RE: War on Drugs. (Full Version)

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Sunao -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:49:33 PM)

Ive been curious that if I get a large group of 18+ friends and myself to sit in front of city hall and just start toking would that be considered civil disobediance? Americans have the right to protest and civil disobediance.

camille65 -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 12:50:19 PM)

Sounds like the Ann Arbor HashBash

philosophy -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 3:01:04 PM)

.....even 'the man' isn't entirely convinced.......

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/15/2007 10:40:12 PM)

Thanks for posting the information.  i can believe it's near impossile to overdose on pot, but i am sure there are plenty of incidents where kids get injured, possibly killed under the influence.  i know pcp ends up in the pot the people i know who smoke it - why how etc i have no clue.  PCP is a dangerous substance and i would like to know more about it and why it is an ingredient in the pot, at least here in NY. 

It will never set right with me personally because i have had too many bad experiences around me - all of my life where in the beginning it "was only pot".  i'm not saying this is across the board and other experiences i am sure vary, but i can only react from my own experiences in life.  Do people smoke and live full and productive lives - sure. Are there responsible pot smokers who never allow it to depreciate their lives - sure.  i haven't seen it very often happen that way.  The ones i know who are pot smokers tend to share the same characteristics, which tend to be negative ones. 

farglebargle -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 3:14:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears
i know pcp ends up in the pot the people i know who smoke it - why how etc i have no clue.

IF it's there, it's because the SMOKER put it there on purpose. Again, since the per-gram price of "Hard" drugs is so much higher than the price of weed, the dealer LOSES MONEY by adulterating the product. If they do sell adulterated weed ( And that's a HUGE "IF" ), it would be at a PREMIUM PRICE, and there's no way the buyer wouldn't know why they're paying more for their dimebag.

All the propaganda I've googled implies that the dealer is selling joints and blunts dipped in the adulterant.

HOW MANY DEALERS ARE SELLING PRE-ROLLED JOINTS??? ( None. Who adds labor without marking up the product? ).


Look, I'm all for staying away from dangerous drugs, the problem is when this hyperbolic bullshit about weed gets put out there, you undermine your own credibility when you say, "Cocaine *will* fuck up your life.". The kids are smart enough to know, from their own experience, that you're lying, and if you're lying about weed, you're probably lying about everything.


It will never set right with me personally because i have had too many bad experiences around me - all of my life where in the beginning it "was only pot".

Yeah, but you know the credibility issues those people have, don't you? They'll tell you *whatever* they *think* you want to hear.

Actually, MILK is the REAL GATEWAY DRUG. They ALL STARTED ON MILK, then went for the harder stuff.

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 6:00:21 AM)

First off i am not lying about anything.  i know for a fact the people who end up with pcp in their system got it form smoking pot and they did not add anything themselves to the weed.  Someone, somewhere along the line is adding it to the weed. If this happened to one or two i could say yes maybe they were lying - but i am talking about dozens. 

If you want to live in a fairy tale world where all the pot is pure go right ahead.  i'm here to say it's not. i'm not lying, i have no vested interest in lying.

pahunkboy -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 6:04:54 AM)

i wont touch pot- as more then not it IS laced. maybe it was diff yrs ago-

Petronius -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 6:13:14 AM)

Dear O,

Thanks for your supportive letter.

I'm really not wild about Laura Antoniou's novels but I understand how other people are. In a nutshell, she's moved "The Story of O" into the Anglo world, and across lines of gender and affectional preference. In other words, O is essentially heterosexually-oriented to men. Antoniou's submissive/slave characters (plural) have a wide variety of bisexual orientations. That's all to the good.

I don't like the continuation of the heavy sledgehammer'y description of things that can't, for all effective purposes be done, wrapped in the aristocratic monied subculture, backed by the Anglo version of bad French philosophy of sex.

But as I say, that's my opinion. Giving her credit, her characters are well drawn and developed, and his writing is excellent.

As a lecturer she is superb. Few today treat the lecture as an artform as it was treated 150 years ago. She's one. Her lectures I've seen have been carefully prepared and rehersed. They're on topic and on target, funny, and informative. Even her gestures and body movements have been carefully worked out for maximum effect.

I highly recommend that everybody see her.

You may be able to track down her schedule from her web site.


PS: I caught the tail end of the civil rights movement in Florida during the 60s. You may want to mention the tradition of "Southern Abolitionism" including the Unitarians and the Quakers involved with the Underground Railroad and Unitarian service in the Union Army. I've found it helps inform otherwise miseducated people who thought everybody in the South was pro-slavery.

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 6:18:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears

First off i am not lying about anything.  i know for a fact the people who end up with pcp in their system got it form smoking pot and they did not add anything themselves to the weed.  Someone, somewhere along the line is adding it to the weed. If this happened to one or two i could say yes maybe they were lying - but i am talking about dozens. 

If you want to live in a fairy tale world where all the pot is pure go right ahead.  i'm here to say it's not. i'm not lying, i have no vested interest in lying.

according to the laws of the Great State of California(since 1996)...and the 12 other states that followed... once one has been prescribed marijuana from their Doctor, one may grow their own, additive free, or visit a dispensary.
"I'm interested in having marijuana available to patients as an herb which they can inhale because it gives the patient control" ...Lester Grinspoon, M.D. Harvard Medical School...a clip from the movie..."Dispensing Cannabis"
this slave has had personal FIRST-hand experience for the last 20 years and has never, nor known anyone else who has PCP, cocaine or heroin added to their marijuana without KNOWING it and PAYING for it, like fargle has been saying all along.
brother lives in NY, smokes every day and has no PCP issues, either.  perhaps your friends should try another dealer.

Edited by Merc to add:


  i can believe it's near impossible to overdose on pot, but i am sure there are plenty of incidents where kids get injured, possibly killed under the influence.

But safe to assume you also couldn't find any marijuana overdose examples huh? Its hypocritical to put a "cause of accident" argument on marijuana and not put the same argument against antihistamines, let alone a legal beer.

Tell me something, when you ask for cheese with a hamburger doesn't it cost you more? It seems the people you and your brother hang out with like the extras. "Extras" don't come free, and they don't come without asking.

Alumbrado -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 7:03:31 AM)


I've found it helps inform otherwise miseducated people who thought everybody in the South was pro-slavery.

I'm guessing that there were lots of people in the South who were against slavery...starting wth some of the slaves?

SirMIkeSD -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 7:39:34 AM)

Trust me on this as I had a very mis spent youth, you know when there is something on the pot.  The minute you open the foil (yes it's in tin foil to help cut down on the odor) you can smell the difference.  Green which is PCP on parsley or love boat (which we used to call it) is PCP on pot both have a VERY different odor then just pot.  I know that I had to pay quite a bit more for it, at the time a once of pot was 35 to 50 and 3 yes 3 joints of Green was 15 I think.   A big price difference, and I never got it by mistake.


SeeksOnlyOne -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 1:27:55 PM)

see, ive read this whole thing and im giggling and calm......if the world smoked more merrywanna, there would be less arguing, here and everywhere.......


popeye1250 -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 1:42:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: slaveluci


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord
I won't allow someone both the right to be stupid and to force that stupidity on us via voting.

Oh really?[:D]  Do you happen to realize just how many stupid people vote who have never even done drugs?  There is nothing you or anyone else can do about that unfortunately............luci

And I'm sure we'll see plenty of stupid people voting for Hillary Clinton in 2008.

sundownhawk -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 6:08:04 PM)

The “war on drugs” should not include pot. It has been ingrained in our society for so long that it is a drug and should be looked at the same as every other drug that it remains a hot button topic that few people will address this issue directly in the political arena. I say put the tobacco farmers back to work and let them grow marijuana then sell it, tax it and put the South Americans out of the “pot” business.

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/16/2007 10:34:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


ORIGINAL: velvetears

First off i am not lying about anything.  i know for a fact the people who end up with pcp in their system got it form smoking pot and they did not add anything themselves to the weed.  Someone, somewhere along the line is adding it to the weed. If this happened to one or two i could say yes maybe they were lying - but i am talking about dozens. 

If you want to live in a fairy tale world where all the pot is pure go right ahead.  i'm here to say it's not. i'm not lying, i have no vested interest in lying.

according to the laws of the Great State of California(since 1996)...and the 12 other states that followed... once one has been prescribed marijuana from their Doctor, one may grow their own, additive free, or visit a dispensary.
"I'm interested in having marijuana available to patients as an herb which they can inhale because it gives the patient control" ...Lester Grinspoon, M.D. Harvard Medical School...a clip from the movie..."Dispensing Cannabis"
this slave has had personal FIRST-hand experience for the last 20 years and has never, nor known anyone else who has PCP, cocaine or heroin added to their marijuana without KNOWING it and PAYING for it, like fargle has been saying all along.
brother lives in NY, smokes every day and has no PCP issues, either.  perhaps your friends should try another dealer.

Edited by Merc to add:


  i can believe it's near impossible to overdose on pot, but i am sure there are plenty of incidents where kids get injured, possibly killed under the influence.

But safe to assume you also couldn't find any marijuana overdose examples huh? Its hypocritical to put a "cause of accident" argument on marijuana and not put the same argument against antihistamines, let alone a legal beer.

Tell me something, when you ask for cheese with a hamburger doesn't it cost you more? It seems the people you and your brother hang out with like the extras. "Extras" don't come free, and they don't come without asking.

Just because there haven't been any recorded coases don't mean they don't exist.

i am not a pot head nor a drug addict so don't assume who i "hang out with" if you don't mind. i want nothing to do with any of it.

Let me ask you this - every time pot heads gather, people taking a toke ask - "hey is there pcp in this stuff "- hardly.  Like i said i don't know the why's or how's of it, nor costs or benefits, drawbacks, etc - i just KNOW it's there.   i am glad you both can smoke your pure pot without worrying - toke away!

And by the way i never said people cannot overdose on other things - you can overdose on almost anything, too much water and you die if you drink too much of it.

kc692 -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/17/2007 6:30:52 AM)

**guesses she believes the frying pan propoganda also....this is your brain.........**

kc692 -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/17/2007 6:33:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: velvetears


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


ORIGINAL: velvetears

First off i am not lying about anything.  i know for a fact the people who end up with pcp in their system got it form smoking pot and they did not add anything themselves to the weed.  Someone, somewhere along the line is adding it to the weed. If this happened to one or two i could say yes maybe they were lying - but i am talking about dozens. 

If you want to live in a fairy tale world where all the pot is pure go right ahead.  i'm here to say it's not. i'm not lying, i have no vested interest in lying.

according to the laws of the Great State of California(since 1996)...and the 12 other states that followed... once one has been prescribed marijuana from their Doctor, one may grow their own, additive free, or visit a dispensary.
"I'm interested in having marijuana available to patients as an herb which they can inhale because it gives the patient control" ...Lester Grinspoon, M.D. Harvard Medical School...a clip from the movie..."Dispensing Cannabis"
this slave has had personal FIRST-hand experience for the last 20 years and has never, nor known anyone else who has PCP, cocaine or heroin added to their marijuana without KNOWING it and PAYING for it, like fargle has been saying all along.
brother lives in NY, smokes every day and has no PCP issues, either.  perhaps your friends should try another dealer.

Edited by Merc to add:


  i can believe it's near impossible to overdose on pot, but i am sure there are plenty of incidents where kids get injured, possibly killed under the influence.

But safe to assume you also couldn't find any marijuana overdose examples huh? Its hypocritical to put a "cause of accident" argument on marijuana and not put the same argument against antihistamines, let alone a legal beer.

Tell me something, when you ask for cheese with a hamburger doesn't it cost you more? It seems the people you and your brother hang out with like the extras. "Extras" don't come free, and they don't come without asking.

Just because there haven't been any recorded coases don't mean they don't exist.

i am not a pot head nor a drug addict so don't assume who i "hang out with" if you don't mind. i want nothing to do with any of it.

Let me ask you this - every time pot heads gather, people taking a toke ask - "hey is there pcp in this stuff "- hardly.  Like i said i don't know the why's or how's of it, nor costs or benefits, drawbacks, etc - i just KNOW it's there.   i am glad you both can smoke your pure pot without worrying - toke away!

And by the way i never said people cannot overdose on other things - you can overdose on almost anything, too much water and you die if you drink too much of it.

Not that I care in the least, but you contradict yourself, do not "hang out" with potheads per your words, then said something about "every time pot heads gather" do you hang out with groups of them, or are you making up what groups of them say?  Curious minds really dont give a shit either way, but thought I would ask.......

Mercnbeth -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/17/2007 7:17:59 AM)


Just because there haven't been any recorded cases don't mean they don't exist.

i am not a pot head nor a drug addict so don't assume who i "hang out with" if you don't mind. i want nothing to do with any of it.

Let me ask you this - every time pot heads gather, people taking a toke ask - "hey is there pcp in this stuff "- hardly.  Like i said i don't know the why's or how's of it, nor costs or benefits, drawbacks, etc - i just KNOW it's there.
Yeah I can understand your position why let facts and reality cloud your jaded opinion.

Either you are hanging out with "pot heads" who ask "hey is there pcp in this stuff?" to have that reference point or you are just making stuff up. Which is it? There was no assumption - that were your representation.

If the government, who had death as a desired result, couldn't get a lab rat to die regardless of the concentration or amount of marijuana I thing its safe to say it can't happen. I would think even if the rat died because he was dropped on the floor by the lab technician it would have been reported as an overdose.

However - I applaud your consistency. If ANY reality conflicts with your opinion you consistently ignore it.

velvetears -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/17/2007 8:23:10 AM)

Interesting the assumptions being made - did you consider a third option?   i work in the field of rehabilitation.  Thanks anyway for implying i am a lier. 

kdsub -> RE: War on Drugs. (10/17/2007 8:44:35 AM)

Here is an idea… if you want a wheeeeeeeeee thrill go outside …put your arms out and spin till you drop… then feel the earth turn.

Forget all laws… what’s legal and what’s not… the hell with alcohol and cigarettes versus pot…hmmm amazing what you can rhyme after a few stokes.

If you take reality altering chemicals of any kind you are weak and deserve to be taken advantage of.
Don’t expect grownups to make it easy on you.

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