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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 9/29/2008 1:53:11 AM   

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The Pearl, by anon (But really mostly written by the poet Swinburne who composed the poem, Dolores, our sweet Lady of pain.

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 9/29/2008 6:45:42 AM   

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I have read most of these really interesting books....smiles.  Nice list!

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 10/18/2008 11:45:17 AM   

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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
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The Human Pony: a handbook for owners, trainers and admirers
by Rebecca Wilcox

(from his post informing us of its release)
I just got my review copy as she has used quite a lot of material from me, I'd highly recommend it.  It is billed as: The Human Pony: A Handbook for Owners, Trainers and Admirers by Rebecca Wilcox (Paperback - 31 Aug 2008) Large format, lots and lots of illustrations, 140 pages, every home should have one.

(from same thread)
I have an autographed uncorrected gallery proof edition of this book.  This book is an amazing  source book from people getting started to veteran  pony lovers on all levels and interest's will dig this offering, The eye candy is also very good too "bonus". R/S i so agree about Rebecca Wilcox she is  well respected and awesome !be it pony ,puppy ,kitty , or whatever animal role this seems to be a misunderstood  realm and this offering allows the reader a glimpse and education with in the pages .Personally i am also kinda bias as i dig pony exchanges and its just plain fun .If you are curious, or very interested grab up this  book. I for one am glad it was made . 

Ponymistress Rebecca Wilcox, is highly respected in her field.  She has been the host of some famous pony events like Human Fox Hunting, she teaches workshops and gives lectures at the most notable BDSM events in the world.  The book promises to be informative as well as beautiful. 


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to LadySunn)
Profile   Post #: 23
RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 10/18/2008 12:02:49 PM   

Posts: 12580
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From: a mean old Daddy, but I like you - Joni Mitchell
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ORIGINAL: everhope
i enjoyed Carrie's Story: An Erotic S/m Novel
by Molly Weatherfield

a fictional story that kept me wet from  front to back cover.

If you liked Carie’s Story, you might like the sequel Safe Word.  Readers gave it nice reviews. 

Safe Word: An Erotic S/M Novel
by Molly Weatherfield

From the author of Carrie’s Story comes the continuing tale of a young woman’s uncompromising sexual adventure. Carrie leaves Jonathan, the S/M master who initiated her into a life of slave auctions, training regimes, and human “ponies” preening for dressage competitions. Whisked away to Greece by the demanding gentleman who has chosen her as his own, she learns new, more rigorous methods of sexual pleasure.


-=BDSM Book List=- Reading is Fundamental !!!
I give good thread.

(in reply to ResidentSadist)
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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 10/18/2008 2:36:51 PM   

Posts: 1829
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From: Phx AZ
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Besides Those listed  and i may be repeating  some here " sorry but they are  great " , here is some other additions in no order  .
~Erotic Power -Gini Graham Scott
~ Eric Stanton  and Taschen books
~Two knotty boys - Showing you the ropes
~ Flames of passion handbook of erotic fire play-Walker , Rubel
~Consensual Sadomasochism -William Henkin -Sybil Holiday
~The Loving Dominant -Warren
~ How to Capture a Mistress - Karen Martin
I also recommend , Dossie Easton , Midori , Lee Harrington ,Master Fires works , De Sades writings ,Anne Rice  is fun ,and Jay Wiesman . Some have been already mentioned  and this of course is only  a small addition to the list .
Enjoy .

< Message edited by azropedntied -- 10/18/2008 2:40:41 PM >

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 10/19/2008 8:40:51 AM   

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I've been told by many people I respect including Laura Antoniou, Cecilia Tan, John Warren and Jack Rinella that my fiction is very realistic in terms of the emotional and relationship dynamics without pulling punches in regard to slavery, consensual or not.

Books #4-6 are available on


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/2/2008 7:41:39 AM   

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ok, GREAT list of books........but are they only available through websites, or can they be found in bookstores?

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/2/2008 8:32:25 AM   

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ORIGINAL: sub24goddess

ok, GREAT list of books........but are they only available through websites, or can they be found in bookstores?

i have found many of these titles in book stores. Barnes and Nobles and i think Borders too will order any book on request.


may we all find our bliss

Resident VWB

We all die.
The goal isn't to live forever.
The goal is to create something that will.

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/2/2008 11:22:40 AM   

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/2/2008 12:05:02 PM   

Posts: 246
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From: Diamond Bar, SoCal
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Just a note - for the Kushiel's Legacy series, Phedre was the main character in the first three. Imriel in the last three. Not quite bdsm oriented. Its more like a little spice thrown in.

They are great books though.


I want to be in surrender of His strength, of His power. Alone, I am nothing, but in His arms I am all things...

~His puppy~

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/10/2008 9:51:04 AM   

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From: Phx AZ
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Amazon , used book stores ,do a search online ,borders ,barns n noble , i have even found some  at yard sales .On estate sale had playboys  old ones so i asked was this all the adult material they had ?They said they had two other trunks of  questionable adult materials , i began to drool and said are those for sale and can i view them ?I ended up buying both trunks for 30 bucks , so it pays to ask .Also check your area goodwill and thrift stores .Craigs list  sometimes has  our books we seek too . !


ORIGINAL: sub24goddess

ok, GREAT list of books........but are they only available through websites, or can they be found in bookstores?

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/10/2008 11:55:21 AM   

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ORIGINAL: sub24goddess

ok, GREAT list of books........but are they only available through websites, or can they be found in bookstores?

Depends on the publisher and the bookstore.

Don't assume you can or cannot order through your local bookstore what you find oniine. It's a matter of supplier.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to sub24goddess)
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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/10/2008 3:13:22 PM   

Posts: 187
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Status: offline  has been a good source of books for me. Bought a copy of  "Screw the Roses" there a few years back. And even though it is  owned by ebay these days. It still has a bit of that virtual yardsale feel and the prices tend to be more resonable than most other sites.

< Message edited by travelgman -- 11/10/2008 3:14:00 PM >


"You better rock when you roll with me". - Supafuzz

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Profile   Post #: 33
RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/11/2008 9:18:59 AM   

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not sure if this has ever been brought up, but i love reading books on BDSM / SM but after they are read they just sit there. Maybe we can do a book exchange? when you are done you can trade with someone for ones that you don't have? just a thought...

(in reply to BiteGirl)
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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/11/2008 10:21:21 AM   

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ORIGINAL: subintrainingnc

not sure if this has ever been brought up, but i love reading books on BDSM / SM but after they are read they just sit there. Maybe we can do a book exchange? when you are done you can trade with someone for ones that you don't have? just a thought...

While as a consumer I can appreciate the attempts to save money as an author I have to say that if you buy use books the author gets nothing -- the publisher gets such a bit cut of the pie to begin with that I don't frankly care. But when authors don't make money they often stop writing books.

Many BDSM organizations have lending libraries for those who can't afford books and odds are unless it is a huge public library you can't find most of these books outside these specialty libraries.

If someone does want to loan out their private books my very strong advice is to get contact information and set up a time limit for loans. It is very common for someone with a kind heart who wants to share to discover their books walking out the door and never coming back.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to subintrainingnc)
Profile   Post #: 35
RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/11/2008 11:24:05 AM   

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good point, i just thought since i have so many might be fun to share what i have and hopefully get some i had not heard of, and since i buy  most of mine used anyway, doubt the author gets a cut of that, but i understand what you are saying...

(in reply to thetammyjo)
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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/11/2008 8:53:15 PM   

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From: SE Michigan
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I have to say, one of the fiction books you listed, started my love affair with S&M.
 20+ odd years ago, as I was starting what I considered serious dating.... ok as serious as a 18 year old could, I went through a series of failed attempts at relationships, the whole 3 date syndrome... after 3 dates I was bored, mind you this was still on the cusp of that time far off in the past when females were expected to land a good husband, and mothers said things like you will marry well. So there I was away at college, had finally gotten past my ugly duckling youth, and I was searching for Mr. Right.... along comes a guy who I became great pals with, he was a bit older (30) recently out of the military, and going back to school, he was a sweet dear gay man. He told me months along, my problem was I was trying to be something I was not.....huh? He said I was trying to conform to worlds idea of what a woman was.... sweet, subserviant, ect. I told him he was full of crap, and went on in my bliss. He asked me if I wanted to go to a party with him, I said sure..... he took me to the scariest place I had ever been in my then short life ( what I now know as a private or house play party) There were freaks every where, doing horrible things to each other, they were hurting people and leading them on leashes, men slapping other men..... people being used as sexual objects...... holy shit!!! I was out of there in a heartbeat..... I told my pal he was a freak and never come near me again.... how dare he think I was like that!!! 
The next day he dropped a book off at my dorm room for me, in the cover he wrote a short note basicly "call me when your ready to explore" that book was Venus in Furs.
I threw it in the trash....... got it back out again...... threw it in a box...... let it sit there for weeks....took it out...... read the first page, and the next and the next I stayed up all night reading it, feeling things I had never thought of before.... it took me a few more weeks of rereading it, masterbating, and rereading it to get up the guts to call him..... he became my mentor, he helped me explore and helped teach me so many things, but it all started with me reading that damn book. :)


Alexandra ~

~~ And I will show you something different from either your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust..... T.S. Elliot ~~

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/13/2008 8:17:23 AM   

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ORIGINAL: subintrainingnc

good point, i just thought since i have so many might be fun to share what i have and hopefully get some i had not heard of, and since i buy  most of mine used anyway, doubt the author gets a cut of that, but i understand what you are saying...

Yeah, you buy the book used, the author gets ZERO and usually the publisher gets ZERO as well but I'm more concerned about the author frankly cause I'm selfish like that.

Folks can also contact authors directly and see you can get signed books from them. It may be more expensive cause you'd need to cover shipping costs but maybe not and you'd get a signed copy. I've done this myself as an author. Always nice to make that more personal connection but I can't take credit cards since I do it so rarely and my husband (who is responsible financially) doesn't trust personal checks so it's a bit of a pain to get mine from me perhaps. I can get two of my current three books though in one flat-rate priority envelop though so you get the books fast,

Sorry, folks, that turned into a bit of an ad. Lots of other authors on Collarme or elsewhere you can contact to about their work. Many authors thrive on hearing from readers. I've even started a LJ to show off work in process and get feedback to make it better.

In other words, lots of ways you can support authors and encourage them to continue producing quality work.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


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And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to subintrainingnc)
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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/13/2008 10:10:02 AM   

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ok well i was just stating after i read the book i don't need it anymore, i don't need to re read it or really care to get it autographed, i am sure there are those that do, and i don't mean to offend, but they are just collecting dust on my shelves, so i thought someone else may enjoy them and vice versus. why else would there be so many used book stores, i don't mean to be offending at all, but i don't need them anymore once read. sorry i brought it up, i really didn't mean any harm by it.

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RE: -=BDSM Book List=- - 11/13/2008 4:07:43 PM   

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ORIGINAL: subintrainingnc

ok well i was just stating after i read the book i don't need it anymore, i don't need to re read it or really care to get it autographed, i am sure there are those that do, and i don't mean to offend, but they are just collecting dust on my shelves, so i thought someone else may enjoy them and vice versus. why else would there be so many used book stores, i don't mean to be offending at all, but i don't need them anymore once read. sorry i brought it up, i really didn't mean any harm by it.

Did I write like I was offended?

I didn't think so. I just wanted to point out that folks should also think about who creates the works they love because if they don't eventually those folks will stop creating.

I say go ahead and sell your books or donate them perhaps to a kink group you respect so others who can't afford books can enjoy them. If you want to trade them I'd do it in person so you don't have shipping costs.

Then if you aren't too shy, find the emails for some of those authors and send them a note telling them how much you enjoyed their work.


Love, Peace, Hugs, Kisses, Whips & Chains,


Check out my website at Or

And my LJ where I post fiction in progress if you "friend" me at

(in reply to subintrainingnc)
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