck in the car. Lemme tell you, it was a BAD TRIP all around. ; ) That's about the extent.

Why are you listening to the stories told by lying junkies? They'll tell you whatever they think you want to hear. If it gets you to begin the trust them in any capacity, they will abuse that opening.


I believe them, especially the one who is now an active anti drug advocate and sponser who talks at schools and events.

Despite your experience, you still believe the junkies' stories. Ok. There's nothing else to say.

i believe lab reports i have seen with my own eyes.  i believe the people (professional in the field of rehabilitation) who in my area tell me the pot is laced - for whatever reason i have no idea why or the finances of it. 

my brother may be a junkie (recovered 20 years) but he has no reason to lie about it now. 

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:23:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
while there are those who report negative experiences or side-effects, as with any other medication/drug there have been no fatalities attributed to either accidental or purposeful overdosing using marijuana.

Can you cite the source you get this information from?...velvetears

sure..."The Emporer Wears No Clothes", Jack Herer, 2000.

Number of American Deaths Per Year that result directly or primarily from the following selected causes nationwide, according to World Almanac, Life Insurance actuarial (death) rates, and the last 20 years of the U.S. Surgeon General's reports:
Tobacco = 340,000 to 450,000
Alcohol(Not including 50% of all highway deaths and 65% of all murders = 150,000
Aspirin (including deliberate OD) = 180 - 1000+
"Legal" Drug OD (deliberate or accidental from prescribed or over the counter and/or in combination with alcohol) = 100,000+
Illicit Drug OD (deliberate or accidental) = 3,800 to 5,200
Marijuana = 0

Marijuana users also have the same or lower incidence of murders and highway deaths and accidents than the general non-marijuana using population as a whole...Crancer Study, UCLA; U.S. funded first and second Jamaican studies, 1968 to 1974, Costa Rican Studies, 1980 to 1982.

100% of the studies done at dozens of American Universities and research facilities show pot toxicity does not exist.  Medical history does not record anyone dying from an overdose of marijuana...UCLA, Harvard, Temple, etc.



Drug Enforcement Administration
Docket No. 86-22

Section 8 of Judge Young's "Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision."

Page 56 & 57

3.  The most obvious concern when dealing with drug safety is the possibility of lethal effects.  Can the drug cause death?

4.  Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal effects.  But marijuana is not such a substance.  There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality.

This is a remarkable statement. First, the record on marijuana encompasses 5,000 years of human experience.  Second, marijuana is now used daily by enormous numbers of people throughout the world.  Estimates suggest that from twenty million to fifty million Americans routinely, albeit illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct medical supervision.  Yet, despite this long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers, there are simply no credible medical reports to suggest that consuming marijuana has caused a single death.

6.  By contrast aspirin, a commonly used, over-the-counter medicine, causes hundreds of deaths each year.

7.  Drugs used in medicine are routinely given what is called an LD-50.  The LD-50 rating indicates at what dosage fifty percent of test animals receiving a drug will die as a result of drug induced toxicity.  A number of researchers have attempted to determine marijuana's LD-50 rating in test animals, without success.  Simply stated, researchers have been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce death.

8.  At present it is estimated that marijuana's LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000.  In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette.  NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams.  A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.

9.  In practical terms, marijuana cannot induce a lethal response as a result of drug-related toxicity.

most importantly, this slave gets her information first-hand and from the people she has had experience with over the last twenty years.  this slave has never known, nor heard of, anyone OD on marijuana.  hallucinate, maybe, but OD?  nah...that's fear-mongering.

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:28:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado


consider the actions of Harry J. Anslinger, director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1937, who read into U.S. Congressional testimony(without objection) stories about "coloreds" with big lips, luring white women with jazz music and marijuana. 

That's just the tip of the iceberg....why did ole Harry take such a dislike to reefer?

From an old post of mine here on CM:  "I would encourage everyone to read "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer.  Here's a link to his website:

The book details the conspiracy against marijuana, the lies upon which it's criminalization was based, etc.  Very informative, factual read"............luci

it's a favorite![;)]

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:34:24 PM)


Can you cite the source you get this information from?  
What about the many accidents kids get into, and are killed, each year that are drug related? 
Abuse of a drug starts with use of a drug. 

Here's one:

Animal tests have revealed that extremely high doses of cannabinoids are needed to have lethal effect. This has led scientists to conclude that the ratio of the amount of cannabinoids necessary to get a person intoxicated (i.e., stoned) relative to the amount necessary to kill them is 1 to 40,000. In other words, to overdose, you would have to consume 40,000 times as much marijuana as you needed to get stoned. In contrast, the ratio for alcohol varies between 1 to 4 and 1 to 10. It is easy to see how upward of 5000 people die from alcohol overdoses every year and no one EVER dies of marijuana overdoses. Source:  

It is MUCH easier to find a great number of people who have died from prescription and OTC drug overdoses and other substances found in your home. Sleeping pills, OTC meds, and/or your liqueur cabinet all have overdose potential. If every drug and/or legally purchased item that could cause an overdose was made illegal - the drug store shelves would be empty and a lot of people would be required to line up for their daily doses of their medications. Of course that won't happen because these drugs are "legal", taxed, and generating Trillions of dollars for their manufacturers and distributors. If this rationalization isn't hypocrisy I don't know what is.

I'm sure that source doesn't you. How's this - find ONE source that reports a death directly attributed to an "overdose" of marijuana.

This issue hits a very high standard of hypocrisy. Using the "gateway" argument - there should be a great uproar to outlaw beer and/or wine and wine coolers.

The accident argument is also very weak. Again both OTC and prescription drugs come with warnings to not use while driving a car or operating machinery. Have you every driven a car or cut grass after taking an allergy pill? You we're "impaired" as far as the law and the drug label is concerned.

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