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RE: GPS chip - 11/27/2007 10:51:23 PM   

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I work in a environment that has GPS on all cell phones.  My Mistress, had me print out my day and detail
all of my movements.  It was not that difficult as I am stationary at work. I do have to admit the idea of Her constant watchful eye was exciting.  As we moved into Chastity this pretty much rendered this device useless
as I was under her complete control. 

(in reply to Stephann)
Profile   Post #: 61
RE: GPS chip - 11/27/2007 11:02:47 PM   

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Well the slave would hardly have to know that it was non-functional :).

(in reply to thornhappy)
Profile   Post #: 62
RE: GPS chip - 11/28/2007 8:21:27 AM   

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I think it's a great idea, ...... in a collar.  Then the Sub can take off the chip when (and if) she ever takes off the collar.  If she's worried about his knowing where she is all the time, then she might want to re-think forming a relationship with this man.
But wait a minute here.  The 'chip' that you put into a dog or cat can only be read from about THREE INCHES  away!  That wouldn't do much good........., and the GPS chip in a cell phone, wristwatch or game has to have a battery attached or it doesn't work; just like the one in my airplane's ELT.  No battery, no signal.  Now where does that leave you?  Large leather collar with several wristwatch batteries and the GPS chip?  Hmmmm...........

< Message edited by OscarHargraves -- 11/28/2007 8:35:32 AM >


Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ! !

(in reply to fsub4use)
Profile   Post #: 63
RE: GPS chip - 11/28/2007 7:35:55 PM   

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I don't see that I would care either way. That sort of control can excite me some. 

(in reply to Stephann)
Profile   Post #: 64
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 6:17:17 AM   

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I think this is fantasy world here. I have no need for something like this. My slave wants to stay with Me at all times. I have never heard of this being used r/t but I suppose it is possible. If  it was a trust issue I would see no reason for it. If you cant trust your slave, O/one of you has a problem that gps cant fix. I would see no point behind this at all but I suppose to each Their own. has A/anyone ever heard of this in anything other than fantasy land?

(in reply to Stephann)
Profile   Post #: 65
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 7:20:11 AM   

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There is no such thing as a GPS chip you can implant. GPS chips need a transmitter and power to be able to be tracked, and they don't work in the subway, buildings, trains, airplanes, etc. The smallest unit I am aware of is about half the size of a pack of cigarettes, and the subscription you'd need, apart from a GSM cellphone account, would be on the order of $120 a year.

What's the reason you bring up the trust issue? This may be just about control, about being in charge of your every move, which for some types of doms is perfectly legitimate. Besides, for a dom not to trust a sub is cool too, if you're into that. Can't say it often enough - there are no rules, except the ones you create for yourself.

(in reply to fsub4use)
Profile   Post #: 66
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 8:11:22 AM   

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Darn, I completely forgot about this thread... when did I put that up?  Man that really freaked me out... but now I think it's kind of hot... so thanks to whoever just pulled it out of the back of the cupboard.  The whole, under the skin thing... nope... but shoot... a Dom who would just show up on me if I'm out having coffee and reading a book... that would turn me into a puddle.

peace, sunshine miss (formerly fsub4use)


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

(in reply to antipode)
Profile   Post #: 67
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 11:20:37 AM   

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ORIGINAL: antipode

There is no such thing as a GPS chip you can implant. GPS chips need a transmitter and power to be able to be tracked, and they don't work in the subway, buildings, trains, airplanes, etc. The smallest unit I am aware of is about half the size of a pack of cigarettes, and the subscription you'd need, apart from a GSM cellphone account, would be on the order of $120 a year.

Mr. Wonderful returned from  CES with an offer from a pet tracking manufacturer to test their product.  It's a tracking device, about the size of a small cookie, that can be dropped in a purse or put in a pocket.  The device has a number that is registered on a program of sorts, and you can log into their website, plug in the number, and see where it is.  It has other features, as well, such as alarming the owner of when the device is outside of a pre-set zone, or alarming the owner if the device is traveling faster than a pre-approved speed... He wants to use me to test it on and I love it!! 

With us, I do not see it as a matter of trust.  He already knows where I am all the time.  But I love knowing he can tap into me at any time and know precisely where I am (and how fast I'm traveling - eek, that could be an issue, lol!!).  I'm excited to receive it. 

I think doing this with a new submissive to the relationship could have some negative effects and I would be very careful about doing something like that.  But for me??  Whip me, beat me, implant me with chips...ha!

(in reply to antipode)
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RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 11:40:12 AM   

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I would laugh so hard if someone suggested this, that the Nigerian sex slaves would hear my laughter.

A GPS system, yeah ok. Like I am a dog who might wander off and need identification.


(in reply to okeytobow)
Profile   Post #: 69
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 12:19:11 PM   

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If you are at all interested in this, first you might figure out what you are talking about.  Most of the posts have NOTHING to do with GPS or other positioning tracking -- people are confusing ID chipping (like what you do to a pet) with position / travel tracking.  So a brief primer:

ID Chipping is putting a scannable (usually by a short range radio or magnetic ID scanner) chip under the skin of the subject animal so that if the animal is lost, it can be identified by the information in the chip.  The animal and the scanner have to be in the same location.  So this would help you find your property -- be it bovine (micro ID chipping has pretty much replaced cattle branding), canine and feline (all our pets are chipped), avian (so are our birds) or human (I've not chipped any of my human property, but in theory, if I'm comfortable doing so, why not?) .  ID chipping will do nothing if your property is stolen, or wanders off, however.

By the way, you can pretty much achieve the same ID functions by barcoding your submissive, tatooing an ID card on him/her, or otherwise putting ID information on/in your property (permanent Sharpie?).  Many people who use inventory scanning devices believe that RFID (radio-frequency Identification) tags are the wave of the future, as these allow passive monitoring of information from hundreds of feet away -- the small devices broadcast ID information over a local frequency radio band to the receiver.  By the way, there is an RFID/GPS combination device but how that works, and what it does, is more than I feel like typing right now.

Position / travel tracking is done by a GPS device that locates itself by reference to some of the dozen or so geosynchronous satellites in orbit around the Earth   (by the way, this only works on the Earth -- if your subbie regularly visits Mars, for example (and so many apparently do), you are SOL when he/she is off-Earth).  There are commonly two types of positioning devices:  recording, which send a history of where the chip (and the person/object "carrying it" has been, and "real time" which allow for monitoring of location, but do not record the data.  A classic "real time" is the car-based navigation system, which tells you where you are at any given moment, but unless the signal is being monitored from a remote location, no history is recorded.  Note that there are "real time" systems that send data as often as every 15 seconds, however, so a "real time" device sending to a recording laptop (for example) or an obsessive Dominant who never looks away from his/her screen (a more likely example) is essentially a recording device.

Use of a GPS or similar tracking device without the owner of the property's consent is illegal in most States (see, e.g. Cal Penal Code 637.7).  I would think before you play this kink, you had better get a consent form from your submissive, as "ownership" of one human by another is rarely recognized in law.  Right now, implantable microchips that provide GPS tracking are pretty much the provenance of military contractors (they are out there, but they are pricey and usually implanting them requires a licensed surgical device).  But there are small, easily carried devices for about $400 that will track and send r/t data.  For me, I'd use that money to put her in a really nice corset...but each to his or her own.


< Message edited by Emperor1956 -- 1/26/2008 12:21:48 PM >


"When you wake up, Pooh," said Piglet, "what's the first thing you say?"
"What's for breakfast? What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?"
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
"It's the same thing," he said.

(in reply to sexyred1)
Profile   Post #: 70
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 12:42:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Emperor1956
For me, I'd use that money to put her in a really nice corset...but each to his or her own.


Mmmmm, can we put a tracking device in a yummy corset?  I'll have died and gone to heaven...

(in reply to Emperor1956)
Profile   Post #: 71
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 1:50:24 PM   

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Sprint offers a poduct called family locator which allows you to buy any gps enabled phone and then track it. Basicly all one would have to do is buy even a free phone now, enable the option on the plan, and he would be set to track you via GPS.

That should give you the details.

(in reply to ownedgirlie)
Profile   Post #: 72
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 2:44:44 PM   

Posts: 3225
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From: Sailin the stormy sea
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True story.  My friend that suspected his wife of cheating works for a small city got his hands on a small tracking device used by law enforcement.  Put the tracking device in her golf bag that she keeps in the trunk of her car.  You can guess the rest of the story.  What amazed me was that not only could he track her but was able to load high res images in REAL time showing her location.   That indicates that big brother has literally hundreds of satellites roaming the US watching our every move.  Now that's a scary thought.  BTW my friend got fired for unauthorized use.


(in reply to Stephann)
Profile   Post #: 73
RE: GPS chip - 1/26/2008 3:28:35 PM   

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I'd wear a GPS device, but for me, there's never a time where I don't welcome contact.  He's never an imposition or intrusion.  If he wants to know where I am every second, then by all means!  If he had a way to watch a live video feed from something on me, I'd be open to that too.


(in reply to SailingBum)
Profile   Post #: 74
RE: GPS chip - 1/27/2008 9:35:05 AM   

Posts: 3236
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From: Royal kingdom of the Netherlands
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f you live in the US, your cell phone already has a GPS chip

location be determed when you are between 3 transmitters of the phone signal. No gps is needed..scary not?
google navigation software for cellphone uses this feature.


~Been there, done that, got the t-shirt

(in reply to Padriag)
Profile   Post #: 75
RE: GPS chip - 1/27/2008 10:34:49 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Justme696


f you live in the US, your cell phone already has a GPS chip

location be determed when you are between 3 transmitters of the phone signal. No gps is needed..scary not?
google navigation software for cellphone uses this feature.

Many phones have GPS chips inside due to the requirements of Enhanced 911 (triangulation by cell site wasn't good enough - sometimes there aren't 3 sites within view).


(in reply to Justme696)
Profile   Post #: 76
RE: GPS chip - 1/27/2008 10:51:34 AM   

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LOL that reminded me of a relationship I had when I was younger.  I was dating a detective in a southern california location at the time.  Periodically he would call me up and ask me how was lunch at some place I was eating, or what did I buy at the mall, ect.  He knew what I was doing a lot of the time.  Sometimes I would get stopped by an sheriff and they would tell me John needed me to call him that evening.  I was tracked but in a non gps sort of way.  It was a tad disturbing but also very hot.  I really enjoyed dating a cop.  Gad I am a sick.
But now I find myself wanting to date another control freak cop.

ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Darn, I completely forgot about this thread... when did I put that up?  Man that really freaked me out... but now I think it's kind of hot... so thanks to whoever just pulled it out of the back of the cupboard.  The whole, under the skin thing... nope... but shoot... a Dom who would just show up on me if I'm out having coffee and reading a book... that would turn me into a puddle.

peace, sunshine miss (formerly fsub4use)


pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding ~Gibran, Kahlil

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”
― Bob Marley

(in reply to sunshinemiss)
Profile   Post #: 77
RE: GPS chip - 1/27/2008 11:50:00 AM   

Posts: 3236
Joined: 1/7/2008
From: Royal kingdom of the Netherlands
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ORIGINAL: thornhappy


ORIGINAL: Justme696


f you live in the US, your cell phone already has a GPS chip

location be determed when you are between 3 transmitters of the phone signal. No gps is needed..scary not?
google navigation software for cellphone uses this feature.

Many phones have GPS chips inside due to the requirements of Enhanced 911 (triangulation by cell site wasn't good enough - sometimes there aren't 3 sites within view).


Wow   talking about big brother ( I See also the good side)
I remember a business man here in Europe sueing his phone company for tracking him. He recieved one of those "Welcome in Spain" messages when he crossed the border. He didn't like the thought of beeing followed and tracked. So under our privacy law he won the suitcase.


~Been there, done that, got the t-shirt

(in reply to thornhappy)
Profile   Post #: 78
RE: GPS chip - 1/29/2008 7:17:52 AM   

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This is Darcy.

I think that if I were to insist on a GPS chip for the.dark then she might find it quite amusing, as when she drives over to see me she likes the reassurance that if she were to become lost then I would be able to come and 'rescue' her

As for myself, I would have no problem with the.dark being able to track my movements, but would not like the fact that if she can, then anyone can. I am my own person (though responsible for and accountable to the.dark) and would hate to think that some government agency could locate me at a whim (though of course, they can do just that by triangulating your cell phone signal, but at least you can ditch that it you ever needed to )



love isnt gazing into each others eyes - it's looking forward in the same direction

(in reply to Stephann)
Profile   Post #: 79
RE: GPS chip - 1/29/2008 8:18:35 AM   

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That kind of chip is an RFID chip, and none are approved for human use.  In addition, it wouldn't have the range to located someone.

As said previously, there's no implantable GPS system to date.



Not quite true. RFID chips are approved for implantation and in use.  and 

OTOH GPS is not yet available for implant, but the chips can be embedded in jewelry, collars, etc. is one company that offers GPS fencing for your dog or cat. is another. Both are collar attachments that are smaller than most pagers and cell phones.


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