RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (Full Version)

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Mercnbeth -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 8:00:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: lally3

I am going to bury it for a while in the garden. I think that is one way of purifying crystal. Or washing it in salt water? I don't know.
just rung a friend who heals with crystals, scrys, etc., she says that all you have to do is run the crystal under a running tap until its cold, then either dry with a clean towel, or leave on a windowsill for the sun to dry them.
so there you go....

running under water, immersion in salt and setting it on the windowsill in the sun  would be a method for clearing "quartz" crystals for their intended use, not the Swarovski brand of decorative leaded glass "crystal".

RCdc -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 8:02:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19 
And to think ya use to say you didnt like me! I lub ya too ya sexy, dark cantankerous vixen you![sm=hearts.gif]
Seroisly, i do get what you are saying. If someone is bored or feels someone isnt listening they can always ignore. Thats what I have learned to do. So my posting has gone down.

Pffft... I am the first to admit I make mistakes.  Big ones occasionally (please note the 'occasionally').
But hey, like I said, I don't claim to be perfection.  But I do admit to not getting shit right from time to time...[:D]
That, was one of those times.  But ya don't top, so how can I work out my punishment?(And if you hand me over to GT, I know you are a sadist!)

lusciouslips19 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 8:21:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Darcyandthedark


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19 
And to think ya use to say you didnt like me! I lub ya too ya sexy, dark cantankerous vixen you![sm=hearts.gif]
Seroisly, i do get what you are saying. If someone is bored or feels someone isnt listening they can always ignore. Thats what I have learned to do. So my posting has gone down.

Pffft... I am the first to admit I make mistakes.  Big ones occasionally (please note the 'occasionally').
But hey, like I said, I don't claim to be perfection.  But I do admit to not getting shit right from time to time...[:D]
That, was one of those times.  But ya don't top, so how can I work out my punishment?(And if you hand me over to GT, I know you are a sadist!)

Well, you are not the only one who has misjudged and made mistakes. But sometimes the long way through creates an even greater respect between people. Thats what I feel overwhelmingly from you and its mutual.
ps. GT seems like a pussycat to me! I know, I've been curled up on her lap![:D]

lally3 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 8:58:16 AM)

Again no such thimg as THE TRUTH. Only a congruence...a shared reality.

ive 'met' a guy, who truly believes we have something worth working on - i beg to differ - i could listen to his reasoning and it would make sense from my perspective - on its own, divorced from what ive already learnt - i could pluck his truth out of the mire and make it shiny and new for me, but i know, from previous experience that his truth is flawed.

i agree that there shouldnt be timing to collars - the purists argue that a collar is a symbol of time spent and certainty achieved - but for some it is a symbol of connection and a celebration of that.  in the end, whatever feels right for each is right for them.

i would hope that in the moment of giving a collar there is no duplicity, no lie, no need for it.  for godsake we're grown ups here, we dont need to con each other into bed - im sure prin is more than capable of making up her own mind who she wants to have sex with and who she doesnt. a collar isnt going to sway her.

but it is going to sway her belief that when a collar is placed around her neck that the promise made when it was, was meant.  only fair -  for me, though i wore a collar quite early on, almost straight away in fact, it wasnt the collars fault, but it did became a symbol of my stupidity, rashness, too much faith in a relative stranger, belief in words, deeds, rules, promises.  made worse by the fact that i couldnt get the damn thing off until the allum key arrived in the post (with a compliment slip by the way!).. laughing!  i can laugh now, but that thing burned around my neck for days before i could get it off.

people can flame and bitch and get all 'pissy' (dark, tsk!"), but what grown up people choose to do is their business, within the remit of their grown up relationship, not for anyone to criticise.  

the point here is that the promise wasnt followed through, and a symbol of that promise of ownership, wanting, keeps, desire, honesty, trust was then treated like nothing, absolutely nothing, it might as well have been one of merc's flies he'd swatted for that big fat over fed spider of his.

...but how can it mean anything if its given so easily and taken away so fast -

yes, our point exactly -

clearly it didnt mean anything to them, but it meant something to us because of the words, promises and our submission and because of the feelings we shared right then.  we took it seriously - not a fashion statement, not a trinket, it was worn in good faith.  maybe it was given in good faith at the time - and all of the wonderful times and happyness that followed cemented the collar deeply into our psyche.  it was lived with, slept in, bathed with, his fingers probably curled around it a few times too and pulled you up close for a kiss.  its not an inanimate object - stuff was breathed into it while it shone around our necks.  it was a symbol of them.

and then it got pissed on.... left dangling like so much christmas tinsle festooned around a redundant tree left in the back yard.  thats not the promise that was made and at the very least a proper goodbye, a decent reason, a gesture of loss would give the end some dignity.

CruelDesires -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 9:21:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

I am going to bury it for a while in the garden. I think that is one way of purifying crystal. Or washing it in salt water? I don't know.
When in doubt about protoocl I turn to ritual.

Ahh . Might read up a little on crystal care. :-) Some links for you to read. Google is your friend. C-D 

SimplyMichael -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 9:32:15 AM)



the purists argue that a collar is a symbol of time spent and certainty achieved - but for some it is a symbol of connection and a celebration of that. 

Nobody, certainly not me, is saying you must wait six months, a year, whatever.  The point about waiting is simply a way of saying, think before you act.  For some, every new partner is "the one" and that is pretty silly.

The only woman to wear my collar did so on the very first night we met, I just "knew" it was right.  We spent three years together and if we, and especially me, had a few less issues and a touch more growth, might even still be together. 

The first time BSB and I got together, I had a photographer scheduled to take photos of us because I knew she was the one. 

However, I don't do that with every new person I am with and I knew it was a risk.  But the women I choose to go past casual with tend to be ones I end up with as lifelong friends so my choices don't tend to be bad ones.  I can trust myself in that regard, not trust to be perfect but trust that that is a choice I tend to do well at making.

Some however, consider every next partner as perfect till proven otherwise despite being proven otherwise nearly every time.  They trust themselves even though they shouldn't.   THOSE are the ones we tend to tell to slow the fuck down, which is not the same as saying "if you go fast you MUST be an idiot"

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 10:23:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx
Thanks lally for the quote above which i changed the words of slightly BUT....
why is the collar offerred so freely and then taken so lightly?
what do some think it takes to FULLY submit?
it's easily placed around a neck, and then taken for granted.....
please don't flame...ok reply by saying a collar is easily placed around the neck of someone who easily accepts it ok ok....
but WHAT does a collar mean these days...a bit of velcro???
locked and then you have to phone the owner to ask for the keys?
or you have to ask on your public profile because he refuses all contact?
or refuses to accept you just want to take the damn thing off because it was meaningless in the first place once they got the sex????
or they thought they had collared you for life and therefore you would take any sadistic crap?

I'd ask you the same question- you chose to be owned and unowned many times in the past twelve months.  Why?  What does that say to you about how you perceive collars and ownership and screen name changes?

I think you can answer your own questions just fine if you look at your own experiences in the past year.

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 10:37:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: lally3

clearly it didnt mean anything to them, but it meant something to us because of the words, promises and our submission and because of the feelings we shared right then.  we took it seriously - not a fashion statement, not a trinket, it was worn in good faith.  maybe it was given in good faith at the time - and all of the wonderful times and happyness that followed cemented the collar deeply into our psyche.  it was lived with, slept in, bathed with, his fingers probably curled around it a few times too and pulled you up close for a kiss.  its not an inanimate object - stuff was breathed into it while it shone around our necks.  it was a symbol of them.

and then it got pissed on.... left dangling like so much christmas tinsle festooned around a redundant tree left in the back yard.  thats not the promise that was made and at the very least a proper goodbye, a decent reason, a gesture of loss would give the end some dignity.

Mine was conferred with a PUBLIC statement of love and life's sharing here in collarme in his profile.
It got held onto at night, pulled towards him not only for kisses but when rituals and scenes began. It got admired by his son and brother and friends in a real life setting and it hid love bites. It was handled by a man who works with crystals, who attunes them. It was imbued with more far more even than i had expected.
But it carried a lie. It conferred a hidden secret. It was given to me even though he had failed to mention me whatsoever to another he was playing with and had known for a year on collarme....another master's slave. Another slave who accused me of jealousy to hide her involvement in the game and not a slave who wanted to assure me or support me.
This is noty me airing dirty washing as the dirty washing was already hanging there and was the thing that choked me in the end.
It was a lie but i in my total trust and submission and yes in a love as deep as was received with a pureness of heart which that crystal heart itself represents to me.
Light and clarity and openess.
Now there's an emptiness where for a few moments in time I though there was everything.
No amount of time taken guards against lies.
Oh will be one of those peak expeiences i will remember all of my life....that will again teach me that all attachment is illusion.

nejisty -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 11:08:48 AM)

They trust themselves even though they shouldn't.
  SimplyMichael quoted this. (Sorry have not gotten the hang of how this works yet)

Who do they trust if they cannot trust themselves?  How do they learn to trust themselves?  By making mistakes and learning from them?  Or is there some easier way?  Maybe have a friend make their choices for them or other loved ones?
   I am just wondering because it is something I need to learn.  nejisty

I appologize if this hijacks the thread. 

LaTigresse -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 11:16:57 AM)

I think you learn to trust yourself when the greater percentage of your decisions and gut reactions prove to be correct ones rather than not.

It never hurts to ask people that you do trust. Parents, teachers, grandparents, whomever. Just someone that has proven to you, by their own life choices, to be worthy of asking.

A simple "Can I bounce something off of you? I was thinking that xxx might be a good idea but I wanted to get a less biased opinion before I do it."

Mercnbeth -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 11:24:03 AM)


...It was handled by a man who works with crystals, who attunes them...

leaded glass is not crystal.  there is a BIG difference to those who engage in using and attuning crystals, gemstones and other creations from nature for healing and growth.

...Now there's an emptiness where for a few moments in time I though there was everything...

this slave would encourage you to obtain at least one piece of Rose Quartz...a healing crystal...and place it over your heart chakra, in the middle of your chest, about nipple height.

"as the heart is nourished and healed from the Rose Quartz essence, it becomes fertile ground for the flowers of love to grow.  As the gentle pink ray is implanted and infused in the aura, blossoms of contentment unfold and the true meaning of love can be known.  Only after first learning to give love to the self is it possible to truly love others.  Unless one is fulfilled from within they will always have expectations and disappointments from the love they receive from others.  But if the heart is complete, unto itself, then the love that is shared with others will be pure and have no expectations attached to it.  When the eternal wellspring of the heart has been tapped, the very act of giving replenishes the love and sharing becomes the reward.  When one learns to love on this level their presence is healing to those around them and their being radiates with light.  True love is the highest degree attained at the heart chakra and this process is initiated with Rose Quartz."
source:  Crystal Enlightenment:  The Transforming Properties of Crystals and the Healing Stones by:  Katrina Raphaell

other GREAT references, in case you are interested:
*Gem-Stones of the Seven Rays :  C. Nelson Stewart
*A Course in Crystals:  Lessons in Personal Transformation and Global Healing : Rose Morningstar
*Gem Magic : Cornelia M. Parkinson
once upon a time, this slave knew a girl who stole her boyfriend's credit card and ran it up at a local gem show.  she handed out the jewelry and loose stones to her circle of friends.  In less than 6 months, every single one of the things she "stole" and gave out as gifts had either broken, beyond repair, or were lost by the people she gave them to.

CallaFirestormBW -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 11:43:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: nejisty


They trust themselves even though they shouldn't.

SimplyMichael quoted this. (Sorry have not gotten the hang of how this works yet)

Who do they trust if they cannot trust themselves?  How do they learn to trust themselves?  By making mistakes and learning from them?  Or is there some easier way?  Maybe have a friend make their choices for them or other loved ones?
I am just wondering because it is something I need to learn.  nejisty

I appologize if this hijacks the thread. 

Everyone has a different theory. Mine comes out of the chaos that I build in my own life. To me, time and many experiences are the markers that allows us to trust ourselves. To me, trust comes from making decisions that, perhaps, nobody else agrees with, and surviving their expression. Sometimes, they work out. Sometimes, they don't -- but I can always see the growth from the decisions I've made, and I think that we can trust ourselves when we can truly say that "Whether easier or more challenging, whatever happens, I have no regrets."

Calla Firestorm

daddysliloneds -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 12:31:18 PM)

some people value collars, some don't.  some people value being valued, some don't.  some people can only feel a sense of self-worth if others make them feel as though they are worth something, some don't...

hedonists enjoy being in situations where they are in it for what they can get out of it, so do bottoms, so do tops...

perhaps i'm missing how any of this has to do with collars.

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 12:42:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: daddysliloneds

some people value collars, some don't.  some people value being valued, some don't.  some people can only feel a sense of self-worth if others make them feel as though they are worth something, some don't...

hedonists enjoy being in situations where they are in it for what they can get out of it, so do bottoms, so do tops...

perhaps i'm missing how any of this has to do with collars. has as much to do with collars as it doesn't. It's like asking what has bread and wine got to do with the Holy Sirit. It depends on what your beliefs are.

lally3 -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 12:51:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: SimplyMichael

Nobody, certainly not me, is saying you must wait six months, a year, whatever.  The point about waiting is simply a way of saying, think before you act.  For some, every new partner is "the one" and that is pretty silly.

The only woman to wear my collar did so on the very first night we met, I just "knew" it was right.  We spent three years together and if we, and especially me, had a few less issues and a touch more growth, might even still be together. 

The first time BSB and I got together, I had a photographer scheduled to take photos of us because I knew she was the one. 

However, I don't do that with every new person I am with and I knew it was a risk.  But the women I choose to go past casual with tend to be ones I end up with as lifelong friends so my choices don't tend to be bad ones.  I can trust myself in that regard, not trust to be perfect but trust that that is a choice I tend to do well at making.

Some however, consider every next partner as perfect till proven otherwise despite being proven otherwise nearly every time.  They trust themselves even though they shouldn't.   THOSE are the ones we tend to tell to slow the fuck down, which is not the same as saying "if you go fast you MUST be an idiot"


why is your perception any better than prins - why cant you accept that she took exactly the same risks as you, based on the belief she had that this guy was right.

you and i and noone else was in the room when he put that collar around her neck, noone was there, except possibly one of merc's flies that had mercifully escaped his fly swot and was on the wall.  we do not know their dynamic, we do not know prin simply from the posts she posts - she comes across to me as a sharp, witty woman with a strong mind and a strong personality.

you took chances and they worked out, thats great.

isnt it a shame it didnt work out for prin, why are people judging her for the weakness of someone else.

Owner4SexSlave -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 1:22:46 PM)

I'm jumping in and making a post after reading the first page.

For me personally, collaring runs on par with wedding or engagement rings.  Not something I'll do unless there was a two way commitment.

I'm in no hurry or rush to slap a collar around anybody's neck.  When I do again, it will be when the time is right. It's my personal preference to take time, and get to know who and what I'm potentially collaring, and for them to get to know me as well.

If I just want sex and some play action, play collars work just fine for that.  I might offer a collar of consideration, as being on the same level of an engagement ring.  In the past it's been either no collar or a collar.

Needless to say, I am rather amuzed by people who get collar within a week.  Even more so when the next week they are posting comments on their profiles or the message board about how crappy thier Dom/me partner was.  There are a number of dumbass people (I'm speaking harsh) that rush into things before knowing what they are getting themselves into.

I think the number of Dom/mes insisting upon collaring somebody within a couple of days or week, is outright humourous.  I'm certain many Dom/mes have been burned bad by thier own stupidity.   Just as much as the submissives that accept the collars so quickly.   In my not so humble opinion, whatever happened to good old fashioned common sense?  Wait a minute, some people are just idiots for not using their brain to think.

Some people are simply desparate and lonely.  Some people don't care, they just want to use and be used.  Some people just love the warm and fuzzy feeling of the collaring routine.  Some people don't realize the depth and meaning the collar has to other people.  Some people, simply do it because they are insecure about their prospective partner finding somebody else.

Now, these are my own views on this subject.   I tend to believe, how people view collaring shows a lot about their true character and personality.  Sure, I'm sitting here typing out some rather judgemental thoughts on this subject.  But what the hell.  It's best to judge people by their own actions at times.

Then again, I really don't give a fuck what everybody else is doing, how they are doing it and why.  I have no control over other people's fucked up bad decisions or choices.   I'm just Dom sitting my own slice of the world according my own governing moral consciousness.

Those who keep making the same bad mistakes over and over again, end up being bitch smack in the face with a greasy glob of wake the fuck up.  There's a lot of Narcoleptic types that might get it for a little while. 

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 1:29:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: CruelDesires


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

I am going to bury it for a while in the garden. I think that is one way of purifying crystal. Or washing it in salt water? I don't know.
When in doubt about protoocl I turn to ritual.

Ahh . Might read up a little on crystal care. :-) Some links for you to read. Google is your friend. C-D 

That was kind thank you.
i have book marked the page and will read it.
thanks again.

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 1:35:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


...It was handled by a man who works with crystals, who attunes them...

leaded glass is not crystal.  there is a BIG difference to those who engage in using and attuning crystals, gemstones and other creations from nature for healing and growth.

...Now there's an emptiness where for a few moments in time I though there was everything...

this slave would encourage you to obtain at least one piece of Rose Quartz...a healing crystal...and place it over your heart chakra, in the middle of your chest, about nipple height.

"as the heart is nourished and healed from the Rose Quartz essence, it becomes fertile ground for the flowers of love to grow.  As the gentle pink ray is implanted and infused in the aura, blossoms of contentment unfold and the true meaning of love can be known.  Only after first learning to give love to the self is it possible to truly love others.  Unless one is fulfilled from within they will always have expectations and disappointments from the love they receive from others.  But if the heart is complete, unto itself, then the love that is shared with others will be pure and have no expectations attached to it.  When the eternal wellspring of the heart has been tapped, the very act of giving replenishes the love and sharing becomes the reward.  When one learns to love on this level their presence is healing to those around them and their being radiates with light.  True love is the highest degree attained at the heart chakra and this process is initiated with Rose Quartz."
source:  Crystal Enlightenment:  The Transforming Properties of Crystals and the Healing Stones by:  Katrina Raphaell

other GREAT references, in case you are interested:
*Gem-Stones of the Seven Rays :  C. Nelson Stewart
*A Course in Crystals:  Lessons in Personal Transformation and Global Healing : Rose Morningstar
*Gem Magic : Cornelia M. Parkinson
once upon a time, this slave knew a girl who stole her boyfriend's credit card and ran it up at a local gem show.  she handed out the jewelry and loose stones to her circle of friends.  In less than 6 months, every single one of the things she "stole" and gave out as gifts had either broken, beyond repair, or were lost by the people she gave them to.

I took rose quartz as a gift. I left it there in his home. If you read my journal on There will come soft rains you will read the inpression that the home gave.
I hope i left love behind.
And yes there is a void where i within me and I have other rose quartz and will follow what you so kindly have written.
My thanks to you.
Maybe it is the sharowski itself whicj is tainted?

Leatherist -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 1:35:39 PM)

Can you look back and see the pattern?

Prinsexx -> RE: in it for what they can get out of it and out of it as soon as they’ve been in it….. (8/7/2008 1:45:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: lally3

isnt it a shame it didnt work out for prin, why are people judging her for the weakness of someone else.

But you see lally actually i am sure it has. A neighbour, whom i consider to ne a spiritual person, stood and carefully considered for a while when i told her i was off to Scotland to meet a man who (said) he loved me. She simply said: if it works the you are blessed. If it doesn't then you are protected....nevertheless you are still blessed.
A very powerful statement i think.
There is a level to all of this which is above and beyond the realm of good/bad emotional responses. There is always a bigger picture. Always. In the depth of negative emotions we all forget thus we are all human.
I don't really believe for a moment that everyone, or anyone come to that doen't experience some degree of mood change, or mood swing even or exeprience negative emotion. Even the Holy struggle with that one?
I do tend to believe we are all tested spititually and some tests are HUGE. Some tests and my spiritual response to then have been almost overpowering.
However: my neighbour was right. I am being protected by forces outside of that particular personal dynamic. What i am being protected from might remain hidden because indeed i am being spitually protected from seeing what it is i am being protected from. I feel i am being lucid and this is making sense.

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