RE: What are words for? (Full Version)

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xoxi -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:25:47 PM)

Just to be clear, I have met my previous 2 Dominants and did not use safewords with them, for the exact same reason.

If you're attempting to claim my view is invalid because I haven't lived it, that won't hold much weight.  I have lived it.  I intend to live it again.

xoxi -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:27:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: subtee


If a safeword doesn't proscribe a particular course of action then what does it do?
Hopefully whatever the folks involved have agreed it would do. No guarantees though.


You can say that it's a signal - but I would say it's still a signal that must be responded to.
This is a leap I cannot make with you.

If it's a signal that can be responded to or ignored at the top's whim, I would argue it isn't very useful. 
Another leap. I'm not with you.

If the bottom says 'red' to signal "I have information" and the top replies "yeah, so? Keep your information to yourself, I don't want to hear it" then what good does it do?  How is that even a safeword?
Similarly, if the bottom says, "crickey! there's a croc chewing my ass" he could just as easily say "I don't want to hear it." However, if they have agreed, whether it be a safeword or the croc thing or simply saying, "sweet one, my vagina has ripped in two" it is a communication, not an imperative.

Then there's really no debate here.  We're arguing apples against oranges.  If we can't agree on the premise of what it is we're debating, we certainly can't continue onto debate.

God I should have made that post last night.  It would have saved pages of discussion.

IrishMist -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:32:33 PM)


Yet if someone entered into a relationship that works but doesn't follow any of the premises disclosed; it would not make it or their arguments in support, invalid.

Very true [:)]

xoxi -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:36:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: MystressDream

Replying to nobody in particular here...
408 posts.... most of the last 100 from two people who have never actually had a real time relationship??

Which two people are those?

MadRabbit -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:37:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


At this point, all your arguments have pretty much been proven invalid through the course of logical discussion and while might provide valid reason for your own little way in your own little Idaho, they hold exactly zero air or substance on the mantle of reality.

"Proven invalid"? She's representing her relationship. You choose to call a specific aspect of it "invalid". Why is it so important that everyone be in step with you and the rest of the band regarding this position? She's made some good arguments and so have others on the other side. Even if someone has changed whatever they do in their relationship it doesn't, and shouldn't, invalidate anyone who doesn't. .

Its an intellectual exercise for me and I've been enjoying stretching my brain over this.

Given how adamanent and absolute you have been, well...hey pot...I'm kettle.


She has conviction, confidence, and strength; and, unlike some, is speaking from being in a relationship. One thing you should keep in mind - it works for her, while in a relationship; something you seek to have someday. The use of safe-words and her Master's believe in their inappropriateness is between her and him. Having that position myself, I don't consider you the ultimate authority on its validity. Besides, its valid for them, for me, and while I'm at it. anyone who makes a decision to submit to me.

Personally, Merc, given that you have no idea what my relationship status is, my experience is, and how many play partners I have or anyone else's on these boards, I find your constant interjections of how cool and great and better your opinions are, because you have found a partner to be incredibly low and nothing more than chest puffing and pounding.

You've done it once with Rover and now with me as if somehow smoothly interjecting these boisterious and backhanded comments adds creditibility to this theortical discussion where none of us have any factual knowledge of the other people and only the logic presented counts.

I find it to be pretty low and below the belt and nothing more than a horrible erronous assumption.


I'll stipulate that, having never met xoxi or her Master, she could be on-line only, never been with her Master in real time, and thinks a flogger requires batteries. For that matter, to you who never met us, beth can be a 250 pound bald guy. But she and her arguments aren't invalid just on your say so, or because other "what if's..." have been created. What if that were your slave? 

Pot meet Kettle.


11 pages of watching you and Merc try and restrain this discussion to the narrow minded parameters of your own creations will exhaust anyone's patience.

You said this 10 pages ago. Are you yet convinced that xoxi doesn't need or want to be "in step" in any "band"?

Being so sure and positive of your way - I would think that you wouldn't need 10 more pages to prove your argument is "valid" as compared to xoxi. Is it that important to convert?

Probably as important as it is for you to adamently tell everyone what exactly they are doing according to the assurance of your way...


Maybe once in a relationship you'd consider the perspective that anything that defines it makes it valid for at least as long as the relationship lasts. 

Hey look...another low blow, based on your assumptions of my personal life.

Look...just cause you can't argue the logic, admit fault, or respond to the posts debunking your own theory doesnt mean you have to reduce to these kind of tactics like a fish flapping for air...

thornhappy -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:41:32 PM)



Just to be clear, I have met my previous 2 Dominants and did not use safewords with them, for the exact same reason.

If you're attempting to claim my view is invalid because I haven't lived it, that won't hold much weight.  I have lived it.  I intend to live it again.

Just out of curiosity, in your journal you state that you switch.  Do you only top/dominate someone who's of the same accord?  If they say, hey, I'm prone to x,y, or z and may need to give you a safeword, do you turn them down?


ModeratorEleven -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:46:35 PM)

Ok folks, enough with the personal attacks and threats and namecalling and, well, you get the point.  Strangely enough, it is possible to debate an issue without having it degenerate to this level.  If things persist, all expenses paid vacations will be distributed to those involved.


Mercnbeth -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 4:53:52 PM)


Its an intellectual exercise for me and I've been enjoying stretching my brain over this.
Given how adamant and absolute you have been, well...hey pot...I'm kettle.
I didn't claim it was a spurious discussion after 10 pages - you did. Adamant and absolutism doesn't apply.

Interesting how none of this supports or distances you from the claim of xoxi's position being "valid". 


Personally, Merc, given that you have no idea what my relationship status is, my experience is, and how many play partners I have or anyone else's on these boards, 
I based my point upon the representation given in your profile and the profile of xoxi. It doesn't account for anything other than a perspective referencing point. It was speaking to the point of validity. Her argument's validity comes from being a relationship. When I checked your argument did not have the ability to do the same. Neither did John's when a similar reference point was made. I believe it is a critical difference, again - subject to disagreement. I was not in a relationship for a much longer time than you've been on the planet. It doesn't speak to your ability to be in one. 

However, if you were speaking from a current relationship not yet updated in your profile, disregard the comment. I apologize if you took it as an insult or "below the belt". To me its the same as saying I'm bald. How can I be insulted? It's a fact. I don't consider myself weaker, or less a person than those not so follicle impaired.  

Probably as important as it is for you to adamantly tell everyone what exactly they are doing according to the assurance of your way...

The big difference is never once was "wrong" or "invalid" used to make any of my point. I disagreed and made a counter argument, but didn't represent it to be any more valid, more intelligent, than yours or anyone else's. I also didn't need to make it so by calling the person giving the opposing view "ignorant".

Perhaps you should have a kettle as black as mine.

chellekitty -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 5:33:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

<snip> I was not in a relationship for a much longer time than you've been on the planet. It doesn't speak to your ability to be in one. 

However, if you were speaking from a current relationship not yet updated in your profile, disregard the comment. I apologize if you took it as an insult or "below the belt". To me its the same as saying I'm bald. How can I be insulted? It's a fact. I don't consider myself weaker, or less a person than those not so follicle impaired.  

did you have to go there Merc? could you have not left out the age references?

oh and committed a cardinal expected logic on these can appreciate it when you find it, but never expect it...

MadRabbit -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 5:45:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

However, if you were speaking from a current relationship not yet updated in your profile, disregard the comment. I apologize if you took it as an insult or "below the belt". To me its the same as saying I'm bald. How can I be insulted? It's a fact. I don't consider myself weaker, or less a person than those not so follicle impaired.  

I apologize for my reading comprehension skills and for assuming this is nothing more than some "chest puffing".

However, for the future, I might be more convinced of your innonence if would simply ask about my past experience and relationships with young woman as opposed to just making an assumption based on my profile.

After all, I am right here and this isn't about you being condescending or "better".

Common sense would dictate that with such a strong care for facts of other people's histories or current personal life as relevant as they are to the debates, it would be a wise move to verify with the individuals as opposed to just submitting your assumption and working off of it as a "fact" to determine the basis for your comments.

Of course, if one's agenda was to "chest puff" or to publicly denounce a person, the abstraction of inserting an assumption as opposed to simply asking for information would be perfectly understandable.


The big difference is never once was "wrong" or "invalid" used to make any of my point.

I agree. There is a big difference between directly stating something is "wrong" and "invalid" and bluntly telling individuals like chellekitty what they are, in fact, doing in their own relationship despite what they are saying they are doing...if we only count semantics.

Edited to Add : As a reminder, I thought I would mention there is a few questions and scenarios from Rover, that you have not responded to. One might assume you have been "ignoring" them in an attempt to avoid having to admit fault.

Rover -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 6:16:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

I based my point upon the representation given in your profile and the profile of xoxi. It doesn't account for anything other than a perspective referencing point. It was speaking to the point of validity. Her argument's validity comes from being a relationship. When I checked your argument did not have the ability to do the same. Neither did John's when a similar reference point was made. I believe it is a critical difference, again - subject to disagreement.

Excuse me, Merc... what does my relationship status have to do with anything? 

Mercnbeth -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 6:19:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: chellekitty


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

<snip> I was not in a relationship for a much longer time than you've been on the planet. It doesn't speak to your ability to be in one. 

However, if you were speaking from a current relationship not yet updated in your profile, disregard the comment. I apologize if you took it as an insult or "below the belt". To me its the same as saying I'm bald. How can I be insulted? It's a fact. I don't consider myself weaker, or less a person than those not so follicle impaired.  

did you have to go there Merc? could you have not left out the age references?
oh and committed a cardinal expected logic on these can appreciate it when you find it, but never expect it...

I don't know what you are taking from that, but it was an effort to say I'm old - as well as bald. Both facts I'm afraid. I envy the years that MR has ahead of him, however, don't envy the search process. Frankly it sucks. The purpose was that I didn't want MR to think it made a difference that he wasn't in a relationship only that he may have a different perspective if he was.


As a reminder, I thought I would mention there is a few questions and scenarios from Rover, that you have not responded to. One might assume you have been "ignoring" them in an attempt to avoid having to admit fault.

21 pages, and admittedly my reading of the past 10 has been very casual. If there's something not clear, I'm sure John would have pointed it out. In the matter of the hypothetical - what can I say, it doesn't change any of my basic premises. I also think that the Irish Mist / John combination that I quoted in my last post was a good summary.

Rover -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 6:28:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

If there's something not clear, I'm sure John would have pointed it out.

Since you brought it up, I'm still unclear on the following because you've steadfastly refused to acknowledge or answer the questions:
  • You and beth are driving along one fine sunny California morning and about to pass an intersection.  Although you're driving, you fail to notice the car approaching from the side and obviously about to run the red light and t-bone your car.  But beth sees it clearly.  Beth yells "STOP" (or "Red" if you prefer) as you enter the intersection (because it is her door about to be hit) giving dominance to her and making you submissive to her direction.
  • You've just finished a wonderful dinner that beth cooked, and sit down in your favorite chair to relax.  As you're about to light a cigar, beth notices the odor of gas and realizes that the gas starter on the fireplace has been left on.  Beth yells "STOP!!" (or "Red" if you prefer) before you light the match (because you are insufficiently insured) giving dominance to her and making you submissive to her direction.

  • You're headed to work one morning and beth, being the loving girl that she is, walks you out to the car and kisses you through the open driver's side window.  As you shift the car into reverse and look over your shoulder to back out of the driveway, beth notices that your child is sitting behind the car playing jacks, too low for you to see through the back window.  Beth yells "STOP!!" (or "Red" if you prefer) before you run over your child giving dominance to her and making you submissive to her direction (and because she knows that, practically speaking, our decisions in life have quite a few more consequences than theoretical questions on a bulletin board).  

How do the above examples differ from a bottom/slave/submissive who says "Red" during the course of a scene (other than location) with the intention that their Dominant give immediate attention to a problem? 
Something else to be considered is the element of trust.  You've made mention several times of the trust a bottom/submissive/slave "should" (a relative assertion) have in their Top/Dominant.  But trust is a two-way street.  Don't you trust beth to give you imperative information that demands your immediate attention, and not bother you with "my nose itches"?

KnightofMists -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 6:37:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: ModeratorEleven

If things persist, all expenses paid vacations will be distributed to those involved.


WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO   hear that Kyra... Mod11 is paying for my trip to Florida!!!!

MadRabbit -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 6:44:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


ORIGINAL: chellekitty


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

<snip> I was not in a relationship for a much longer time than you've been on the planet. It doesn't speak to your ability to be in one. 

However, if you were speaking from a current relationship not yet updated in your profile, disregard the comment. I apologize if you took it as an insult or "below the belt". To me its the same as saying I'm bald. How can I be insulted? It's a fact. I don't consider myself weaker, or less a person than those not so follicle impaired.  

did you have to go there Merc? could you have not left out the age references?
oh and committed a cardinal expected logic on these can appreciate it when you find it, but never expect it...

I don't know what you are taking from that, but it was an effort to say I'm old - as well as bald. Both facts I'm afraid. I envy the years that MR has ahead of him, however, don't envy the search process. Frankly it sucks. The purpose was that I didn't want MR to think it made a difference that he wasn't in a relationship only that he may have a different perspective if he was.

After some private correspondance with Merc, I realize this was just a gross misinterruptation from me being slightly on the defensive and am sorry for my nastiness in my assumptions of his intentions.

MadRabbit -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 6:58:39 PM)

On the lighter side of things, this thread in and of itself adds some weight to the argument that safewords by themselves have no control or power over dominants as many people have used safewords in an attempt to stop this thread, but amazingly, it still keeps on going without hinderance.

laurell3 -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 7:10:00 PM)



On the lighter side of things, this thread in and of itself adds some weight to the argument that safewords by themselves have no control or power over dominants as many people have used safewords in an attempt to stop this thread, but amazingly, it still keeps on going without hinderance.

It's like an evil energizer leather or a corset.

Mercnbeth -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 7:17:35 PM)

Thought I address these as not being in the context of scene which was the topic at hand. If in consideration of 24/7, the position I said before is I believe beth's protecting my property including herself. I think a scene where red = stop is not comparable to running over a child, but in all those instances beth's providing information that I am under no obligation to follow. I chose to follow or not and, unlike a scene where beth bears the result of the consequence, suffer the consequences. 

I think trust is the most important thing. I trust her to provide information, I'm not required to act upon it. My very pointed point is if you replace that level of trust with a word, and make be dominant over the scene, you aren't safe. It's pointed to the most common usage of this tool. New people who don't know each other and who do have RED=STOP as the sole definition.

If this doesn't make sense I believe it. This post has absolutely no edit, spell-check or re-read done to it. I need to go now and pick her up from the airport. Let's see - I bought the ticket and sent her to visit her ailing mom. I took her to the airport and now I'm picking her up. I am her slave?

Yes I am a slave, but not to her. I'm a slave to the relationship, and all the driving and picking up is all part of my service to it. What do I get out of it? Well, let's just say I'm planning a long evening and taking the day off tomorrow. My payment pennies - the value and the ROI is priceless! 

Rover -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 8:16:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Thought I address these as not being in the context of scene which was the topic at hand. If in consideration of 24/7, the position I said before is I believe beth's protecting my property including herself. I think a scene where red = stop is not comparable to running over a child, but in all those instances beth's providing information that I am under no obligation to follow. I chose to follow or not and, unlike a scene where beth bears the result of the consequence, suffer the consequences. 

I'm sorry, Merc.  But this is clear as mud.  So outside of a scene, you consider those examples to be beth protecting your property (which may include herself), but inside the scene she's no longer protecting your property (herself)?  Please explain to me how it is that "Red" (or "Stop") knows whether it is a scene or not?  And how in the one instance (a scene) it demands compliance while in the other it does not?
And if this is the case in which beth saying "Red" (or "Stop") constitutes taking control in a scene, isn't it a fact that she still can take control (she is still able to say "Red" or "Stop"), but simply chooses not to?  You've said that use of such terms demands/requires your obedience, so compliance is not a choice, it's a requirement.  She simply has not required you to do so... yet. 


I think trust is the most important thing. I trust her to provide information, I'm not required to act upon it.

My girl's use of a safeword as a communication tool affords me the same freedom.  You do not define its use for me, or anything else about my relationship dynamics.  And with that, any pretense that a safeword *always* results in a bottom/submissive/slave being in control goes right out the window.  Unless you would care to establish a "one twue way" about the meaning and usage of safewords.  Do you?


My very pointed point is if you replace that level of trust with a word, and make be dominant over the scene, you aren't safe. It's pointed to the most common usage of this tool. New people who don't know each other and who do have RED=STOP as the sole definition.

So new people, and people who do not understand all the facets of a power exchange relationship, define all relationships for you?  I don't allow them to do that for me.  Since when did "common" become a substitute for *all*?  Are you suggesting that we *must* all practice the "immitative" BDSM that folks like Joseph Bean complain so much about?  Is there no freedom in your view of BDSM for people to make it personal for themselves?  Is there a "one twue way" based upon what is "common"?


If this doesn't make sense I believe it. This post has absolutely no edit, spell-check or re-read done to it. I need to go now and pick her up from the airport. Let's see - I bought the ticket and sent her to visit her ailing mom. I took her to the airport and now I'm picking her up. I am her slave?

I have no idea what you are to her.  You say that you are her Master and I accept that.  But you seem quick to judge for others what their relationships are, and how they hinge (critically) upon certain singular words. 


Yes I am a slave, but not to her. I'm a slave to the relationship, and all the driving and picking up is all part of my service to it. What do I get out of it? Well, let's just say I'm planning a long evening and taking the day off tomorrow. My payment pennies - the value and the ROI is priceless! 

Wonderful that you see it that way.  I wouldn't presume to tell you otherwise.  A courtesy you do not seem so willing to afford others.
Again, I ask you whether you trust beth to provide you with important information during the course of a scene, and not to portray "my nose itches" as if it were imperative?  And if you do, why would it matter to you what word(s) she uses to convey that information?  Are you insecure about the use of certain words?
And finally, I ask you again pointedly... what does my relationship status have to do with anything?  You've referred to it twice now, and I cannot imagine what relevance it has.  Please do me the favor of explaining.

Stephann -> RE: What are words for? (11/15/2007 8:31:44 PM)

Hi John,

I think the idea here, as simply put as possible, is that when the submissive says "Red" in a scene, should the dominant choose to continue anyway, it would be seen almost universally as abusive.  It gives the submissive the power to 'pull the plug.'  If the submissive in question actively does not desire a plug to be pulled, giving her one would be on par with removing the slave's collar.  It's telling her she can't ride a bike without training wheels (even if the training wheels are supposed to be for her own good.)

Nobody is saying she can't say "Help, I'm in danger!" in the scene.  Rather, it's saying that her cries for help remain in the discretion of the dominant to act on.  Obviously, this mode of play isn't for everyone.



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